By Jim Ayer

Within the pages of this book author Jim Ayer invites you into his own intensely personal journey and unfolds the practical wisdom and understanding God has provided for every person that leads to the re-creation of your whole person—from the inside out.
The King Has Come
The King Has Come
By Leo R. Van Dolson

The book of Matthew is more than just one of the Gospels. In common with the other gospel writers, Matthew exalts and chronicles the life of Jesus. However, it is Matthew who paints the most complete word portrait of Jesus Christ. In that sense alone his Gospel is a unique "work of art". Dr. Van Dolson takes the application of Matthew and relates the kinship of Christ to our lives today.
The Gospel From Patmos
The Gospel From Patmos
By Jon Paulien

The book of Revelation is often only looked at as a book about prophecy and the future. We don’t usually think of it as presenting the gospel. In this daily devotional, readers will find a facet of the gospel from the last book of the Bible.
By Laurie Chance Smith

Ideal for use in object lessons and illustrations, these snapshots of nature in the Bible encourage curiosity and further study of both the story and the nature subject. 
How to Help Your Child Really Love Jesus
How to Help Your Child Really Love Jesus
By Donna J. Habenicht

A child development specialist explains how children develop spiritually and offers practical suggestions on how you can help your child establish a lasting friendship with God.
Life Without Limits
Life Without Limits
By Clifford Goldstein

In this enlightening book Clifford Goldstein takes on some of life’s biggest questions and offers some answers that will change how you view—and live—your life.
Leaning on God's Heart
Leaning on God's Heart
By Carolyn Rathbun Sutton

We are all reeling from the physical, emotional, and spiritual side effects of the cancer of sin and its cruelty. The ultimate choice is Do we turn away from God--or run to Him?
Under the Shadow
Under the Shadow
By Mary Hui-Tze Wong

A wonderful story of a missionary from China who gave 40 years of service. Joshua Yun Foh Chong worked in Asia during WWII. He saw the communists take over his homeland. He witnessed many miracles throughout is life. This is a story of narrow escapes and God’s protecting hand.
Zion: Champion for God
Zion: Champion for God
By Helen Heavirland and Joy J. Matthews

When offered the pick of a litter, Joy was impressed to choose the ugliest. Little did she suspect that Zion, her giant schnauzer puppy, was destined for glory.
The Race
The Race
By Della Loredo

If he'd been feverish and delirious, Chris Strider could never have imagined that he'd end up in jail, charged with assault, rape, and murder--crimes he hadn't actually committed.
The Judgment and Assurance
The Judgment and Assurance
By Woodrow W. Whidden II

This powerful and comprehensive book will help believers become assured and balanced Christians, able to understand and explain the biblical teachings on judgment and assurance.
Jesus Wins!
Jesus Wins!
By Elizabeth Talbot

Jesus has told us the end of the story: He has overcome! When we face sickness, death, loss and various troubles, let’s remember that evil is a conquered enemy. When all is said and done, JESUS WINS!
13 Weeks to Joy
13 Weeks to Joy
By Jennifer Jill Schwirzer

The reason we rejoice, the reason we reframe the trials of life and even thank God for them, is because reality really is, ultimately, positive.
Bing Of The Kobuk
Bing Of The Kobuk
By Kenneth C. Crawford

Bing of the Kobuk follows the story of a young Inuit boy. In the Arctic wilderness, where one mistake can cost you your life, Bing is introduced to his heavenly Father. Through miraculous intervention and the help of his pet wolf, Bing is united with his real family.
Politics and Prophecy
Politics and Prophecy
By Allan Reinach

Atheistic governments have disavowed God, and fundamentalist national leaders claim to speak for God and require strict religious observance from all their citizens. Both are extremes. Is there a better way?
Isaiah (Adult Bible Study Guide) 1Q 2021
Isaiah (Adult Bible Study Guide) 1Q 2021
By Roy Gane

The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. Written by a variety of authors, the study guide encourages personal time with God and His Word. Memory texts and key thoughts from the authors provide an opportunity for spiritual growth.
Isaiah (Ellen G. White Notes) 1Q 2021
Isaiah (Ellen G. White Notes) 1Q 2021
By Roy Gane

Each quarter, the Seventh-day Adventist Church publishes a "Quarterly" Sabbath School Bible Study Guide to be used in Sabbath School, for personal Bible study, or in any other setting in which a deeper understanding of God’s Word is desired.
How to Make a Visit
How to Make a Visit
By Kurt W. Johnson

In How to Make a Visit, you’ll learn tips and best practices for making effective in-person visits to people who request Bible studies, former members, the sick or homebound, and others. get the specific tools to sharpen your skills in the art of personal evangelism today.
Stormy Seas: Understanding God in the Midst of Life's Tempests
Stormy Seas: Understanding God in the Midst of Life's Tempests
By Wendy Armfield

Trouble can come from any direction and at any moment. When it hits, it hurts. If you want to understand who God is and where He is in tragedy and affliction through the experiences of Moses, Joseph, Daniel, Jesus, and others Stormy Seas can grab the Savior’s outstretched hand and keep your eyes on Him.
Psalms (1Q 2024 Bible Bookshelf)
Psalms (1Q 2024 Bible Bookshelf)
By Martin G. Klingbeil

Psalms is the ultimate all-in-one book, full of hymns, poems, and prayers for God’s people. Each line speaks to the joys and trials of the human condition. In spite of the “valleys of darkness” that believers experience, God is listening and responding, bringing hope, healing, and salvation.
From Japan, With Love
From Japan, With Love
By Donna June Evans

Join Terri, a student missionary from what was then known as Southern Missionary College serving a year at an English language school in Hiroshima, Japan, in 1970–1971. Terri’s regular letters to Allen give a glimpse into her world as she served abroad.
Ellen White Notes on God's Love and Justice
Ellen White Notes on God's Love and Justice
By Ellen G. White

One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
The Light at the End
The Light at the End
By Steve Wohlberg

The Bible reveals a hopeful big picture for our future. As you dive into the pages of Light at the End, you will discover legitimate reasons why, in the midst of widespread skepticism, agnosticism, and atheism, we can have confidence that the Bible is trustworthy and accurate.
The Light at the End
The Light at the End
By Steve Wohlberg

The Bible reveals a hopeful big picture for our future. As you dive into the pages of The Light at the End, you will discover legitimate reasons why, in the midst of widespread skepticism, agnosticism, and atheism, we can have confidence that the Bible is trustworthy and accurate.
Mission: Trust in God
Mission: Trust in God
By Jean Boonstra

Embark on your own adventure on Discovery Mountain. Has God brought you here for a faith exercise mission? A mission to learn to trust in Him, even when you feel anxious? Here is your second Discovery Mountain faith mission. It begins with a tense situation in the woods just past Lookout Ledge. Where will it end? That’s up to you!
The Killing Fields and the Cross
The Killing Fields and the Cross
By Bradley Booth

In 1976, when the notorious Pol Pot became the leader of the Khmer Rouge movement that brought a communist government to Cambodia, the world for Jolani and her family changed forever. This book is about Jolani’s escape from the Killing Fields and God’s miraculous intervention in her life.
God's Love and Justice (1Q 2025 Bible Bookshelf)
God's Love and Justice (1Q 2025 Bible Bookshelf)
By Peckham, John C

God’s love and justice are often misunderstood. Some even consider them incompatible. Yet Scripture indicates that they are inseparable and awe-inspiring. God’s Love and Justice invites readers to understand God’s character better and offers an insightful treatment of these complementary concepts.
"A Good Fight": Lessons From the Life of Paul
By Ruby Ratzlaff

In this book Paul’s exploits are simply drawn. It is the author’s hope that these pages may inspire modern apostles to exalt the risen Christ before an unbelieving world. 
"Don't give me that stuff about the Birds & Bees"
By Shirley Jones

Here is the truth about the very beginning of life. The story of the birds and bees is out. This is the plain truth about where you came from and how you got to be where you are. 
"Whoa!" I Yelled, "Whoa!"
By Loren L. Fenton

A collection of true stories from the growing-up years of a farm boy that show how the influence of a God-fearing mother guided the soul of her son, who finally became a missionary evangelist for God.
¡Bienvenidos todos! (Espanol)
¡Bienvenidos todos! (Espanol)
By Roger Hernandez

¡Bienvenidos todos! Es un recurso poderoso, perspicaz y honesto para todo el que desee que su iglesia haga una diferencia en su familia y su comunidad.
1 and 2 Peter Adult Bible Study Guide 2Q 2017
1 and 2 Peter Adult Bible Study Guide 2Q 2017
By Robert K. McIver

Peter reveals that the special relationship God initiated with the descendants of Abraham meant something.
1 and 2 Peter Bible Book Shelf  2Q 2017
1 and 2 Peter Bible Book Shelf 2Q 2017
By Robert K. McIver

For Peter, the Christians he writes to should be living as those who are ransomed and sanctified. He encourages that, even though they live in difficult times and perilous circumstances, they have a glorious hope. 
1 and 2 Peter Ellen G. White Notes 2Q 2017
1 and 2 Peter Ellen G. White Notes 2Q 2017
By Ellen G. White

Get more out of your bible study times with these insights from the Spirit of Prophecy for the Sabbath School Lessons.
1 and 2 Thessalonians Adult Bible Study Guide 3Q 2012
1 and 2 Thessalonians Adult Bible Study Guide 3Q 2012
By Jon Paulien

Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide for 3rd Quarter 2012. The good news about Jesus that the apostle Paul had brought to the Thessalonians was making a difference in their lives, but Paul wanted their relationship with God to grow even deeper.
10 Christian Values Every Kid Should Know
10 Christian Values Every Kid Should Know
By Donna J. Habenicht

More than 1,000 strategies for teaching kids the basic Christian values of respect, responsibility, self-control, honesty, compassion, thankfulness, perseverance, humility, loyalty, and faith in God.
10 Christian Values Every Kid Should Know
10 Christian Values Every Kid Should Know
By Donna J. Habenicht

More than 1,000 strategies for teaching kids the basic Christian values of respect, responsibility, self-control, honesty, compassion, thankfulness, perseverance, humility, loyalty, and faith in God.
100 Creative Ways to Learn Memory Verses
100 Creative Ways to Learn Memory Verses
By Karen Holford

Karen Holford, author of 100 Creative Prayer Ideas for Kids, draws from years of experience and oodles of ingenuity to help kids delight in God's Word.
100 Creative Worship Ideas for Busy Families
100 Creative Worship Ideas for Busy Families
By Karen Holford

The most important gift we can give our children is the desire to love God and to follow and serve Him. The challenge facing parents today—as never before—is carving out time for daily family worship. 100 Creative Worship Ideas for Busy Families is the answer to that challenge! 
101 Questions About Ellen G. White
101 Questions About Ellen G. White
By Ellen G. White Estate

If you could ask one question of Ellen White, what would it be? Elder William Fagal, associate director of the Ellen G. White Estate, provides thought-provoking answers to 101 of the most frequently asked and often most controversial inquiries. He exposes many of the myths that have developed and introduces readers to the real truth about this inspirational author.
113 Reasons Why Life Is Good! (2022 Teen Devotional)
113 Reasons Why Life Is Good! (2022 Teen Devotional)
By Javier Girarte Guillén

In this encouraging 113-entry teen devotional, you’ll discover the ways you are unique and amazing, realize why your life matters more than you think, find encouragement for the dark times, and learn that no matter what happens today, tomorrow is a new and different day.
12 Men Who Shook the World
12 Men Who Shook the World
By Keith and Philip Knoche

The authors, father and son, have joined their unique writing skills in producing this fascinating picture of twelve extraordinary men. 
13 Life Changing Secrets
13 Life Changing Secrets
By Mark A. Finley

Filled with Bible secrets that can make a difference in the lives of your friends and neighbors. They'll discover the peace of forgiveness, the joy of the Sabbath rest, the promise of heaven, the power of prayer, and urgent Bible truth for these last days.
13 Weeks to Love
13 Weeks to Love
By Jennifer Jill Schwirzer

In 13 Weeks to Love, author and speaker Jennifer Jill Schwirzer shows how to live God’s love and how doing so fulfills the purpose for which He created us. God is love and we, as His image bearers, possess the capacity for love.
13 Weeks to Peace
13 Weeks to Peace
By Jennifer Jill Schwirzer

This book illustrates that the Bible contains a more accurate, comprehensive, and effective system of psychology than can be found anywhere else. 13 Weeks to Peace offers mental and emotional healing with principles from God's Word.  Learn how to deal with subjects such as the power of forgiveness.
The 144,000 and Nearness of Christ's Return
The 144,000 and Nearness of Christ's Return
By Marvin Moore

Marvin Moore once again digs deep into Scripture and examines the questions surrounding this unique group of people and the apocalyptic time, which they go through. With an understanding of prophecy, Moore brings you, the reader, a clearer picture of the 144,000 and what it takes to be part of that number. The 144,000 have a mission to fulfill. They will have God’s seal on their foreheads. There is a spiritual preparation that God’s people, the 144,000, must make in order to be ready for His coming.
1844 Made Simple.
1844 Made Simple.
By Clifford Goldstein

What significance, if any does the year 1844 and the oft attacked events surrounding it have for Christians today? Is there a way to make sense of the confusing maze of beasts, dates, and kingdoms in Daniel?
1919: The Story of Adventism's Struggle with Fundamentalism
1919: The Story of Adventism's Struggle with Fundamentalism
By Michael W. Campbell

100 Years Later, the debates continue... Relive the debates.  Reexamine the challenges.  Reignite your passion for the Spirit of Prophecy.
1922: The Rise of Adventist Fundamentalism
1922: The Rise of Adventist Fundamentalism
By Michael W. Campbell

1922 understanding the movement - In 1922 Adventism was under siege. At the ideological crossroads were the fundamentalists and the modernists. This book traces the battle lines that formed quickly in the aftermath of the 1919 Bible Conference. In the early 1920s, these issues reached a feverish pitch through articles, sermons, and meetings that kept passions aflame. Although times have changed, the issues remain as relevant as ever.
2000 and Beyond
2000 and Beyond
By Mark A. Finley

Mark Finley, speaker of the It Is Written television program, tackles the hard questions about how to plan for life in the twenty-first century.
By Dwain N. Esmond

Dwain Esmond, editor of Insight Magazine, brings 365 brand new devotionals for teens to enjoy.  This will be the year you finally finish reading the Bible in its entirety!
30 Days to More Powerful Intercessory Prayer
30 Days to More Powerful Intercessory Prayer
By Joe Engelkemier

Read this book for the next 30 days, share its concepts at the Midweek prayer meeting, digest the scripture and Spirit of Prophecy references, pray and join the growing band of intercessors who are making a real difference in this world for eternity--on their knees!
30-Day Challenge for Fearless Youth
30-Day Challenge for Fearless Youth
By Jader Fonseca

Join youth pastor Jader Fonseca on a simple 30-day spiritual growth challenge that could change the course of your life. Begin each day with a short, Bible-based reading and a heartfelt conversation with the Savior. During the day, complete a specific activity that puts your faith into action. Then at bedtime, write a personal letter to Jesus—a prayer on paper—in the space provided in the book.
40 Days: God's Health Principles for His Last-Day People Book 3
40 Days: God's Health Principles for His Last-Day People Book 3
By Dennis Smith

In this volume Dennis smith invites you to spend 40 days continuing the work God has given you while exploring a wholistic view of health—the importance of caring for mind, body, and soul—and the integral role of the health message during these last days of earth’s history.
40 Days: Prayer and Devotions to Revive Your Experience with God Book 2
40 Days: Prayer and Devotions to Revive Your Experience with God Book 2
By Dennis Smith

In the style of Smith’s popular 40 Days: Prayer and Devotions to Prepare for the Second Coming, this book can help revive the spiritual experience of individuals, small groups, and entire churches. Find out for yourself what an amazing difference 40 days can make.
40 Days: Prayers and Devotions on Earth's Final Events Book 4
40 Days: Prayers and Devotions on Earth's Final Events Book 4
By Dennis Smith

As do the previous 40 Days devotionals, this study encompasses a broader mission. It isn't God's plan for us to keep to ourselves the knowledge of His Word. We are called to reach out to others with His love and share His promises so that they too may watch and be ready.
40 Days: Prayers and Devotions to Prepare for the Second Coming Book 1
40 Days: Prayers and Devotions to Prepare for the Second Coming Book 1
By Dennis Smith

This book contains 40 days of devotional studies designed to strengthen your relationship with Christ and enable you to lead others to Him.
48 Attention Getters
48 Attention Getters
By Bobetta Berthelsen

This book is a manual that will be prized by parents, teachers, and pastors in ministering to children at home, and in Sabbath School and children’s church.
By Willie Ramos

This is the powerful testimony of ghetto preacher Willy Ramos, the most popular and effective youth speaker in the NAD.
500 Years of Protest and Liberty
500 Years of Protest and Liberty
By Nicholas P. Miller

500 Years of Protest and Liberty traces a direct line from Martin Luther’s powerful ideas about the equality of persons before God to more current debates about equal opportunity and the fundamental rights of humanity. 
52 Sabbath Activities for Teens
52 Sabbath Activities for Teens
By Don Pate

Here are 52 activities to make Sabbath special for teens. Each activity section provides step-by-step instructions and tells what preparation and materials are needed and the minimum time required for the activity. A valuable resource for youth leaders, teachers, and pastors.
52 Things to do on Sabbath
52 Things to do on Sabbath
By Glen Robinson

This book offers practical suggestions for Sabbath activities to make the day a delight for both adults and children.
60 Ways to Energize Your Life
60 Ways to Energize Your Life
By Williams, Kuzma, and Kuzma

This book is filled with personal stories of victory over poor health, exciting insights into the human body and its Creator, and inspiring parallels between the Christian walk and the world of science.
60 Years of Guide
60 Years of Guide
By Lori Peckham

Whether you’ve been reading Guide from its beginning or have enjoyed it anytime over the past six decades, you’ll find yourself inspired anew by the powerful true stories from its pages. This collection will become a classic in your home, serving as a ready resource for worships, children’s stories, and family devotions.
7 Days to Better Discipline
7 Days to Better Discipline
By Jean Anderson

Who’s in charge around your house—you or the kids?“Parents must be in charge in order for their children to grow into mature, responsible men and women,” says Jean Anderson, and she lays out a step-by-step plan that will help you to start turning things around in your home in just one week.    
7 Mysteries Solved
7 Mysteries Solved
By Howard Peth

What do the scriptures actually say about hell-fire, resurrection, and the nature of man? Will the Second Coming of Christ be literally realized? And more important-how do these matters relate to a reality of faith in this fast-paced age?
8 Secrets to a Mission-Driven Church
8 Secrets to a Mission-Driven Church
By Dan Day

8 Secrets to a Mission-Driven Church offers pastors and presidents, and all others in leadership, an exciting set of new tools to transform your pathway ahead. 
9 Habits of Healthy Christians
9 Habits of Healthy Christians
By Julian Melgosa, Annette Melgosa

While 9 Habits of Healthy Christians offers scientific research and psychological strategies for personal growth, the authors also emphasize biblical content throughout the book. This complementary approach shows you how through the grace of God these healthy Christian habits can truly take hold.
9 Ways to Prevent Diabetes
9 Ways to Prevent Diabetes
By Don Hall

Dr. Hall carefully reviews the diabetes problem and makes helpful recommendations to avoid this life-altering diagnosis, and to manage it if you have already been diagnosed. There are charts and graphs included to emphasize the importance of the studies he uses to back up his information. Anyone with a family history of diabetes, or anyone who is at risk of diabetes or has an elevated blood sugar can significantly benefit from this little book.
How to Interpret Scripture (Bible Bookshelf)  BBS 2Q 2020
How to Interpret Scripture (Bible Bookshelf) BBS 2Q 2020
By Frank M. and Michael G. Hasel

How to Interpret Scripture examines the origin of the Bible, explores why it is the source of our theology, evaluates the influence of biblical languages, investigates prophecy, and so much more.
A Brief History of Seventh-day Adventists
A Brief History of Seventh-day Adventists
By George R. Knight

A Brief History fills the important need of providing a short but accurate history of Adventism that can be appreciated by church members and nonmembers alike. It provides an excellent starting place for the study of Seventh-day Adventism.
A Companion to the Adult Bible Study Guide: Ellen White Notes on Psalms: January | February | March 2024
A Companion to the Adult Bible Study Guide: Ellen White Notes on Psalms: January | February | March 2024
By Pacifc

This attractive booklet contains E. G. White comments addressing the topics of the day, week, and quarter in the Adult Sabbath School lessons.
A Cross Or A Ladder?
A Cross Or A Ladder?
By Ruth Jaeger Buntain

This book does not focus on the cause of life’s heartaches and misfortunes of one kind or another. Instead, its focus is on the effects and with what you can do about personal tragedy.   
A Day to Remember
A Day to Remember
By George E. Vandeman

This book begins with the story of an atomic accident, offers a surprising account of a day hijacked in the Dark Ages, and warns of an approaching collision of loyalties when bigotry will return and no man can buy or sell unless--
A Home For Su-lan
A Home For Su-lan
By Margaret Rossiter Thiele

You may cry in some places. And you may laugh in others. But you’ll agree with Su-lan that “God have purpose for you; God have purpose for me”.
A Horse Called Blackberry
A Horse Called Blackberry
By JoAnne Chitwood Nowack

Tory's back at camp, and learns some important lessons about prayer.
A Horse Called Poppyseed
A Horse Called Poppyseed
By JoAnne Chitwood Nowack

Tory's off to college, and her hectic registration day is just a hint of the tough challenges ahead. She's in for a crash course in seeking God's guidance. And a little black foal called Poppyseed helps her discover how trustworthy and caring He is.
A Horse Called Saskatoon
A Horse Called Saskatoon
By JoAnne Chitwood Nowack

Tory and Adam are helping Julia and Dave run Border Mountain, a retreat center in northern Idaho, along with their dogs and two Belgian geldings, Saskatoon and Knick-Knick. Tory slowly learns to trust God and rest in His care even in the midst of fear, only to face the greatest crisis of her life.
A Horse Called Tamarindo
A Horse Called Tamarindo
By JoAnne Chitwood Nowack

In this fourth book in the “A Horse Called” series, Tory visits an Honduran orphanage where she encounters tragically abused children, a magnificent wild gelding, and miracles of God’s grace.
A Leap of Faith: The Inspiring Story of International Children's Care
A Leap of Faith: The Inspiring Story of International Children's Care
By Alcyon Ruth Fleck

This is the inspiring story of International Children's Care, an organization totally dependent upon prayer and private donations. From its humble origins in Guatemala during the brutal civil war, God worked one miracle after another to protect the Flecks as they brought hope to a generation of orphans.
A Living Hope
A Living Hope
By George E. Rice

If you have been struggling in your walk with Christ and felt your hope weakening, take a “before” photo of your Christian hope—then read this book. 
A Physician Explains Ellen White's Counsel on Drugs, Herbs, and Natural Remedies
A Physician Explains Ellen White's Counsel on Drugs, Herbs, and Natural Remedies
By Mervyn G. Hardinge

At a time when nineteenth-century physicians bled, poisoned, dehydrated, and blistered their patients, Ellen G. White declared drugs to be poisonous and discouraged their use. What drugs did she have in mind? Mervyn Hardinge discusses the principal drugs in contemporary use and surveys the history of medicine to place her counsel in its historical context.
A Search for Identity
A Search for Identity
By George R. Knight

How did we come to believe what we believe? How have those beliefs changed over the years? With compelling candor George Knight captures the ebb and flow of the doctrinal currents within Adventism, including controversies over the shut door, the law in Galatians at the 1888 General Conference, the Trinity, pantheism, Fundamentalism, the nature of Christ, and inspiration.
A Taste of Travel
A Taste of Travel
By Nancy Lyon Kyte

One thing held in common by most cultures is the pleasure found in sitting down to enjoy a warm bowl of warm soup or stew. Nancy Lyon Kyte has collected - and taste tested - recipes from more than 130 countries around the world, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. 
A Tree Across My Road
A Tree Across My Road
By Larry Yeagley

We live in a world where trees fall across our road. God gives us the wisdom to deal with them and the power to help us live for Him, whether it is on the same road or on a different path.
A Way of Escape
A Way of Escape
By Doru Tarita

One man’s amazing escape from communist Romania.
A Wind To The Flame
A Wind To The Flame
By Helen Godfrey Pyke

Perched in the church tower, Walter Murat watched the enemy scale the walls of the city like a plague of multi-colored locusts. The life of a Waldensian was one of danger as he spread and taught the Word of God across Europe. Helen Godfrey Pyke describes a time when to possess even a fragment of Scripture could be a death warrant.
A World On Fire (2021 Adult Evening Devotional)
A World On Fire (2021 Adult Evening Devotional)
By David Metzler

Typically, biographical books start at the beginning of the subject’s life and progress onward in an orderly fashion and close with death. With Paul the apostle, the earliest histories are fragmentary at best, and many details are simply nonexistent. Yet Paul’s story isn’t really about Paul at all; it is about the spreading of the good news of salvation through belief in Jesus Christ and His sacrifice. The story  much of it revealed in the letters of Paul to the congregations at Corinth, Galatia, Ephesus, Philippi, Colossae, and Thessalonica concerns the mission of Paul to the Gentiles and his perseverance in taking the gospel to “the uttermost part of the earth” (Acts 1:8, KJV). The spread of the gospel is the focus and not Paul. That is where this devotional story begins.
A. G. Daniells: The Making of a General Conference president
A. G. Daniells: The Making of a General Conference president
By John J. Robertson

This book by John J. Robertson is not intended to be a complete biography of A.G. Daniells. It is primarily a study of the abilities, character traits, and attitudes of the man as seen in the light of his lifework and his relationships with other people, notably Ellen G. White.
A. T. Jones: Point Man on Adventism's Charismatic Frontier
A. T. Jones: Point Man on Adventism's Charismatic Frontier
By George R. Knight

Embroiled in controversy nearly his entire ministry, Jones was one of the most fascinating personalities ever to grace a Seventh-day Adventist pulpit. This brilliantly researched biography reveals a man so powerful and charismatic that his fall seems incomprehensible yet somehow inevitable.
Abandoned In Collegedale
Abandoned In Collegedale
By Helen Godfrey Pyke

The characters in the fragile and tangled world that is college life compel us to look at the ultimate reality: the internal spiritual conflict. Can Graydon avoid the self-pity, self-indulgence, self-absorption, and self-righteousness of the family and friends dearest to him? 
ABC's of Bible Prayer
ABC's of Bible Prayer
By Glenn Coon

The principles of asking, believing, and claiming are illustrated in 12 sermons, liberally illustrated with case histories.
The ABC's of Bible Prayer
The ABC's of Bible Prayer
By Glenn A. Coon

"I found in my agony of searching something for which I have been continually grateful. I found the ABC’s of prayer.  
The Abiding Gift of Prophecy
The Abiding Gift of Prophecy
By Arthur Grosvenor Daniells

The prophetic gift has been God's chosen method of revealing Himself to the human race after man had been ruined through sin. Before being estranged from God by this blighting, alien curse, he had free and open access to the presence of his Creator. But after the fall this open way was closed. Since then, an obscuring veil has separated man from the presence of God.
Abigail's Dream
Abigail's Dream
By Kay D. Rizzo

Book 5 in the Serenity Inn Series, Abigail's Dream is the inspiring story of a  young woman who learns how to surrender her impulsive nature to her heavenly Father, while facing the rigors along the Oregon Trail.
By Ruth Redding Brand

The exciting story of Abraham, the father of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, is told in fascinating detail. True-to-life conversations make the story come alive for middle school kids, and information boxes for more advanced readers delve into ancient culture. Part of the Family Bible Story series.
The Abundant Life Bible Amplifier - Romans
The Abundant Life Bible Amplifier - Romans
By John C. Brunt

The good news echoes through the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans. The first chapters deal with our sinfulness and need of mercy: We’ve all sinned and fallen short of God’s ideal. But Paul doesn’t leave us hanging. After pointing out our need, he goes on to write about God’s provision: through Jesus Christ, God makes salvation available to all.  Busy church members, pastors, teachers, and both beginning and seasoned Bible students will find the Abundant Life Bible Amplifier to be one of the most valuable, user-friendly study tools they’ve ever owned. 
The Abundant Life Bible Amplifier - Ezekiel
The Abundant Life Bible Amplifier - Ezekiel
By Robert K. McIver

The Abundant Life Bible Amplifier series is aimed at helping readers understand the Bible better. Rather than merely offering comments on or about the Bible, each volume seeks to enable people to study their Bibles with further understanding. 
The Abundant Life Bible Amplifier - John
The Abundant Life Bible Amplifier - John
By Jon Paulien

The Abundant Life Bible Amplifier series is aimed at helping readers understand the Bible better. Rather than merely offering comments on or about the Bible, each volume seeks to enable people to study their Bibles with further understanding. 
The Abundant Life Bible Amplifier: Hosea - Micah
The Abundant Life Bible Amplifier: Hosea - Micah
By Jon L. Dybdahl

As you study their messages don’t let the strong words and disturbing ideas turn you away. These radical reformers can lead us to renew God’s church today, if we only allow them to speak.
Accepting Ellen White
Accepting Ellen White
By Theodore N. Levterov

It is important to note that since 1889, questions over the Seventh-day Adventist understanding of Ellen White and her ministry have continued to appear. In spite of these ongoing controversies, Seventh-day Adventism has continued to defend its understanding of and confirm its belief in the prophetic gift of Ellen White that was affirmed through Bible study and prayer in those early years. 
By Sakae Kubo

Obedience to this law is not a means to obtain salvation, but a means by which we show we are saved. 
The Acts Of The Apostles [Illustrated]
The Acts Of The Apostles [Illustrated]
By Ellen G. White

The amazing story of the early Christian believers is told in Volume 4, The Acts of the Apostles.
Adam & Eve
Adam & Eve
By Ruth Redding Brand

First God created the world and everything in it. Then He took a lump of clay, shaped it into human form, and breathed it to life. But sin invaded Paradise, bringing death. And so began the grand story of redemption: the tragedy of Cain and Abel. Enoch’s walk with God. Noah’s ark and the great Flood.Babel’s confusion of languages. It’s all in these pages, beautifully illustrated with specially commissioned art.
God's Love and Justice
God's Love and Justice
By Peckham, John C

The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. Written by a variety of authors, the study guide encourages personal time with God and His Word. Memory texts and key thoughts from the authors provide an opportunity for spiritual growth.
The Advance Guard of Missions
The Advance Guard of Missions
By Clifford G. Howell

The Advance Guard of Missions tells the incredible stories of twenty-seven missionaries who gave up everyday comforts, and sometimes even their lives, in order to spread the gospel message. 
Advent for Kids
Advent for Kids
By Karen Collum and Nathan Brown

Discover why Jesus’ birth is the best news ever!
How do you get ready for Christmas? Maybe you put up a Christmas tree, listen to Christmas carols or open the door of an Advent calendar each day in December. Whatever you do, this book might just be your new tradition. It is an invitation to go deeper into the story of Jesus’ birth.
With questions to reflect on and suggestions for activities to do together, these 31 readings explore why Jesus came, in a way that is practical and easy to understand, and offer hope that is good news for the whole family.
Advent: Hearing the Good News in the Story of Jesus' Birth
Advent: Hearing the Good News in the Story of Jesus' Birth
By Nathan Brown

Something happened.
Something happened that was so significant that every year we pause and sing songs about it, share gifts with each other and re-tell the story.
Something happened that changed everything.
Something good.
Whether you choose to read them during the Christmas season or throughout the year, these 31 reflections explore why Jesus came and offer hope that is practical, transformative and, ultimately, good news for all people.
Adventism's Greatest Need
Adventism's Greatest Need
By Ron E. M. Clouzet

Through miraculous present-day stories, and enlightening explanations of Scripture, Dr. Clouzet unveils the mystery of the indwelling Spirit. He reveals that the Holy Spirit longs to re-make us into God's image, bringing full circle the process of mankind's restoration.
Adventist Churches That Make a Difference Bible Book Shelf 3Q 2016
Adventist Churches That Make a Difference Bible Book Shelf 3Q 2016
By Gaspar Francisco and May Ellen Colón

Adventist Churches That Make a Difference highlights various Adventist churches and church-based organizations around the world that are making a difference. 
Adventist Evangelistic Preaching
Adventist Evangelistic Preaching
By Russell Burrill

In this book, Russell Burrill, veteran soul winner and evangelist, lays out the lessons he has learned over decades of evangelistic preaching and leads the reader, step by step, through every aspect of the evangelistic process from sermon preparation to calling for decisions.
Adventist Family Traditions
Adventist Family Traditions
By Celeste Perrino Walker

This collection of family traditions has been harvested from hearts of members around the world. 
The Adventist Home
The Adventist Home
By Ellen G. White

How to translate the ideal into real life.
Adventist Hot Potatoes
Adventist Hot Potatoes
By Martin Weber

Many Adventists become nervous when controversial subjects are put on the table for discussion. The author reminds us that truth can stand the test of scrutiny. Let us entrust all this to God’s hands as we redouble our efforts for souls to be saved.
Adventist Maverick
Adventist Maverick
By Woodrow W. Whidden II

This book is a collection of writings that give a great overview of Dr. George R. Knight's many outstanding contibutions to the Seventh-day Adventist church. 
Adventist Pastoral Ministry
Adventist Pastoral Ministry
By John W. Fowler

In this thought-provoking book, John Fowler charts a new course for Adventist pastors that is based on a fresh examination of the biblical and Spirit of Prophecy. 
Adventist Pioneer Places
Adventist Pioneer Places
By Merlin D. Burt

Visit the historical sites where it all began: the pioneers’ homes and churches, the sites of births and deaths, the special places where visions descended and revival arose.
Adventists And Armageddon
Adventists And Armageddon
By Donald Ernest Mansell

Adventists and Armageddon is an investigation into the doctrinal metamorphosis that has taken place within Adventism regarding Armageddon and the “king of the north.” Is the war to end all wars a climactic clash between the forces of good and evil over the Sabbath question? 
Adventures for God in Okinawa
Adventures for God in Okinawa
By Iona Clark Jensen

Modern ideas conflict with old superstitions and customs, then the gospel of Christ is introduced into this conflict. These captivating stories show how God's providential leadings brought the truth to Okinawa. 
Adventures In Galilee
Adventures In Galilee
By Bradley Booth

New in Bradley Booth's Bible adventure stories for kids is Adventures in Galilee. This is the only book in the series that takes place in the New Testament. You'll follow Tabitha (Jairus's daughter) and Joel (the lad with 5 barley loaves and 2 fishes) as they wonder who Jesus really is, and ultimately decide that they will follow Him, no matter what the cost.
Adventures of Kado
Adventures of Kado
By Alice Mertie Underhill

Kado listened wide-eyed and curious to the missionary who told stories of God and Jesus. Soon, he became the messenger of God to his village and beyond.
The Adventures of Monka The Monkey
The Adventures of Monka The Monkey
By Nancy Beck Irland

Entertaining and intended to be read aloud to preschoolers, Monka the Monkey teaches solid values and promotes good communication between parent and child. Besides, who can resist something as cute as a pet monkey—in diapers
Africa Adopted Us
Africa Adopted Us
By James L. Fly

This is a love story—not only the story of how a missionary couple comes to love and “adopt” the African people they came to serve, but a story of how the African people come to love and adopt the missionaries as their own,—as people they knew really loved them. And as you read, you’ll come to love them all. 
Africa's Diamonds
Africa's Diamonds
By Yvonne Davy

In Africa’s Diamonds, author Yvonne Davy, who was a missionary wife in Africa, graphically portrays the experiences of Rossier and Myrtle Campbell, two very young people who left their homes and homeland right after their marriage to go to Africa. 
African American Seventh-day Adventist Healers in a Multicultural Society
African American Seventh-day Adventist Healers in a Multicultural Society
By Dr. Ramona L. Hyman, PhD

This collection of essays features the experience of black Seventh-day Adventist healers and preachers through the painful history of racial and social discrimination; it chronicles their struggles and showcases their love for their church and fellow human beings and the profound influence of their faith.
African Rice Heart
African Rice Heart
By Emily Star Wilkens

African Rice Heart is an earthy, candid, and poetic narrative that traces Emily’s journey of growth, challenge, and discovery. Read it and you, too will feel the heartbeat – sometimes strong, sometimes irregular, but always present – as Emily weaves her stories of wonder and longing, tragedy and tears, and ultimately, the sense of belonging she found during her year of service in Béré, Chad
After God's Heart
After God's Heart
By Elizabeth Talbot

Join the author in exploring how a man like David—who was definitely human, definitely a sinner, definitely broken—could be viewed by an all-knowing God as a man after His own heart. 

Against All Odds
Against All Odds
By Kari Paulsen

Against All Odds is hard to put down . . . My prayer is that everyone will read it! Janet Page, associate secretary for Pastoral Spouses and Families, and Prayer, Ministerial Association, Seventh-day Adventist world church
Aim High
Aim High
By Terry Lyndon Johnsson

The thrilling story of an unlikely member of the President’s honor guard who proved that all things are possible with God.
Alaskan Adventure
Alaskan Adventure
By Eleanor I. Jackson

Alaska has not been called “Seward’s Icebox” for nothing. Ruggedly beautiful, but intensely cold in winter, it is not a paradise for ordinary people. But Mac and Eleanor Jackson were not ordinary people. 
By Peter N. Landless MB BCh, Duane C. McBride PhD

In a world filled with confusing, mixed messages about alcohol,this book offers a powerful and enlightening look at alcohol and its risks from a Christian perspective. It explores the physical, mental, and spiritual consequences of alcohol use, providing a comprehensive guide for individuals seeking understanding, healing, and hope.
Alice Princess
Alice Princess
By Alice Princess Msumba Siwundhla

This is the beloved story of Alice Princess, a little African girl who lived in a mud hut near Lake Malawi, and how her life was changed by the power of our church's mission program to share the love of God. 
All About The Baby
All About The Baby
By Belle Wood Comstock

Divided into twelve sections, this book covers a variety of topics on babies, such as the family tree, prenatal influence, anatomy and physiology, mother and baby’s diet, the baby’s and the family’s adjustment, and baby’s education. 
All You Can Eat: The Secret to Being Healthy Without Feeling Hungry
All You Can Eat: The Secret to Being Healthy Without Feeling Hungry
By Elizabeth R. Anderson-Doze, MD, MPH

Have you tried diets and weight loss programs over and over without long-term success? If so, All You Can Eat will introduce the tools you need to eat like a horse and stay thin. Eliminate or manage chronic health concerns and feel better than ever.
Almost Home
Almost Home
By G. Edward Reid

Ed Reid wants us to make sure we are on the right road as we approach the end of time. He points out signs and detours and the coming crisis, and emphasizes that many of the choices we make in this life have serious consequences for the present and for the future.
Almost Home
Almost Home
By Ted N. C. Wilson

All around us today we see striking evidence that Jesus is coming soon. That's a reason to rejoice. But it's also a call for us to shake off our lethargy and get to work fulfilling the commission God has given us and preparing to meet Jesus when He returns. In Almost Home, Ted N.C. Wilson, our General Conference president, identifies the spiritual essentials for those who will live through the end times and witness Jesus' return.
Altogether Lovely (2015 Women's Devotional)
Altogether Lovely (2015 Women's Devotional)
By Ardis Stenbakken and Carolyn Rathbun Sutton

In this intimate devotional many daughters of God share their praises, their prayers, their victories, and even their heartaches. But mostly they are opening up about what the altogether lovely Jesus means to them.
Always Prepared
Always Prepared
By Humberto M. Rasi

Always Prepared poses twenty questions that answer in large part the overarching question, Why am I a Seventh-day Adventist? The co-editors have assembled a distinguished group of scholars and theologians who skillfully probe and provide sound answers to these questions.
Amazing Grace
Amazing Grace
By E. Lonnie Melashenko

In Amazing Grace you’ll gain encouraging and valuable insights into God’s limitless love for you.
Amazing Grace Bible Study Course
Amazing Grace Bible Study Course
By Elizabeth Talbot

The Amazing Grace Bible Study Course takes readers on a tour from Genesis to Revelation that reveals God’s plan to save the human race. Salvation could only come from above. The Savior of the world came down to rescue the world! Salvation has been achieved for all who accept His plan, believing in the Master Rescuer and His amazing grace!
Amazing Prophecies
Amazing Prophecies
By George Vandeman

Author and former It Is Written speaker, George E. Vandeman, outlines the rich background of Biblical prophecy and shows how the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, demonstrates prophecy as a dominant and recurring theme.
Ambassador for Liberty
Ambassador for Liberty
By Bert B. Beach

If you’ve never heard of Bert B. Beach, you’re not alone! This Seventh-day Adventist “statesman,” as some have called him, is probably better known by other churches’ world or national leaders than by the members of his own denomination. So who is this man?
American Apocalypse
American Apocalypse
By Dwight K. Nelson

Is America superior to the rest of the world? Pastor Dwight K. Nelson says no. And it is into this tension—that America is exceptional but not superior—that this book steps. Many scholars conclude that the apocalyptic scenario is a cryptic depiction of American exceptionalism turned tragic. How can a divided nation regain the Lord’s favor? Find out in The American Apocalypse.
Among the Arabs In Bible Lands
Among the Arabs In Bible Lands
By W. K. Ising

Among the Arabs in Bible Lands is an interesting little book written by missionary W. K. Ising and his wife, who was with him in Palestine. 
The Amos Message
The Amos Message
By Leo R. Van Dolson

This book is not so much a study of Amos and his times as a review of last day events as described in the writings of Ellen G. White and an appeal to make whatever preparations are necessary to be ready to meet Jesus and reign with Him forever in the earth made new. 
Amy Carmichael
Amy Carmichael
By Fern Neal Stocker

Born in north Ireland of relatively well-to-do parents, Amy had a rebel streak that soon became apparent in her behavior. But when she yielded her life to God, her life became one of dedicated service for others. 
An Owner's Guide to Male Midlife Crisis
An Owner's Guide to Male Midlife Crisis
By Len D. McMillan

Many men go through a period known as the "midlife crisis." This book will help you know what expect and how to avoid common pitfalls that often accompany this time. 
Ana Stahl of the Andes and Amazon
Ana Stahl of the Andes and Amazon
By Barbara Westphal

Ana Stahl of the Andes and Amazon is about the quiet, slender woman who stood beside Fernando A. Stahl, missionary to the Indians, and carried a pretty blue parasol. Ana was his wife, his confidante, his companion, his prayer warrior, his encouragement, his strength.
Ancient Words, Present Hope: What the Old Testament Teaches Us About Revelation
Ancient Words, Present Hope: What the Old Testament Teaches Us About Revelation
By Kayle de Waal

The Old Testament offers valuable resources for our understanding of the Book of Revelation as 21st-century readers, particularly as it points us anew to Jesus—Revelation’s victorious Lamb and coming King. 
And God Cried Out,
And God Cried Out, "Why This Suffering?"
By Jean Sheldon

This is the story of a God who did not cause the suffering. A God who, though He hates suffering, allowed it because there was ultimately no other way suffering could end without destroying our freedom. 
An Angel Rides With Me and Other Miracle Stories
An Angel Rides With Me and Other Miracle Stories
By Bradley Booth

“An Angel Rides With Me” is just one of the many stories found in this book. Once again, Bradley Booth has put an amazing collection of miracle stories from around the world into a book you won’t be able to put down. These stories will also strengthen your faith in a heavenly Father who gets involved in His children’s lives.
Angel Stories of the Bible
Angel Stories of the Bible
By Madge Haines Morrill

Author Madge Haines Morrill re-tells stories of the Bible where angels played important roles in the lives of humans. These stories will be enjoyed by all ages and would be a great book for families to read on Sabbath. Angel Stories of the Bible reminds us that we are not alone on this earth.
Angel Wars
Angel Wars
By Mark Finley and Steven Mosley

In this book you will learn about a cosmic conflict that overshadows anything we human beings can imagine. The Angel Wars are more vivid, more real, than anything we might see on a movie screen, and it’s documented in the Bible. 
Angels and the Unseen Conflict
Angels and the Unseen Conflict
By Mansell

The unseen battle for your soul!
Angels Over Kisangani: They Wrestled Not Against Flesh and Blood
Angels Over Kisangani: They Wrestled Not Against Flesh and Blood
By Abigail Duman

When Christopher and Abigail Duman arrived in the Democratic Republic of Congo in January 2016, they were unseasoned and largely ignorant of Congolese culture and history. Little did they realize that this particular mission field was so volatile and dangerous. Things were going well until a tragic accident changed everything in a single day.
Angels Over Manilla
Angels Over Manilla
By Hazel Wilcox and Ruth Wheeler

So begins the exciting true story of Hazel Wilcox and her family, missionaries in the Philippines at the outbreak of World War II, and of the angels who watched over them through bullets, bombs, hunger, and sickness and even while they sang Christmas carols as bombers screamed overhead.
Angry Saints
Angry Saints
By George R. Knight

Angry Saints brings us to the sobering realization that it is possible to be an Adventist without being a Christian and reveals that belligerence not only fails to solve theological difficulties, it places us in a dangerous position.
Animal Heroes
Animal Heroes
By Ernest Lloyd

Within this book are true stories about animals--great and small-retold by author Ernest Lloyd. These short animal stories are sure to delight younger boys and girls and show them that both wild and tame animals can indeed be heroes. 
Anna and Bent
Anna and Bent
By Bent Axel Larsen

It was 1927. Excitement ran through the Skodsborg Sanitarium near Copenhagen, Denmark. The great missionary from South America, Fernando Stahl, had arrived on campus. This is their story during some of the most exciting days in the great South American field. 
Annie's Trust
Annie's Trust
By Kay D. Rizzo

Annie's Trust deals with the real issues of heartbreaking loss, depression, marital stress, and ultimate victory through trust in an all-loving ever-present God. Book 6 in the Serenity Inn Series.
By Charles D. Utt

Answersby Charles D. Utt provides a swift solution to questions that would normally require much study. The questions in this book are genuine inquiries from honest truth seekers.
The Antichrist and the New World Order
The Antichrist and the New World Order
By Marvin Moore

The Antichrist and the New World Order shares a perspective on the future that's unlike anything you've read before. It will challenge what you've heard and what you may believe. 
Any Sacrifice but Conscience
Any Sacrifice but Conscience
By Walter C. Utt

This dramatic sequel to No Peace for a Soldier continues the adventures of Henri Armand and the Cortots as they struggle to serve God and country during Louis XIV's persecution of Protestants in seventeenth century France.  It will appeal to history lovers and avid readers alike.
Any Way Out
Any Way Out
By Ann Vitorovich

Would identical twin brothers, Voja and Cveja, survive their attempts to flee communist Yugoslavia? Would their faith be strong enough to weather the ordeal? This is a true story of relying on God through every difficulty and believing that His will would be accomplished no matter what happened.

The Apocalyptic Vision and the Neutering of Adventism
The Apocalyptic Vision and the Neutering of Adventism
By George R. Knight

The Seventh-day Adventist Church was founded upon an apocalyptic message that needed to be preached to the entire world—immediately and at any cost. But does the church today preach that same message with the same urgency? Has the Adventist Church become irrelevant because it has sought to be more relevant to the world? Knight challenges us to go back to our roots, to examine the prophecies that fueled the early Seventh-day Adventists’ determination to evangelize the world.
By Miguel A. Valdivia

Archangel examines the interesting and intimate interplay between humans and angels throughout Scripture and demonstrates that we are not alone in our struggles. Armies of angels are ready and willing to come to our aid. The author challenges us to open our eyes to the angels and their role in the ongoing war between good and evil while sharing the complete plan of redemption in a non-threatening way.
Are You More Spiritual Than a 5th Grader
Are You More Spiritual Than a 5th Grader
By Karl and Claire Haffner

Are You More Spiritual Than a 5th Grader? is a journey that is as relevant today as it was thirty-eight years ago. Some of the details have been updated and several chapters have been added, but, in essence, this book preserves the precious message that is Morris Venden's legacy: that a daily, living connection to Christ brings with it the gifts of righteousness and salvation.
Armageddon At the Door
Armageddon At the Door
By Jon Paulien

Decipher the symbols and clues in Revelation to discover what God has in store for His people at the end-time.
Armageddon: The Devils Payday
Armageddon: The Devils Payday
By Marvin Moore

This book is about choices--the spiritual choices you and I and every other human being will be confronted with in earth's final hours. Armageddon: The Devil's Payday shows you how, by making the right choices now, you can be assured of your place in God's eternal kingdom when Christ returns.
The Art of Bible Counseling
The Art of Bible Counseling
By Glenn A. Coon

The Art of Bible Counseling is a series of studies dedicated to parents, ministers, doctors, teachers, and youth leaders. Elder Coon shares sound counseling techniques based on Biblical principles, and sets them forth in seven general concepts, including The Source of Wisdom, Christianity Means Joy, and much more.  The Art of Bible Counseling will be a help to anyone who ministers to troubled souls.  
As I Follow Christ
As I Follow Christ
By Dwain N. Esmond

In As I Follow Christ, some of the most notable leaders in the Seventh-day Adventist Church share what they’ve learned about effective leadership. Drawing from the Bible, the writings of Ellen G. White, proven practices, and personal experience, each writer reveals a unique perspective on what it looks like to be a leader who follows God.
As It Was on Pa's Farm
As It Was on Pa's Farm
By Mary Farley Willis

This is a warm, tender story of real people experiencing love and different beliefs, and facing the concern of being “unequally yoked together.” 
As The Stars Forever
As The Stars Forever
By Hazel McElhany Greer

The thrilling story of a nineteen-year-old Jewish girl, Emilie, who endured years of persecution because of her conversion and baptism into the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
As You Think
As You Think
By Gerald R. Nash

The only security for any soul is right thinking. Our thoughts must not be allowed to run riot. They must be controlled and brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. 
Astronomy and the Bible
Astronomy and the Bible
By Lucas A. Reed

The universe is not a mere jumble of suns and worlds, a freak of chance operating blindly through the undirected laws of nature. The omnipotent hand of God is behind all of His works and His infinite intelligence is directing every star and world and all of the forces of nature in earth and sea and sky.
At Jesus' Feet
At Jesus' Feet
By Doug Batchelor

Doug Batchelor unveils the beauty of the gospel with original insights through the eyes of Jesus' most dedicated disciple.
By Scott R. Ward

If you’ve ever wanted a genuine, thriving relationship with Jesus but didn’t know exactly what to do to make it happen, this book was written for you. Within these pages you’ll discover how to come heart-to-heart with Jesus in Scripture, what role multisensory symbols have in the devotional experience, and the key elements of a mutually satisfying, lifelong journey with Jesus.
Authentic 2019 Adult Devotional
Authentic 2019 Adult Devotional
By Shawn Boonstra

Pastor Boonstra states, “It is my prayer for you this year, that you will find yourself drawn ever closer to the One who stepped down from glory to be closer to you.”
Babies in Her Saddlebags
Babies in Her Saddlebags
By Joyce W. Hopp

Missions! The word still flashes images of thatched-roofed huts and wild animals in many Western minds, years after the average missionary has stopped seeing those things in real mission life. 
Baby Moses: I Can Read Series
Baby Moses: I Can Read Series
By Rose Gamblin

Baby Moses is a wonderful story from the Bible that is part of the I Can Read series. This series was developed for the classroom, and home school teaching kids and encouraging the youngest of readers.
Backstage Pass
Backstage Pass
By Naomi Striemer

Backstage Pass is the true story of an up-and-coming recording artist who left everything to follow Christ. The author demonstrates how a persistent God and an angel encounter changed a young musicians life and challenges readers to follow God’s leading without reservation.
Banish the Night
Banish the Night
By Leonard Barnard

Missionary pilot Len Barnard shares some of the thrilling adventures of his work among these primitive peoples in New Guinea, “the land that time forgot.”
Banza's Incredible Journey
Banza's Incredible Journey
By Celeste Perrino Walker

The Adventist Church has commissioned ADRA for a very special mission. That mission is to help the most needy of God’s children.
Baptism Through the Centuries
Baptism Through the Centuries
By Henry F. Brown

Throughout the history of the Christian faith, baptism has been viewed as significant.  But considerable debate has taken place regarding the actual details: who should be baptized, what the ritual means, and the process of the baptism itself.  This book is a fascinating look at the history of baptism.  
By José H. Cortes Jr., Ivan L. Williams, Sr.

In this second book of the Multiply series, pastors write about their experiences with evangelism and baptism. You will hear them share how mingling with people, desiring their good, showing them sympathy, and meeting their needs have produced results for the kingdom.
Baptizing the Devil
Baptizing the Devil
By Clifford Goldstein

Goldstein shows that Christians shouldn’t compromise so crucial a doctrine as origins to the prevailing culture, even when that culture’s wrapped in the authoritative garb of science.
By Tracy Morgan

Then one day as Bathsheba was bathing on the roof, she noticed the king on his balcony watching her. Soon she was summoned to the palace to spend the night with King David.
Battered to Blessed
Battered to Blessed
By Brenda Walsh with Kay D. Rizzo

Known to thousands of 3ABN viewers as "Miss Brenda," the singing, cooking, and smiling children's program host remembers a time when smiling wasn't easy.
The Battle For Freedom
The Battle For Freedom
By Erwin R. Gane

Join Dr. Erwin Gane, editor of the adult lesson quarterlies, in a “how-to” survey of the exciting book of Galatians. What many have ignored as purely theological distinctions will prove vital practicalities. The Battle for Freedom—read it and be on the winning side. 
Beautiful in His Time
Beautiful in His Time
By Sandra Vincent

Read this touching story to discover how, “in His time,” God answered the prayers of a desperate woman and the needs of a troubled child.
Before You Burn the Rule Book
Before You Burn the Rule Book
By Jere Patzer

How far can freedom go and remain responsible? How should young people relate to customs, rules, and social expectations? The author faces these questions and more in this brilliant message to young people. 
Beginning of the End
Beginning of the End
By Ellen G. White

The Beginning of the End, is an adaptation of Patriarchs and Prophets.  It is the first volume in a five-book series approved by the White Estate that will bring the clear messages of the Conflict of the Ages set to a new generation of readers.
The Beginning
The Beginning
By Penny Estes Wheeler

Penny Estes Wheeler's book of future drama pictures the Seeker asking the Survivors of Earth questions that have divided worlds, puzzled billions, and sent millions into untold misery and death: "Is God fair?" "Was sin really that bad?" "Does God deserve our trust?"
Behind Barbed Wire
Behind Barbed Wire
By Vinnie Ruffo

This is the story of John and Olga Oss, missionaries in China, when the enemy occupied Shanghai during World War II and they were confined to prison camp for thirty-one months.
Behold the Lamb
Behold the Lamb
By Wesley Amundsen

Have students of prophecy failed to understand the place of the Lamb of God in the prophecies of Revelation? Have they lost sight of the essence of the book?
Being Saved When You're Feeling Lost
Being Saved When You're Feeling Lost
By Dan Day

For many Christians, a huge gap can develop between what really IS and what they FEEL about what really is. All too often our inner feelings do not square with the outer reality. god may be very close, yet we may feel He has abandoned us. Author Dan Day introduces the reader to the needed skills for taking charge of our emotions. By following his suggestions, they can achieve a spiritual stability and security they never thought possible.
Belief and Work of Seventh-day Adventists
Belief and Work of Seventh-day Adventists
By Alonzo L. Baker

With his characteristic freshness and vigor, the author has brought together the outstanding teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in these pages. In so doing his purpose has not been to present a creed, but to bring to the public mind a clear and understanding view of the beliefs and purposes of this fast growing movement. 
Believe His Prophets (2016 Evening Devotional)
Believe His Prophets (2016 Evening Devotional)
By Herbert E. Douglass

From Satan’s first deception through the second coming of Jesus, Believe His Prophets tells the grand story of the God who loves you and longs to bring you home.  
Beloved Enemy
Beloved Enemy
By Elly Economou

Beloved Enemy is the true story of Elly Economou. She lived in the seaport city of Thessalonica with her father and mother. Horrors of war and the witness of a Christian couple combine to create this true story of intervening providence. 
Beloved Leaders
Beloved Leaders
By Robert H. Pierson

A book of counsel for Seventh-day Adventist leaders. The author’s definition of leadership is broad, including all who are involved in the work of the church at any level or who aspire to such involvement. Ministers, laymen, local church officers, departmental directors, administrators of conferences and institutions, the young and those who have reached the golden years, all will find both challenge and inspiration as they study these principles of leadership.
The Benefits of Belief
The Benefits of Belief
By Julian Melgosa

In Benefits of Belief, Dr. Julian Melgosa uses research and personal stories to reveal the amazing benefits everyone can obtain from following the Lord’s ways and living the Christian life. Jesus promises that anyone who follows Him will receive “a hundredfold now” (Mark 10:30). Dr. Melgosa believes it is reasonable to think that these blessings are not exclusively material, but are also related to the exercise of wisdom, resilience, and endurance that ultimately translate into good health, happiness, and well-being.
Benny the Beaver
Benny the Beaver
By Harry J. Baerg

Benny the Beaver is back! A story from the classic Forest Friends series.
By Stephen Hall

Besieged presents a firsthand account by the author’s grandparents and other missionaries of the overwhelming trials and tribulations they suffered beside the Chinese people during the far-reaching struggle for China’s political unification.
The Best Amazing True Mission Stories
The Best Amazing True Mission Stories
By J. H. Zachary

The day of miracles is not past. From Africa to America, from the South Pacific islands to Siberia, miracles are taking place as God works to bring individuals to Himself.
Best Ever Mission Stories
Best Ever Mission Stories
By Charlotte Ishkanian

In this book, you will find examples of many ordinary young people who dare to do extraordinary things for God and others.
Best Ever Mission Stories 2
Best Ever Mission Stories 2
By Charlotte Ishkanian

In book two of this series you will find examples of many ordinary young people who dare to do extraordinary things for God and others. 
Best of the Best
Best of the Best
By D. Arthur Delafield

In the Best of the Best, author D. Arthur Delafield selects the twelve chapters from Scripture that are the most meaningful, most inspiring—the best—and shows how they illuminate the rest of the Bible.
Between Hell and High Water
Between Hell and High Water
By Kay Kuzma and Brenda Walsh

Gifted writers and storytellers, Kay Kuzma and Brenda Walsh have captured the unforgettable tales of survivors of Hurricane Katrina. These riveting stories of life and death, good and evil, hope and despair will give you courage, faith and hope as you face your own times of trouble, knowing that whatever happens, God will be there.
Beware of Angels
Beware of Angels
By Roger Morneau

The author’s words of warning are based on an actual instance in which angelic beings promised to help two Adventists prepare for the last days, and eventually led them to murder.
Beyond Anger
Beyond Anger
By Larry Yeagley

Anger wells up inside. People feed their grudges refusing to forgive. Is this healthy? Is there a solution? Larry Yeagley has helped countless people find freedom from anger, and now shares his solution in this compact sharing book.
Beyond Ashes
Beyond Ashes
By Marlyn Olsen Vistaunet

Beyond Ashes is a true story of survival and triumph. It’s about resilient faith in challenging times, miraculous deliverances, and an awakening to the power of grace in our everyday lives. 
Beyond Blessings
Beyond Blessings
By Nikolaus Satelmajer

A joint project between the NAD Stewardship and Ministerial Departments, this book is the result of a contest for the best sermons on giving. Pastors across the division were invited to submit sermons on stewardship and the best of those are collected here.
This book is an excellent resource for pastors and elders who need sermon material, as well as an inspiring read for anyone who wants to hear again the blessings of giving and acknowledging God’s ownership of our lives.
Beyond Blessings 2
Beyond Blessings 2
By John Mathews

One thing is certain—we either steward our possessions faithfully or allow them to become a spiritual barrier between us and God. 
Beyond Common Ground
Beyond Common Ground
By Alden Thompson

In Beyond Common Ground, author Alden Thompson examines the common ground that both liberal and conservative Adventists share—and he points out that, compared to most other Christians, ALL Adventists are pretty conservative! 
Beyond Death's Door
Beyond Death's Door
By Gerald Wheeler

Beyond Death's Door examines the Bible and science for the truth about the afterlife--and discovers that one of the first lies told humanity has been taught as gospel truth for thousands of years.
Beyond Defeat
Beyond Defeat
By James E. Johnson

The inspirational story of "Johnny" Johnson: an American patriot.
Beyond Imagination
Beyond Imagination
By Jerry D. Thomas, John Templeton Baldwin, L. James Gibson

In this book, we will explore some of the wonders of the universe and of life on our little planet. But most importantly, we will explore the wonder of our own existence. Since the earliest days of human history, people have struggled with the big questions of life. Why are we here? Where are we going? What happens to us when we die?
Beyond Knoche's Law
Beyond Knoche's Law
By Keith Knoche

Author Knoche has discovered Murphy's law through his own experience. When he slips on a banana peel, he has learned not only to get up, but also to avoid stepping on banana peel.
Beyond The Shadow of a Doubt
Beyond The Shadow of a Doubt
By Wilber Alexander

Human history and present experience is the long, terrible story of man trying to find a substitute for a satisfying love relationship with God.
The Bible In The Critics Den
The Bible In The Critics Den
By Earle Albert Rowell

Through this book, author Earle Albert Rowell seeks to confirm the faith of the believing and help those who have slipped from the foundation of God’s truth to turn from the darkness of doubt. 
Bible Marking Guide
Bible Marking Guide
By John Earnhardt

You can give a Bible study! This little guide outlines an easy Bible marking system that chain-references texts for 38 different topics.
Bible Paradoxes
Bible Paradoxes
By Taylor G. Bunch

Bible Paradoxes takes many strange verses in scripture, breaks them down, and explains them in plain English. When rightly understood, these spiritual truths are vital for godly living.
Bible Questions Answered
Bible Questions Answered
By Ivan Crawford

In this little book, author Ivan Crawford answers questions from his regular column in “The Signs of the Times,” about God’s Law, about God’s Sabbath, about God’s Church, about Christian conduct and about the hereafter. 
Bible Readings: Straight Answers from God's Word
Bible Readings: Straight Answers from God's Word
By Tompaul Wheeler

Four thousand questions about Bible topics are all answered with Scripture texts in this Complete edition.
The Bible Speaks
The Bible Speaks
By W L Emmerson

Author W. L. Emmerson hopes you may gain a new love for the Book of books and clearly hear the small, still voice trying to make itself heard amid the clash of earthly strife.
Rebellion and Redemption Adult Bible Study Guide 1Q 2016
Rebellion and Redemption Adult Bible Study Guide 1Q 2016
By David Tasker

God has pledged to bear in Himself the full responsibility for all human rebellion and to suffer the consequences for every evil we have committed. Only in this way could God restore His relationship with the human race, relationships between humans, and humanity’s relationship with the rest of creation.  
The Bible Year
The Bible Year
By Adelaide Bee Evans

This book was written with the prayer that it will encourage thousands of people to a more constant and systematic study of God’s Word, that they may be built up in the Christian life and “thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”
The Bible Zoo
The Bible Zoo
By Ethel Maxine Neff

The author writes for younger children about the animals mentioned in the Bible in a style that is educational and informative. She traces the references to such animals as bears, dogs, and leopards from the time of Noah until we are in our heavenly home.
The Biblical Meaning of History
The Biblical Meaning of History
By Siegfried J. Schwantes

The Biblical Meaning of History, by Siegfried J. Schwantes, presents a Christian view of history rich in meaning where other views see only chaos. It is concerned not only with the process of history but with its goal. It makes sense.  There is no more satisfying view. 
Biblical Missionaries Adult Bible Study Guide 3Q 2015
Biblical Missionaries Adult Bible Study Guide 3Q 2015
By Borge Schantz

This quarter we will study mission as God's way for communicating the gospel to people who do not know it.
Biblical Missionaries Bible Book Shelf 3Q 2015
Biblical Missionaries Bible Book Shelf 3Q 2015
By Borge Schantz and Steven Thompson

God’s first earthly journey recorded in the Bible was a missionary journey—walking to and fro in search of Adam and Eve. From the very beginning, it has been God’s mission to seek and to save those who are lost. 
Biblical Missionaries E. G. White Notes 3Q 2015
Biblical Missionaries E. G. White Notes 3Q 2015
By Ellen G. White

Get more out of this quarter's study with Ellen G. White notes. 
The Big Earthquake
The Big Earthquake
By George Vandeman

The Author explains that when we open our hearts to God’s Word, and do his will, we can face with confidence the big earthquake—and everything else coming upon the world.  The Lord Jesus Himself will personally rescue you from the ruins of this old world and bring you safely up to heaven.
The Big Four
The Big Four
By S. Joseph Kidder

The Big Four thoroughly explores four key secrets that not only made the early church a success but also produced thriving Seventh-day Adventist churches that are rapidly growing the kingdom of heaven.
Bill's Lunch: I Can Read Series
Bill's Lunch: I Can Read Series
By Rose Gamblin

Bill's Lunch is a wonderful story about sharing new in the I Can Read series. This series was developed for the classroom, and home school teaching kids and encouraging the youngest of readers.
The Bishop
The Bishop
By Horace J. Shaw

This is the story of A. A. Leiske and the unique telecast The American Religious Town Hall Meeting.
By Ardis Stenbakken

Sometimes blessings are sweet as honey and leave a lingering sensation of warmth and contentment. Other blessings, however, come to us cloaked in the jagged, painful reality of life in a sin-scarred world. Join a sisterhood of women from around the world who have recognized the profound truth in these words: Life is not good, but God is.
Blessed Are the Unlikelies
Blessed Are the Unlikelies
By Philip W. Dunham

The Bible is crammed full of stories of men and women who seemed just as unlikely: people like Samson, Jephthah, Rahab, and Nebuchadnezzar.  Blessed Are the Unlikelies takes a refreshing look at these and other familiar characters, and challenges us to look beyond their shortcomings to a place where we can see how the name of God was magnified in their lives. 
Blessed Are They
Blessed Are They
By Celeste Perrino Walker

Blessed Are They is not just a collection of moving feel-good stories. It is a call to action. You can make a difference in someone’s life. Are you one of the blessed?
By Jerry D. Thomas

Thoughts From the Mount of Blessings comes to the twenty-first century in this modern-day paraphrase of Ellen G. White’s classic.
Blinded by the Light
Blinded by the Light
By Philip W. Dunham

In his career as a minister Phil Dunham has seen many sad cases of apostasy. After telling their stories he surveys the apostates of Scripture to uncover certain recurring patterns and gives guidelines which will help the reader avoid the same fate.
Blondie's Big Ride Book 4 Ready to Ride Series
Blondie's Big Ride Book 4 Ready to Ride Series
By Heather Grovet

When Trish, the girl’s riding instructor, gets cancer, Megan learns that even when things don’t go the way we’d like, God can make a difference in our lives.
Blood Relative
Blood Relative
By George E. Vandeman

A quiet and thought provoking look into the meaning of baptism, the Lord’s Supper, the ordinance of humility, tithing and the cross in which all these center.
The Blueprint: A Manual For Reaching the Cities
The Blueprint: A Manual For Reaching the Cities
By Rico Hill and Jared Thurmon

The time is now to reach the cities with the Gospel! Learn an effective, tried-and-true approach to urban ministry—with a modern twist.
The Body of Christ
The Body of Christ
By Reinder Bruinsma

This thought-provoking book challenges those who call themselves “God’s people” to examine their current understanding of the church and to prayerfully consider their roles as part of the body of Christ.
Boldly Brave
Boldly Brave
By Kirsten A. Roggenkamp and Heather Blaire

In Boldly Brave you will find stories of girls and women, men and boys of the Bible who used their weapons of faith—kindness, prayer, love, trust, and hope—to win battles for God.
A Book for All People
A Book for All People
By Jerry A. Gladson

In this little booklet, the author explains how the Bible is reliable for communicating to His people the vast, sprawling cosmic drama that is being played out right now. 
The Book of Acts (Adult Bible Study Guide 3Q 2018)
The Book of Acts (Adult Bible Study Guide 3Q 2018)
By Wilson, Paroschi

The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. 
The Book of Acts (Ellen G. White Notes 3Q 2018)
The Book of Acts (Ellen G. White Notes 3Q 2018)
By Ellen G. White

One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
The Book of Acts Bible Book Shelf 3Q 2018
The Book of Acts Bible Book Shelf 3Q 2018
By Wilson, Paroschi

We should not look at Acts as a retelling of the missionary successes of the apostles, but, rather, as an example of the amazing things God was able to accomplish through them in reclaiming humanity for Himself.
The Book of Daniel Bible Book Shelf 1Q 2020
The Book of Daniel Bible Book Shelf 1Q 2020
By Elias Brasil de Souza

Studying the book of Daniel is an exciting adventure, requiring a great deal of wisdom and understanding. Indeed, Daniel himself prays for understanding. This book, divided into thirteen chapters, starts by introducing issues related to understanding Daniel, such as literary structure and historical context. The subsequent chapters move through the narrative and prophetic sections, highlighting Daniel's application to our modern lives.
The Book of Job Adult Bible Study Guide 4Q 2016
The Book of Job Adult Bible Study Guide 4Q 2016
By Clifford Goldstein

Although he was blameless and served God, Job had more than his fair share of suffering. 
The Book of Job Bible Book Shelf 4Q 2016
The Book of Job Bible Book Shelf 4Q 2016
By Ricardo Graham

Although he was blameless and served God, he had more than his share of trouble. He learned from bitter experience that following God is no guarantee of an easy life. In fact, usually the opposite is true.
The Book of Job E. G. White Notes 4Q 2016
The Book of Job E. G. White Notes 4Q 2016
By Ellen G. White

One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
The Book of Luke E. G. White Notes 2Q 2015
The Book of Luke E. G. White Notes 2Q 2015
By Ellen G. White

Get more out of your bible study times with these insights from the Spirit of Prophecy for the Sabbath School Lessons.
The Book Of Mark
The Book Of Mark
By Thomas R. Shepherd

Join Dr. Thomas Shepherd, author of the forth-coming Seventh-day Adventist International Bible Commentary on the Gospel of Mark for an in-depth look at Jesus in action. Discover the power of “sandwich” stories, explore the revelation-secrecy motif, and watch as the Savior’s authority comes into conflict with the religious leaders of the day.
The Book of Mark Adult Bible Study Guide 3Q24
The Book of Mark Adult Bible Study Guide 3Q24
By Thomas Shepherd, PhD, DrPH

The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. Written by a variety of authors, the study guide encourages personal time with God and His Word. Memory texts and key thoughts from the authors provide an opportunity for spiritual growth.
The Book of Revelation (Adult Bible Study Guide 1Q 2019)
The Book of Revelation (Adult Bible Study Guide 1Q 2019)
By Ranko Stefanovic

Each quarter, the Seventh-day Adventist Church publishes a 'Quarterly" Sabbath School Bible Study Guide to be used in Sabbath School, for personal Bible study, or in any other setting in which a deeper understanding of God’s Word is desired.
The Book of Revelation (Ellen G. White Notes 1Q 2019)
The Book of Revelation (Ellen G. White Notes 1Q 2019)
By Ellen G. White

Single Copy. Ellen White Notes for the Sabbath School Lesson. 1Q 2019.
Book of Revelation Bible Book Shelf 1Q 2019
Book of Revelation Bible Book Shelf 1Q 2019
By Ranko Stefanovic

“I am the Alpha and the Omega” (Revelation 1:8, NASB).  Of all the books in the Bible, the book of Revelation has provoked the most interest and curiosity. 
The Book of Romans Adult Bible Study Guide 4Q 2017
The Book of Romans Adult Bible Study Guide 4Q 2017
By GC Sabbath School Department

The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. The topic of study for this quarter is The Book of Romans. 
The Book of Romans Ellen G. White Notes 4Q 2017
The Book of Romans Ellen G. White Notes 4Q 2017
By Ellen G. White

One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
The Book That Changed The World
The Book That Changed The World
By Nikolaus Satelmajer

The Bible is God's message. It changed the world in the seventeenth century, and more than four hundred years later, it is still changing the world. In The Book That Changed the World, a group of Seventh-day Adventist scholars make insightful commentary on the King James Version helping you gain a deeper understanding of this faith classic.
The Book That Lives
The Book That Lives
By Ernest Lloyd

This little book is all about the Bible. Its teachings have blessed two hundred generations. It has molded the life of nations—their literature, their art, their music, their morals, their manners, and their notable men and women. 
The Book That Would Not Go Away
The Book That Would Not Go Away
By George Vandeman

The incredible story of how God preserved His word throughout the ages.
Boost Your Immune System: Using God's Natural Remedies
Boost Your Immune System: Using God's Natural Remedies
By Don Hall

In Boost Your Immune System, Dr. Donald Hall outlines four key strategies to lower your risk of chronic and infectious disease. These four steps, based on God's natural remedies, bring together common sense and current data in a practical "how to" guide.
Boost Your Prophets
Boost Your Prophets
By Leo R. Van Dolson

Boost Your Prophets is a personal study of some of the least explored sections of the Bible-the "minor" prophets.
Boot Camp for the Last Days
Boot Camp for the Last Days
By Randy Maxwell

In Boot Camp for the Last DaysRandy Maxwell passionately exhorts the church to trust NOW; believe NOW; and act NOW in preparation for Jesus’ return.
Bored-Again Christian?
Bored-Again Christian?
By Jere Patzer

This entertaining book is the second in a series by the author, Jere Patzer that speaks to the practical issues facing young adult Christians. This book successfully deals with the questions so often expressed, “If I’ve never really been bad, how can I be really good? So why not have my fling? God will forgive me!” 
Born to Live
Born to Live
By Evelyn Kaytor

Whether or not you’ve ever allowed yourself the luxury of self-pity, be sure to read about Lyn.
Bound Fo' Glory
Bound Fo' Glory
By Jean E. Holmes

Bound fo’ Glory explores the depths of human hearts and souls with intensity as deep as the scars left on the war-ravaged South. 
Brain-Free School Zone and Other Mind-Bending, Character-Building Devotional Stories
Brain-Free School Zone and Other Mind-Bending, Character-Building Devotional Stories
By Randy Fishell

 Start and end the day with these delightful devotions for middle-schoolers and junior highers.
A Brand from the Burning
A Brand from the Burning
By Alcyon Ruth Fleck

This fascinating biography by Alcyon Ruth Fleck, wife of the author who introduced Andrés to Bible truth, is factual and enlightening yet filled with exciting human interest, sympathy, and pathos. A spiritual saga that is an inspiration to every Christian who stands firm in his religious convictions. 
Breaking the Silence
Breaking the Silence
By Bernie Anderson

A pastor goes public about his battle with pornography. This book teaches a way out of the trap that so many men are caught in.
Breaking Through Barriers to God
Breaking Through Barriers to God
By Mark Finley and Steven Mosley

Breaking through Barriers to God presents sensible answers to some of the most common barriers Christians face. 
Breaking Up
Breaking Up
By Wayne Judd

In this book, the author examines topics such as, why date, why a couple should break up, when a couple should break up, how to break up, how to begin again and more. 
Breathe - 2014 Women's Devotional
Breathe - 2014 Women's Devotional
By Ardis Stenbakken

Take a break from life’s demands to refresh your spirit and breathe in some fragrant words of encouragement from other Adventist women.
Bridge to Space Island
Bridge to Space Island
By Ken McFarland

In this book, author Ken McFarland explores the Gospel of John, inviting the reader into this intensely personal book. It is an unfinished, ongoing love story. It is the story of God’s initiatives—and our responses. 
A Brief History of God's Love
A Brief History of God's Love
By Jack J. Blanco

Discover the beauty of the greatest story ever told in A Brief History of God’s Love. You’ll find out about the war that split heaven, watch God birth the earth and its inhabitants, discover what went wrong in Eden, and join our human ancestors as they struggle against the powers of darkness on their epic journey to redemption through the promised Messiah.
A Brief History of Seventh-day Adventists
A Brief History of Seventh-day Adventists
By George R. Knight

From the denomination's founding to the present, the author takes you step by step through the development of the Church. At the focal point is the missionary emphasis that literally propelled Adventism into every corner of the earth.  

Bright Candle of Courage
Bright Candle of Courage
By Bert B. Beach

Author, international lecturer, and teacher Dr. Bert B. Beach looks at the historical beginnings of religious liberty and where we stand today on the key issues, and he alerts us to the potential winds of strife that threaten to snuff out the candle of freedom. 
Bring A Bigger Basket
Bring A Bigger Basket
By C. L. Paddock

This book reminds us that someday each of us will come to the last mile, the end of the way, and we will be looking back over our days, months, and years. Life has a different perspective when we are looking back.  What a wonderful satisfaction we will have if we have done the best we could with what we have had.
Bring Back the Glory
Bring Back the Glory
By Randy Maxwell

All over the world, believers are beginning to cry out to God for revival--for a return of His glory into their lives, churches, and communities. Are you among them? Is the latter rain about to fall?
Broken River, Shattered Sky
Broken River, Shattered Sky
By William Noel

In this fascinating contemporary story you too will discover something new about the Second Coming.
Broken Stick
Broken Stick
By Eileen E. Lantry

Norman wasn’t afraid to die, and he wasn’t afraid to live, either. In 1927, fully aware of the dangers awaiting them, he and his wife, Ruby, sailed to the Solomon Islands only a year and a half after their marriage. Daunting trials and challenges would follow, but so would profound spiritual victories and miraculous answers to prayer.
Brothers of The King
Brothers of The King
By Arthur W. Spalding

Doctrine is the framework of religion, and without it there can be no church. But doctrine is not the life; doctrine is only the skeleton, the flesh, the form. Through that form of the church, through its arteries and veins, into all its tissues, there must flow the love which is the life of God. In Brothers of the King, Arthur W. Spalding examines the character traits of the members within the church of Christ, and shows that it is only by the entrance of the loving Christ, that we can ever become full members in the church God calls His own.
Brush Valley Adventures
Brush Valley Adventures
By Betty Stirling

After living in the city for thirteen years, Bruce Dardon has no choice but to move with his ailing mother to the country.  With apprehension he finds himself in a new school, living on a farm and surrounded by strangers, but it does not take long for Bruce to realize that living in Brush Valley is really an adventure.
Brushed Back
Brushed Back
By Ethan Fowler

Cocky and good-looking, Trevor Bullock was the man. He was a star pitcher, the life of the party, and the girls loved him. Drugs and alcohol were easy to come by in high school, even though his dad was the narcotics captain at the local police department. Baseball was his life, and he figured he deserved all the perks that came with it. But God had something else in mind for His wayward child.
Building Strong Congregations
Building Strong Congregations
By Bruce Wrenn

Building Strong Congregations contains the tools you need to make your congregation's ministry more effective. Worksheets after each chapter walk you through a step-by-step application of the material covered and help you put together a plan of action. You'll also learn how to find answers unique to your organization.
Buried Treasure
Buried Treasure
By Lucas A. Reed

Buried Treasure contains stories of people who found their treasures where the wise men found it of old, in an unexpected place, in a humble, lowly spot. It is the treasure of the One in whom all the hidden treasures of wisdom and knowledge and character and honor and exaltation are found.  
Burned Out On Being Good
Burned Out On Being Good
By Steven Mosley

How do you feel about your Adventist church body? Does it fill you with spiritual enthusiasm? Does it create an irrepressible joy for salvation? Does it nurture a healing love? If, sometimes, it doesn’t—this is a great book for you. 
Burning Hope
Burning Hope
By Dan Day

Burning Hope is a story of courage and adventure, the story of God’s leading in the life of a German youth who recognized God’s call and refused to let circumstances turn him aside from responding. 
Burst the Bubble
Burst the Bubble
By Sung K. Kwon

When we say we are Christians, we are not talking about self-serving Christianity, but other-serving Christianity. A Christianity that reflects Jesus’ heart of servant hood.
"But I'm So Afraid!"
By Dan Day

Let’s face it: Fear, in its many guises, is a common denominator in all our lives.  We all have insecurities and anxieties—even those people who look so sure of themselves.

This book will show you how to approach the reality of fear and give you advice on what you should do if you are afraid.
By Charles L. Paddock

Do you like stories? Silly question … everybody loves stories! Good stories entertain. But great stories teach a lesson while they entertain. 
C. D.: The Man Behind the Message
C. D.: The Man Behind the Message
By Benjamin Baker

In this book you catch a rare glimpse into the personal trials and triumphs of this modern apostle. From humble roots in the rural South at the beginning of the Great Depression to the Internet age in which his sermons are some of the most downloaded items online, C. D.: The Man Behind the Message is as riveting as a sermon from the man himself, and just like his preaching, it will lead you to recommit your life to Jesus Christ.
Call Collect
Call Collect
By Lawrence E.C. Joers

God is waiting to hear from you.  Call on Him today and every day and see how different your life can be. 
A Call to Revival
A Call to Revival
By Leo R. Van Dolson

One basic theme ties the books of Joel, Micah, and Zephaniah together—the urgent need for revival and reformation in a time of spiritual and political crisis.
Call to Stand Apart
Call to Stand Apart
By Ellen G. White

These selections from the writings of Ellen White deal with the issues faced by contemporary young adults in the twenty-first century.
Called: Core Qualities for Ministry
Called: Core Qualities for Ministry
By Nikolaus Satelmajer

Called was written to help ministers find and experience fulfillment in ministry while meeting the challenges of an ever-changing world.
Called: Meet 50 Women Working with God in the South Pacific
Called: Meet 50 Women Working with God in the South Pacific
By Danijela Schubert and Shaylee Walsh

Called introduces 50 women who work with God for the people of the South Pacific. With stories of conversion, commitment and consecrated service, you are sure to be inspired to respond to God’s call in your own life.
Called in Christ
Called in Christ
By Robert S. Folkenberg

Called in Christ explores the powerful relationship between believer and Saviour and shows how "in Christ" we can repent, find assurance, be victorious and compassionate, witness, await Jesus' coming, and ultimately triumph.
Called To Serve
Called To Serve
By Kenneth Cox

This book is about the amazing grace and mercy of God-and a man whose heart beats with compassion for sinners.  As you read about the life of evangelist Kenneth Cox, you'll be amazed how God took his life's darkest moments and turned them into his most precious assets.
The Called, The Chosen
The Called, The Chosen
By Ken McFarland

This book is a story: It's the story of the long contest between good and evil that began thousands of years ago and is not yet finished. The story of the loyal few in every century who stood bravely and firmly on the side of good. The story of those God has called out of error and rebellion into truth and loyalty. The story of those God has chosen to tell the world His truth and show the world what He is really like.
Calvary to Pentecost: The Weekends That Changed the World
Calvary to Pentecost: The Weekends That Changed the World
By Peter Roennfeldt

Calvary and Pentecost—two weekends that brought profound change to the world. The first was marked by Jesus’ death and resurrection, the next by the Holy Spirit’s presence and anointing. The climax and transitions represented by the events of these weekends—and the 50 days between—transformed the biblical narrative, reframed God’s involvement with us, gave birth to the church and released fresh opportunities for us to experience Him.
The 50 devotional readings in this book explore the intrigue, tragedy and excitement of this period to inspire you in your relationship with God and empower you for ministry Calvary prepared the way for Pentecost—and for us.
Camping with the J.M.V's
Camping with the J.M.V's
By Arthur W. Spalding

In Camping With the J. M. V.’s, Arthur W. Spalding tells of some of the experiences within the Junior Missionary Volunteers camp, leaving you to judge for yourself if it is worthwhile. 
Camporee of Doom
Camporee of Doom
By Seth J. Pierce

Another hilarious book in the Misadventures of Peter Paul Pappenfuss series. Peter Paul Pappenfuss could hardly wait to go to the Pathfinder Camporee. What fun he would have! Or so he thought.
Can We Know God?
Can We Know God?
By Ellen G. White

This booklet consists of two chapters from Steps to Christ, a best-selling devotional book which has been read by millions in eighty-six languages. The complete book is available from the publishers. 
Can We Still Believe the Bible?: And does it really matter?
Can We Still Believe the Bible?: And does it really matter?
By Bryan W. Ball

Delving into the study of history, language, cultures, archaeology, prophecy and the world today, Can We Still Believe the Bible? will take you on a journey through the strongest evidence available to answer these vital questions.
Can You Hear Me Now?
Can You Hear Me Now?
By Dwain N. Esmond

Why, how, when, and where does God speak? How can we know God’s will? How can we know whom to marry, or what career to choose? What do you do when the Shining One seems only a dim, flickering, hide-and-seek presence? If you have ever missed the presence of God, this book is for you. It provides not so much answers as encounters. These devotionals for young adults will help you hear God’s whisper every day.
Cancer At 3 A.M.
Cancer At 3 A.M.
By Helen Godfrey Pyke

Helen Godfrey Pyke's journal gives us a rare glimpse into what it's like to have breast cancer. She shares how cancer shaped her view of life and her walk with God. And with humor and insight she addresses many of the things women need to talk about but often don't.
Canyon Girl
Canyon Girl
By Paula Montgomery

During the early years of this century, Hazel "Big Enough" Weston lived in the rugged Imnaha Canyon where covered wagons were the main means of transportation. Some of Big Enough's adventures are funny, some are frightening.  But behind them all lies the hope of fertile green valley to the west that may be just a pipedream. 
Captain Jack Radley and the Heyday of the Fleet: The Story of Adventist Mission Boats in the South Seas
Captain Jack Radley and the Heyday of the Fleet: The Story of Adventist Mission Boats in the South Seas
By Rose-Marie Radley

Since the earliest days of Adventist mission, reaching the people of the South Pacific has offered unique challenges. Vast oceans, remote islands and hostile populations, limited communications, and the ever-present risks of tropical storms and diseases rendered this a region in which the gospel would only spread with long-term commitment. Generations of expatriate and then local missionaries faithfully took up this challenge—supported by a growing fleet of mission boats of many shapes and sizes.  A self-taught engineer, ship’s captain and navigator, Jack Radley was one of the dominant figures in the development and heyday of the fleet, demonstrating the pioneering spirit that saw the Adventist church established and growing in these island nations, as well as contributing to the medical and economic development of the region. As such, this carefully researched history of Adventist mission boats is also the story of the people who sailed them and the international church they helped build.
Caring, It's Not A Spectator Sport
Caring, It's Not A Spectator Sport
By Lilya Wagner

We can make caring a habit and should never, ever underestimate what one person can accomplish. Most important of all, we can choose to engage with a hurting world because Jesus has shown us that caring is not a spectator sport!
By Myrtle Long Haldeman

The adventures of a brave Maryland farm girl living through the Civil War. Story themes include equality, kindness, and importance of freedom. Ages 9-12.
Cassie After Antietam
Cassie After Antietam
By Myrtle Long Haldeman

The sequel to Cassie: The Girl with the Hero's Heart. Read about Cassie as she grows up, gets married, and raises a family.
The Cat's Got Her Tongue
The Cat's Got Her Tongue
By Bobbie Montgomery

This is the story of six-year-old Bea. She moves to a farm and has adventures with a snake and a skunk and a storm and much more, including a superstitious grandmother. 
Caught Between Two Worlds
Caught Between Two Worlds
By Karl Haffner

New from popular author and speaker, Karl Haffner, this book demonstrates that Peter's letters offer a future hope to Christians today who are living in dire physical and/or spiritual circumstances--just as they were intended to do for the early church. With study questions at the end of each chapter, this will make a terrific resource for small group studies, academy classrooms, etc.
Cell 350
Cell 350
By Francisco Varela Gorga

This is the true story of a young criminal’s encounter with Christ while serving time in prison.
The Centurion
The Centurion
By Dick Stenbakken

A compelling story of the Roman Empire of the first century A.D., its warfare during Jesus' life, and the warfare in the heart of Longinus, the centurion who had been commanded to crucify Him―the only One who seemed to offer any hope. 
Chains in China
Chains in China
By Bradley Booth

Chains in China illustrates the nightmare of tribulation God’s people have often endured for the cause of Christ. It is a chronicle of relentless devotion and a tribute to the faithfulness of a God whose love never lets go. Chen knows this firsthand, for were it not for the miracle God performed to save his life, he would have died in Wu Xi Prison.
The Challenge of the 20th Century
The Challenge of the 20th Century
By Roy F. Cottrell

This book invites the reader to experience the miracle of the Bible throughout the ages and its great power to make things new, as well as today. 
Challenges to the Remnant
Challenges to the Remnant
By Marvin Moore

On July 10, 2007, Pope Benedict XVI reasserted the absolute authority of the Roman Catholic Church when he approved a document stating that Protestant churches were not ³true churches² and therefore did not have the 'means of salvation.' Not surprisingly, this created a stir among other Christians including Seventh-day Adventists.

Champions of the King
Champions of the King
By Sally Pierson Dillon

Welcome to the acts of the Apostles as you've never known it before. Flat Bible characters suddenly jump into rich 3-D. Ancient stories come alive through the eyes of Bible-times children who are right there on the scene.
By Various Authors

Changed is targeted as a youth sharing book, and youth will certainly identify with these stories, but anyone who reads them will be moved and inspired. It's a book about cold, hard realities that eleven writers testify about their lives and their truths; their messes and their messages.
Changed 3
Changed 3
By Various Authors

The third in this series, Changed 3 is more stories of young people whose lives have been changed by Jesus.
Changed 4 Life
Changed 4 Life
By Various Authors

Written especially for English-speaking Latino youth to read and share with their friends, this book reveals that once God changes your heart, you are changed for life. Using amazing true stories of people who were lifted up and changed by Jesus Changed 4 Life reinforces the truth of God’s unconditional, persistent love for every soul.
Changed Too
Changed Too
By Various Authors

Changed Too is stories of real people, in real trouble, who cried out to a real God for answers. Eleven people share their own personal struggles and challenges, their doubts and disasters, and the faith that grew out of these tough experiences. Readers of this 2011 youth sharing book will be challenged by the awesome love of God, and will be changed, too!
Changing Problems Into Challenges
Changing Problems Into Challenges
By Carol Amen

This book will show the reader that no matter how big or how small the trouble is that you are experiencing, God can transform your problems into challenges that can strengthen your faith. 
The Character Of God Controversy
The Character Of God Controversy
By Steve Wohlberg

Does God punish sinners? A closer look at the intense love and justice of God Almighty.
Charisma of the Spirit
Charisma of the Spirit
By Rene Noorbergen

Does modern tongues speaking exactly reproduce the Pentecostal experience of the early Christian church? Are “tongues” the same as foreign languages? These and many other fascinating questions find clear answers in Charisma of the Spirit
Charmed by Darkness
Charmed by Darkness
By Roger Morneau

Charmed By Darkness is the full account of Roger Morneau’s miraculous deliverance from Satan’s altar to God’s mercy seat.
Chasing Heaven to Avoid Hell
Chasing Heaven to Avoid Hell
By Jean Sheldon

Are you hoping to get into heaven to avoid hell? Many Christians are. The author of this book contends that our fear of God, which is based upon false claims by the devil, is the root of this problem. Learn what God’s real attitude to sinners is.
Child Guidance
Child Guidance
By Ellen G. White

Covers the essentials of parenting, with chapters on specific building blocks of character, guidance on how to mold the will, reinforce good habits, and conduct effective family worships.
Child of the Crossfire
Child of the Crossfire
By Alcyon Ruth Fleck

Little Oscar was brainwashed, trained in guerilla warfare, captured at his family's massacre, tortured to reveal war secrets, and orphaned, all before he was 10! His quest to find his heavenly father and his earthly father takes many unexpected turns through this true story of survival and triumph.
The Child's Storybook of Peter and Paul
The Child's Storybook of Peter and Paul
By Madge Haines Morrill

This little book is perfect for an early reader or reading to your smaller child. The stories within vividly portray the miracles and trials of Peter and Paul—two of the most beloved apostles. Beautifully illustrated, it is sure to be a delight and treasure.
Childhood Friends of Jesus
Childhood Friends of Jesus
By Inez, Brasier

This delightful book for younger children will tell the story of Rhoda, David, Joel, and Esther, who lived in Nazareth when Jesus did. 
China Doctor
China Doctor
By Raymond S. Moore

This is the life story of Harry Willis Miller, great American medical missionary to China. 
China Nurse
China Nurse
By Mary S. Ogle

When Elisabeth Redelstein was small, she wanted to be a nun. But time and conversion to the Seventh-day Adventist church changed her dream. Instead of a habit she wore a nurse’s uniform. Instead of a German convent she lived and worked on three continents, moving easily among the poor as well as the mighty. 
Chipmunk Willie
Chipmunk Willie
By Harry J. Baerg

Peek into the life of a chipmunk... When Chipmunk Willie wakes up from a long winter nap, he is eager to explore the world around him. He finds plenty of excitement when he hunts for food and takes care of his family. There's a surprise around every corner as he runs into an old tomcat, a sharp-eyed hawk, a weasel, and a snake. Join Willie as he scurries from adventure to adventure.
The Choice
The Choice
By Dan M. Appel

This is a gripping story that deals with the topic of the state of the dead The characters are made up, but the events are real and are happening on a daily basis even in the Christian community. This book is a great introduction to the topic of spiritualism and ultimately addresses issues that are becoming more and more popular.
Choose You This Day
Choose You This Day
By Leonard Brand

While Science is important, we can trust it only if the Bible is our standard for evaluating origins, evil, and our great God. Written by respected scholars, Leonard Brand and Richard Davidson, Choose You This Day focuses attention on why it makes a difference what we believe about creation, and asks and answers the question: What does creation have to do with the gospel of Jesus Christ?
By Jack J. Blanco

In Chosen Jack J. Blanco creates a harmonious look at the story of Genesis through Deuteronomy. You’ll read the great stories of Noah building an ark, Abraham believing an impossible promise, Joseph experiencing misery and greatness, and Moses leading the Israelites through years of manna and sand.
Chosen by Grace
Chosen by Grace
By Stuart Tyner

Seven Portraits of End-Time People.  
The Chosen
The Chosen
By Dwight K. Nelson

Join Dwight K. Nelson in an experience with God that will revolutionize your life as you stand where the chosen of old once stood—on the brink of the Promised Land
Christ and His Law Adut Bible Study Guide 2Q 2014
Christ and His Law Adut Bible Study Guide 2Q 2014
By Keith Burton

In this study, you will learn that the link between our loving God and the keeping of His commandments is stronger than we realize. 
Christ in Collision
Christ in Collision
By George E. Rice

When Jesus grew old enough to realize the true nature of His mission, He set about to correct the fatal errors which had become part of the traditions and rules of His own society. He had to confront men’s false ideas. He had to come into collision. 
Christ Our Refuge
Christ Our Refuge
By Norman R. Gulley

In Christ Our Refuge, Norman Gulley reviews the prophecies pointing to the end of time, but beyond that, he shows us how to be ready: by keeping our eyes on Christ, not the crisis.
Christ Our Righteousness
Christ Our Righteousness
By Arthur Grosvenor Daniells

This book stresses the meaning of the fundamental doctrine of righteousness by faith as it was emphasized at the historic Minneapolis General Conference of 1888.
Christ Triumphant
Christ Triumphant
By Ellen G. White

This daily devotional from the pen of Ellen G. White traces the hand of God from Eden to eternity. The first word, and the last, is that God is love. But in between is pain, perplexity, and heartbreak. How can we understand the ways of God in the world?
Christ's Object Lessons
Christ's Object Lessons
By Ellen G. White

In the devotional classic, Ellen G. White plumbs the depths of the best-loved teachings of Jesus, offering a deeply spiritual understanding of the parables of Christ as they apply to the life today.
Christ's Way of Making Disciples
Christ's Way of Making Disciples
By Philip G. Samaan

The author will help you emulate the model of Jesus in making disciples--trained disciples who reflect Jesus’ life and ministry and who spiritually reproduce and multiply themselves in others.
Christ's Way to Spiritual Growth
Christ's Way to Spiritual Growth
By Philip G. Samaan

By focusing on what the Bible and Ellen White reveal about Christ's spiritual life, Philip Samaan shows how we can become more and more like Him, our great example and model.
The Christ-Centered Life
The Christ-Centered Life
By W. B. Ochs

This book explains, in a fresh, new light, topics such as Christ the Creator, Christ the Man, Christ our Priest, Christ our life, Christ’s Name, the Abiding Christ and many other topics to help us make Christ the center of our life. 
The Christian Atheist
The Christian Atheist
By Ken McFarland

Is it possible that many registered Christians who claim to believe there is a God are really practicing atheists, living their lives very largely without God? 
Christian Experience and Teachings of Ellen G. White
Christian Experience and Teachings of Ellen G. White
By Ellen G. White

A personal narrative of her early life, highlighting some of her more important visions.
A Christian Lawyer Looks at the Judgment
A Christian Lawyer Looks at the Judgment
By Kenneth Harvey Hopp

This book brings out many comparisons and contrasts between the legal processes of earthly courts  and the heavenly legal process by which God brings sin to an end. 
Christian Service
Christian Service
By Ellen G. White

This call to consecrated service in the science of soul winning will be invaluable to ministers, teachers, church leaders, and others interested in soul winning.
Christian Storytelling
Christian Storytelling
By Eric B. Hare, Arthur W. Spalding

Eric B. Hare expanded and revised Arthur Spalding's original work and delivered a manual for Christian storytelling that became must-reading for every aspiring pastor, teacher, and children's ministries leader. The timeless principles of this book will transform anyone who reads its words with the desire to touch young lives with life-changing, character building stories.
Christianity Makes Sense
Christianity Makes Sense
By Kenneth Harvey Hopp

If you have not yet examined, truly examined, the evidence that has led millions to believe that Christianity makes sense, you will be convinced as you read simple, step-by-step avenues through which God reaches out to man and man reaches out to his God.  
Christmas Gifts: True Stories to Celebrate the Season
Christmas Gifts: True Stories to Celebrate the Season
By Helen Heavirland

In this storybook, Helen Heavirland captures the beauty and meaning of Christmas. Although the season brings wonder to our senses, it is also true that life remains stubbornly unpredictable. Hardships and trials are ever present, even at Christmas. If you have encountered difficulties in life, then you will find hints of your own story in these pages.
Christmas Tree Farm
Christmas Tree Farm
By Gischler-Hayden

God intended that our forests should be perpetual. The lessons in this book will offer instructions for children, in a delightful story, that will help them see the value in the forests of today and know how to preserve them for tomorrow. 
ChristWise: Juniors
ChristWise: Juniors
By Troy Fitzgerald

This ChristWise Discipleship Guide will teach juniors basic beliefs in preparation for baptism, then it will help them make new friends and witness to them so that they too become disciples for Christ.
ChristWise: Leader's Guide
ChristWise: Leader's Guide
By Troy Fitzgerald

ChristWise is a revolutionary new baptismal course. Geared toward a variety of learning styles, it is story-based, Christ-centered, interactive, and age-tailored.
ChristWise: Teens
ChristWise: Teens
By Troy Fitzgerald

This ChristWise Discipleship Guide will teach teens basic beliefs in preparation for baptism, then it will help them make new friends and witness to them so that they too become disciples for Christ.
ChristWise: Youth
ChristWise: Youth
By Troy Fitzgerald

This ChristWise Discipleship Guide will teach youth (academy age) basic beliefs in preparation for baptism, then it will help them make new friends and witness to them so that they too become disciples for Christ.
The Church at Washington
The Church at Washington
By Mark Ford

The small white church at Washington, New Hampshire, might be regarded as the birthplace of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This illustrated historical account is an inspiring record of God's leading in denominational history.
Church on the Move: From Isolation to Community
Church on the Move: From Isolation to Community
By Adrian Peck

All this time, we’ve been doing what’s right – but have we been doing what’s good?
The Church Triumphant: Called to a Prophetic Destiny
The Church Triumphant: Called to a Prophetic Destiny
By Mark A. Finley

No matter how challenging the days ahead, no matter how dark the future becomes, no matter what difficulties the church goes through, Christ’s people, Christ’s church, Christ’s purposes, and Christ’s plan will triumph at last.
Civilization's Last Stand
Civilization's Last Stand
By Leroy Edwin Froom

In this book, the author explores Bible prophecies that point to Jesus’ soon return. He shows us that in order to believe in the Second Coming, one must be true to the facts of Jesus’ first coming. Christ came the first time according to prophecy and will come again according to prophecy. 
The Claim
The Claim
By Dwight K. Nelson

Read this book, examine Jesus' nine dramatic assertions, and judge for yourself whether or not they hold the key to a life of unimaginable freedom and happiness."
Claims Upon My Heart - The Sequel to Silence of My Love
Claims Upon My Heart - The Sequel to Silence of My Love
By Kay D. Rizzo

In Claims Upon Her Heart, book three in the Chloe Mae Chronicles, Chloe finds herself falling in love and making decisions that will change the rest of her life.  She still longs for her father's understanding and wonders if the wall of silence between them will ever crumble. Anyone who has read Flee My Fathers House and Silence of My Love will be anxious to read this next book.
The Clear Word Psalms & Proverbs
The Clear Word Psalms & Proverbs
By Jack J. Blanco

A wonderful addition to the Clear Word line, Psalms and Proverbs provides two very inspirational and thought provoking books in a portable, givable format.
The Clear Word
The Clear Word
By Jack J. Blanco

The Clear Word has renewed the devotional lives of thousands of people. Let it renew yours today! This easy-to-read paraphrase is now available for your portable reading device. This eBook edition features resizable text, bookmarking, built-in-dictionary, easy verse selector, searching, and much more!
The Clear Word: Giant Print
The Clear Word: Giant Print
By Jack J. Blanco

With the beloved paraphrase now available in giant print, God's word is both easy to understand and easy to read!
Clever Queen
Clever Queen
By Eric B. Hare

This classic story recounts tales of the jungle and of devil worshipers, including a young girl known as Clever Queen. When she is only a baby, Clever Queen is sold for two bags of rice. Sick and in need of a doctor, she is taken by her new mother to the God worshipers Dispensary where she eventually finds help and healing.
Click Here
Click Here
By Gary Swanson

Each break-out-of-the box teen devotional is followed by mind-boggling questions to help you banish boxdom. Get ready!
The Clifford Goldstein Story
The Clifford Goldstein Story
By Clifford Goldstein

A popular speaker and the author of Between the Lamb and the Lion reveals his compelling conversion experience, the story of a Jewish intellectual who refuses to believe in God until one day the Lord touches his heart with love.
The Close of Probation
The Close of Probation
By Marvin Moore

God has been offering grace and transformation to sinful people for the past six thousand years, and He’s still offering them to us. But time is running out. Probation will end soon, and then God’s offer will be gone forever. “Now is the day of salvation.”
Closing Prayers: Facing the Final Crisis on Our Knees
Closing Prayers: Facing the Final Crisis on Our Knees
By Randy Maxwell

How should Christians pray in the last hours of earth’s history? The final crisis we must be most concerned about is the crisis of self and surrender to the Holy Spirit. God is looking for ordinary men and women who will pray the right prayer at the right time in the right way for the right reason. Are you one of them?
Cloud Country
Cloud Country
By Jan S. Doward

The lure of the open trail comes vividly to life as two young writers tell of an adventure on foot into the vast, rugged Olympics. The preparations and the actual trek into one of our country’s last frontiers will fill the reader with new appreciation of the wild, unconquered country. A feeling of wonderlust and the challenge of new horizons will thrill the beginning hiker.
Color My World With Love (2021 Women Devotional)
Color My World With Love (2021 Women Devotional)
By Carolyn Rathbun Sutton

Today Jesus invites His daughters to color their world. Not only with resources, time, and talent but also in hues of faith and hope, always remembering that “the greatest of these [colors] is love” (1 Corinthians 13:13, NKJV). Witness, then, the broad strokes with which women in these stories have colored their spheres of influence as they fight human trafficking, adopt abused animals, slip shoes on the feet of a suffering stranger, and routinely forego Christmas dinners to feed the homeless.
The Coming Age of Peace
The Coming Age of Peace
By Ralph Blodgett

Ralph Blodgett explains the millennium in light of the pre-millennialist view. He clearly outlines the events that will take place at the beginning, during and end of the millennium.
The Coming Global Crisis
The Coming Global Crisis
By Marvin Moore

The Coming Global Crisis focuses on practical ideas for the spiritual preparation you'll need to keep a level head and a calm trust in God during any crisis, be it personal or the global one that is soon to come.
The Coming Great Calamity
The Coming Great Calamity
By Marvin Moore

Forewarned is forearmed. Be prepared to live through the events that will usher in a new world order. The Coming Great Calamity is a forewarning. It is up to you to be forearmed.
The Coming of the Comforter
The Coming of the Comforter
By LeRoy E. Froom

Answers some of the most vital questions concerning the Holy Spirit. What is the difference between a prick of conscience and the promptings of the Holy Spirit? What are the conditions of being filled with the Spirit? Find out in this book.
The Command: Learning to Love Like Jesus
The Command: Learning to Love Like Jesus
By Bruce Manners

Why is it that we remember the “thou shalt nots” of the 10 Commandments in the Old Testament better than the four “thou shalts” of Jesus in the New Testament? The commands? Love the Lord your God with all your heart. Love your neighbour as yourself. Love one another. Love your enemies. The over-arching command is to love.
Imagine what kind of people we would be if we took Jesus’ commands seriously. In His life and ministry, Jesus modelled what such love looks like—and this book is a call to learn to love like Him. After all, that’s what He commanded us to do.
Commentary on Daniel & Revelation
Commentary on Daniel & Revelation

The sections from The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary on Daniel and Revelation were compiled in this special volume for college and academy classes.
Common Sense Ministry Multiplied
Common Sense Ministry Multiplied
By Jim Cress

For many years, Jim Cress led the GC Ministerial Department. Common Sense Ministry Multiplied is a collection of articles he wrote for Ministry Magazine on church growth and Christian service.
Common-Sense Geology
Common-Sense Geology
By George McCready Price

In this simplified study of geology, written for the average reader, author George McCready Price explains the methods and problems of geology, how rocks are now being made, the movements of the earth’s crust, fossils, the different theories and conclusions, and much more. 
Communion with God: A Devotional Guide for the School of Prayer
Communion with God: A Devotional Guide for the School of Prayer
By Ellen G. White

Communion With God is a devotional guide, with its focus on prayer. 
Community (2021 Young Adult Devotional)
Community (2021 Young Adult Devotional)
By Troy Fitzgerald

In this book we will follow the beginnings and the development of community in the Bible. From the Old Testament, where the principles of community are laid out, to the New Testament, where the stories of Jesus “flesh out” the concept of community, it is in His interaction with the disciples, His encounters with people, and His teachings that we find the true purpose of community.
Companion to Adult Sabbath School Quarterly: Ellen White Notes on Ephesians: July | August | September 2023
Companion to Adult Sabbath School Quarterly: Ellen White Notes on Ephesians: July | August | September 2023
By Ellen G. White

One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
A Companion to the Adult Bible Study Guide: Ellen White Notes on The Great Controversy
A Companion to the Adult Bible Study Guide: Ellen White Notes on The Great Controversy
By Ellen

One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
Compartir a Jesús es todo
Compartir a Jesús es todo
By Alejandro Bullón

Learn new and simple methods of sharing Jesus with family and friends. Also available is the Sharing Jesus is Everything - study guide for $.60 each. Item number 0816393133. (Spanish)
By Troy Fitzgerald

The parables of Jesus highlight compassion in order to teach us how to reflect His compassion to others. These great truths are worthy of the vehicle of a story to make them memorable and transferable. Every great story has a context. By paying attention to the clues surrounding a story you will get greater insight into the ideas involved.
The Complex Religion of Teens
The Complex Religion of Teens
By Roger Dudley

A lifetime of research reveals how adolescents relate to spiritual matters. This book provides insight into our teenagers. You’ll learn about their brand of religion, how they express it, and how to nurture and mold it successfully.
Comrades In Christ
Comrades In Christ
By George E. Vandeman

In Comrades in Christ, George E. Vandeman gives the reader an inspiring look into the history of Russia and its atheistic government that suppressed religion and undermined the freedom of conscience. 
Confessions of a Christian Wife
Confessions of a Christian Wife
By Heather Thompson Day

Peek behind the Instagram filters and Photoshop effects for an authentic, laugh-out-loud look at author/blogger Heather Thompson Day’s journey into the arms of husband Seth Michael Day, the cutest boy in her sixth-grade class. 
Confidence Amid Chaos
Confidence Amid Chaos
By Mark A. Finley

In these pages, you will discover a new vision of the living Christ. 
Confidence in Chaos
Confidence in Chaos
By John Bradshaw

John Bradshaw reveals not only the depth of the chaos facing our world and the issues coming in the future, but also the certainty of the solutions offered us by the God of heaven. You can have confidence in chaos!
By Ellen G. White

Explains the secret of Jesus' victory in the wilderness of temptation, and how it can be yours today. Ellen White delves beneath the surface to reveal the eternal consequences at stake in the ongoing battle between Christ and Satan.
Congressman Jerry L. Pettis: His Story
Congressman Jerry L. Pettis: His Story
By Miriam Wood

Even the final tragedy that brought Jerry’s life to an untimely end carried with it an aura of nobility—but you will have to read about it all. Miram Wood, a classmate of Jerry’s at Pacific Union College, traces the dynamics and the milestones of one of the outstanding men of our times—Jerry Pettis, congressman. 
By Trudy J. Morgan-Cole

This young adult devotional will help you to thrive in the world of relationships and to grow spiritually as you watch God working in other lives.
By Steve Case

In this book, Connection, author Steve Case draws from the classic Steps to Christ, and provides a fresh perspective that will strike familiar chords and new harmonies with those who have already searched for God.
Conquering High Mountains
Conquering High Mountains
By Marvin Moore

Conquering High Mountains shares the story, hopes, and bravery of the Beans--which now allows Christian denominations of Bolivia to live free and work together for the common goal of uplifting humanity and bringing Jesus Christ into the hearts of the rich and poor, high and low. 
Conquering Personal Problems
Conquering Personal Problems
By Arthur L. Bietz

Conquering Personal Problems is a result of intimate contacts and study of the negative mental attitudes that confront Christian men and women. 
Conquering the Dragon Within
Conquering the Dragon Within
By Marvin Moore

Conquering the Dragon Within is about victory--victory over the temptations and failings that make us less than God wants us to be. Drawing on the distilled counsel of the Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Twelve-Step recovery movement, author and editor Marvin Moore shows us that a relationship with Jesus is the key to transforming our characters. He shares effective spiritual strategies for defeating the enemy and resisting his temptations.
Contemporary Evangelism for the 21st Century
Contemporary Evangelism for the 21st Century
By Carlton P. Byrd

In this book, Contemporary Evangelism for the 21st Century, Dr. Byrd has done just that. He carefully outlines the historical successes of evangelistic efforts of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Conversations With Jesus
Conversations With Jesus
By Jerry D. Thomas

Just as surely as Jesus spoke to Peter, or Martha, or a paralyzed man lying on a stretcher, He will speak to you. Author Jerry D. Thomas allows us to listen in on real conversations the Son of God had with ordinary people. People who struggled with the same issues we struggle with today.
By Melanie Scherencel Bockmann

One angry teenager behind bars for his role in a crime spree. One copy of The Living Bible. One life changed in ways nobody who knew him would have ever predicted.
Conviction 2019 Young Adult Devotional
Conviction 2019 Young Adult Devotional
By Troy Fitzgerald

Conviction is refined in the fires of effort, failure, faith and hope. While conviction is a matter of the heart, it is also displayed on your sleeve. 
Cooling Down Stress
Cooling Down Stress
By Cameron Johnston

Chris Brooks’ new start-up is booming and everyone thinks he is a success. But when his 30-year-old sales manager unexpectedly dies of a heart attack and his friend Kate is diagnosed with cancer, Chris is forced to take an honest look at how he’s really doing.
Cooling Down Stress follows Chris and his wife Jessica as they attend a series of wellness seminars and learn strategies for managing their stress effectively. Based on author Cameron Johnston’s extensive experience in presenting seminars on this topic and his analogy of cooling down soup, this engaging book provides simple, practical steps to relieve stress, anxiety and depression, improve well-being and deal with deep-seated issues like anger and grief.
Cooling Down Teen Stress
Cooling Down Teen Stress
By Delight Johnson Chandler

An exciting story, by a teen for teens, that relates to the stresses of everyday life. Live a year with Derisa—an energetic, smart, caring and otherwise typical high school student—as she navigates challenges in and out of school. Her story deals with real life-and-death issues, like dating, parents, fear, jobs, grades, suicide and grief.
Coping Isn't Enough
Coping Isn't Enough
By George Vandeman

Many people today seem to be crying out for just enough strength to cope. But is coping enough?  The author doesn’t think so.  He shows how one can be in control, full of energy, and headed in a positive direction. Also contained is a powerful concise overview of the great plan of salvation.
Correct Time, Please!
Correct Time, Please!
By Theodore Carcich

This little book contains twelve essays intended to provoke introspection and self-examination on a variety of subjects such as marriage, prejudice, giving Christian counsel, and the quality of the Christian worker.  
Could It Really Happen?
Could It Really Happen?
By Marvin Moore

From the beginning of our church, we have held the strong conviction that God has called us to warn the world of what lies ahead. But what if our prophetic understanding is wrong? On the other hand, if it is correct, don’t we have an enormous responsibility to tell the world what we believe?
Counsels on Diet and Foods
Counsels on Diet and Foods
By Ellen G. White

Ellen White's writings in the field of health have stood well the test of time and the advances of science.  Generations of readers have found them to be a powerful aid in obtaining that self-control that promotes clearness of mind and purity of heart.
Counsels on Sabbath School Work
Counsels on Sabbath School Work
By Ellen G. White

The author provides inspired instruction on the qualifications of a teacher, appropriate attitudes, methods of teaching, discipline, gaining respect, encouraging generosity, meeting controversy, and many other practical topics.
Counsels on Stewardship
Counsels on Stewardship
By Ellen G. White

God promises those who use the talent of wealth to bless others: "Give, and it shall be given unto you" (Luke 6:38). The inspired principles of sound economy in this volume will repay rich dividends. You can't take it with you, but you can send it ahead before you go. This book tells you how.
Counsels to Parents, Teachers and Students
Counsels to Parents, Teachers and Students
By Ellen G. White

Counsel is given on conducting a school, with special attention to subject matter, discipline, and objectives to be emphasized.
Countering the Big Killers
Countering the Big Killers
By George Vandeman

Today cancer, heart disease, alcoholism, and obesity are claiming thousands of lives each year. But Seventh-day Adventists are much less affected by these modern-day plagues. This group is used as a springboard for the author to introduce sound health principles.
Courageous Kids
Courageous Kids
By Charles Mills

See how people who choose courage over fear end up learning valuable lessons too. Their experiences make their faith in God stronger and give them power to deal with life’s dangerous and sometimes unfair challenges—both large and small. It’s true! Because, with God on their side, they actually fear less. - Ages 10-14
Covenant In Blood
Covenant In Blood
By Gerhard F. Hansel

Simply and clearly, Dr. Hasel introduces his readers to the profound meaning of the biblical covenants—God’s gracious arrangement with men and women, signed in blood.   
Covered and Carried (2022 Women Devotional)
Covered and Carried (2022 Women Devotional)
By Carolyn Rathbun Sutton

In Covered and Carried, contemporary daughters of God tell their stories of rejecting enemy lies—lies such as “God has abandoned you, leaving you unprotected, alone, and without hope.” With confident voices, they share from personal experience how “God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8, NIV). They tell of grace, perseverance, and new beginnings.
Coyotes in the Wind
Coyotes in the Wind
By Paula Montgomery

Tall fir trees. Rustling winds. The eerie howls of coyotes in the night. All were part of life on Becka Bailey's mountain in southern Washington.
Cracked Glasses
Cracked Glasses
By Heather Thompson Day

Heather Marie Thompson explores myths that make us feel we’re not good enough for God, external distractions that keep us from spending time with Him, and what it means to be an authentic Christian in a phony world.
Crash Landing
Crash Landing
By Robert L. Osmunson

Crash Landing is written around a theme of flying experiences. As a preacher-pilot, the author has found many analogies to vital truths that come to one’s mind when flying. He seeks to relate the lessons Jesus taught in the Bible to this generation of flight and speed.
Creation and Evolution
Creation and Evolution
By Dwight K. Nelson

The debate is heating up! Did a loving God create this earth or are we the random product of millions of years of natural selection? 
Creation Not Evolution
Creation Not Evolution
By Alonzo L. Baker, Francis D. Nichol

Proceeding on the belief that the Bible is indeed the very Word of God, and that the book of Genesis gives the true account of the beginnings of our world, the author shows that the various facts of nature alleged to prove evolution do not prove it at all.  
Creation, Catastrophe, and Calvary
Creation, Catastrophe, and Calvary
By John Templeton Baldwin

Chapters by leading Adventist scholars provide an in depth biblical and geological analyses of issues related to the biblical creation and flood narratives.
Creation: Nature's Design and Designer
Creation: Nature's Design and Designer
By Richard H. Utt

In this little book, the author examines how nature is designed and how it points to a Designer.
Creation? Really?
Creation? Really?
By Leonard Brand

Creation? Really? is a great book to share with someone who is challenged by scientific fact and how it relates to evolution and creation.  
Creative Hospitality
Creative Hospitality
By Nancy Van Pelt

Certified home economist Nancy Van Pelt helps you turn home entertaining into a Christian ministry. Includes menu preparation, food presentation, introductions, relating to guests, reaching out to coworkers and neighbors, and quick fixes for an unprepared home.
The Creator and His Workshop
The Creator and His Workshop
By R. E. Hoen

In The Creator and His Workshop, author Reu E. Hoen seeks to explain the relationship between God, creation, and redemption. 
The Creed That Changed the World
The Creed That Changed the World
By Walter Raymond Beach

This inspiring book on the ancient and famous Apostles’ Creed, builds the Creed’s twelve articles into a framework of belief rich in meaning for all Christians. 
By Jaime Jorge

Since Jaime’s first book No More Broken Strings was published in 2002, his life has been a roller coaster of highs and lows. At first everything seemed to go just right: the mysterious illness disappeared, his musical ministry grew and took him all over the world, he was surrounded by family and friends. Life was perfect. Until it all began to fall apart. 
Crimson Coats & Kimonos
Crimson Coats & Kimonos
By Herbert Ford

Here Herbert Ford, author of the best seller “Flee the Captor”, records another chapter in the continuing story of what devoted men and women can do when their weakness is united to God’s might. 
The Crisis Ahead
The Crisis Ahead
By Robert W. Olson

Here are Ellen White's inspired insights into last-day events arranged in a systematic sequence as answers to simple questions posed by Robert W. Olson. She explains not only what will happen, but how to get ready for it.
The Crisis of the End Time
The Crisis of the End Time
By Marvin Moore

With compelling evidence from Scripture and the Spirit of Prophecy, Marvin Moore suggests the greatest crisis in human history is about to break upon us with startling speed and ferocity. The Crisis of the End Time will help the reader walk with Jesus through the coming storm without fear.
The Cross and the Millennium
The Cross and the Millennium
By Peter Colquhoun

There are many theories about the millennium within the Christian community. Some believe it takes place before Jesus’ return and some after. Some believe there is a connection between the millennium and the Old Testament prophecies about Israel. And some believe the millennium will allow people a second chance of salvation. Despite these different ideas, one thing is certain—Jesus has only one resolution to earth’s history in mind.
This fresh look at the millennium examines Revelation through the lens of Calvary. Discover how the millennial events complete the work Jesus began on the cross—guaranteeing both the end of evil and the thrill of eternity in the earth made new, face to face with our Redeemer and King.
The Cross of Christ
The Cross of Christ
By George R. Knight

At the heart of Christianity is the issue of sin and atonement. Knight addresses such crucial topics as God’s justice, the human response to salvation, and God’s solution for reversing the consequences of sin.
Crossing Jordan
Crossing Jordan
By Roy Adams

Author Roy Adams brings the Book of Joshua to life. He provides an understanding of Israel's military campaign, grapples with the divine command to slaughter man and beast, and makes an important contribution to understanding violence in the Old Testament at a time when our society is preoccupied with questions of terrorism and jihad.
Crossing Jordan at Flood Tide
Crossing Jordan at Flood Tide
By R. H. Nightingale

This book is principally a call to soul winning. It is a “how” book for the minister in his leadership role, for the church officer and member in his personal response to the spiritual needs of those about him.
Crusader For Creation
Crusader For Creation
By Harold W. Clark

Crusader for Creation is about the life and writings of George McCready Price, a Seventh-day Adventist with very limited professional training, who became Fundamentalism’s leading apologist in the domain of geology. His influence is staggering. 
The Cry of A Lonely Planet
The Cry of A Lonely Planet
By George E. Vandeman

This addition to the Heritage collection looks at the "why" in the world around us; wars, crime, death, disasters, and false prophets. And most importantly, why this lonely planet is full of tears—and what God intends to do about it.
Cupcake Hill
Cupcake Hill
By Juanita Napoles Romano

Yet, the sense that God is with them, and will lead them out of their poverty, prevails. Cupcake Hill is the story of one woman’s spiritual growth. From the exuberance and innocence of childhood, the poverty of young adulthood, and the tragedy of disease, Juanita matures into a woman of hopeful courage. 
The Cure for the Last Daze
The Cure for the Last Daze
By Karl Haffner

The Cure for the Last Daze, by pastor and author Karl Haffner, is written for seekers (not scholars!) who desire a working understanding of the events leading up to the apocalypse in order to survive the storm.
Curse - Proof!
Curse - Proof!
By Eric B. Hare

This is a never-before published storybook by one of the church’s most beloved authors and storytellers, Eric B. Hare. After many years his daughter-in-law, Patti Hare, found his handwritten manuscript and carefully transcribed it, and submitted it for publication.
The Curse
The Curse
By Cheryl Summers

The Curse is the true story of one woman’s epic flight through the darkness of demonic oppression to the freedom that can only come with complete surrender to the Father of light.
Damsel, Arise!
Damsel, Arise!
By Jennifer Jill Schwirzer

This book is about womankind—her creation, her fall, and her renewal in the Redeemer’s love. Though the enemy has exploited sin’s consequences; we are reminded that God is still mighty to save.  
Danger On High Street
Danger On High Street
By Primary Treasure

The editors of this little book picked out some of the very best stories from the children’s paper called Primary Treasure and put them in this little book for boys and girls. 
The Danger Within
The Danger Within
By Manuel Vasquez

Vasquez’s research proves that the New Age is far more than psychics and channelers, crystals and horoscopes. It is a sinister conspiracy to penetrate the minds, homes, and lives of unsuspecting Christians and set them up for Satan’s final grand deception.
Daniel (Adult Bible Study Guide) Q1 2020
Daniel (Adult Bible Study Guide) Q1 2020
By Elias Brasil de Souza

Each quarter, the Seventh-day Adventist Church publishes a 'Quarterly" Sabbath School Bible Study Guide to be used in Sabbath School, for personal Bible study, or in any other setting in which a deeper understanding of God’s Word is desired.

The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. Written by a variety of authors, the study guide encourages personal time with God and His Word. Memory texts and key thoughts from the authors provide an opportunity for spiritual growth.
Daniel (Ellen White Notes) 1Q2020
Daniel (Ellen White Notes) 1Q2020
By Ellen G. White

One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
Daniel and Revelation
Daniel and Revelation
By Uriah Smith

This timeless classic, reintroduced in the Treasures of Faith Library collection, is an essential part of every Adventist home library. With wisdom and clarity Uriah Smith explores the symbols, meaning, and significance of the biblical prophecies and causes readers to trust the sure Word of God.
Dare to Stand Alone
Dare to Stand Alone
By Bradley Booth

Religion was suppressed. Christians were forced to practice their faith secretly. Yet one teenage boy found the courage to stand up and speak boldly about his God. Not just to his friends or in a private church meeting—but on a military base. In front of nearly 3,000 enlisted men . . . and one colonel.
Daring To Ask For More
Daring To Ask For More
By Melody Mason

Melody Mason’s new book, Daring to Ask for More, is driving me to my knees. My needs are so great and my resources so few, what self-righteousness it is to pray so little. Thank you for that push! Frank FournierPresident, ASI
Daring To Ask For More - Sharing Edition
Daring To Ask For More - Sharing Edition
By Melody Mason

Wherever you find yourself in your spiritual journey, whether you are a seeker, a churchgoer, or just testing the waters of belief in the God of the Bible, this book will inspire and challenge you to a life of faith and purpose.
Daring To Live By Every Word
Daring To Live By Every Word
By Melody Mason

Daring to Live by Every Word brings us back to the basic religion of Christ: unapologetic, devoted and committed to a glorious ideal. Let these pages invite you to relish the beauty of God's Word and what if really means to love and worship the Living Word, the One who created, rescued, and redeemed us.
Dark Night, Brilliant Star
Dark Night, Brilliant Star
By Eileen E. Lantry

This is the true story of Abram La Rue, a missionary to the island of Hong Kong. For fourteen years, he and a friend distributed magazines, tracts, and books and spoke the good news of salvation wherever they went. 
Dark Tunnels and Bright Lights
Dark Tunnels and Bright Lights
By Mark Finley and Steven Mosley

What really happens when a person dies? Where can we find an authoritative source for understanding death? 
Darkness Will Not Overcome
Darkness Will Not Overcome
By Richie Halversen

Opioid use is an epidemic. But all the statistics in the world won’t make the same impact as one true story. Starting that day, Richie’s life began to turn around. God never gave up on Richie, and He won’t give up on you.
Daughter of Son-Light
Daughter of Son-Light
By Janet L. Kangas and Elisabeth S. McFadden

Daughter of Son-Light is the story of the miracles in Maria’s life as a Seventh-day Adventist Christian: How Jesus Christ, Son of God, Light of the world (Son-Light) guided her into a saving ministry for thousands of people. 
Daughters of Grace
Daughters of Grace
By Trudy J. Morgan-Cole

They were like you.  They laughed and cried, struggled and triumphed—they were talented and they were inadequate.  And no matter the circumstances, God had a plan for them—every one of them was valuable in His eyes.
David and His Harp
David and His Harp
By Madge Haines Morrill

Kids can read this book and experience David's writings in a whole new way.
David's Revenge
David's Revenge
By Brad Watson

Caught in a fire storm while hiking, David is forced to run for his life. Then, high on a deadly cliff, he must find a way to save a schoolmate from a terrifying fall. As they recover from their ordeal and the lies that follow, David and his friends face challenges and choices. But David's most important task is finding something better than revenge. A follow-up to Finding David, David's Revenge is a story of friendship, choices, perseverance and hope.
David's Triumph
David's Triumph
By Brad Watson

Things were looking up for David—his family was back together, he had great friends and a new, beautiful girl was on the scene. But all of that was about to change. At home, school and in the wilds of a deep canyon, David comes face-to-face with life’s biggest challenges and quickly learns that real success and happiness don’t always come easy.
David’s Triumph is a story of love, loss, making decisions and finding the strength to carry on.
David: A Heart Like His
David: A Heart Like His
By Larry L. Lichtenwalter

David had an instinct for the divine. He poured out his passion for God in song. He danced before God. He wept before God. As a result, Scripture says more about him than about Christ. Artists have sculpted him. Libraries of books have been written about him. All because at the center of David was God.
David: Dancing Like a King
David: Dancing Like a King
By Larry L. Lichtenwalter

He can kill giants. Capture fortresses. But can he subdue self?  At last David is king. He can defeat the Philistines. But can he resist a beautiful woman? 
David: Faith on the Run
David: Faith on the Run
By Larry L. Lichtenwalter

The subject of this second volume on the life of David is his fugitive years, when his passion for God was stressed to the breaking point. He starts out holding Goliath's severed head and ends up weeping over the death of nemesis Saul and soul mate Jonathan. In between-he runs.
A Day for Healing
A Day for Healing
By John C. Brunt

A Day for Healing examines these miracles with the intent of helping Sabbath-keepers understand what Jesus was trying to teach us, and to demonstrate what the Sabbath is─and what it is not. 
The Day the Cat Jumped
The Day the Cat Jumped
By George E. Vandeman

Getting its name from the code name used by the Japanese for their assault on Pearl Harbor, this book deals with last-day events and where we stand in the stream of prophetic time.
The Day The School Blew Up
The Day The School Blew Up
By Seth J. Pierce

A funny, engaging story that portrays spiritual growth in an attractive and compelling way that kids 10-14 will respond to.
De maltratada a bendecida
De maltratada a bendecida
By Brenda Walsh with Kay D. Rizzo

De maltratada a bendecidarelata el increíble recorrido de Brenda desde el dolor hacia la paz: poder  amar de nuevo, confiar nuevamente y vivir toda una nueva vida de increíble alegría en Jesús. loroso, y que puede hacer nuevas todas las cosas.
Dear Friend
Dear Friend
By Carol Amen

In this book, Carol Amen gives you tips on how to write good letters, the kinds of letters to write and whom you might write to that you never thought about before. 
Dear Miriam
Dear Miriam
By Miriam Wood

This book contains previously published and never-before-released letters covering everything from sexual abuse to the resurrection of pets. Miriam’s spiritual gifts of insight and discernment are sure to enrich your life.
Dearest Folks
Dearest Folks
By Margaret Watts

In 1956, Sydney nurse Margaret Watts and her husband Horrie set out on the adventure of a lifetime: mission service in Vanuatu (then the New Hebrides), followed by further years serving on the island of Bougainville in the then-Territory of New Guinea. In these letters sent home to family in Australia, Margaret gives a thorough account of what daily life was like working as a missionary nurse in remote areas of the Pacific.
Decade of Destiny
Decade of Destiny
By George E. Vandeman

Decade of Destiny, by George E. Vandeman, probes the explosive issues of the upcoming changes in the world and investigates the many ways we have suffered serious loss in our society, despite all our technological advances. 
Decoding Bible Prophecy
Decoding Bible Prophecy
By Ron E. M. Clouzet

This sharing book is about understanding what the Bible prophets said, especially apocalyptic prophets like Daniel and John the Revelator. It is about knowing how to read those prophecies and make sense of some difficult passages in the Bible. You will learn principles of interpretation, the meaning of a number of apocalyptic symbols, and important hints regarding major time prophecies.  
Deep River Lawd
Deep River Lawd
By Jean E. Holmes

Deep River, Lawd finds Gilbert Weldon, successful master of the Weldon Oaks plantation, battling to keep the loyalty of his slaves . . . and the respect of his abolitionist son, Gilly.
The Deep Things of God
The Deep Things of God
By Jon Paulien

This practical handbook for studying the book of Revelation brings a fresh look and helpful insights to a sometimes perplexing book.
Del Delker
Del Delker
By Ken Wade

Accepting the call to come to the Voice of Prophecy to sing for the Master was a life-changing decision. And for the past fifty-five years I’ve traveled all over the world representing the Voice of Prophecy—and most importantly, the Lord!
The Delay
The Delay
By Marvin Moore

Popular author Marvin Moore reminds us that, ever since Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, God's people have been looking for his return. Our perceived delay of Christ's second coming is troublesome to many, but Moore reveals that everything that happens within God's will, happens according to His timetable.
Delightful Discoveries in Prayer
Delightful Discoveries in Prayer
By Glenn and Ethel Coon

There is nothing more delightful than discovering the joy found in the basic principles of prayer. Every time Glenn and Ethel Coon re-examine the principles, they stand in astonishment and awe of God. 
By Alla Czerkasij

Haunting and inspiring, this is the true story of a girl who, amid the soul-ravaging horrors of war, came to know the God of hope and deliverance.  
Desert Redemption
Desert Redemption
By Scott Harrison Sutton

In this richly textured tale of spiritual coming of age in a Muslim country, you will learn what Islam and Christianity share in common and get acquainted with contemporary Christian life in a Gulf Arab state.
Desert Track and Jungle Trail
Desert Track and Jungle Trail
By Virgil Robinson

With irrepressible zeal and love for the people of Africa, William Harrison Anderson set out in 1895, with his wife, Nora, and two other missionaries on what would become the journey of a lifetime.
The Desire Of Ages [Illustrated]
The Desire Of Ages [Illustrated]
By Ellen G. White

The Desire of Ages, Volume 3 of the Conflict of the Ages series, is Ellen White's classic on the life of Jesus. Follow Him in these pages from His birth in Bethlehem's stable to His death on the cross, His glorious resurrection, and triumphant return to heaven.
Desire of Ages Illustrated
Desire of Ages Illustrated
By Ellen G. White

This illustrated version of the classic book on the life of Christ is perfect for sharing the story of Jesus with others.
Desmond Doss: Conscientious Objector
Desmond Doss: Conscientious Objector
By Frances Doss

From an accident-prone childhood to World War II gallantry, the tragic loss of his first wife, Dorothy, and his battles with deafness and cancer, Desmond Doss has lived a life of unsurpassed devotion. Devotion to his country, his convictions, and his God.
Destination Life
Destination Life
By George E. Vandeman

The author, George Vandeman, explains life after death using simple, compelling logic.
By Karl Haffner

Haffner’s wit and wisdom combine in this lightheartedly serious exploration of three questions to which our souls demand answers: Who am I, why am I here, and where am I going?
Determined to Love
Determined to Love
By Kay D. Rizzo

Ferdinand and Ana Stahl heard it all, and refused to believe. They had given their lives to improving the lot of the Indians of South America, and particularly to leading them to Christ. They were determined to love these people who were being ground down by the upper class. 
By Mabel Latsha

In this book you will find how God directed the lives of two strangers through a chance encounter and changed their lives forever.  
Deuteronomy:  The Book of Love (Bible Bookshelf BBS 4Q 2021)
Deuteronomy: The Book of Love (Bible Bookshelf BBS 4Q 2021)
By Jiri Moskala

Through the beautiful book of Deuteronomy, discover God’s passion for His people, and learn how to love, admire, obey, worship, serve, fear, and follow the Lord out of gratitude for who He is, what He has done, is doing, and will do.
The Difference is Prayer
The Difference is Prayer
By Ruthie Jacobsen

Stories of answered prayer and guidelines for setting up a prayer ministry in your church.
By Ruth Wheeler and Harold G. Coffin

This book takes a look at what we have learned about some ancient creatures—the dinosaurs. 
Disapearing Truths
Disapearing Truths
By Mark Finley and Steven Mosley

Disappearing Truths takes on the tough issues of the 21st century and tackles them head-on. In a candid, straightforward manner, Mark Finley and Steven Mosley bring a biblical perspective to such issues as moral purity, honesty, knowing truth, living a principled life and living without compromise.
Disarming Depression
Disarming Depression
By George Vandeman

Learn about the various forms of depression and how they can be overcome. Also presented is the wonderful news of Jesus Christ and what He can do for modern men and women.
The Disciple Diaries
The Disciple Diaries
By Ray Minner

A devotional book for teens based on the life of the Apostle John.
Discipleship Adult Bible Study Guide 1Q 2014
Discipleship Adult Bible Study Guide 1Q 2014
By Dan Solis

The topic of this quarter is discipleship. Though the term has many facets, in this study we will look at discipleship as the process by which we become followers of Jesus and, as such, better soul winners.
Discipleship Bible Book Shelf 1Q 2014
Discipleship Bible Book Shelf 1Q 2014
By Dan Solis

Discipleship is a powerful, practical and deeply spiritual resource for anyone who has ever wanted to know how to lead people into God’s kingdom. Bible Book Shelf companion for Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide for 1st Quarter 2014.
Discover Jesus
Discover Jesus
By Mark A. Finley

Maybe you’ve had a desire to meet Jesus. Or, if you’ve already met Him, perhaps you want to know Him better. In this book, author Mark Finley invites you on a journey to the Holy Land to discover Jesus anew. 
Discoveries In Partnership
Discoveries In Partnership
By Marvin Moore

Discoveries in Partnership is a straightforward discussion on tithing and giving. Its clear and balanced presentation restores the sense of joy and reverence that is ours to experience whenever we put God first.
Do Justice: Our Call to Faithful Living
Do Justice: Our Call to Faithful Living
By Nathan Brown, Joanna Darby

28 chapters exploring the intersection of faith and justice in our lives, our churches, our homes and our world.
Doctor, Doctor
Doctor, Doctor
By Helen Godfrey Pyke

In her efforts to make him successful, Maggie had banished from John’s life the one thing that would make him happy. 
Does God Care?
Does God Care?
By Meade Macquire

“Why does a loving God permit pain and suffering?” How often this question is asked! 
A Dog for Darcy
A Dog for Darcy
By Birdie Leigh Etchison

A Dog for Darcy is the story of how one girl found that even the worst problem can turn out all right in the end—though sometimes in ways that you least expect. 
Don't Forget To Say Thank You
Don't Forget To Say Thank You
By Carol Amen

The author reminds us that gratitude is often hard to express, but we can learn to express it by intentionally seeking to make gestures of appreciation in our everyday life. 
Don't Look Down
Don't Look Down
By Richard H. Utt

This is the stirring story, not of a person, but of what a person accomplished in his 23 short years of life because he took for his motto “Once you start climbing, don’t look down,” and for his aim: “Higher than the highest human thought can reach is God’s ideal for His children.”
Down the River Road
Down the River Road
By Paula Montgomery

Academy! Becka felt her heart thud as she walked up the steps to her new school. A freshman, a stranger, and alone, Becka felt very small and very frightened.
Dr. Arnott's 24 Realistic Ways to Improve Your Health
Dr. Arnott's 24 Realistic Ways to Improve Your Health
By Tim Arnott

Confused about the seemingly endless new and often contradictory health information in circulation today? How about a common-sense reality check on living well? Tim Arnott, MD of the Lifestyle Center of America has produced this helpful book of 24 short, practical health tips based on scientific research and the Bible that will help you live longer, happier, and healthier.
Dr. Gardner C. Taylor: Visits Revelation, the Seven Churches, and Adventists
Dr. Gardner C. Taylor: Visits Revelation, the Seven Churches, and Adventists
By Mervyn A. Warren, Charles Bradford

Taylor delivered sermons at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary and elsewhere at Andrews University, Oakwood University, and several Adventist churches in the United States. Get to know more about this consummate preacher of the gospel and his prophetic preaching in this book.
Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales
By Celia R. Brines

The Chinese are among the finest people on earth. While their heritage and customs differ from ours, their hearts are the same. In Dragon Tales, author Celia R. Brines remembers her work with the women in China, and celebrates the true stories of women she found to be loyal, appreciative, and self-sacrificing.
Draining the Styx
Draining the Styx
By Shawn Boonstra

Life is hard, then you die. It's the truth.  No matter how cleverly we disguise death with silk-lined caskets and magnificent bouquets, we are powerless to stop the inevitable: you will die. But there is hope. Do you want to know more? 
Dramatic Prophecies of Ellen G. White
Dramatic Prophecies of Ellen G. White
By Herbert E. Douglass

This book will rekindle your faith in the Spirit of Prophecy and inspire you to look carefully at those predictions yet to be fulfilled
By Adlai Albert Esteb

Driftwood is a book of religious and nature poems, sonnet sermonettes, and casual rhymes. Some will make you laugh, others will make you cry, but each one will touch somebody’s heart, and that is no lie.
Drinking at the Sources
Drinking at the Sources
By Jacques B. Doukhan

Drinking at the Sources separates historical fact from fiction in an attempt to discover what was responsible for the hatred between early Christians and Jews that carries on to this day. It seeks to identify, from each side’s viewpoint, the decisive factors and arguments both sides have used in constructing seemingly insurmountable walls. 
Ducky, Snowy, and Tige
Ducky, Snowy, and Tige
By Olive M. Bathgate

This book for young children is full of stories about children and their pets. Great for reading to your child at bedtime or for Sabbath readings, this book is sure to delight your younger ones. 
Dynamic Living
Dynamic Living
By Hans Diehl

You'll gain a basic knowledge of nutritional principles, discover how to reverse and normalize diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and lose weight without going hungry, and learn how to manage your life for maximum health and well being.
Dynamic Living Workbook
Dynamic Living Workbook
By Hans Diehl

Become personally involved through learning exercises and activities. Ideal for individual or group study.
E. J. Waggoner: From the Physician of Good News to Agent of Division
E. J. Waggoner: From the Physician of Good News to Agent of Division
By Woodrow W. Whidden II

Ellet Joseph Waggoner—his very name resonates with controversy. But who was E. J. Waggoner, the man? Find out in this enthralling biography of this Adventist pioneer.
The Eagle of Benjamin
The Eagle of Benjamin
By Arthur W. Spalding

From the pen of one of Adventism’s best-loved storytellers comes the dramatic biblical saga of Jonathan: fearless warrior, prince of Israel, friend of David, faithful follower of God. Originally published in 1908, The Eagle of Benjamin is a daring approach to sharing the message of a Bible story in word-pictures that captivate the reader.
Early Writings Study Guide
Early Writings Study Guide
By Ellen G. White

Designed to accompany Early Writings, this study guide contains more than 350 questions.
Easy Obedience
Easy Obedience
By Kay Kuzma

Family specialist Kay Kuzma presents techniques for teaching children self-discipline with love. Part of the Foundations of Parenting series.
Ecclesiastes: All Is Vanity
Ecclesiastes: All Is Vanity
By Jacques B. Doukhan

Author Jacques B. Doukhan, an Adventist scholar of Jewish heritage, identifies contradiction as a symptom of our human condition. “Ecclesiastes affirms the value of work, wisdom, life, and happiness. But all these good values—including religion and even righteousness—contain the potential of corruption and evil.”
Education (Adult Bible Study Guide) Q4 2020
Education (Adult Bible Study Guide) Q4 2020
By Gordon Bietz

Each quarter, the Seventh-day Adventist Church publishes a "Quarterly" Sabbath School Bible Study Guide to be used in Sabbath School, for personal Bible study, or in any other setting in which a deeper understanding of God’s Word is desired.
Education (Ellen White Notes) 4Q 2020
Education (Ellen White Notes) 4Q 2020
By Ellen G. White

One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
Education (Bible Bookshelf) BBS 4Q 2020
Education (Bible Bookshelf) BBS 4Q 2020
By Gordon Bietz

In Gordon Bietz’s Education, you’ll examine the power and the interconnected relationship between Christian education and the family, the Law, personal world view, worship, the local church, and much more.
Effective Pastoral Ministry
Effective Pastoral Ministry
By Nikolaus Satelmajer

Distinguished pastors from around the world share their experience and wisdom.
By Guide

Dive into this brain-bending devotional and meet kids like you who faced tough situations like rejection, honesty, helping others, anger, disabilities, and peer pressure.
Ellen G. White and the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Ellen G. White and the Seventh-day Adventist Church
By D. A. Delafield

Seventh-day Adventists believe that Ellen G. White exercised a true prophetic gift. They believe that God graciously spoke to her in divine revelations, and that through her, He sent inspired messages to His church. 
Ellen G. White Pocket Dictionary
Ellen G. White Pocket Dictionary
By Jud S. Lake and Michael W. Campbell

The Ellen G. White Pocket Dictionary is a simple and ready reference work about the life and writings of Ellen G. White. 
Ellen White and Vegetarianism
Ellen White and Vegetarianism
By Roger W. Coon

It is said that “to err is human,” and this certainly is true of the judgments certain critics of Ellen White have made, claiming that, on the one hand, she urged vegetarianism on Seventh-day Adventists, while on the other, she “secretly” ate meat. This little booklet brings out all the relevant facts and offers a reasonable explanation for these charges. 
The Ellen White Encyclopedia
The Ellen White Encyclopedia
By Jerry Allen Moon and Denis Fortin

This masterwork brings together hundreds of articles that describe the people and events in the life of Ellen White, as well as her stand on numerous topics.
Ellen White Notes on The Book of Mark 3Q24
Ellen White Notes on The Book of Mark 3Q24
By Ellen White

One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
Ellen White on Leadership
Ellen White on Leadership
By Cindy Tutsch

While Ellen White did not invent the term "servant leadership," she put it to practice in her own life. 
Ellen White On Preaching
Ellen White On Preaching
By Mervyn A. Warren

Whether you are a lay preacher, pastor, or evangelist, you will be inspired and instructed by these timeless principles of preaching, including how to construct strong content, organization, language, and delivery.
Ellen White Under Fire
Ellen White Under Fire
By Jud Lake

Dr. Jud Lake provides a comprehensive assessment of Ellen White’s critics, past and present, as well as her defenders, while building confidence in her prophetic gift. Readers will discover that many of the criticisms circulating on the Internet today are not new but have already been answered over a century ago.
Ellen White's Afterlife
Ellen White's Afterlife
By George R. Knight

PROPHET OR PLAGIARIST? One of the most serious questions ever raised about Ellen White. This book examines this question.
Ellen White's World
Ellen White's World
By George R. Knight

This fascinating look at the world in which Ellen White lived provides a deeper appreciating and understanding of her writings. Includes many photographs and drawings illustrating life in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
Ellen White: Friend of Angels
Ellen White: Friend of Angels
By Paul B. Ricchiuti

In Ellen White: Friend of Angels, author and historian Paul Ricchiuti presents Ellen White as a real human being-one who got sick, had pain, cried, laughed, and had close friends and bitter enemies.
Ellen: Trial And Triumph On The American Frontier
Ellen: Trial And Triumph On The American Frontier
By Paul B. Ricchiuti

To this day well-meaning but confused persons have too often been responsible for hurtful distortion of a gentle and lovely Christian lady, a true prophet of a loving Father in heaven.
ELO the Eagle And Other Stories
ELO the Eagle And Other Stories
By Floyd Bralliar

This book is a collection of true stories about wild animals that author Floyd Bralliar knew and loved in his childhood. They will awaken in the reader a genuine love and sympathy for our wild friends.
Elsa, Sweet Singer of Finland
Elsa, Sweet Singer of Finland
By Elsa Luukkanen

There is a living, miracle-performing God who cares for every human being, and of this Elsa witnesses in this stirring story. 
Embrace the Impossible
Embrace the Impossible
By William G. Johnsson

Told as only he can tell it, this the story of William G Johnsson—the story of a man who says yes when God asks him to step out in faith.
Empires In Collision
Empires In Collision
By George E. Vandeman

The words echo out in different languages. But the faces are much the same. Anger, hatred, and violence flare out--all in the name of religion. We preach love and understanding. We all denounce bloodshed. No one wants it.
Empties Drifting By
Empties Drifting By
By Ruth Jaeger Buntain

Why does the witness of the church seem to have so little impact on the world? Perhaps, suggests Ruth Jaeger Buntain, the church has seriously compromised itself—adopting the beliefs, lifestyle, and attitudes of the very world it seeks to reach.
By Dorothy Minchin-Comm

Encore! is the amazing, often comical, but nevertheless inspiring story of the New England Youth Ensemble and their memorable adventures playing the classics before prestigious audiences the world over.  
End Of A Masquerade
End Of A Masquerade
By Helen Godfrey Pyke

Helen Godfrey Pyke recounts one of the most amazing true stories you will ever read. Esther Harrison had to find truth in a world that cunningly mixed truth and deception. End of A Masquerade reminds us how we must cling to biblical truth in a world of satanic illusion and delusion. It is a book that you will never forget.
The End of the World
The End of the World
By Steve Wohlberg

In this little book you’ll discover big things. Whether we like it or not, according to The Holy Bible, “the end of the world” is fast approaching. The unprecedented increase in killer natural disasters – more in 2011 alone than in the entire decade of the 1980’s screams loudly: The end is almost here.
End Time People
End Time People
By Bryan W. Ball

‘The end of all things is at hand,’ intones Peter (1 Peter 4:7). The end of all things? Then what is our plan of action? What preparations must we make? What must we do?
The End
The End
By Herbert E. Douglass

The End looks at the unique voice of Adventists about the return of Jesus.
End-Time Events and The Last Generation
End-Time Events and The Last Generation
By George R. Knight

In this probing book George Knight explores many questions. 
End - Time Hope
End - Time Hope
By Mark A. Finley

The 2013 sharing book from Mark Finley offers encouragement and hope for all. Elder Finley shares the hope of the Second Coming in a new light--as an answer for the calamities happening daily around us (economic crisis, natural disasters, catastrophic events). He reveals the truth about some of the myths surrounding the role of Jerusalem in the last days, and looks at the post-second coming millenium and the end of sin.
Ending the Pain
Ending the Pain
By Lindsey Gendke

In Ending the Pain, Lindsey Gendke examines some of the tough questions most of us don’t ask out loud. She addresses the lies that are whispered and believed by too many hearts and minds, by good Christians, in good Christian homes.  
Engage: Faith that Matters
Engage: Faith that Matters
By Nathan Brown

Faith that matters begins and ends with Jesus—and is focused on Him everywhere in between. But engaging with Jesus will also and always draw us back to our time and place, to our communities and our world.
This collection of essays wrestles with aspects of this faithful process, particularly as it calls us to engage with issues that hurt
those who are most marginalised and vulnerable in our world.
Read, share, enjoy, disagree, think, do, engage . . .
Enjoy the Living Word: Inspiration, Manuscripts and Translations
Enjoy the Living Word: Inspiration, Manuscripts and Translations
By Peter Roennfeldt

The Bible is so important for living as followers of Jesus that it is hardly surprising there are many questions about how it was written, how it came together over many centuries, and how it has been preserved and translated. Even more important: how can we best read and understand the book that we embrace as the Word of God?
Enlightened By the Spirit
Enlightened By the Spirit
By Erwin R. Gane

Has the power failed in your life? In your church? If so, your greatest need is to reconnect with the awesome, stupendous power of the Holy Spirit. We know too little about this wonderful Teacher, Friend, and Guide. This book will acquaint you with this incredible source of spiritual life. 
Enough: Discovering A God Who Is Enough When You're Not
Enough: Discovering A God Who Is Enough When You're Not
By Tamyra Horst

Most women know firsthand the battle of feeling they’re not enough. Or they’re too much. Or both. The real lie is that you have to be enough. Because the truth is that God is enough. Instead of trying and failing, find your purpose and passion, and embrace the role God designed just for you. Because He is enough.
Enriching Your Marriage
Enriching Your Marriage
By Claudio and Pamela Consuegra

In Enriching Your Marriage, relationship experts Drs. Claudio and Pamela Consuegra explain God’s purpose for marriage and take readers step-by-step through the best practices for healthy covenant relationships. Learn to spot pitfalls, identify needs, develop communication and conflict resolution skills, handle finances, and more to build a legacy of faith and family through your home.
By John M. Fowler

His messages sparked riots. His ministry blessed millions. Paul wrote the Ephesians an immortal letter that shows a God that touches the untouchables. With insights from the Indian traditian, Fowler surveys the message of Ephesians and its wall-breaking, barrier-smashing gospel of new relationships that bring races, nationalities, and castes into one new community in Christ.
Ephesians (Adult Bible Study Guide 3Q 2023)
Ephesians (Adult Bible Study Guide 3Q 2023)
By John K McVay

The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. Written by a variety of authors, the study guide encourages personal time with God and His Word. Memory texts and key thoughts from the authors provide an opportunity for spiritual growth.
Ephesians - 3Q 2023 Bible Bookshelf
Ephesians - 3Q 2023 Bible Bookshelf
By John K McVay

Faulty as the church may be, God works through it to put evil on notice. The rescue is underway, and Satan is doomed. God’s plan to unify everything in Christ has begun and will succeed!
By Sandy Zaugg

Join Dieter and his mother as they flee for their lives through Nazi Germany. Discover how God provided strength for their journey and protection in many close calls.
Escape From Alcohol
Escape From Alcohol
By Donald H. Hewitt

In this book, author Donald W. Hewitt, M.D. cites a few of the many alcoholic cases that have come to his attention over a span of fifteen years of practice. 
Escape From Egypt
Escape From Egypt
By Bradley Booth

Do you trust God even in bad times? Let this story of God's power and victory help you to always put your trust in Him.
Escape From Saigon
Escape From Saigon
By Ralph Watts

How the church survived the final days of the Vietnam War. Who lives? Who dies? A Vietnamese conference president and his staff wrestled all night with that decision.
Escape From the Flames
Escape From the Flames
By Alden Thompson

Sometimes labeled as controversial but always known as an honest seeker of truth, scholar and author Alden Thompson shares how Ellen White escaped a fearful view of God and discovered joy in the Lord.
The Essential Jesus
The Essential Jesus
By Ball & Johnson

What if . . . . . . the biblical records of Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection were merely the "wishful thinking of the early church"? . . . Jesus wasn't the divine-human Savior of sinful humanity, but instead a Jewish sage, a religious genius, a misguided visionary or a magician? . . . people of faith the world over are praying to a Jesus who isn't there?
Esther A Star Is Born
Esther A Star Is Born
By Bradley Booth

Chosen by the king, and chosen by God—where would her loyalties lie?
Esther the Brave Queen: I Can Read Series
Esther the Brave Queen: I Can Read Series
By Rose Gamblin

Children will be able to read the exciting story of Esther the Brave Queen all by themselves. They'll see how she was protected by God and chosen to save her people. This series was developed for the classroom, and home school teaching kids and encouraging the youngest of readers.
Esther: Courage to Stand
Esther: Courage to Stand
By Trudy J. Morgan-Cole

She was stolen from her home on the whim of a king. This once-carefree Jewish girl became the wife of a powerful pagan king. Esther spent years wondering why God had allowed this to happen. What possible reason could there be for such a bizarre turn of events in her life? Then one day the answer lay before her, shining and dangerous as a sword.
Evangelism 2000
Evangelism 2000
By John W. Fowler

Christ’s church is always one generation away from extinction. If it fails to evangelize, it will cease to exist. In an era when some challenge the relevance of evangelism, others diligently seek new, creative ways of reaching men and women with the gospel. 
Everlasting Gospel Ever-Changing World
Everlasting Gospel Ever-Changing World
By Jon Paulien

If it's our desire to bring secular people into a relationship with God, we must be willing to share ourselves in deep relationship with them. 
Every Day A New Beginning (2023 Adult Devotional)
Every Day A New Beginning (2023 Adult Devotional)
By Alberto R. Timm

This daily devotional book’s pages each highlight a specific event that occurred on the same day in world history, within Christianity, in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, or during the life of Ellen G. White or others. Explore the historical event, examine the theological implications, and power your day with a related devotional message.
Every Good Thing
Every Good Thing
By Mike Tucker

This book teaches spiritual habits through the Bible and shows how to integrate them into our lives to stave off spiritual hunger. Complete with exercises at the end of each chapter, it is perfect for personal study or small groups.
Everyone Welcome
Everyone Welcome
By Roger Hernandez

Everyone Welcome is a powerful, insightful, and honest resource for anyone wanting their church to make a difference in their families and communities. 
Evolutionary Geology
Evolutionary Geology
By George McCready Price

Evolutionary Geology seeks to consider, in detail, the prevailing theories of geology, specifically, the theory upon which evolution is so absolutely dependent. The author will help the reader determine, through science, whether this order of succession among the fossils is a fact or only a theory, and if only a theory, to see how reliable it is in the light of modern geological discoveries. 
Exalting His Word
Exalting His Word
By Shelley J. Quinn

Author Shelley Quinn reaches down into the heart of God’s Word and pulls from its depths many of the treasures hidden there. Like others who have hungered and thirsted after righteousness, Shelley discovered that the secret to having a deep and lasting relationship with God is found in the study of His Word.
Exile of the Chosen
Exile of the Chosen
By Sally Pierson Dillon

In author Sally Dillon's child's-eye view of sacred history, prophets and kings and scheming scoundrels come alive in vivid technicolor. What a splendid way to experience the later history of Israel and Judah, and become friends with the friends of God!

Expect Great Things
Expect Great Things
By Richard O'Ffill

Sometimes the Christian life can seem complicated. So many duties! So much good advice! How does one put it all together? Step-by-step assembly instructions would be nice. This book aims to provide a template for successful Christian living, showing where all the pieces fit. The ultimate goal: to be like Jesus.
Experience God
Experience God
By Mark Finley and Steven Mosley

In this little book, you can learn how to experience God’s Power, wisdom, faithfulness, love, comfort, family and peace. 
Experiencing God's Love
Experiencing God's Love
By Various Authors

When was the last time you experienced unconditional love? Does your soul yearn for peace? Do you long for forgiveness? Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Can you know for certain that Jesus died for you? That His everlasting love is yours? Experiencing God's Love will provide Bible-based answers to these important questions and more. 
Exploring Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon: A Devotional Commentary
Exploring Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon: A Devotional Commentary
By George R. Knight

This devotional commentary, by George Knight, will help the Sabbath school teacher, the Bible student and scholar. Uncover new facets in these often overlooked books. This volume will present the reader with an abundance of material about biblical writing style, poetry, marital customs, original language, and practical application for today. These things make it truly a devotional commentary good for many purposes.
Exploring Galatians & Ephesians
Exploring Galatians & Ephesians
By George R. Knight

This user-friendly devotional commentary divides the text of Galatians and Ephesians into bite-sized passages, giving us an opportunity to examine more carefully the topics of justification by faith and holy living.
Exploring God's Answers
Exploring God's Answers
By Arthur L. Bietz

Arthur L. Bietz, Ph.D., was for many years Professor and Director of the Division of Religion, College of Medical Evangelists (now Loma Linda University), Los Angeles, and pastor of the White Memorial Seventh-day Adventist Church. Dr. Bietz was well-known as a Bible student and an authority in counseling and guidance.
Exploring Hebrews: A Devotional Commentary
Exploring Hebrews: A Devotional Commentary
By George R. Knight

In this easy-to-use devotional commentary, the author leads you, step by step, through one of the most relevant books in the Bible.
Exploring Mark: A Devotional Commentary
Exploring Mark: A Devotional Commentary
By George R. Knight

George Knight brings Mark's world down to ours with a user-friendly devotional commentary that goes behind the scenes and, with a new translation, unfolds the rich tapestry of Mark for contemporary Christians.
Exploring Romans
Exploring Romans
By George R. Knight

This devotional commentary divides the entire book of Romans into short passages that are followed by a detailed, user-friendly exegetical explanation and practical application to everyday life. The lives of such men as Martin Luther and John Wesley, whose writings helped shape Western history, were changed by the study of Romans. It will change your life as well.

Exploring the Letters of John and Jude
Exploring the Letters of John and Jude
By George R. Knight

This user-friendly devotional commentary divides the entire text of these four letters into bite-sized passages using a new translation by the author. Each passage is followed by the exegetical meaning as well as the practical application for the lives of twenty-first-century believers. Small study groups and individuals alike will benefit from this format and better understand God’s timely and very personal message.  
Exploring Thessalonians
Exploring Thessalonians
By George R. Knight

The letters of Paul to the Thessalonian believers not only provide insight into the challenges faced by one of the early Christian churches, but also allow a glimpse into the great pastoral heart of the stalwart evangelist.
Eyes of the Crocodile
Eyes of the Crocodile
By Charles Mills

This devotional includes stories and poems by juniors like you and contributions by Karl Haffner, Art and Pat Humphrey, Jane Chase, and Lawrence Maxwell. But most of it comes from the prolific pen of Charles Mills, who once got punched in the face for keeping the Sabbath.

Ezra and Nehemiah (Adult Bible Study Guide 4Q 2019)
Ezra and Nehemiah (Adult Bible Study Guide 4Q 2019)
By Jiri Moskala

The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. 
Ezra and Nehemiah (Ellen G. White Notes 4Q 2019)
Ezra and Nehemiah (Ellen G. White Notes 4Q 2019)
By Ellen G. White

One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
Ezra and Nehemiah Bible Book Shelf 4Q 2019
Ezra and Nehemiah Bible Book Shelf 4Q 2019
By Jiri Moskala

The books of Ezra and Nehemiah begin with great expectations and hope. God intervened in human affairs, and wonderful things started to take place.
Fabulous Food for Family and Friends
Fabulous Food for Family and Friends
By Cheryl Thomas Peters

This cookbook will help you entertain with elegance and style and make it simpler than ever before. Full-course vegetarian menus save you time and bring sumptuous, heart-healthy spreads to your table. Included are more than 130 recipes.
Face Time
Face Time
By General Conference

These Bible studies for teens and young adults address thorny topics with the dual goal of provoking thought and discussion and connecting youth with the truths found in God’s Word.
Face to Face with Forgiveness
Face to Face with Forgiveness
By Kay D. Rizzo

From the moment the church elders burst into her home, Mary knew she was a dead woman. There would be no plea-bargaining, no mercy.  She'd been caught in the act of adultery.  She turned to the man who spent the last hours promising love.  He was gone. She was all alone.
Facing the Divide
Facing the Divide
By Sanford T. Whitman

In Facing the Divide, author Sanford T. Whitman uses short stories to express the mercy and judgment of God. 
Facing the Storm
Facing the Storm
By Richard Daly

There are times in our lives when we go through storms. These storms can either make us or break us.
Failure is not Final
Failure is not Final
By Roger Hernandez

Failure is not Final is written to get you past your failures to the success that is often found just one step beyond. 
Faith Against the Odds
Faith Against the Odds
By Mark Finley and Steven Mosley

Their story splashes across the heart of Europe and leads us from the Dark Ages to the Reformation. The Waldenses of the Piedmont Valley in Italy somehow managed to hold on to their faith in the basic truths of the gospel while enduring centuries of privation and persecution. How did they do it?
Faith and Science
Faith and Science
By Edward W. H. Vick

In Faith and Science, the author indicates, in a sensible and uncomplicated manner, that there is a working relationship between science and religion. 
Faith and Works
Faith and Works
By Ellen G. White

A collection of 18 readings written between 1881 and1902 on the topic of salvation.
The Faith I Highly Recommend
The Faith I Highly Recommend
By John Thomas McLarty

With colorful strokes of personal testimony and cleverly crafted comparisons, author John Thomas McLarty paints a picture of the laws of God that ultimately point to one profound truth: God is love.
Faith Lift
Faith Lift
By George Vandeman

Is Bible study a tedious “duty” you do but don’t seem to get any real benefit or inspiration from? If your answer is yes, then this book is for you! Discover four helpful techniques that can help you get the most from your Bible study time.
Faith Roots
Faith Roots
By Mark Finley and Steven Mosley

Many people do quite well in life as long as things are going well. They tend to fall apart when problems hit. 
Faith: Saying Yes to God
Faith: Saying Yes to God
By Herbert E. Douglass

What is faith? Is it intellectual assent, a deep conviction, a trust in something or someone, or what? Revelation 14:12 declares that God’s people before His return will have the “faith of Jesus.” What is the faith of Jesus?
Fake News
Fake News
By James W. Gilley

In this book, the concept of “fake news” that has captured so much attention becomes a powerful introduction to Satan’s half-truths and total fabrications.  It takes a close look at some of the false ideas Satan uses to deceive—and then turns to the Bible to discover what the truth really is.
Of Falafels and Following Jesus
Of Falafels and Following Jesus
By Nathan Brown

Since the time of Jesus, visiting the places of His life has held a fascination and attraction for His followers from many parts of the world. This is the story of one of those journeys, encountering and reflecting on the stories themselves, as well as the realities of visiting these places today. From the rugged wilderness of Petra and the Dead Sea to the sparkling waters and lush valleys of Galilee, this is a story of re-discovering the stories of Jesus and the Bible, and how this journey changes and challenges us as we seek to follow Him as His disciples today.
Family Faith (2017 Family Devotional)
Family Faith (2017 Family Devotional)
By Claudio and Pamela Consuegra

Family Faith is a journey through God’s Word that uncovers beautiful, gemlike truths that families will be able to apply to living life in today’s crazy, busy, and sometimes overwhelming world.
A Family Guide to Sabbath Nature Activities
A Family Guide to Sabbath Nature Activities
By Eileen E. Lantry

“What can we do on Sabbath?” This question is raised all too often by both children and parents. This book is a guide to help you answer the question.
The Family of God
The Family of God
By Len D. McMillan

There are times when the needs of God's many and unique children are so great, we honestly don't "know what to do." If you'd like help getting along better with "the saints here below," then this is a book for you.
Family Seasons Adult Bible Study Guide 2Q 2019
Family Seasons Adult Bible Study Guide 2Q 2019
By Claudio and Pamela Consuegra

The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. 
Family Seasons Bible Book Shelf 2Q 2019
Family Seasons Bible Book Shelf 2Q 2019
By Claudio and Pamela Consuegra

The bible is a book of relationships. We need each other as we journey through the seasons of our life. 
Family Seasons Ellen G. White Notes 2Q 2019
Family Seasons Ellen G. White Notes 2Q 2019
By Ellen G. White

This convenient, easy-to-use study aid gives you hundreds of Spirit of Prophecy comments and insights directly related to the Sabbath School study and more.
Far Away From Home
Far Away From Home
By Josip Kavur

As World War I raged across Europe, an 18-year-old machine gunner waited for a Russian attack. He promised God that he would follow Him if he didn’t have to kill anyone. His gun jammed!
Later captured and taken to a prisoner-of-war camp, Mirko met his first Seventh-day Adventist—a fellow prisoner— and challenged him about the Bible Sabbath. He lost the debate but what he won changed everything.
This is the remarkable true story of the Kavur family from the perspective of Mirko’s youngest son, Josip. It traces their missionary work in Macedonia, the military service of Mirko’s sons in World War II and the years after, during which they had to struggle to keep the Sabbath, and the risky escape of three sons—one with a new bride—from post-war Communist Yugoslavia to religious freedom in Australia.
Filled with stories of danger, determination and faithfulness, but also God’s presence as they sought to stand for, serve and share Him, this book will strengthen your resolve to stand for God until He comes to take us home.
Fatal Secrets
Fatal Secrets
By William Noel

A tangled tale turns into a riveting spiritual thriller as one woman deals with the question of the fate of her dead husband. This story reveals something about the darkness on the other side and the liberating power of the light.
Feed Me Well, Ilona
Feed Me Well, Ilona
By Goldie Down

This is the true story of a Hungarian couple, of war, terror, peace, and love. 
The Final Countdown
The Final Countdown
By R. H. Pierson and G. S. Stevenson

This little book is about the end times and what will take soon take place.
Finding a Better Way
Finding a Better Way
By Gustavo Squarzon

As you experience Him in Finding a Better Way, what will your reaction be? He looks forward to a life-changing encounter with you.
Finding Calm in the Chaos of Life
Finding Calm in the Chaos of Life
By Julian Melgosa

A growing body of scientific evidence indicates that faith, prayer, hope, forgiveness, and trust are beneficial to our physical and emotional health.  Dr. Julián Melgosa uses biblical examples and personal illustrations to demonstrate how essential it is that we partner with Christ in dealing with the all-too-human experiences of depression, anger, guilt, and stress.
Finding David
Finding David
By Brad Watson

This story of relationships, family, friends and taking risks for them all is written for all the kids out there who didn't choose their heartache.  It reminds them that there is always hope and shows that even when bad things happen, God is always there with them.  For all those who struggle with being in a new place, a new school, and the new kid on the block.
Finding Joy: Paul’s Encouraging Message to the Philippians
Finding Joy: Paul’s Encouraging Message to the Philippians
By John C. Brunt

We can all use a little more joy in our lives. But how can we find joy in a world where so many bad things happen? When it comes to finding joy in difficult circumstances, the apostle Paul is an unrivaled expert! Despite Paul’s circumstances, joy is a central theme in his short letter to the Christians of Philippi. Read the letter, follow the commentary, and discover the secret of finding joy.
Finding My Way in Milwaukee
Finding My Way in Milwaukee
By Jennifer Jill Schwirzer

Jennifer moves to Milwaukee. This sets off a chain of events that result in fights, rebellion, pranks, cheerleading, and just wanting to be accepted. As time passes, she finds herself needing more than being cool has to offer.
Finding the Father
Finding the Father
By Herb Montgomery

Herb Montgomery goes straight to the root of several moral dilemmas and sweeps aside the misperceptions of God and His character that cause us to spurn the only one who truly loves us.
Finding Waldo
Finding Waldo
By Ken Smith and David Smith

From “Little Rascal” to Adventist Pastor. Finding Waldo is the inspiring story of Seventh-day Adventist pastor and missionary Ken Smith and the gracious pursuit of the Holy Spirit.
A Fire in My Bones
A Fire in My Bones
By Elisabeth S. McFadden

A Fire in My Bones is Spalding’s compelling biography. He also wrote Origin and History of Seventh-day Adventists, and Footprints of the Pioneers
Fish Food
Fish Food
By Rachel N. Lemons

Rachel Lemons explores 13 biblical stories in a quest to discover the various facets of an authentic relationship with God. True, it may seem easier to have a relationship with someone you can actually see and touch. But what if God values relationship more than religion?
Flee My Father's House
Flee My Father's House
By Kay D. Rizzo

Flee My Father’s House, book one in the Chloe Mae Chronicles, by Kay D. Rizzo, is set during the late 1890s in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania. It tells the story of a young woman’s fight for independence and her dream to help the dying women and children in China. This sweeping drama begins with an agonizing choice that will set Chloe Mae’s feet on a path of pain and discovery. Escaping from certain unhappiness, she runs headlong into a world of sadness, love, and heart-wrenching decisions.
Flee the Captor
Flee the Captor
By Herbert Ford

Narrow escapes from Nazi terror highlight this gripping story of John Henry Weidner, a member of the Dutch-Paris underground.
Flight 122
Flight 122
By Barry A. Mosier

The Mosier family’s dramatic escape from the flames on April 15, 2008 caught the attention of the entire world. But walking away from this life threatening plane crash is only part of their incredible story.
Follow Me
Follow Me
By Miroslav M. Kis

By studying the life-transforming grace of the Carpenter of Galilee, we learn what it means to be a disciple of the One who said, "Follow Me".
Following Jesus: Disciple-making and Movement-building
Following Jesus: Disciple-making and Movement-building
By Peter Roennfeldt

Disciples are protégés, learners or apprentices to Jesus who multiply disciples by following His methods, cultivating His movement, preparing people for His coming! 

Movements occur where disciples of Jesus mingle, sympathise, meet needs, invite and make disciples who multiply within their relational or community streams!

You are invited, called and commissioned. Go deep with these 50 studies from the ministry of Jesus, discover the progression of His disciple-making, and hear again the Voice who still calls people to “Follow Me” as part of a movement that continues to change lives and our world.
Following the Apostles' Vision
Following the Apostles' Vision
By Peter Roennfeldt

From small and unlikely beginnings in Jerusalem, the message of Jesus seemed to explode across the Roman world within only a few decades. It was powered by the Holy Spirit and the passion of those first men and women who had spent time with Jesus, but this remarkable success also came with self-sacrificing determination, hard work and innovative mission strategies.
Re-reading the pastoral letters of Paul—written to the respective churches within the first 10 years of their planting—offers valuable insights into the focus, energy and methods of Paul and his ministry teams. And it must challenge our vision and practice of church, ministry and mission today.
Following the Spirit
Following the Spirit
By Peter Roennfeldt

The Book of Acts tells a story that is familiar to us—making disciples amid difficult social, cultural and political environments. But Acts also tells stories that are new to some of us—creative and innovative forms of church and leadership, successfully adapting to these different circumstances and seeing the church growing in dramatic ways. After almost 2000 years of Christian history, we don’t get to start again, but we are called to write our next chapter in the story of following Jesus and making disciples.
Foolish Prayers Fabulous Answers
Foolish Prayers Fabulous Answers
By Glenn and Ethel Coon

Written by popular seminar speakers and authors, Glenn and Ethel Coon Foolish Prayers, Fabulous Answers reinforces the amazing power of prayer and demonstrates that God really does keep his promises.
For God and Emperor
For God and Emperor
By Herbert and Della Hanson

This is the story, as told by Herbert Hanson, of his and his wife’s missionary service in Ethiopia. You will be inspired as you hear how God uses them mightily and unexpectedly for His service. 
For Such a Time
For Such a Time
By Ed Dickerson

For Such a Time looks at 15 remarkable women and examines how the biblical authors intentionally shaped their narratives to show how their actions and outcomes parallel those of 15 well-known heroes. Clearly, these were not ordinary women.
For the Least of These Bible Book Shelf 3Q 2019
For the Least of These Bible Book Shelf 3Q 2019
By Nathan Brown

This book is a kind of stepping-stone.  It might help you see with new eyes and to hear with new ears the cries of the oppressed.  
For the Love of  China
For the Love of China
By Herbert Ford

In war-ravaged China, American missionary Denton Rebok dodges bombs, bullets, and bandits to become one of the all-time great "China hands." Wielding a combination of Oriental psychology, bravado, faith, know-how and above all else a love of China, he sees his dream of practical Christian education for Chinese young people come true and watches with horror as the flames of war threaten to consume it.
For the One
For the One
By Nathan Brown, Alex Bryan, Japhet De Oliveira

Drawing on close study of the gospels, re-discovering key moments of Adventist history and exploring implications of Jesus-centeredness for the church today, the presentations collected in this book have served as discussion-starters at these gatherings, prompting ongoing conversations around tables, in hallways, offices, churches, and homes, as well as online. 
For The Rain As Well As the Rainbow
For The Rain As Well As the Rainbow
By Carol Amen

There is a saying, “If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?” Praise is part of the evidence, and also part of the solution to finding meaning in today’s world. That is what this little book is about. 
For the Umpteenth Time
For the Umpteenth Time
By H. Roger Bothwell

God reaches out to you in nature. He reaches out to you by missionaries. He reaches out to you in sermons, by pastors, and through books. He reaches out by using anything good because He loves you. 
Forbidden Islands
Forbidden Islands
By John P. L. Gray

Pastor John Gray embarked as missionary to the Fiji Islands in 1963, and in the face of great opposition, evil spirits, and disheartened people, he sought to win souls for Christ and teach them about a loving God. 
Forever Stories Getting Ready for Jesus
Forever Stories Getting Ready for Jesus
By Carolyn Byers

Book three in a 5-book set, written especially for preschool listeners and early elementary readers, describes the plan of salvation from the fall of Lucifer to the end of the millennium.
Forever Stories Jesus Lives With Us
Forever Stories Jesus Lives With Us
By Carolyn Byers

Book four in a 5-book set, written especially for preschool listeners and early elementary readers, describes the plan of salvation from the fall of Lucifer to the end of the millennium.
Forever Stories: Jesus Takes Us Home
Forever Stories: Jesus Takes Us Home
By Carolyn Byers

Book five in a 5-book set, written especially for preschool listeners and early elementary readers, describes the plan of salvation from the fall of Lucifer to the end of the millennium.
I Forgive You, But
I Forgive You, But
By Lourdes Morales-Gudmundson

"Grounded in the Christian Scriptures, Lourdes Morales-Gudmundsson tells the reader about forgiving from the viewpoints of people who have struggled with it, psychologists who have studied it, and theologians who have mined Scripture for it, and devout Christians who have prayed through it."— Everett L. Worthington, Jr. author of Forgiving and Reconciling and The Power of Forgiving, and professor of psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University.
Forty Centuries of Law and Liberty
Forty Centuries of Law and Liberty
By Varner J. Johns

Forty Centuries of Law and Liberty by Varner J. Johns, J.D., expresses the principles that have made the American people sovereigns in human rights and hopes to re-kindle the spirit of human liberty and free government in the hearts of men. 
Fountains of Freedom
Fountains of Freedom
By Rotter, Goldenstein, Weresh

This book was created for teachers of any capacity in response to the need to develop qualities of character such as kindness, loyalty, and fairness in the student.
The Four Faces of Jesus
The Four Faces of Jesus
By Robert K. McIver

Anyone wishing to pursue a deeper understanding of the world of Jesus and of the working of inspiration will prize the insights found in The Four Faces of Jesus
Four on the Edge
Four on the Edge
By Heidi Borrink

This true-to-life story of friends, parents, sports, sex, drugs, responsibility, and God could be the story of someone you know . . . or it could be yours.
Four Winds of Revelation
Four Winds of Revelation
By Kenneth Cox

In Four Winds of Revelation, Pastor Kenneth Cox examines what the Bible says about the crises that we are facing and shares what it tells us about the future. Should you be afraid?  The Bible offers hope—Jesus is coming soon! 
The Fourth Dilemma
The Fourth Dilemma
By Pieter Erens Barkhuizen

Christians throughout the United States are enthusiastically supporting various movements that insist that God’s law must once again be the center of our lives, both personally and publicly.
The Fragmenting of Adventism
The Fragmenting of Adventism
By William G. Johnsson

What ten factors will have the strongest impact on Adventism in the next five years? Will they strengthen or weaken the church? Can we respond in a way that will assure that all ten work together for good?  
Frau Luther
Frau Luther
By Yvonne Davy

If Katharina von Bora had been content to count her beads, do penance for her sins, and close her mind to the truths of the Bible, she would have lived and died in the obscurity of the Convent. But because she followed where God led, she became the first lady of the evangelical Reformation, the wife of the great Dr. Martin Luther, and the mother of a fine family.
A Friend for Zipper Book 5 Ready to Ride Series
A Friend for Zipper Book 5 Ready to Ride Series
By Heather Grovet

Ruth-Ann was happy to have another horse around to keep Zipper company, but she knew Kaitlin was getting very frustrated with Mystery. Ruth-Ann asked her R2R pals to help, but they thought of someone who could give Kaitlin expert advice?
Friends of Fur & Feather
Friends of Fur & Feather
By Myrtle Alley-Rice

Friends of Fur & Feather presents true stories of animals on the farm and in the forest. Read about Ginger, Tim Bird, Ira Antelope, and more in this book of old-fashioned stories great for reading to your younger children. 
From Here to Maternity
From Here to Maternity
By Marilyn Thomsen

In From Here to Maternity, Marilyn answers that question and tells the journey she took to find her answer. 
From Rock to Rock of Ages
From Rock to Rock of Ages
By Dan P. Casson

After his baptism, Dan decided to serve his new Master as a literature evangelist. Read here the fascinating account of Dan’s journey from rock to the Rock of Ages. 
From Sabbath to Sunday
From Sabbath to Sunday
By Carlyle B. Haynes

A brief but comprehensive history of the Sabbath, this book tells of its transfer from the seventh day of the week to Sunday.
From Sundown to Sundown
From Sundown to Sundown
By May Ellen Colón

If you need help in revitalizing your Sabbaths and understanding the principles of Sabbath-keeping, this book is for you. 
Fruit from the Jungle
Fruit from the Jungle
By M. D. Wood

Pastor Wood and his family were pioneer missionaries for the work of God and the Seventh-day Adventist Church to the people of India. Even in the midst of this motley mixture of religious beliefs, he battled to spread Bible truth. 
The Fullness of Faithfulness
The Fullness of Faithfulness
By Lori Bryan

In 20 inspirational testimonies The Fullness of Faithfulness shows how women can find God’s peace and leading in turbulent times. Are you willing to discover God’s plan for the life you thought was your own?
Fully Alive
Fully Alive
By John L. Shuler

In a style fresh, yet tested by years of study and experience, Elder Shuler sets forth in this book, with his usual directness and simplicity, how men and women find acceptance with God, both now and in the judgment. 
Fundamentals of Christian Education
Fundamentals of Christian Education
By Ellen G. White

There is no doubt that Ellen White had a profound interest in Christian education. In this book she covers such topics as the proper education of the young, the basis of true education, teachers as examples of Christian integrity, and the true ideal for youth.
By Barbara Herrera

An incredible but true story of the struggles of a college athlete, paralyzed in an accident, to find hope, faith in God, and a life of service to others. 
Fusion: Where You and God Connect
Fusion: Where You and God Connect
By Melissa and Greg Howell

If you’ve ever wanted to connect with God for real, this is the book for you. With a blend of side-splitting humor and Bible truth, Melissa and Greg Howell take you on a tour through the rough-and-tumble world of the Bible, stopping just long enough for you to hear God speak to you.
G. I. Butler
G. I. Butler
By Denis Fortin

Denis Fortin puts readers into George Ide Butler’s shoes, revealing his heart, understanding his arguments, and viewing the young church through his lens. Yet, Fortin presents much more than a volume about Butler himself. The work provides a dynamic stream of Adventist history from Butler’s perspective as the young denomination faced new stresses and strains—including complex family relationships and opposing power centers—as it sought to define itself and how it would operate.
G.P.S. God's Positioning System
G.P.S. God's Positioning System
By Trudy J. Morgan-Cole

This choose-your-own adventure book shows how all our choices have consequences-for good or evil-that we must live with. The author follows the stories of eight young people in a Seventh-day Adventist context who stand at important forks in the road. They face pivotal decisions in the areas of dating, sex, pregnancy, alcohol, drugs, career choice, and family conflict. Some choices are dead ends. Others bring freedom. In each outcome you'll learn how God reveals Himself to us through others, and how our relationship determine the person we become
Galatians: A Fiery Response to a Struggling Church
Galatians: A Fiery Response to a Struggling Church
By Carl P. Cosaert

Paul’s letter to the church at Galatia has perplexed Bible scholars for decades. Is Paul, who upholds the law in other epistles, now declaring it futile? What does he really believe the relationship between obedience to the law and righteousness by faith is?  
The Game Ends at Sundown
The Game Ends at Sundown
By Sandy Smith

The story of a young man who was brought up in the ghetto but who had a dream. He worked to fulfill that dream--the dream to someday become somebody.
Garments of Grace
Garments of Grace
By Timothy E. Crosby

Heaven’s makeover starts with a new wardrobe. From Genesis to Revelation righteousness is portrayed as a garment. What does the metaphor mean? Is it a robe of character, or a forensic camouflage that covers the filthy reality beneath?

Gate of the Gods
Gate of the Gods
By Thurman Petty

A victorious Nebuchadnezzar, a young and faithful Daniel, three friends tried in the fire at the plain of Dura, and several meaningful dreams interpreted. All this and more comes alive in the story Gate of the Gods. Book 4 of 5.
Gaucholand Boy
Gaucholand Boy
By Barbara Westphal

The first Seventh-day Adventist ordained minister to go to South America was Frank Westphal, who took up the missionary challenge and moved his wife and children to a faraway land. Through times of danger and times of joy, God cared for the Westphals, true Adventist trailblazers in South America.
Genes and Genesis
Genes and Genesis
By Harold W. Clark

The purpose of this book is to present a review of evidence on the historical and scientific species problem. The conclusions reached in this study may clear the way for a fuller and deeper appreciation of the perfect harmony between the Bible and nature. 
Genesis (Adult Bible Study Guide) 2Q 2022
Genesis (Adult Bible Study Guide) 2Q 2022
By Jacques B. Doukhan

The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. Written by a variety of authors, the study guide encourages personal time with God and His Word. Memory texts and key thoughts from the authors provide an opportunity for spiritual growth.
Genesis (Bible Bookshelf BBS) 2Q 2022
Genesis (Bible Bookshelf BBS) 2Q 2022
By Jacques B. Doukhan

See Genesis in a new light as author Jacques Doukhan shares how the stories of these ancient sinners of flesh and blood can open a door to ourselves, to our hearts, and to our minds, "for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" (2 Tim. 3:16).
Genesis (Ellen G. White Notes) 2Q 2022
Genesis (Ellen G. White Notes) 2Q 2022
By Ellen G. White

One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
Genesis and Science: Where is the Evidence Going?
Genesis and Science: Where is the Evidence Going?
By Leonard Brand

The objective of this book is to give you real answers, from a real God, to your real problems through an attractive, practical and encouraging message.
Gentle Giants
Gentle Giants
By H. C. Larkin

Inside this little book for young children are six stories about whales.  
George Mueller: Champion of Orphans
George Mueller: Champion of Orphans
By Fern Neal Stocker

George Mueller died on March 10, 1898. at the age of 92. But not until he changed the lives of countless orphans in England and many others who knew him. He truly is a champion of orphans and, this book will inspire you to follow God’s leading in everything you do. 
Getting Back to the Heart of Adventism
Getting Back to the Heart of Adventism
By Robert S. Folkenberg

Each of us has a part to play. We must resist the two dangers facing us: complacency and worldly-mindedness on the one hand, and compromise and syncretism on the other.
Getting It Right
Getting It Right
By General Conference

This essential handbook for youth leaders will re-energize your ministry for today's youth. It's packed with valuable information on how to lead young people into the kingdom of God.
Getting Through
Getting Through
By Yvonne Rodney

On a Friday evening in April, days before Easter, a good man suddenly dies.  His death ushers in a series of events that beg for the promise of an Easter Sunday miracle.  Yvonne Rodney explores many challenging questions which young adults will relate to.
Getting Through to God
Getting Through to God
By Glenn A. Coon

Communication is one of the vital necessities of the Christian life; communication first with God, then with others. This is the theme of Getting Through to God. The emphasis is on relating to God in order to help others.
Getting to Know the Holy Spirit Bible Book Shelf 1Q 2017
Getting to Know the Holy Spirit Bible Book Shelf 1Q 2017
By Ron E. M. Clouzet

The Holy Spirit provides some profound theological, historical, and linguistic, biblical insights that will deepen your understanding of the nature and work of the Holy Spirit. Written in a readable style, it will allow concepts and personal implications to sink deeper. A thoughtful reading will further your understanding of the Spirit and His work more than anything you may have read to date. 
Getting Your Head and Heart Together
Getting Your Head and Heart Together
By Clark B. McCall

In this volume the author gets quickly to the problem besetting every man and woman in terms that are easily understood. Special emphasis is given to sorting out the facts and fallacies regarding feelings and how much they should be trusted. 
Gift From the River
Gift From the River
By Loron Wade

These stories tell of the myriad ways God invents to pour out His love on broken humanity. There is no heart so hard that He cannot soften it, no obstacle so great that He cannot overcome it, no human so isolated that He cannot find them.
The Gift of Friendship
The Gift of Friendship
By Tamyra Horst

In her book The Gift of Friendship, Horst tells the intimate stories of women who have struggled and ached, shared and rejoiced together. She offers valuable advice on how to find good friends' and even more importantly' how to keep them.
The Gift of Prophecy
The Gift of Prophecy
By Gerhard Pfandl

Dr. Pfandl answers questions regarding the prophetic gift and shares many of the blessings that have come to the Seventh-day Adventist Church through the life and ministry of Ellen G. White.
Gift of Tongues
Gift of Tongues
By John J. Robertson

This little booklet systematically addresses the gift of tongues as set forth in the Bible and compares the Bible’s criteria of tongues with the modern day church tongues movement. After reading this book, you will have a very clear picture of a genuine Biblical tongue experience. 
The Gift: What the Sabbath means to me
The Gift: What the Sabbath means to me
By Nikolaus Satelmajer

The gift of the Sabbath addresses our deepest and most basic needs: rest, fellowship, belonging, spiritual nourishment, and direction. This collection of personal stories and reflections from 168 writers from around the world bids us, “Come and see.”
Give Life to Your Dreams
Give Life to Your Dreams
By Ricardo Bentancur

In this book, pastor and doctor Ricardo Bentancur expounds on the eight biblical principles for happiness and confirms the latest research in medicine and positive psychology about the prickly subject of happiness in a world in crisis.
Give Us Peace
Give Us Peace
By Merlin L. Neff

"Men cannot manufacture peace. Human plans for the purification and uplifting of individuals or of society will fail of producing peace, because they do not reach the heart. The only power that can create or perpetuate true peace is the grace of Christ."
Give Your Guilt Away
Give Your Guilt Away
By J. L. Shuler

In this little booklet, the author richly and beautifully portrays the plan of salvation offered by Christ to the repentant sinner. This book would be great for sharing with friends, relatives and neighbors. 
The Giving Equation
The Giving Equation
By Ken Long

It’s logical that if I give a certain amount of money, I have less money left to live on, right? That’s simple mathematics. But it’s also an equation that makes many people reluctant to give. 

The Giving Equation provides a fresh way of thinking about stewardship, explaining two different mindsets towards our personal finances: the G-economy and the Me-economy. Far from causing us to lose out, giving has things to offer us that lead to an abundant life—now and for eternity.
Glimpses Into the Life of Ellen White
Glimpses Into the Life of Ellen White
By James R. Nix

Glimpses Into the Life of Ellen White is filled with fascinating accounts that give a behind-the-scenes look at the life of Ellen White and provide a glimpse of the unseen world.  
Glimpses of Korea
Glimpses of Korea
By U. J. Urquhart

First written in 1923 and rereleased as part of the Heritage collection, Glimpses of Korea is a diary of the author’s missionary travels in Korea. The reader will learn of the history, strange customs, and way of life for the Korean people and the work of the church among them.  
Glimpses Of Our God Bible Book Shelf 1Q 2012
Glimpses Of Our God Bible Book Shelf 1Q 2012
By Jo Ann Davidson

In this, the companion book for first quarter 2012 Sabbath School Bible Study Guides, the author paints a vivid word picture of a holy God.  Dr. Davidson shows that all study of God must come from a heart and mind trained in humility, and that ultimately, the more we know about God, the more our love for Him will deepen and intensify, leading to adoration and worship on a grander level.  
The Glory of the Stars
The Glory of the Stars
By Merlin L. Neff

There is no subject that should inspire the Christian more than the study of the universe. We are beginning to put the alphabet of the starry heavens together, and they spell the words, "God is here." The author shares his hobby and love for astronomy and his increased faith in a personal God.
The Glory of the Vision Book One
The Glory of the Vision Book One
By Richard A. Schaefer

When God presented the instruction to establish a medical school, Adventist leaders such as Ellen White knew what they had to do, but the road to success was anything but smooth.
Glossolalia Book 1
Glossolalia Book 1
By Rene Noorbergen

This book examines the gift of tongues, its history, and its place in the church as outlined in the Bible.
Glossolalia Book 2
Glossolalia Book 2
By Rene Noorbergen

Glossolalia Book 2 continues to explore the deeper mysteries of the gift of tongues and asks the question “who really controls it?”  
God Believes in Jewelry
God Believes in Jewelry
By R. E. Francis

The Question of wearing jewelry has been a matter of controversy among Christians for centuries and has been a matter of controversy among Seventh-day Adventists. 
God Beyond Nature
God Beyond Nature
By Robert E. D. Clark

In this book, the author has tried to consider some of the reasons that lead many people to believe in a personal God. He is a scientist and looks at evidence of God beyond nature.
The God Beyond Your Wildest Dreams
The God Beyond Your Wildest Dreams
By James Berglund

The 28 fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church are far more than just a list of doctrines, rules, and proof texts. Each belief tells a powerful story of God of indescribable love.  This personal and small-group study guide unpacks each one and brings a God beyond your wildest dreams to life like never before.
God For Us
God For Us
By James W. Gilley

In this, his second book on the Gospel of John, Jim Gilley's down-to-earth writing style handles the timeless truths from John's Gospel in ways that touch our lives in the twenty-first century. The reader will discover the attributes of a true disciple-humility, loyalty, and love. God For Us also looks at John 17 - "the most beautiful and complete prayer of Jesus found anywhere in Scripture."
God Has Promised
God Has Promised
By Ellen G. White

Excerpts from the writings of one of the principal founders of Seventh-Day Adventism offer guidance on such problems as loneliness, temptation, discouragement, and loss of faith.
The God I Love
The God I Love
By Glenn Coon

Many readers struggle to make God real in their life. The God I Love provides inspiring illustrations and practical help that will teach the reader how to make Christianity work in their life.
God is My Captain
God is My Captain
By Lawrence E.C. Joers

There is a vast difference between a belief in God and believing God. Most people have a belief in God, but few actually believe Him. Once the difference is understood and internalized, true religion becomes both logical and reasonable.
The God Myth and Other Lies
The God Myth and Other Lies
By Heather Thompson Day

If you feel as if a skeptical world is assaulting your faith, you are not left defenseless. In The God Myth and Other Lies Heather Thompson Day provides clear, well-documented responses to the most common falsehoods.
A God Named Desire
A God Named Desire
By Ty Gibson

Science can’t explain why, but the deepest human desire is to love and be loved. Is it possible that we are beings in need of giving and receiving love because we were made in the image of a loving God?
God Never Slept
God Never Slept
By Sharon Simonsen

Your marriage, your whole life can be changed from the humdrum to an exciting relationship not only with your mate but with your God. Sharon and Alan Simonsen found this out. This is their story. 
God of Wonders
God of Wonders
By David A. Steen

Explore the wonders of God’s creation with biologist David A. Steen, and discover the intricacies of things we usually take for granted: taste, gravity, skin, bacteria, trees, DNA, stars, cellular reproduction, and many more. Are you ready to experience an overwhelming sense of awe? God’s creative genius is simply breathtaking.
God Set the Sails
God Set the Sails
By Sadie Engen

Joseph spent a lot of his time daydreaming about becoming a sailer. He did--even a sea captain--but God had even greater plans for him. He is remembered in Adventist history as being a trailblazer for God. 
God Was There
God Was There
By Martin Weber

True stories of a police chaplain. From sex abuse victims to murder suspects, Martin Weber was there extending God’s hand of hope. Each of these dramatic stories is linked to Jesus' ministry for us in the Heavenly Sanctuary and brings home the message that we are all sinners deserving of the death penalty and in need of a Savior. Think you know someone beyond hope? Think again.
The God We Worship
The God We Worship
By Daniel Scarone

The Bible serves primarily as God's revelation about Himself. Presented in concise and simple language, is a biblical analysis on the theme of the Deity.  The reader will see multiple stories by which the Lord presented Himself to those who were to represent Him as servant-leaders among his people—and as heaven's spokespersons before the nations.
God With Us
God With Us
By James W. Gilley

John the beloved disciple goes beyond the other Gospels to reveal the deity of Jesus Christ. In this book we see Jesus Christ revealed as God in the flesh to a nation that rejects Him and to scores of individuals who accept Him as Lord and Savior.
God's 800 Number: Prayer
God's 800 Number: Prayer
By Manuel and Nancy Vasquez

God’s 800-Number: P-R-A-Y-E-R talks about the ancient phone service we have available to us that connects us to God. To call, all you have to do is kneel, close your eyes, and say: “Father.” The cost? Free. But the benefits of making this call are wonderful and eternal. 
God's Amazing Creation
God's Amazing Creation
By Vicki Redden

In this Primary devotional, kids will meet sharks, bears, and puppy dogs. They'll learn each day about our wonderful, incredible world that God has made. Amazing facts are crammed in each lesson like how many mosquitoes a brown bat can catch in an hour or how horned toads protect themselves. God's Amazing Creation celebrates nature and will connect children early on to their savior.
God's Beloved Rebel
God's Beloved Rebel
By Elisabeth S. McFadden and Natelkka E. Burrell

As Natelkka tells her story you'll probably recognize experiences and situations that have been common to you, especially God's continued love, even when one is rebellious. 
God's Big Idea
God's Big Idea
By RosAnne C. Tetz

When you finish this book, you will know what Seventh-day Adventists believe. More important, you will know that God has a plan for this world—and a plan for you, too.
God's Book of Wisdom
God's Book of Wisdom
By Jonathan Kuntaraf

We live in an increasingly sophisticated and educated world, a world in which it is no longer sufficient to know what we believe. But can we trust in the ancient writings of the Bible to express the will of God for us?  The Bible changes lives! It is never out-of-date. Most important, when trusted as God's Word, the Bible has the power to energize and motivate us to live the kind of lives that will glorify God.
God's Character and the Last Generation
God's Character and the Last Generation

God’s Character and the Last Generation is a serious attempt to review the relationship between the role of God’s salvation work and the human response.
God's Christmas Cards
God's Christmas Cards
By Dan Jackson and David B. Smith

God's Christmas Cards comes to us from the Voice of Prophecy. Elder Dan Jackson, NAD President, writes about what it would be like to receive a message from God . . . Perhaps a Christmas card.
God's Everlasting Sign
God's Everlasting Sign
By J. L. Shuler

God’s Everlasting Sign reviews the biblical basis of Sabbath observance. 
God's Footprint on My Floor
God's Footprint on My Floor
By Leo R. Van Dolson

For nearly two millennia Christians and non-Christians have regarded the Sermon on the Mount—particularly the Beatitudes—as the purest form of Christianity.  Unfortunately, few have realized how radical the Sermon on the Mount ideas really are. Author Leo Van Dolson analyzes each beatitude from three viewpoints: the human predicament, Jesus’ solution to the problem, and the practical implications for Christian living.  God’s Footprint on My Floor focuses on answering how we can have the experience of living so closely to Christ and so fully reflecting His character that we leave His footprint on the floor of the places we visit. In a straightforward and compelling way, Dr. Van Dolson makes Jesus’ ancient sayings meaningful for contemporary society.
God's Gift In Time
God's Gift In Time
By Walter Thompson

Dr. Walter Thompson has written a small sharing book about the Sabbath, and what a gift it is to the human race, reminding us that there are signs all around of God's amazing love for His children, and that the best evidence is God's Gift in Time.
God's Gold in My Hand
God's Gold in My Hand
By Denton E. Rebok

To accomplish his mission God has made adequate provision. The divine plan of stewardship will bring billions of dollars into His church. This booklet discusses this divine plan as it relates to God’s people.
God's Got To Look Good
God's Got To Look Good
By Roland R. Hegstad

I don’t know if you have noticed, but God’s not getting the best of publicity these days. Can we as Christians do a better job of making him look good?
God's Great Missionaries
God's Great Missionaries
By Gary Krause

Author Gary Krause shares biblical and contemporary examples of sharing one's faith. 
God's Last Altar Call
God's Last Altar Call
By Mark Finley and Steven Mosley

Come with us. Journey through the pages of the book of Revelation in God’s Last Altar Call. You will discover God’s message for you. You’ll discover His final appeal to the human race. 
God's Last Message
God's Last Message
By Steve Wohlberg

Written by popular speaker, author and radio host, Steve Wohlberg, God's Last Message shares the truth about God’s message for the end-time generation in a positive, simple, easy-to- understand explanation of righteousness by faith.
God's Little Advice Book
God's Little Advice Book
By Mark Finley and Steven Mosley

This book is written to show you how to use the book of Proverbs as a personal advice book.
God's Love Song
God's Love Song
By Ginny Allen

The 2013 sharing book for women comes from beloved speaker and prayer warrior Ginny Allen.  Through personal stories, examples and Bible truths, Ginny shares a picture of a God that loves us, changes us, and uses us.  Women from all walks of life will resonate with the experiences and truths related in this book, and will come away believing that God loves them, and has the power to change them.
God's Mission My Mission - 4Q 2023 Bible Bookshelf
God's Mission My Mission - 4Q 2023 Bible Bookshelf
By Gary Krause

In God’s Mission My Mission, Gary Krause examines how effective mission connects with people’s lives. It goes beyond preaching truth to living it. The mission is more than a series of events; it’s an ongoing process. It doesn’t just reach people’s heads; it touches their hearts. It is a work driven by the example of the compassionate Jesus who came and lived among us.
God's Mission, My Mission - Adult Bible Study Guide 4Q 2023
God's Mission, My Mission - Adult Bible Study Guide 4Q 2023
By Gary Krause

One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
God's Mission, My Mission - Ellen G. White Notes 4Q 2023
God's Mission, My Mission - Ellen G. White Notes 4Q 2023
By Ellen G. White

One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
God's Plan For Your Life
God's Plan For Your Life
By Edward Hoehn

If you have not already found “the peace of God, which passes all understanding,” it is hoped that you will find it as you study God’s Plan for Your Life, and the Bible to which it directs you.
God's Plan For Your Well-being
God's Plan For Your Well-being
By Laurie Herr

Just as planet Earth is at our mercy as we decide to use or abuse it, so are our bodies. Most of us don’t realize the great extent to which our choices determine our own state of health.
God's Soviet Miracles
God's Soviet Miracles
By Mikhail, Kulakov

Though hit with government restraints time after time, Mikhail Kulakov never faltered in his belief that God would help him finish the college in Russia.
God's Special Promises to Me
God's Special Promises to Me
By Charles Mills

God’s Special Promises to Me, by Charles Mills, encourages a habit of daily Bible reading that is exciting and rewarding.
God, Science, Friends: And God's Love for You
God, Science, Friends: And God's Love for You
By Leonardo Brand with Anita Oliver

Dr. Leonard Brand tells the entire story from creation through the plan of salvation—and he shares real, scientific evidence in stories that kids will enjoy and understand.
God? Really?
God? Really?
By Harald Giesebrecht

Defending God against the objections of science is much easier than defending Him against the damage believers themselves have inflicted on His reputation. There are interpretations of the Bible that portrays God more like a violent psychopath than a loving God one would wish to exist. This book shares some of the author’s personal journey through some of the most difficult questions you can ask about the God of the Bible.
God’s Air Force
God’s Air Force
By Allen

In this gripping and inspiring book, Allen Steele provides a personal and professional view into the first 50 years of the world's most powerful and effective voice for religious broadcasting—Adventist World Radio. From its earliest days as a small operation run by a handful of dedicated believers, AWR has grown into a global powerhouse, reaching millions of listeners around the world with its powerful message of hope and salvation.
God’s Promises Solve My Problems
God’s Promises Solve My Problems
By Glenn Coon

Learn how Peter’s promise becomes a thrilling reality to fellow Christians: God “has granted to us his precious and very great promises, that through these you may escape from the corruption that is in the world because of passion, and become partakers of the divine nature” (2 Peter 1:4, RSV). Find promises for many of life’s problems and learn how to claim them.
God’s Truth: Can Change Your Life
God’s Truth: Can Change Your Life
By George R. Knight

In God’s Truth, George R. Knight explains the Bible’s major themes in a manner that is both clear and brief.  As such, it not only provides a concise introduction to the teachings of history’s most influential and best-selling book, but it is also an invitation to further study.
Going For The Gold
Going For The Gold
By Patricia Maxwell

In this easy-to-read book, you’ll find hope and help to overcome whatever it is in your life that has been holding you back from being a winner.
Going Up
Going Up
By Charles L. Paddock

Do you ever need to explain a concept to a child using an illustration? Going Up teaches boys and girls in their young, tender impressionable years, lessons they will use for life. 
Gold for My Girlfriends
Gold for My Girlfriends
By Kay Kuzma

Life should not be measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away. 

Gold Silver and Spice
Gold Silver and Spice
By Barbara Westphal

The girls were so excited to hear that their Aunt, Uncle, and cousins were coming home from the mission field to visit. South America seemed so far away! What would their cousins be like? Once they arrived Aunt Barbara wanted to go shopping and Uncle Henry wanted to drive a car. The four cousins just wanted to hear adventure stories from South America – terrific tales about explorers, liberators, emperors, chieftains, and dictators who lived in the other America.
The Golden Chain
The Golden Chain
By Albert H. Olesen

This volume presents the panorama of salvation and the way of eternal life offered to every human being. Here is a beautiful, devotional message portraying the love of God for lost man.
The Golden Eight
The Golden Eight
By Leo Van Dolson

Everyone has heard of the law of gravity and perhaps of several other laws that govern our natural world. There are certain natural laws, or principles, that hold in our physical, social, and spiritual spheres, too.  
Golden Keys
Golden Keys
By John and Evelyn Almack

Golden Keys is part of the Life Guidance Series. This book for younger children teaches courtesy, honesty, and industry.
The Golden Oil
The Golden Oil
By Dorothy Whitney Conklin

Throughout this world today there are many earnest Christians, singly and in groups, praying in harmony with the above instruction for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the experience of the latter rain. This book is dedicated to the exploration of all of God’s revealed truth concerning the personality and the work of the Holy Spirit.
Golden Stories for Boys and Girls
Golden Stories for Boys and Girls
By C. L. Paddock

Every little boy and girl likes pictures and stories. Golden Stories for Boys and Girls will uplift and inspire the young boys and girls of today who will be the men and women of tomorrow. Each story will teach your child a Godly principle that will help them understand God’s love and eternal law.  
Good As Gold
Good As Gold
By Heather Grovet

What would happen when the girls competed against each other? 
The Good Humor Guy
The Good Humor Guy
By Randy Fishell

Author and former Guide editor Randy Fishell used to write funny stories when he got bored with commas and spelling. Now you can laugh through this best-of collection from Guide’s Good Humor Guy column featuring 52 hilarious, silly–but–true, short stories and devotional thoughts that will add some cheer to your day! - Ages: 10-14
Good People Get Burned Too
Good People Get Burned Too
By Eileen E. Lantry

Few of us have experienced the rejection and alienation experienced by Rose Lee, a Chinese girl who was born in Singapore and later came to America with her husband and children. The story of her life shows that even those who love and serve God get hurt like those who do not, yet these experiences can be stepping-stones to successful Christian living.
Goodbye Forever?
Goodbye Forever?
By Joy Swift

Four of the author's five children were murdered in one night; this book chronicles her search for spiritual answers to the tragedy.
Goodbye, Planet Earth
Goodbye, Planet Earth
By Robert H. Pierson

Those who view the future with hope need to have that hope strengthened. The despairing need to find some ray of light. Don’t lay this book down until you have found that hope.  What lies ahead? Of what can we be certain? To whom shall we look for counsel? Read Goodbye, Planet Earth and find the answers.
Goodbyes Are Not Forever
Goodbyes Are Not Forever
By Joy Swift

In the book They're all Dead, Aren't They, author Joy Swift told the story of the murder of four of her children and the death of a fifth child from cancer eighteen days later. This follow-up book is for anyone who has lost a loved one, especially a child. But it is also for anyone who would like to know how best to help those bereaved.
Gospel Anchors Aweigh!
Gospel Anchors Aweigh!
By Ray A. Matthews

Gospel Anchors Aweigh! is a book about early Adventists in Newfoundland. 
The Gospel in Galatians Adult Bible Study Guide 3Q 2017
The Gospel in Galatians Adult Bible Study Guide 3Q 2017
By Carl P. Cosaert

The book of Galatians has been the backbone of the Protestant Reformation. Why has it been able to touch the hearts of so many, such as Luther? 
The Gospel in Galatians Ellen G. White Notes 3Q 2017
The Gospel in Galatians Ellen G. White Notes 3Q 2017
By Carl P. Cosaert

Get more out of this quarter's study with Ellen G. White notes.   
Gospel in Shoes
Gospel in Shoes
By Bruce M. Wickwire

Gospel in Shoes presents an important message to the church with stories of the ministry of literature evangelists.
Gospel of John: The Clear Word
Gospel of John: The Clear Word
By Jack J. Blanco

Even if you've been through the Gospel of John a dozen times, you're in for a fresh experience when you open this expanded devotional paraphrase from The Clear Word.
Gospel Showdown
Gospel Showdown
By Ken McFarland

What can you do about the kid who keeps jumping in mud puddles? Keep forever cleaning him up? Take away his desire to jump in mud puddles? Take away the mud puddles? To decide, maybe a Gospel Showdown—Old West Style—is in order. 
The Gospel vs Legalism
The Gospel vs Legalism
By Marvin Moore

Using the book of Galatians as a framework, The Gopel vs. Legalism explores God's intent for the law. It helps us understand what legalism is all about and how we can escape its crippling consequences to experience joyful freedom in Christ.  You'll see that there are many similarities between the problems Christians faced in Galatia and those we face today. Paul encourages us never to exchange our relationship with Christ for a religion centered on rules and regulations.
Gospels in Conflict Bible Book Shelf 3Q 2017
Gospels in Conflict Bible Book Shelf 3Q 2017
By George R. Knight

Galatians is perpetually relevant because it deals with three issues central to the Christian faith: authority, the plan of salvation, and unity. 
Grab Your Boarding Pass - 2014 Junior/Earliteen Devotional
Grab Your Boarding Pass - 2014 Junior/Earliteen Devotional
By Kalie Kelch

How would you like to swim with beluga whales in the Arctic? Munch on chocolate from Hershey, Pennsylvania? Cheer on cowboys at a Western rodeo? Then grab your boarding pass for a yearlong tour of North America—and an eternal trip to heaven.
The Grace Pipeline
The Grace Pipeline
By Shelley J. Quinn

Shelly Quinn reveals that grace is the living power of God's love, producing holiness in His children.  The Grace Pipeline will help readers recognize God's gifts of grace, enabling them to understand the effects of grace on their heart and mind.
The Great Controversy Adult Bible Study Guide 2Q24
The Great Controversy Adult Bible Study Guide 2Q24
By Mark Finley

The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. Written by a variety of authors, the study guide encourages personal time with God and His Word. Memory texts and key thoughts from the authors provide an opportunity for spiritual growth.
The Great Controversy [Illustrated]
The Great Controversy [Illustrated]
By Ellen G. White

Volume 5 of the Conflict of the Ages series carries the story of the controversy between God and Satan to its ultimate and glorious conclusion. In this concluding volume, the author powerfully points out the principles involved in the impending conflict and how each person can stand firmly for God and His truth.
Great Prayers and Pray-ers of the Bible
Great Prayers and Pray-ers of the Bible
By Joe Engelkemier

More than a how-to, this book will motivate you to pray with power and expectancy. 
Greater Expectations
Greater Expectations
By Mark Finley and Steven Mosley

Have you ever wondered what it might be like to witness the beginning of a spiritual revolution? In this book we’re going to go back to the beginning of a revolution that turned the whole world upside down, the spiritual revolution of Jesus Christ. 
Greater Expectations: The Challenge of the Sermon on the Mount
Greater Expectations: The Challenge of the Sermon on the Mount
By Ray Markham

The Sermon on the Mount is Christ’s call for action. It is the Manifesto of His Kingdom – the distilled version of His entire teaching.
The Greatest of the Prophets
The Greatest of the Prophets
By George McCready Price

Author George McCready Price first began The Greatest of the Prophets in the later part of 1937, while he was teaching at Walla Walla College. First published in 1955, and rereleased as a Heritage Classic, it is a book intended to shed light on the book of Daniel. 
The Green Cord Dream
The Green Cord Dream
By Alex Bryan

In 1842, fifteen-year-old Ellen Harmon had a dream. "[The angel] handed me a green cord coiled up closely. This he directed me to place next to my heart, and when I wished to see Jesus, take it from my bosom, and stretch it to the utmost." Alex Bryan believes that the Adventist movement can have a bright, prevailing future, but we are at a critical time. The challenges are significant. We need bold and beautiful dreams emerging from every generation and locality. We need Green Cord Dreams. We need The One. We need Jesus.  
Green Ink
Green Ink
By Donna June Taylor

Green Ink offers a glimpse into one school year in the life of high-spirited Laura, who finds her valued friendship with popular Sylvia continually frustrated by overly sensitive Anita’s anxious craving for love and attention. 
The Green Dress and Other Parables from My Life
The Green Dress and Other Parables from My Life
By Danijela Schubert

The 52 devotional readings in this book are true stories from Danijela Schubert’s eventful life. They are stories of struggle and victory, pain and healing, loss and gain. Some are sad, and some are funny. All are parables from which lessons can be learned. With questions for journaling or discussion with friends, the insights you gain as you read this book will deepen your emotional intelligence and strengthen your walk with God.
Grounds for Belief
Grounds for Belief
By Ed Dickerson

Don’t be shortchanged! Come along and eavesdrop on the conversations taking place at the café. And don’t be surprised if they turn philosophical and then spiritual, or if you find grounds for belief that really make sense to you.
Growing Boys and Girls
Growing Boys and Girls
By Arthur W. Spalding

This is volume four of five in the Christian Home series by Belle Wood-Comstock, MD, and Arthur W. Spalding.
Growing in Christ
Growing in Christ
By Kwabena Donkor

Kwabena Donkor leads you through an overview of the fundamental beliefs of the Adventist Church, with particular emphasis on the most recent addition, “Growing in Christ.” Throughout these pages Donkor explores how the church’s understanding of spiritual warfare—the great controversy between good and evil—is reflected in the fundamental beliefs. Your conviction and understanding are sure to increase as you discover how Adventist beliefs weave together to form a compelling, biblical, and logical declaration of faith.
Growing in Christ Adult Bible Study Guide 4Q 2012
Growing in Christ Adult Bible Study Guide 4Q 2012
By Kwabena Donkor

These days, many see doctrine as an expression of rigidity, exclusivity, and lack of freedom. In actuality doctrinal beliefs can be a beautiful, logical expression of biblical teachings. While holding the Bible as its only creed, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has set forth a statement of fundamental beliefs to constitute its understanding of the life-giving principles of Scripture. In this book Kwabena Donkor leads you through an overview of the fundamental beliefs of the Adventist Church, with particular emphasis on the most recent addition, “Growing in Christ.”
Growing in Jesus Handbook
Growing in Jesus Handbook
By Mark & Ernestine Finley

The Growing In Jesus Handbook features the main content of every Bible and Ellen G. White reference cited within the original two-volume study set. It is the perfect tool for both review and study in a variety of settings.
Growing More Like Jesus
Growing More Like Jesus
By Heather Guttschuss

Besides learning the Bible, you will learn from the stories in this book, many changes that Heidi and Eric and even Mother and Daddy needed to make so they could grow more like Jesus.
Growing Through Life's Toughest Times
Growing Through Life's Toughest Times
By Mark Finley and Steven Mosley

In this book you will discover practical principles that will really help in your daily life. You will be filled with courage as you read. You’ll encounter people in similar circumstances to yours—people who faced heartache and triumphed over the odds. 
Growing Up With David Livingstone
Growing Up With David Livingstone
By Fern Neal Stocker

You've read stories about Livingstone's fame as a missionary. Growing Up With David Livingstone takes you behind the scenes and shows you what made the Scottish lad into the famous naturalist, explorer, and missionary for Christ that the world has come to know and revere. 
Guardians of the Mercy Seat
Guardians of the Mercy Seat
By Bradley Booth

Guardians of the Mercy Seat chronicles the adventures of Laadan and his friends as they struggle to know God’s will for Israel—and their own lives—in the tumultuous days leading up to the capture of the ark of the covenant, and the troubled times following its seizure. Would they have the courage to stand for what they believe? No matter what? Would they ever be able to return to Shiloh to worship at the tabernacle? Or had God truly abandoned Israel?
A Guide to Marketing Adventism
A Guide to Marketing Adventism
By Dan Day

In a Guide to Marketing Adventism Dan Day encourages a more enlightened attitude toward the marketing process in the context of Christian Ministry. 
Guide's Greatest Angel Stories
Guide's Greatest Angel Stories
By Helen Lee Robinson

These true stories from Guide magazine–not an urban legend among them–will renew your faith. The angel of the Lord still encamps around those who fear Him.
Guide's Greatest Animal Stories
Guide's Greatest Animal Stories
By Lori Peckham

From the jungles of Asia, across the plains of Africa, into the backyards of America, the writers of these exciting stories take you back to the Creator, again and again showing you God's love for His creatures.
Guide's Greatest Brave Believer Stories
Guide's Greatest Brave Believer Stories
By Lori Peckham

A collection of 23 true stories of brave believers—people who risked their reputations and even their lives to share Jesus—pulled from the pages of Guide magazine.
Guide's Greatest Change of Heart Stories
Guide's Greatest Change of Heart Stories
By Lori Peckham

There’s more than one way to discover what’s truly important in life—a parrot, a sinking boat, quicksand, a crocodile, and a sudden tumble off a cliff can really grab your attention!
Guide's Greatest Discovery Stories
Guide's Greatest Discovery Stories
By Lori Peckham

Discoveries may be big or small—but they’re always exciting! And sometimes they can lead to making important decisions between right or wrong.
Guide's Greatest Escape from Crime Stories
Guide's Greatest Escape from Crime Stories
By Helen Lee Robinson

In this collection of Guide stories, you will read of victims whose only defense is their witness. Of thieves who trade their dagger for a Bible. Of criminals who turn to Christ. And you will know that God still delivers those who cry out to Him.
Guide's Greatest Faith Stories
Guide's Greatest Faith Stories
By Lori Peckham

As you read and retell these stories to family, friends, and anyone who needs a faith-boost, you’ll find your faith will be strengthened too.
Guide's Greatest Friendship Stories
Guide's Greatest Friendship Stories
By Lori Peckham

In Guide’s Greatest Friendship Stories you’ll see that friends can be found all around and often come in different shapes and sizes—and sometimes they’re furry!
Guide's Greatest Funny Stories
Guide's Greatest Funny Stories
By Lori Peckham

The 30 stories in this collection will delight you while they enlighten you. 
Guide's Greatest Grace Stories
Guide's Greatest Grace Stories
By Lori Peckham

What is grace? It's getting better than you deserve. Maybe you really ought to be punished or rejected for something you did. But you aren't. Guide has collected their all-time favorite stories involving people like you who were shown the mercy of God's grace.
Guide's Greatest Hero Stories
Guide's Greatest Hero Stories
By Lori Peckham

Heroic feats might actually be easier than you’ve ever imagined. Or maybe not! Flip through these pages and you’ll meet heroes who buy goldfish, stop a train from derailing, call a radio talk show, burst into tears, babysit, brave a blazing fire, squeeze through a tiny opening, return vast sums of money to the rightful owner, play the violin, dive into a lake to save a drowning girl, and skip a basketball game. You know, the typical things heroes do.
Guide's Greatest Hope Stories
Guide's Greatest Hope Stories
By Lori Peckham

The 25 true stories from the pages of Guide magazine.
Guide's Greatest Miracle Stories
Guide's Greatest Miracle Stories
By Helen Lee Robinson

If you wonder whether God still cares, or if your faith needs a shot in the arm, you will cherish these believe-it-or-not true stories from Borneo to Kalamazoo to Venezuela that show that, when we need Him most, God is there.
Guide's Greatest Mischief Stories
Guide's Greatest Mischief Stories
By Lori Peckham

Add Guides Greatest Mischief Stories to your collection!
Guide's Greatest Mission Stories
Guide's Greatest Mission Stories
By Lori Peckham

Machete-wielding assassins flee from a man whose horse leaves no hoof prints. A mysterious hand reaches from a lantern and grabs a stone missile. Seven dogs show up at a missionary's home just in time to . . . hmm, you'll have to read the book to find out!
Guide's Greatest Mystery Stories
Guide's Greatest Mystery Stories
By Lori Peckham

Who doesn’t like a good whodunit? Especially when it really happened! This book of twenty-two true mysteries will make you put on your thinking cap. Readers will find excitement and spiritual lessons in each wonderful story from the pages of Guide magazine.
Guide's Greatest Narrow Escape Stories
Guide's Greatest Narrow Escape Stories
By Lori Peckham

Here are the true stories of some astonishing narrow escapes that definitely involved help from Heaven.  How else could we explain these stories of survival? 
Guide's Greatest Prayer Stories
Guide's Greatest Prayer Stories
By Helen Lee Robinson

Amazing doesn't begin to describe these faith-building stories of answered prayer. Discover how prayer caused a stolen car to stall, taught a woman to read, delivered a snorkeling missionary from a mad shark, led a strange black dog to deliver a lost purse, healed a crushed cat, and unlocked a locked door.
Guide's Greatest Rescue Stories
Guide's Greatest Rescue Stories
By Lori Peckham

Wow! A heart-pounding collection of close calls and brushes with danger and death. All stories from Guide magazine and all true, they will teach you that God really does take care of us.
Guide's Greatest Sabbath Stories
Guide's Greatest Sabbath Stories
By Helen Lee Robinson

Here is a collection of amazing but true stories about God's faithfulness to those who honor His holy day.
Guide's Greatest Second Coming Stories
Guide's Greatest Second Coming Stories
By Lori Peckham

Guides Greatest Second Coming Stories remind us to remain faithful. Jesus is coming! And it will be worth the wait! I can’t wait! Can You?
Guide's Greatest Wild Animal Stories
Guide's Greatest Wild Animal Stories
By Lori Peckham

This is a collection of breathtaking true stories about God’s protection over those who had life-threatening run-ins with some of His most dangerous creatures. Hold your breath as Stuart sprints from a charging rhino, jump as Pastor Paulo spins on his heels to face a jaguar stalking him in the moonlight, and cringe as Lissy and Laura ignore mom’s warnings not to tease a monstrous bull . . .
Guide’s Greatest Spiritual Warfare Stories
Guide’s Greatest Spiritual Warfare Stories
By Lori Peckham

The 21 true stories in Guide’s Greatest Spiritual Warfare Stories will help you remember that God always has your back! - Ages: 10-14
Guide’s Greatest Survivor Stories
Guide’s Greatest Survivor Stories
By Lori Peckham

See God at work in 26 true stories of people who cheated death in miraculous ways. Escape hungry coyotes, a blizzard on a mountain, a raging blacksmith, a tumble into the Grand Canyon, and more. Experience the power of God intervening on behalf of His children. - Ages: 10-14
Habits of the Heart: Biblical Principles for Growing Christians
Habits of the Heart: Biblical Principles for Growing Christians
By Kenneth C. Crawford

And after you first committed your life to Christ, did you wonder, “OK, now what?” Growing Christians often need a spiritual mentor—someone to share insights, offer tips for growth, and point out potential pitfalls along the journey. In Habits of the Heart, author Kenneth Crawford highlights principles for spiritual growth drawn from his testimony and Christian experience, bringing readers full circle from growing in Jesus to sharing their own powerful stories.
Hagar: God's Beloved Stranger
Hagar: God's Beloved Stranger
By Hester Thomsen

Hagar's amazing story shows how small choices can change the course of history.
Hammers in the Fire
Hammers in the Fire
By George E. Vandeman

A fascinating archaeological account of the validity of the Bible.
Handling Hostile People
Handling Hostile People
By Jean Anderson

Jean Anderson shows how to handle bullies a soft touch. She recommends nonviolent, gentle ways that are direct and to the point, but that don’t end up in an exchange of angry words—or blows. 
Hanging On By Your Fingernails
Hanging On By Your Fingernails
By Dan Day

Many Christians wrestle with feelings of detachment and disillusionment in their spiritual experience. The reasons vary--materialism, responsibilities, or feelings of failure when trying to live up to expectations of what a Christian should be. But it doesn't have to be this way. This book offers comforting reassurance that God can restore our spiritual passion and give a new perspective on what really matters.
By Robert L. Osmunson

Oklahoma girl Hannah Kraft struggled during the Great Depression and faces seemingly insurmountable challenges in life. Her indomitable determination, faith in God, and zest and zeal for life inspired many as she taught school—elementary through college—despite tragedies which would rival Job's.
Hannah's Girls: Elaine
Hannah's Girls: Elaine
By Ruth Merkel

Young readers will be swept back in time with these true stories of six generations of Adventist girls. This exciting series weaves through changing times, revealing that every girl has a special story, a rich history, and a great heritage as a daughter of God.
Hannah's Girls: Ruthie
Hannah's Girls: Ruthie
By Ruth Merkel

Young readers will be swept back in time with these true stories of six generations of Adventist girls. This exciting series weaves through changing times, revealing that every girl has a special story, a rich history, and a great heritage as a daughter of God.
Happiness and Health
Happiness and Health
By Harold Shryock, M.D.

We would all like to have both happiness and health. It is difficult to have one without the other. If you are not happy, you probably are not well, and if you are not healthy it is difficult to be happy. Doctors now know that our fears, our troubles, our emotions, all affect our health. They also know that how healthy we are is often revealed by how happy we are.

Happiness and Health will help you learn how to have both in your life.
Happiness Digest
Happiness Digest
By Ellen G. White

When happiness seems beyond your reach and problems weigh you down, where do you turn? Millions of people have found the answer in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Happiness Digest shows how you too can experience His joy and guidance and offers help in the calm assurance that God is in ultimate control and very much interested in your life.
Happiness for Husbands and Wives
Happiness for Husbands and Wives
By Harold Shryock, M.D.

This book was designed to help couples find happiness.
Happiness Wall to Wall
Happiness Wall to Wall
By George Vandeman

His first book on love and marriage, Happiness Wall to Wall has been a classic volume for two decades.  Through the years it has been an effective tool in the repair of broken homes and the enhancement of healthy marriages.  This present volume is a newly revised edition.  It builds on the strengths of the first and includes valuable new insights.
Happy Jack
Happy Jack
By Janice Mathews

Follow along with pictures and rhymes as Jack learns important lessons about making good spending decisions and being content with what God has given him.
Has God Given You Up?
Has God Given You Up?
By Philip B. Knoche

To understand the Bible and God’s will for our lives rightly we need the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 
Have You Ever Been Lost?
Have You Ever Been Lost?
By Chris Holland

In the Bible we find hope for the wanderer, hope for the restless soul who is looking for something more. There is assurance here in a world of so much uncertainty. In this book we will look at Luke 15 and see that we do not need to feel lost. We can be found and live a life of assurance!
The Haystacks Church
The Haystacks Church
By Andy Nash

Andy Nash explores issues that Adventists grapple with collectively. Male or female, young or old, vegan or omnivore, we’re in it together—haystacks.
He Chose to Listen
He Chose to Listen
By Eileen E. Lantry

Read this story and you’ll learn how S. N. Haskell, a trailblazer for God, chose to listen. But you’ll hurt for the student who would not listen and heed God’s messages.
He Comes: Why, when and how Jesus Christ will return
He Comes: Why, when and how Jesus Christ will return
By Reinder Bruinsma

The world is in turmoil. Deadly pandemics shake the global economy; nations threaten war with each other; and the moral fabric of society seems to be eaten away. Are the ancient prophecies finally being fulfilled? Might the chaos around us herald the Lord’s return?
He Knows My Name
He Knows My Name
By Karen Pearson

This 365-entry daily devotional for women by women features authors from around the world. Start or finish your day in the stillness, listening for the Creator to whisper your name. You are seen, known, and loved by Him!
He Lives
He Lives
By Heather Guttschuss

We hear much these days about miracles wrought by the spirits of devils. But what about God? Does He ever perform miracles? This book answers the question. 
He Made Planet Earth
He Made Planet Earth
By Max Gordon Phillips

Air, water, sunlight, food, the dome of heaven above, and the earth beneath—we take it all for granted. But, come to think of it, our whole world is uniquely adapted for our habitation. 
He Never Doubted: The Story of William A. Spicer
He Never Doubted: The Story of William A. Spicer
By Sadie Engen

William A. Spicer witnessed the growth of the Seventh-day Adventist church from a membership of 4,000 to 700,000, much of it due to his own life and labor in service for others. This is his story.
Head Winds or Tail Winds
Head Winds or Tail Winds
By Charles L. Paddock

First published in 1956 and rereleased as part of the Heritage collection, this book offers the reader a look into the lives of famous men and women who went against the wind into territory unknown and blessed the world around them. 
Heal the Sick
Heal the Sick
By Norval F. Pease

This book is a series of 12 short essays, intended to survey certain facets of divine healing or “faith” healing as it is often called. It is the author’s hope that the reader will discover what is permanent and universal in the gift of healing and experience the renewing power of God. 
Healing Power Of Love
Healing Power Of Love
By Jerry D. Thomas

Jesus taught people that they had been given precious talents.  His own life showed that every moment can influence eternity, that every moment is a treasure to be spent making someone's life better and heaven more real.  To Jesus, no human was worthless. He gave hope to the roughest, most unpromising people, assuring them that they could become gentle, obedient children of God. 
Healing Prayer
Healing Prayer
By Ellen G. White

This short collection of inspired thoughts will increase your faith in the healing power of God.
Healing: Faith or Fraud?
Healing: Faith or Fraud?
By Wayne Judd

How much faith can we put in miracle drugs? When is it right to trust the doctor, and when do we look to God?
Hearing the Way
Hearing the Way
By Kayle de Waal

The Exodus was a dominant and defining story in the Jewish nation, life and faith—and it became one of the foundational ways in which His first followers understood Jesus and, in turn, how the New Testament writers explained who Jesus was and what He did. So this story also becomes a key for our understanding of Jesus, the early church and the New Testament, and for what it means for us to follow Jesus today. Each chapter includes “Growing Hearing Communities” questions for reading and sharing in small groups or for personal reflection.
The Heart and Soul of Landon Harris
The Heart and Soul of Landon Harris
By Helen Godfrey Pyke

Landon Harris is just about to divorce his second wife and lose Ryan—a stepson that he and his own son Robbie love and can’t imagine living without. So when the unexpected opportunity arises to adopt the boy, Landon jumps at the chance. 
Heart Cry
Heart Cry
By Dorothea and Spencer Burrows

A courageous young woman’s struggle for life against staggering odds. A true story of open heart surgery, sudden stroke, and rehabilitation: of modern hospitals and skilled physicians: of doubt and faith: of trial and trouble and triumph. 
A Heart of Flesh
A Heart of Flesh
By La Vonne Neff

 A Heart of Flesh tells of God’s loving kindness. It shows how He gently takes a human being right where she is and step by step lifts her out of the mire of self-degradation and makes her His very own daughter.
The Heart Remembers
The Heart Remembers
By Helen Godfrey Pyke

This is a story of how God’s unconditional love brings healing in a seemingly hopeless situation and sets them free.
The Heartbeat of Adventism
The Heartbeat of Adventism
By Herbert E. Douglass

An invaluable resource and study tool providing the opportunity to study the important theme of the Great Controversy as it is unfolded throughout the prophetic ministry and writings of Ellen White. It will provide readers with the Big Picture from which to frame their quest for truth.
By Jill Morikone

Jill Morikone's candid sharing of her own struggles cuts to the heart of the many issues women face, You don't have to struggle in the mist--fighting and losing. Your Father wants you to break free!
Hearts at Home
Hearts at Home
By Mark Finley and Steven Mosley

Hearts at Home presents practical principles that, consistently applied, can transform relationships. Chapter topics include Being Married to Me, A Hole in the Family, Listen to the Children, I Can’t Talk to My Teenager, and Single and Whole.  
Hearts of Faith: How We Became Seventh-day Adventists
Hearts of Faith: How We Became Seventh-day Adventists
By David Trim

Expectation, exultation, bewilderment, and despair—these were the emotions amid which the Seventh-day Adventist Church was conceived. Hearts of Faith recounts the story of the transition from the weeping that followed the Great Disappointment of October 22, 1844, to the hopeful emergence of the infant Seventh-day Adventist Church 19 years later.
Heartwarming Stories of Adventist Pioneers: Book 2
Heartwarming Stories of Adventist Pioneers: Book 2
By Norma J. Collins

They spent their lives, their health, their pennies--and their fortunes--in spreading the three angels' messages. Norma Collins' second book of Heartwarming Stories of Adventist Pioneers introduces more pivotal members of our Adventist pioneers to readers in a special way that endears us to them.
Heartwarming Stories of Adventist Pioneers: Book One
Heartwarming Stories of Adventist Pioneers: Book One
By Norma J. Collins

They look out at us from their portraits: earnest faces, still and sober for the photographer, above stiff collars and plain clothing. But who were they really, these strong-minded Adventist pioneers?
Heaven Sent
Heaven Sent
By Amanda Bews

Heaven's life seems perfect. She has good grades, popularity, a rich family and the perfect boyfriend. Only she knows none of it's true. One drunken mistake changes everything. This is a beautifully written story about how the consequences of one choice can change a life forever. Author Amanda Bews has a burden on her heart for helping young people navigate the complicated world of growing up and making life choices. This captivating story will keep you engaged from beginning to end.
Heaven's Open Door
Heaven's Open Door
By Erwin R. Gane

In Heaven’s Open Door, author Erwin R. Gane seeks to consider the seals of Revelation in relation to the ministry of our heavenly High Priest. 
By Ralph Blodgett

The author cites surveys that indicate what modern Americans think about hellfire, and sets forth biblical stand on the eternal consequences of sin.
Hello Neighbor
Hello Neighbor
By Herbert E. Douglass

Perhaps you have asked, Who are Seventh-day Adventists?  What do they believe? And you have the right to ask. This little booklet will try and answer some of your questions and introduce you to your Adventist friends.  
Help For the Harvest
Help For the Harvest
By Gloria J. Bell

Nothing can bring more joy than to have someone walk up to you years later and ask, “Do you remember me? I took Bible studies from you and was baptized.”
Help In Daily Living
Help In Daily Living
By Ellen G. White

Are you searching for life above the ordinary? Do you want true and lasting relationships, a genuine godly character, and a practical everyday faith that fills your life and the lives of those you touch with blessings? Then this powerful booklet is exactly what you need.
Help! I'm a Parent (Parenting Devotional)
Help! I'm a Parent (Parenting Devotional)
By Claudio and Pamela Consuegra

This parenting devotional weaves the Word of God with practical applications to the challenges today’s parents face.
Help! I'm Being Followed
Help! I'm Being Followed
By Clinton Valley

This book offers insight into the true purpose of leadership and the profile of an effective leader. You'll discover that the God who called you to lead will qualify, guide, and sustain you.
Help! I've Been Asked to Preach
Help! I've Been Asked to Preach
By Maylan Schurch

With great examples and stories, this book takes you step-by-step through building and delivering great sermons. Especially useful in churches that share a pastor or for people with a burden to preach.
Help, Lord, I Blew It Again
Help, Lord, I Blew It Again
By Mike Jones

Reevaluation of and insights into the ups and downs of the Christian Life over the past 30 years. The author includes material from his original book Help Lord, I Blew It Again (c.1980), to show how the message of a victorious Christian life is still relevant and helpful in today's world.
Helpings for the Heart
Helpings for the Heart
By George Vandeman

The author understood that stories have the power to make people stop, listen, think, and even laugh. 
Herald of the Midnight Cry
Herald of the Midnight Cry
By Paul A. Gordon

Here is the story of William Miller,─the herald of the midnight cry─, and the Great Disappointment of 1844.
Heralds of New Light
Heralds of New Light
By Roger W. Coon

Will God ever send another prophet to the Seventh-day Adventist church? This question was increasingly being raised as Ellen White’s life drew to a close, and some people still wonder. 
Heralds of the Morning
Heralds of the Morning
By Asa Oscar Tait

First published in 1899 and rereleased as a Heritage Classic, this book visits the meaning of the social and political problems of the era and the significance of the phenomena in nature during that time. 
Herbie the Hippo: I Can Read Series
Herbie the Hippo: I Can Read Series
By Raelinda Robak

Herbie the Hippo is a fun story in the I Can Read series. This series was developed for the classroom, and home school teaching kids and encouraging the youngest of readers.
Here I Am Teen Devotional
Here I Am Teen Devotional
By Natalie Dorland

Your relationship with God is an adventure, and the way you communicate with Him will be different on some days than others. 
Here I am, Lord - Send Someone Else
Here I am, Lord - Send Someone Else
By Curt Dewitt

You’ll read about adventures that never should have happened had he had his way. But, he followed God despite what he thought and ended up living a life he never expected.
Here We Stand: Luther, the Reformation, and Seventh-day Adventism
Here We Stand: Luther, the Reformation, and Seventh-day Adventism
By Michael W. Campbell and Nickolaus Satelmajer

Although separated in time by centuries, Seventh-day Adventists see themselves as heirs of the Protestant Reformation started by Martin Luther 500 years ago. This volume explores the various facets and contours of Luther and compares them with Seventh-day Adventism. 
The Hero of Babylon
The Hero of Babylon
By Charles G. Bellah

In The Hero of Babylon by Charles G. Bellah, the book of Daniel is retold in story fashion to appeal to a more youthful audience. 
Hero Tales of the Bible
Hero Tales of the Bible
By Arthur W. Spalding

Author Spalding, re-tells the stories of Bible heroes who listened to God’s call even amidst seemingly insurmountable odds. Beautifully written in easy to understand language, Hero Tales of the Bible is a great book for the younger reader.
Heroes in Training
Heroes in Training
By Vicki Redden

How would you like to be a hero when you grow up? OK, let's start right now! With this primary devotional book. Invite Vicki Redden into your home, and she'll tell you 12 things that will make you a hero for God. You'll read about heroes from Bible times to modern times.
Heroes of the Reformation
Heroes of the Reformation
By Gideon D. Hagstotz, Hilda B. Hagstotz

This book gives a comprehensive picture of the leaders of the Reformation who arose in every part of Europe. Here were heroes of the cross, who were willing to suffer persecution and death in order that the faith they held dear might be kindled in a thousand other lives. 
Heroes Take Wings
Heroes Take Wings
By Charles L. Paddock

Heroes Take Wings is a collection of stories about people who made a difference in the world, despite their imperfect circumstances. An inspiring glimpse into the lives of men and women of achievement.
High Adventure In Korea
High Adventure In Korea
By Theodora S. Wangerin

This book is a collection of personal stories of the lives of Koreans sure to bring the reader inspiration and courage to keep the faith of Jesus even in the midst of trial.  
Highly Effective Marriage
Highly Effective Marriage
By Nancy Van Pelt

If you long for marital intimacy, tenderness, and respect, or just need a 100,000-mile marital tune-up, this book is filled with powerful secrets to keep your spouse madly in love with you.
Hiking With Jesus
Hiking With Jesus
By Jim Feldbush

As they take their daily devotional "hike," primaries will find nature nuggets from every book in the Bible. They'll learn about sea cows, rats, caves, cosmetic lotions, dirt, fast horses, lightening, and egg whites.
Him Big God Day
Him Big God Day
By Stanley Maxwell

Missionary, teacher, and author, Stanley Maxwell, has put together his favorite "Sabbath" stories from around the globe. Some he heard as a child, others people have told him through the years, and some he has experienced himself.Him Big God Day is full of amazing stories of how people were blessed by their faithfulness to God's holy law.  
His Wondrous Cross
His Wondrous Cross
By Brian D. Jones

Author Brian D. Jones stands, as it were, at the foot of the cross and, with us, contemplates the mystery, wonder, and unfathomable love that radiates from the One who died there.
Historias bíblicas asombrosas (Espanol)
Historias bíblicas asombrosas (Espanol)
By Mario Pereyra

Las biografías bíblicas son muy reveladoras de la condición humana. Nos permiten conocer las causas íntimas de la conducta. La Biblia se distingue por su transparencia. Muestra a sus personajes tal como son, con sus defectos y virtudes, verdaderos modelos de vida para bien o para mal.
Holding On to Hope
Holding On to Hope
By Heather Quintana

Discover an often-overlooked Bible verse that will inspire you to hold on to hope even when things seem hopeless. When you’re tempted to give up on a dream, goal, situation, person, or even yourself, this is a reminder that God hasn’t given up, and He doesn’t want you to either.
The Holiday Special Vegetarian Recipe Collection
The Holiday Special Vegetarian Recipe Collection
By Fay Kazzi

This is a beautifully curated Vegetarian ebook Cookbook designed with an emphasis on gut health and written by Dr. Fay Kazzi, who is a registered dietitian, published author, food photographer and recipe developer.
Homeward Bound (2016 Daily Adult Devotional)
Homeward Bound (2016 Daily Adult Devotional)
By Ellen G. White

It is our prayer that this volume may remind us not only of how the Lord has led us but also of His teaching through His servant Ellen G. White. 
Honestly, I'm Struggling
Honestly, I'm Struggling
By Heather Bohlender

Cambodia was the last place Heather wanted to be—once she finally got there. Follow this student missionary as she struggles with cultural barriers, her own expectations, and finding, knowing, and trusting God.
Hood River Girl
Hood River Girl
By Paula Montgomery

Hood River Girl, the story of a young lady growing up in the wilds of Eastern Oregon, is the third book in a four-part biography. 
Hook, Line, and Sinker
Hook, Line, and Sinker
By Heather Thompson Day

Heather tackles many of the challenges that you face—dating outside of your religion, jealousy, cheating, and sex before marriage—while emphasizing the importance of being anchored in the love of Christ.
Hooked on Unhappiness
Hooked on Unhappiness
By Carol Cannon

Are you a certifiable negaholic? If so, this book could change your life.
Hope for a Helpless Planet
Hope for a Helpless Planet
By Chris Holland

In Hope for a Helpless Planet you will discover how He will come again and how to be ready to meet Him.
Hope for Today's Families
Hope for Today's Families
By Willie and Elaine Oliver

This small book can help. Its ideas and solutions come from ancient wisdom but are as relevant as today’s news. 
The Hope of Glory (2022 Adult Devotional)
The Hope of Glory (2022 Adult Devotional)
By John Bradshaw

For the gospel to be truly experienced and lived, Jesus must dwell in the heart. As He does so, the presence of Jesus—the reality of “Christ in you”—becomes the hope of glory to all who believe.
Hospitality On  A Wing and A Prayer
Hospitality On A Wing and A Prayer
By Beverly G. Stickle

In this heartfelt, humorous collection of hospitality disasters and successes, Bev Stickle will show you the blessing you've been missing by not inviting guests to your home. 
A House on Fire: How Adventist Faith Respond to Race and Racism
A House on Fire: How Adventist Faith Respond to Race and Racism
By Maury Jackson and Nathan Brown

In recent years, there has been renewed focus on the justice issues of race and racism, the subject of worldwide protests in 2020 and ongoing social, political, and cultural debate. This volume collects chapters from 20 Adventist academics, pastors, and writers from diverse cultural backgrounds in response to the question of what Adventist Christian faith can offer to the vital and urgent work of antiracism. These authors draw on the Bible—including the Hebrew prophets and Adventist understanding of New Testament prophecy, Jesus, and the gospel—as well as Adventist history, and sound the call to respond to these contemporary issues faithfully, thoughtfully, practically, pastorally, and politically.
The House That God Built
The House That God Built
By Sandra Finley Doran

The House That God Built is the story of several individual members of the Saratoga Seventh-day Adventist Church. Through flashbacks, the author takes us back into the lives of those gathered at the groundbreaking ceremony, tracing the clear and often miraculous leading of God in bringing them together at a particular place and time. 
How Do You Spell Relief?
How Do You Spell Relief?
By Lucile H. Jones

If you thought relief was spelled R-O-L-A-I-D-S, you have another thing coming.
How Jesus Treated People
How Jesus Treated People
By Morris L. Venden

How Jesus treated people while here in earth is undoubtedly one of the most rewarding studies possible. So enjoy considering again -as you read this book- how Jesus treated sinners, women, religious leaders, the common people, and others. And in reading, learn again how He feels about you."
How Many Ways to Heaven?
How Many Ways to Heaven?
By G. A. Campbell

This booklet will help the sincere reader find the answer, in a confused and perplexed world. 
How Soon Is Soon?
How Soon Is Soon?
By Marvin Moore

Bible prophecy and current events point to Jesus’ soon return, but the precise timing of that moment rests entirely with God. He has only called us to share His love with a dying world.
How to Become a Successful Christian Leader
How to Become a Successful Christian Leader
By Robert H. Pierson

This book is addressed to any member who aspires to a position of leadership at any level within the ranks of the Seventh-day Adventists Church. Written by Elder R. H. Pierson, who for many years, was one of the most effective leaders of the world church. 
How to Believe When You Hurt
How to Believe When You Hurt
By Charles Scriven

When suffering comes knocking at your door, your heart isn’t the only thing that hurts. Christians often find that their faith gets wounded as well. Can you trust God while struggling with pain? Can you believe when you’re hurting? 
How to Belong
How to Belong
By John G. Kerbs

How to Belong When You’re Already a Member gives the author’s answers to these and similar questions many people are asking today. 
How to Burn Your Candle
How to Burn Your Candle
By George E. Vandeman

How can one attain and maintain mental health in a sick society? Elder Vandeman gives the answer.
How To Change Your Behavior
How To Change Your Behavior
By Dan Day

In this book, author Dan Day explains that behavior change is an opportunity that God offers to Christians, and he gives practical suggestions you can use to take advantage of that opportunity for your life. 
How to Communicate With Your Mate
How to Communicate With Your Mate
By Nancy Van Pelt

Teaches partners how to become effective speakers and listeners.
How to Enjoy Those September Years
How to Enjoy Those September Years
By Elizabeth McFadden

If you are a bit puzzled over how to fill your September years with happiness and the joy of fulfillment, this book is written especially for you!
How To Escape An Affair
How To Escape An Affair
By George Vandeman

This practical guide offers suggestions on how a failing marriage can be rescued, and how a stable one can be improved.
How to Feed the Mediavore - 2014 Young Adult Devotional
How to Feed the Mediavore - 2014 Young Adult Devotional
By Heather Thompson Day

There’s a lot of media out there to consume. Yet it can still leave us empty. Heather Thompson Day challenges you to take 30 days to reflect on things that are more important and more fulfilling.
How To Get Along With Others
How To Get Along With Others
By Ellen G. White

This little booklet is packed full of wisdom to help the reader walk continually in the precepts of the Word of God so that with the power and light God imparts, you will comprehend more and accomplish more than you ever before deemed possible. 
How to Get the Most out of Bible Study
How to Get the Most out of Bible Study
By Leo R. Van Dolson

This book is a guide to help show you how to get the most out of Bible Study. It will help you to learn for yourself what in the final analysis can only be learned by yourself from the Word of God.
How To Get To Heaven From Your House
How To Get To Heaven From Your House
By Bobbie Jane Van Dolson

How to Get to Heaven From Your House is a daily devotional book great for family Sabbath readings or individual devotions. 
How to Grow in Jesus
How to Grow in Jesus
By Marvin Moore

Marvin Moore invites you to discover the remodeling job Jesus wants to do on you and me, because from this we can learn a great deal about how to grow in Jesus. Jesus has very high ambitions for you and me. Paul said that He wants to do for us “immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20).
How to Handle Competition
How to Handle Competition
By Marvin Moore

Is competition good or bad? The author says it is neither; it’s our attitude toward competition that matters.
How to Handle Fatigue
How to Handle Fatigue
By Marvin Moore

If you are like most people, you know all too well the problem of fatigue.  You probably wrestle with it more often than you’d care to admit. But Marvin Moore’s practical suggestions will help you conquer fatigue.  How to Handle Fatigue gives helpful tips on coping with the two major kinds of fatigue that we all experience: physical fatigue and emotional fatigue. The book ends with a chapter on “Strategies for Success.”
How to Handle Guilt
How to Handle Guilt
By Marvin Moore

The author discusses both normal and abnormal guilt, how guilt originates, special guilt situations, and how we can respond creatively to our guilt feelings.
How to Handle Your Imagination
How to Handle Your Imagination
By Marvin Moore

This book tells how to use—how to handle—your imagination to bring happiness and success to your life.
How to Help Your Child Really Love Jesus
How to Help Your Child Really Love Jesus
By Donna J. Habenicht

A child development specialist explains how children develop spiritually and offers practical suggestions on how you can help your child establish a lasting friendship with God.
How to Hug a Heart
How to Hug a Heart
By Tamyra Horst

In How to Hug a Heart, Tamyra Horst offers simple ways to reach out and touch another person’s life. 
How to Interpret Scripture - EAQ 2Q2020
How to Interpret Scripture - EAQ 2Q2020
By Frank M. and Michael G. Hasel

The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. Written by a variety of authors, the study guide encourages personal time with God and His Word. Memory texts and key thoughts from the authors provide an opportunity for spiritual growth.
How to Interpret Scripture - EWN 2Q2020
How to Interpret Scripture - EWN 2Q2020
By Ellen G. White

One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.  
How to Kill Adventist Education
How to Kill Adventist Education
By Shane Anderson

How to Kill Adventist Education takes a hard look at the troubles plaguing Adventist schools. Not only are those problems identified, along with their root causes, but a simple yet effective strategy for change is proposed.
How to Live with a Tiger
How to Live with a Tiger
By George Vandeman

How do you tame selfishness, pride, a loose tongue, impatience, anger, jealousy--in other words, sin?
How to Live With an Unbelieving  Spouse
How to Live With an Unbelieving Spouse
By Dede Morrison

“I had to ask God to help me stop trying to change Larry. I had to let Christ weed out my faults.”  “As the floodgates opened I poured out my heart to Jesus. I thanked Him for showing me what was wrong and ended with the solemn plea, ‘O Lord! Change me!’”
How to Make a Decision
How to Make a Decision
By Marvin Moore

Decisions. We all must make them. But there are principles that we can follow that will help us make wise ones. Learn what they are in this helpful book.
How to Manage Your Time
How to Manage Your Time
By Halvard Thomsen

This book offers tips and techniques for a better life. 
How To Pray
How To Pray
By Llewellyn A. Wilcox

It is hoped that the Lord’s Prayer will mean more to you after you read this book. Having come from heaven, may it lead us all, as we pray it more understandingly, safely to heaven!
How to Raise Your Self-esteem
How to Raise Your Self-esteem
By Dair D. Rochau

It’s All Right to Love Yourself! 
How to Survive Armageddon
How to Survive Armageddon
By John C. Brunt

Find the answers you have been searching for (and ones you never expected to find) in this Bible-based study that reveals the solid truths about the end-times.
How To Think About The End Time
How To Think About The End Time
By Marvin Moore

Avoid the trap of end-time hype and disappointment. Moore insists that "this is not a book to tell people what to think." Rather it is an appeal for how to think about the end time in ways that are balanced, scriptural, and free from unfounded sensationalism.
How Will It End?
How Will It End?
By Ralph H. Blodgett

Author Ralph Blodgett writes in answer to questions regarding terrorism, nuclear annihilation, economic collapse, and social anarchy.
How Your Mind Works
How Your Mind Works
By Gwynne Dalrymple

How Your Mind Works by Gwynne Dalrymple points out the Christian rules and principles of mental health, which are needed in these ever-evolving days of hurry, stress, and uncertainty.
Hugs from Jesus
Hugs from Jesus
By Sally Pierson Dillon

These simple object lessons will arouse your child's imagination with a wide variety of hands-on experiences. Most of them involving easy five-minute craft projects that engage all the senses, stimulating your child's growing intellect.
Humble Hero
Humble Hero
By Ellen G. White

This is the third volume of a five-volume series adapted by the White Estate that will bring the clear messages of the Conflict of the Ages set to a new generation of readers.
Hung Up On Guilt
Hung Up On Guilt
By Dan Day

Did you know that there is good and bad guilt? Discover the difference. You will also learn how to cope with the bad. A practical book parents and singles will find helpful.
Hunted by the KGB
Hunted by the KGB
By Sophie Berecz

This is an astounding true story spanning two generations and three wars and containing miracles aplenty to convince any true seeker of God’s ability to guide and protect those who put their trust in Him.
The Hunted
The Hunted
By Dorothy Aitken

For years as the Vietnam War had raged, Ung and his family in Cambodia felt safe and secure in the knowledge that their country was neutral and no war would come to them. Then the bombing began. 
By Dan Day

Here is a readable, practical book that deals with the common problem of emotional hurt.
Hurue: A Boy of the South Seas
Hurue: A Boy of the South Seas
By Adelaide D. Wellman

This is the story of a boy named Hurue and the remote South Sea island he called home. 
Hypnosis: is it for you?
Hypnosis: is it for you?
By Robert McDermontt

Many today are being healed by a treatment known as hypnotherapy. Sounds fascinating, doesn’t it? Can hypnotherapy be used for all types of physical and mental problems? According to enthusiastic proponents, this approach to health can be effective in treating virtually any situation.   
I am a Witness
I am a Witness
By Kalie Kelch

Each of us has a unique perspective on every aspect of life. It comes from our experience as part of a family, our knowledge, and our personality. This means that our spiritual experience is also unique because we encounter Jesus in ways that are as diverse as we are as individuals. 
I Am Loved (2020 Women's Devotional)
I Am Loved (2020 Women's Devotional)
By Carolyn Rathbun Sutton

Do you crave frequent reminders that Someone treasures you above all else? Does your heart need to hear a love song? Then spend a few moments each day reading the stories in this devotional book.
I Am Persuaded
I Am Persuaded
By Fred Kinsey

Have you ever encountered a Bible passage that grabbed hold of your soul and wouldn’t let you go until it had totally transformed your life? In this book, you will explore the depths of the greatest love letter in the Bible and learn from Jesus the secrets of eternal life in the kingdom of God. New, on the Bible book of Romans, from Voice of Prophecy speaker/director Fred Kinsey.
I Changed Gods
I Changed Gods
By Maria A. Hirschmann

The story of a girl raised in a Christian home who faces the question of whether or not a modern Nazi can pray without violating her code of living. She chooses to change gods and worship Hitler but God remained close during chaotic, post-war Germany. Ultimately, He saves her life and shows that He really does exist and care.
I Don't See It That Way
I Don't See It That Way
By Ken McFarland

Ken McFarland explores some curious, and sometimes unconventional, thoughts on God, life, the world around us, and the world to come.  Not surprisingly, his conclusions don't usually jive with the long-venerated thoughts and opinions you may have encountered (or even believed).
I Don't See It That Way
I Don't See It That Way
By Ken McFarland

Ken McFarland explores some curious, and sometimes unconventional, thoughts on God, life, the world around us, and the world to come.  Not surprisingly, his conclusions don't usually jive with the long-venerated thoughts and opinions you may have encountered (or even believed).
I Have a Future: Christ’s resurrection and mine
I Have a Future: Christ’s resurrection and mine
By Reinder Bruinsma

There is hope for you. You may have questions about the injustice of God; about life after death; about the reality of the resurrection; or about the fires of hell. These questions are natural… but in the Bible we have some good news.
I Heard Singing
I Heard Singing
By Molly Rankin

Follow Angawon and her family through the pain and joy of change and find that larger, more fulfilling life Christianity brought to them. 
I Hope
I Hope
By Nathan Brown

Faith – Life – Church – World A collection of editorials, essays and stories to encourage your faith, challenge your life, grow your church and change your world.
I Know Something Good Manual
I Know Something Good Manual
By Glenn A. Coon

This is the lesson manual to accompany the book Path to the Heart by Glenn A. Coon. This manual has ten lessons to prepare the reader for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and help them understand that the conversion of men and women from darkness to the Son will be the result of a spirit of unity and harmony where the Holy Spirit can work through an individual. Knowing something good can help save souls!  - See more at:
I Met a Miracle
I Met a Miracle
By George E. Vandeman

Founder of the It is Written television ministry, George Vandeman, was a man personally acquainted with Christ. A man who met a miracle. Through his own story, and the stories of others, he demonstrates the struggle of surrender, the debilitating result of guilt, the persistence of conscience, the healing power of forgiveness...the miracle of conversion.
I Met God
I Met God
By Glenn A. Coon

Each of these eighteen stories will encourage the reader and show how God can meet us in dreams, in algebra class, in cemeteries, and in many other locations and situations.
I Surrender: Living a Totally Dependent Life
I Surrender: Living a Totally Dependent Life
By DuWayne Carlson

In a world in which independence is celebrated, could it be that dependence is what we really need?
I Want More
I Want More
By Mark Finley and Steven Mosley

In I Want More, Mark Finley and Steven Mosley invite you to reach a deeper level of living by searching for and finding the God of all relationships; the God who wants above all things for you to have “more.”
I Was A Catholic Priest
I Was A Catholic Priest
By Ernest Pierre Delaporte

I Was a Catholic Priest is the true odyssey of one man seeking peace and not stopping until he has found it.
I Will Give You Rest
I Will Give You Rest
By Elizabeth Talbot

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:28, 29, NASB).
I'll Hold You While It Hurts
I'll Hold You While It Hurts
By Arthur A. Milward

Meet inspirational people who all, in their own way, are exquisite examples of our need for a Savior who will hold us while it hurts.
I'm Adopted; You're Adopted
I'm Adopted; You're Adopted
By Susan Davis

Teach a child about adoption, joy, and the importance of belonging. The adoption metaphor reaches us all for we have all been adopted into the family of God.
"I've got this problem with sex--"
By Dan Day

God gave man the guidelines to follow to become a complete person, not only with emotional but with intellectual, spiritual, and physical capacities.
If I Had a Bigger Drum
If I Had a Bigger Drum
By Marjorie Lewis Lloyd

“We are all born with the drum-major instinct,” writes Marjorie Lewis Lloyd. “What baby, from the moment he makes his premiere performance, is not the center of attention? And what child does not try to keep it that way? If the real world does not have a big enough spotlight, he will turn to the world of fantasy.”
If I Were the Devil
If I Were the Devil
By George R. Knight

George Knight tackles tough questions in this shining collection of articles, speeches, and papers. Including the courageous speech “If I Were the Devil,” presented at the 2000 General Conference session, this book is an insightful look at Adventism’s mission, structure, and contemporary challenges.
If My People Pray
If My People Pray
By Randy Maxwell

Randy Maxwell's If My People Pray, a book infused with a passion for prayer as God's chosen method for establishing His kingdom through us and supplying our greatest needs, will challenge you to respond to God's eleventh-hour call to pray as never before.
If You Are Thirsty, You Can Be Spirit-filled
If You Are Thirsty, You Can Be Spirit-filled
By Peter Roennfeldt

Who is the Holy Spirit? How did Jesus relate to the Spirit? And what does this mean for us and our relationship with God? Throughout Christian history and in the church today, the Holy Spirit is a topic littered with misconceptions, controversies and concerns. However, the Spirit is also the true Source of our conversion, transformation, growth and power for living and sharing our faith. Discover how you can be Spirit-filled—if you are thirsty.
If You Can Eat . . . You Can Make Disciples
If You Can Eat . . . You Can Make Disciples
By Peter Roennfeldt

What does it mean to be a Christian and share our faith in a multi-faith and no-faith world?
In our complex post-Christian world, sharing our faith can seem equally complex. But consider how Jesus related to His multi-faith context, particularly His teaching in Luke 10:1–24. He engaged Jews, Samaritans, Roman gentiles, peasants, fishermen, urbanites, religious leaders, soldiers, merchants and others in spiritual discussions. His compassion, insights, authority and methodology left people amazed.
Drawing on this key teaching and the example of Jesus, this book suggests a simple, reproducible approach. It seeks to demystify evangelism, putting it within reach of every believer.
If You Have to Fight - Fight Fair
If You Have to Fight - Fight Fair
By Dan Day

How can two people resolve a conflict and both win? There is a way, and the author points to some practical ways of achieving this result. 
If Your Church is Closed . . . Be the Church
If Your Church is Closed . . . Be the Church
By Peter Roennfeldt

Pastor, your church has just multiplied.
This guide is for pastors whose church buildings are closed to slow the COVID-19 pandemic. It's necessary. It's not optional.
Your church is now scattered to multiple households.
But Jesus said, "Where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20).
This is a practical guide for you and your church to survive and even thrive in this new and challenging time.
Illogical Love
Illogical Love
By Jerry D. Thomas

What attracts so many people to Jesus? Why do Christians make Him the focus of their lives? The author will attempt to explain who Jesus is and why he has chosen to follow Him.
Illuminating the Shadow Figures
Illuminating the Shadow Figures
By Chantal & Gerald Klingbeil

If you’ve ever felt unimportant—that your life’s work hasn’t made even the tiniest ripple in the grand scheme of things—you’re not alone. Meet a few of the shadow figures in Scripture who probably felt the exact same way, people who lived out their lives in anonymity except for a few words recorded in the Bible. Explore the lives and times of these minor characters—some silent and passive, others bold and aggressive, still others weak and vacillating—and discover that even those who are nameless in Scripture had a definite place in God’s overarching plan.
By Ernest Steed

Throughout the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, young men and women have left their homes and families to travel to distant lands and share their faith. Each of these missionaries sacrificed comfort and security to serve the Savior they loved. Impaled is the fascinating story of a young married couple, Brian and Valmae Dunn, twentieth-century missionaries to the South Pacific island of Malaita. They made the ultimate sacrifice so that others could have eternal life.
The Impersonation Game
The Impersonation Game
By George E. Vandeman

This book is specially written to answer doctrinal questions on the occult.  
Imprison Him!
Imprison Him!
By Miriam Wood

In this book Antonio Silva recounts more than a story; it is a tremendous challenge. Its impact and relevance will inspire and challenge you long after you finish the book. It will make you tremendously thankful for every freedom and convenience you daily enjoy. 
In Beaverdom
In Beaverdom
By Helen V. Ross

In addition to following the lives of beavers in Beaverdom, you’ll explore the lives of caterpillars, ants, locusts, cicadas, sole fishes, and falcons in this collection of nature stories. 
In Grandma's Footsteps
In Grandma's Footsteps
By Paula Montgomery

In the Adventures of Hazel Weston series the early 1920's in Oregon's Hood River Valley come alive in this touching story about rural Americans, their triumphs and tragedies, as seen through the eyes of a young girl.
In Harmony with Heaven: Answering the Call
In Harmony with Heaven: Answering the Call
By Ted N. C. Wilson

General Conference President Ted Wilson not only reviews the basis of the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s identity as a prophetic movement guided by the three angels’ messages but also brings into focus what these messages mean to us and how they impact our lives.
In His Presence (2019 Women's Devotional)
In His Presence (2019 Women's Devotional)
By Carolyn Rathbun Sutton

When life’s uncertainties overwhelm us, we may momentarily forget that an unshakeable refuge is always close by. 
In Quest of Life
In Quest of Life
By Arthur L. Bietz

In Quest Of Life, Arthur L. Bietz offers sound advice to youth and youth leaders in the hopes that he will make a contribution to their faith. It is written with the conviction that all facets of truth in the moral, social, physical, and spiritual realm unite to glorify God. 
In Search of a Soul
In Search of a Soul
By George Vandeman

In this book you will find clear, Bible-based answers for your most perplexing questions about life, death, heaven, and hell.
In Step with Christ
In Step with Christ
By James J. Aitken

It’s easy to think that miracles only happened in Bible times—that God no longer moves in our world today.  In Step with Christ is full of short stories about the trials and triumphs of Europe’s Adventist young people. 
In the Amazon Jungles
In the Amazon Jungles
By F. A. Stahl

Read this book, and thank God for the work of Pastor Stahl and his noble wife who shared with him the trials, hardships, and victories.
In the Beginning
In the Beginning
By Bryan W. Ball

Do you really want to know where we came from? This book, written by a team of well-qualified Adventist Bible scholars and scientists from three continents, provides an intelligent, reasoned basis for a continuing belief in the Bible and the biblical teaching of the creatorship of God.
In The Crucible with Christ (Adult Bible Study Guide) 3Q 2022
In The Crucible with Christ (Adult Bible Study Guide) 3Q 2022
By Gavin Anthony

One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson is arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
In the Crucible with Christ (Ellen G. White Notes) 3Q 2022
In the Crucible with Christ (Ellen G. White Notes) 3Q 2022
By Ellen G. White

One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
In the Land of the Incas
In the Land of the Incas
By F. A. Stahl

This is the true story of Pastor Stahl, missionary to the Inca Indians of Peru.
In the Manner of Jesus
In the Manner of Jesus
By Reuben Hilde

The appeal to the reader is to imitate the Master's methods, communicating the gospel as He did and achieving success by doing it In the Manner of Jesus.
In the Name of Jesus: Power to Pray for People and Places
In the Name of Jesus: Power to Pray for People and Places
By Ron E. M. Clouzet

Learn about prayer walking, the most effective evangelism strategy for reaching big cities, small towns, neighborhoods, and loved ones.
In the Shadow of His Hand
In the Shadow of His Hand
By Vinnie Ruffo

An old legend says that the seventh child born in a family is endowed with special gifts and talents, that he is protected by a higher power from all forms of evil. 
In the Shadow of the Mob
In the Shadow of the Mob
By Melanie Scherencel Bockmann

Keep your mouth shut, Carl told himself, trying to act normal around his mom and his brother. The secret knowledge that his dad’s life might be in danger burned hotly in his brain, and as his dad disappeared down the front steps, Carl knew there was a serious possibility he would never see his father again.
In the Shadow of the Shekinah
In the Shadow of the Shekinah
By Roy Gane

After delivering the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, God had to teach them how to live and journey with Him. Roy Gane fills in background details that help us understand their wilderness experience and God’s sometimes-puzzling decisions.
In These Last Days:  The Message of Hebrews (Bible Bookshelf BBS) 1Q 2022
In These Last Days: The Message of Hebrews (Bible Bookshelf BBS) 1Q 2022
By Félix H. Cortes

Like many believers today, the original recipients of the letter known as Hebrews were spiritually exhausted; fatigue and malaise had taken hold and they had started to drift away from God. Perhaps we, too, need a fresh view of the Son of God, the powerful Ruler and Intercessor who sits at the right hand of God? Like a precious gem, the New Testament book of Hebrews is rare, enigmatic, and exceptional. If you’re ready to see a clearer and deeper vision of Jesus, turn off the bad news and dive into a study of this epic letter for the last days.
In These Last Days: The Message of Hebrews (Adult Bible Study Guide) 1Q 2022
In These Last Days: The Message of Hebrews (Adult Bible Study Guide) 1Q 2022
By Félix H. Cortes

The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. Written by a variety of authors, the study guide encourages personal time with God and His Word. Memory texts and key thoughts from the authors provide an opportunity for spiritual growth.
In These Last Days: The Message of Hebrews (Ellen G. White Notes) 1Q 2022
In These Last Days: The Message of Hebrews (Ellen G. White Notes) 1Q 2022
By Ellen G. White

One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
In Tune With God
In Tune With God
By Lilianne Doukhan

Worship and music have been intimately connected since biblical times. Yet music in worship has become a point of contention—a great chasm separating the young and the not-so-young, the conservative and the liberal, and, quite possibly, the members of the church you attend. Lilianne Doukhan takes on this sensitive issue with a remarkable combination of finesse and refreshing candor.
Incredible Answers to Prayer
Incredible Answers to Prayer
By Roger Morneau

Praying for others has been the special calling and spiritual gift God has given the author. He encourages readers to take some of the principles in the book and with the power of the Holy Spirit use them to know the God-given joy of interceding for others.
Incredible Voyage
Incredible Voyage
By Keith Knoche

Take an incredible journey through God’s universe. This book will examine the infinitesimal to the astronomical, the whirling realm of the atom to the uncharted depths of space.
The Indomitable Gertrude Green
The Indomitable Gertrude Green
By Max W. Hammonds

Gertrude Green was stubborn, willful, tenacious, and exactly who God needed her to be.  She was called to China and endured difficult times in her mission there, but she had the faith to know that God would be with her through it all, World Wars and all.
Insecure: My Story
Insecure: My Story
By Natalie Boonstra Lilly

Natalie Boonstra was diagnosed with Madelung’s Deformity at just ten years old. The corrective surgery for this painful, one-in-two-million congenital wrist disorder was successful, but left the very visible daughter of a well-known public figure with emotional scars, insecurity, and self-doubt. Join Natalie as she shares how God changed her heart, showed her who she is in Him, and helped her realize her inherent value.
Into the Blizzard
Into the Blizzard
By Olivine Bohner

When Jack Zachary of Manitoba, Canada, accepted Christ he began to spread his new faith. He lived a life of unbelievable hardship and peril in order to tell others about his Saviour. Into the Blizzard records in vivid narrative the adventures of a dauntless emissary for Christ.
Into the Wild (2023 Teen Devotional)
Into the Wild (2023 Teen Devotional)
By Charles Mills

Sometimes this world’s problems seem wild and overwhelming. But there is good news! God has given us all the tools and support we need to make this journey a delightful adventure. Learn more about God, sharing your faith, making a difference in the world, healthy relationships, and more in this devotional for today’s teens and tomorrow’s leaders.
Investigating the Judgment
Investigating the Judgment
By John T. Anderson

Here's a revolutionary look at God's total fairness and relentless effort to save us. A culmination of 20 years of study, the author delves into Jewish traditions of Yom Kippur as he examines the concept of judgment.
Invincible Irishman
Invincible Irishman
By Neff, Merlin L.

This biography of Percy T. Magan records some of the early history of Loma Linda University and shares the story of an inspired and inspiring leader who helped form one of Adventism's most enduring institutions.
Invisible Escort
Invisible Escort
By Rose Christensen

This is the story of the Christensens’ mission work in war-torn China. They endured air raids, floods, serious illness, bandits, enemy cross fire, invasion after invasion, and had lived through them all.
By Alejandro Bullón

A collection of breathtaking true stories about lives that were miraculously changed. Each story illustrates one of the steps in coming to Jesus and accepting His invitation to a better life. A wonderful book to share with family and friends.
The Invitation (Sharing Edition)
The Invitation (Sharing Edition)
By Alejandro Bullón

Breathtaking true stories about lives that were miraculously changed. 
The Invitation
The Invitation
By Alejandro Bullón

This very powerful book contains the stories of people destroyed by life’s circumstances and rebuilt by the love of God. As you read the chapters of this book, you might even see a reflection of yourself as in a mirror. You may think that your life makes no sense, that there is no forgiveness or hope for you. Yet, each of these stories will lead you to believe in a Power that is above and beyond your own self. The great need of every man and woman is God’s great opportunity to save you. He offers you a new birth, a new life with meaning, the opportunity to rebuild your life and restore your family. Please, accept His invitation.
Is Anybody Driving?
Is Anybody Driving?
By George E. Vandeman

Do you want something to stand on? Something to steady you in the storm? Something you can hold to when the earth is quaking? Something that won’t be washed away by the flood? The author suggests that our confidence and security in Jesus Christ is our only surety.
Is Death for Real?
Is Death for Real?
By Jack W. Provonsha

In this book, Jack W. Provonsha, a Seventh-day Adventist minister, former missionary, physician, and teacher, explores questions such as, What does the Bible teach about death, the soul and the resurrection? 
Is Heaven for Real?
Is Heaven for Real?
By Chris Holland

Every day disasters and tragedies happen around the world. Nations are divided. Intolerance is on the rise. Where can we place our hope and trust?
Is Jesus Enough?
Is Jesus Enough?
By Dan Jackson

In his new book Elder Dan Jackson, President of the North American Division, shares that as we behold the cross of Christ we will be ravished by His matchless charms. The reader will face the question, "Is Jesus enough?" and discover that no matter how little or how much you have, Jesus is enough for today and for eternity. 
Is Love Enough?
Is Love Enough?
By Belle Wood Comstock

This book is written especially for young people about to be married and for households everywhere. It discusses the problems of relationships in the home and married life and gives the reader advice on how to deal with these issues, leading to the happiness of all. 
Is Salvation Really Free?
Is Salvation Really Free?
By Edward W. H. Vick

In Is Salvation Really Free? The author, with amazing clarity, addresses such questions as, Why must the Christian always give grace the first place? What is sin? How is it remedied? What is justification? What does the term sanctification mean? 
Is This Living
Is This Living
By Marvin Moore

The author addresses the three different types of euthanasia as well as the moral, medical and legal issues surrounding it.
Isaiah (Bible Book Shelf) 1Q 2021
Isaiah (Bible Book Shelf) 1Q 2021
By Roy Adams

The book of Isaiah challenge people, including us, to stop just looking around and start looking up to the Lord, whom Isaiah saw "sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up" (Isaiah 6:1). In author Roy Gane's "The Book of Isaiah", readers will get a fresh look at some of the poetry and parallelism, imagery, and contrasts, and musical rhythms that for the symphony of the human journey through judgement and restoration.
Island of Tears
Island of Tears
By Herbert Ford

Because of this passion and his own love for God, Tay pioneered Seventh-day Adventism on Pitcairn Island and throughout the islands of the South Pacific. This is the story of John Tay and the island he loved. 
It Did Happen
It Did Happen
By Enid Sparks

Your early readers will love these classic, true stories, originally published in 1961.  Thirty-nine total stories featuring life on the farm and in the home, stories about friends, pets, and wild animals, and stories about the Sabbathwill educate while they entertain.
It Happened At Night
It Happened At Night
By Cora Mabel Noland

Children will be educated in character and inspiration as they hear stories of Jacob and his fight with the Angel, Samson among the Philistines, Saul visiting the spirit medium, and many others.  
It's All About Him
It's All About Him
By Lee Venden

Lee Venden explains in simple terms how to make friends with Jesus. Using a blend of stories, parables, and plain teaching, he explains how to surrender your will, how to be converted daily, and how to experience Christ's transforming power.
It's All Good!
It's All Good!

It's All Good is chock-full of easy-to-prepare international recipes designed to help you provide tasty, nutritious meals for your family.
It's Alright to Cry
It's Alright to Cry
By Lucile H. Jones

This little book has invaluable information for those who may be suffering from the loss of a loved one. 
It's Going To Be Alright
It's Going To Be Alright
By Arthur A. Milward

Arthur Milward’s pen traces hauntingly poignant stories of life on this sin-stained planet. Yet accompanying every sorrow is a thread of hope.
It's My Choice: Junior Baptismal Guide, Student Workbook
It's My Choice: Junior Baptismal Guide, Student Workbook
By Steve Case

Ten studies that help kids understand the 27 fundamental beliefs and 13 baptismal vows of the church-- lessons created specifically for the concrete thinking of 10- to 12-year-olds.
It's Time
It's Time
By Reinder Bruinsma

If you agree that Adventism shouldn't be the "dos & don'ts" and just a bunch of talk . . . And if you're ready to start walking the walk with Jesus . . ."
It's Your Money! Isn't It?
It's Your Money! Isn't It?
By G. Edward Reid

Edward Reid brings an end-time urgency to the way we handle money. He says it's time to abandon worldly attitudes toward borrowing, planning for retirement, investing, and estate planning. With 1,600 references to money and possessions, the Bible shows us a better way.
J.N. Andrews
J.N. Andrews
By Gilbert M. Valentine

This thoroughly researched biography tells the story not only of John Nevins Andrews but also the story of James and Ellen White and of the development of their beloved Adventist church.  J. N. Andrews was totally committed to “the cause” of Seventh-day Adventism.  It was his life and it shaped him even as he helped shape it.
Jack and the 10 Rules
Jack and the 10 Rules
By Janice Mathews

Stewardship Jack is back! In his second book Jack the dog shares his uncanny wisdom about the importance of keeping the Ten Commandments. Young stewards in training often balk at the idea of obedience, but good old Jack has this particular concept down pat.
Jack Gives Back
Jack Gives Back
By Janice Mathews

In his first book Jack explains, in a way any child can understand, the importance of giving back to God. The simple words and charming photos will help you pass on to your children the same principles of stewardship that you've learned to live by.
Jack's Hats
Jack's Hats
By Janice Mathews

In this book, Jack’s third, children learn that God has given each of them unique talents and that using these gifts in His service is part of being a good steward. Children can choose to be just who God created them to be.
Jack: An Incredible Life
Jack: An Incredible Life
By Jolena Taylor King

Katie's friendship with Frederick blossomed into love. Then one day he disappeared, leaving this 18-year-old German immigrant to raise the baby she was expecting. This story of hardship and loneliness, of war and long years of separation from his beloved mother, is also the story of Jack Blanco, author of The Clear Wordparaphrase of the Bible.
By Ruth Redding Brand

He laid a clever plot to steal the birthright blessing from his brother, Esau, a hunter. Esau was furious! Jacob fled for safety to his uncle Laban. But what goes around comes around, and so the trickster was tricked–he asked for the hand of Rachel, but woke up to find he’d gotten Leah instead. With compelling power the ups and downs in the life of Jacob are dramatized here as never before.
James White: Innovator and Overcomer
James White: Innovator and Overcomer
By Gerald Wheeler

In this new biography of one of the church's founders, Gerald Wheeler looks at his personality, his family, his theology, his entrepreneurship-woven together in an intriguing story of a fascinating man.
James, The Brother of Jesus
James, The Brother of Jesus
By Trudy J. Morgan-Cole

James: the Brother of Jesus paints a soul-stirring picture of a Savior unafraid to risk doing the unexpected in order to redeem His family through all time. NEW from gifted author, Trudy Morgan-Cole, readers will see Jesus in a new light--through the eyes of a skeptical older brother who ultimately becomes the head of the church.
The Jehovah's Witnesses
The Jehovah's Witnesses
By Skip McCarty

This booklet examines three key Jehovah’s Witness doctrines: Salvation in Christ, the nature of Christ, and the second coming of Christ. It also answers other important questions. 
Jeremiah Adult Bible Study Guide 4Q 2015
Jeremiah Adult Bible Study Guide 4Q 2015
By Imre Tokics

To read the book of Jeremiah is to take a journey, a spiritual journey that goes back and forth from the lowest depths of human depravity to the heights of grandeur and majesty of the Lord--the Lord who, from those heights, cries out to all of us: Mi-yittan that such a heart would be in you!  
Jeremiah Bible Book Shelf 4Q 2015
Jeremiah Bible Book Shelf 4Q 2015
By Timothy Joseph Golden

Jeremiah: The Prophet of Crisis mines the Word of God for the treasures buried deep in the book of Jeremiah to give us a better understanding of God, and thus bring spiritual and moral enrichment to each of our lives. 
Jeremiah E. G. White Notes 4Q 2015
Jeremiah E. G. White Notes 4Q 2015
By Ellen G. White

To read the book of Jeremiah is to take a journey, a spiritual journey that goes back and forth from the lowest depths of human depravity to the heights of grandeur and majesty of the Lord--the Lord who, from those heights, cries out to all of us: Mi-yittan that such a heart would be in you!  
Jesus 101: Radical Discipleship
Jesus 101: Radical Discipleship
By Elizabeth Talbot

The Jesus 101 Radical Discipleship series is a study of ordinary people accepting extraordinary grace. 
Apocalipsis: El Quinto Evangelio (Español)
Apocalipsis: El Quinto Evangelio (Español)
By Elizabeth Talbot

In the book of Revelation, the last chapter in the story of Redemption, God has drawn back the veil on a beautiful masterpiece--one that exceeds all our expectations and surpasses our wildest imaginings.
Jesus 101: Revelation the Fifth Gospel
Jesus 101: Revelation the Fifth Gospel
By Elizabeth Talbot

In the book of Revelation, the last chapter in the story of Redemption, God has drawn back the veil on a beautiful masterpiece--one that exceeds all our expectations and surpasses our wildest imaginings.
Jesus Face to Face
Jesus Face to Face
By Mark Finley and Steven Mosley

As you read these pages, as you travel with us in your imagination to Israel, it’s our prayer that you will meet Jesus.
Jesus for a New Millennium
Jesus for a New Millennium
By Ken Wade

If the commencement of yet another century is beginning to chip away at your faith in a “soon” —coming Savior, this book will give you ample reason to hope again.  
Jesus the Leader
Jesus the Leader
By Reinhold R. Bietz

Jesus the Leader explores the leadership qualities of Jesus Christ, qualities that revealed Christ to be the most effective and most powerful Leader the world has ever known.
Jesus Unlimited
Jesus Unlimited
By Ricardo Graham

When Jesus was on the cross, Satan thought he had knocked Him out. Satan thought he had scored and won the contest. Jesus was knocked down but not out. Praise God on the third day, Jesus rose! There are times in our battles with sin and Satan, we may be beaten, but we are not defeated. Though the battle rages, we can win the war!
Jesus, What Are You Doing Tonight?
Jesus, What Are You Doing Tonight?
By Cathy Carlin

The author, a young woman, talks with God and shares thoughts that the rest of us only feel but cannot express. Many of these brief chapters resemble David’s psalms in their refreshing candor and honest expression. 
Jesus: A Heart Full of Grace
Jesus: A Heart Full of Grace
By William G. Johnsson

An adult devotional, written by William Johnsson, editor of The Review, is one full of Grace. Daily, this book will remind each of us that His grace is sufficient.
The Jews and Palestine
The Jews and Palestine
By Roy F. Cottrell

The Jews and Palestine by Roy F. Cottrell covers the grand sweep of the history of God’s chosen people. The reader will know that the Jews are not a dying, dwindling race but a miracle of preservation.
Joash the Boy King: I Can Read Series
Joash the Boy King: I Can Read Series
By Rose Gamblin

Joash the Boy King is a Bible story in the I Can Read series. This series was developed for the classroom, and home school teaching kids and encouraging the youngest of readers.
Job and the Devil
Job and the Devil
By Edwin R. and Margaret White Theile

Why this book about Job? Job and the Devil is significant due to the authors’ ability to elucidate the story of Job with exceptional clarity and charm and to illuminate a most vital part of the drama of Job that is almost invariably overlooked by commentators.   
Joel's Oregon Summer
Joel's Oregon Summer
By Edna May Olsen-Regester

After reading Joel’s Oregon Summer, you’ll understand better how to enjoy nature and how to keep it so others can enjoy it too. 
John Byington
John Byington
By Brian Strayer

This intriguing biography reveals a man who followed traditional models of leadership, yet did not shy away from the important issues of his day. His passion for encouraging the members and his commitment to ministry helped him make enormous contributions to the mission and development of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
John Harvey Kellogg
John Harvey Kellogg
By Richard W. Schwarz

A man of many talents and many faults, John Harvey Kellogg will amaze and shock you as you read about his contribution to the health in the Adventist church and around the world.
John Knox: A Bold One for God
John Knox: A Bold One for God
By Charles G. Edwards

John Knox has gone down in history not only as a great Scottish reformer but also as a statesman and patriot of his country.
John Tay, Messenger to Pitcairn
John Tay, Messenger to Pitcairn
By Sadie Engen

This book is the story of John Tay, the trailblazer who brought the gospel message to Pitcairn, and his young friends Tom and George. 
John The Beloved Gospel
John The Beloved Gospel
By Jon Paulien

A deeper and more genuine relationship with Jesus awaits those who read this book and study the fourth Gospel—the “beloved” Gospel.
Jesus 101: John God Became Flesh
Jesus 101: John God Became Flesh
By Elizabeth Talbot

Book two in the Jesus 101 series on the four Gospels from Elizabeth Talbot and the Voice of Prophecy. From his first sentence, John wants us to recognize that Jesus is God--he wants us to see beyond Jesus' humanity because then we will behold His glory and recognize the beauty of what He has accomplished for us all.
Jonah: Messenger of the Eleventh Hour
Jonah: Messenger of the Eleventh Hour
By Gerhard F. Hansel

The book of Jonah--a gem in the heart of the Bible--is a complete story of God's compassion, mercy, and forgiveness for the entire world.
By Ruth Redding Brand

This beautifully illustrated book about Joseph is based on careful research and includes a wealth of background information in addition to a well-crafted story and beautiful illustrations. Part of the Family Bible Story series.
Joseph Bates: The Real Founder of Seventh-day Adventism
Joseph Bates: The Real Founder of Seventh-day Adventism
By George R. Knight

A hero who stood for truth against the majority, Bates once cut a hole in three feet of ice to baptize seven converts when it was 30 degrees below zero. In this biography Knight strips away the veneer of history to reveal new textures in the life of this most colorful pioneer.
Josephine's Fortune
Josephine's Fortune
By Kay D. Rizzo

Book Three in The Serenity Inn Series. Determined to find answers for herself, Josephine embarks on a cross-country adventure that carries her from New York to New Orleans. Josephine's Fortune captures the conflict of one woman's spiritual journey: a woman courageous enough to put God's promise to the test in the years prior to the Civil War.
Journal of a Not-So-Perfect Daughter
Journal of a Not-So-Perfect Daughter
By Nancy Carver Abbott

This unique narrative is not only a memoir of the past but also an articulate journey of spiritual growth you will find fascinating and inspiring. 
The Journey Begins (In Step With Jesus; New Members Study Guide 1)
The Journey Begins (In Step With Jesus; New Members Study Guide 1)
By Jane Thayer, PhD

The New Members’ Bible Study Guide has been prepared to assist in the task of making disciples. It is a valuable resource for assisting new members in understanding how to follow God’s Word. All the fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church are covered several times during the year, reinforcing basic Adventist beliefs and doctrines. The Journey Begins is the first guide.  The series can be started with a New Members Class any quarter of the year - it is not limited to the calendar year.
Journey Through the Bible 1 - From Genesis to Job
Journey Through the Bible 1 - From Genesis to Job
By Ken Wade

This is a study of the history, significance, and meaning of each book of the Bible from Genesis to Job. This journey will help you grasp the central message of each book and encourage you to persevere through the portions that may seem obscure or difficult.
Journey Through the Bible 2 - From Psalms To Malachi
Journey Through the Bible 2 - From Psalms To Malachi
By Ken Wade

“Any place you look in the Bible you will find a God who is full of love and grace for sinners. In Journey Through the Bible, Ken Wade once again finds a way to make you want to cheer for Jesus.”
—Don Schneider, NAD president (2000-2010)
Journey Through the Bible 3 - Matthew to Revelation
Journey Through the Bible 3 - Matthew to Revelation
By Ken Wade

Ken Wade begins the third volume of Journey Through the Bible by sharing fresh insights into the life of Jesus as portrayed by the Gospel writers. 
Journey to Freedom
Journey to Freedom
By Patricia Maxwell

Born to former slave parents, Anna went on to share God's love at home and abroad. Hers was truly a Journey to Freedom
Journey to the Heart of God
Journey to the Heart of God
By S. Joseph Kidder

This book explores this Journey to the Heart of God by dealing with several Christian spiritual practices such as worship, prayer, Bible study, fellowship, fasting, giving, forgiveness, and touching lives.  As the love of God compels us to live out these spiritual practices, the Holy Spirit will transform our lives and make us more like Jesus.
Journey to the Son
Journey to the Son
By Kenneth J. Holland

What does it mean to have a relationship with God? This little book will help the reader to understand the answer to this question. 
The Joy of Being a Vegetarian
The Joy of Being a Vegetarian
By Philip S. Chen

As the science of nutrition has advanced during the past fifty years, it is becoming increasingly apparent that a vegetarian diet is superior to a flesh diet in many ways.
Joy: The Secret of Being Content
Joy: The Secret of Being Content
By Celeste Perrino Walker

Your Joy May Be Complete 

Now. Not tomorrow. Not when you become the perfect Christian, but today. If you are not filled with joy, then you aren't taking advantage of all heaven is offering you. 

You can have a little heaven now. Here's how.
Juan Dios se hizo carne
Juan Dios se hizo carne
By Elizabeth Talbot

Jesús, Dios hecho carne. Juan quiere que veamos más allá de la humanidad de Jesús, porque cuando lo veamos desde esta perspectiva, contemplaremos su gloria y reconoceremos la belleza de lo que logró para todos nosotros. 
Jubilation Morn'
Jubilation Morn'
By Jean E. Holmes

This is a story of tragedy and triumph. The tragedy of a bitter and hellish war, of families torn apart, of pain and bloodshed and death. And the triumph of friendship, freedom, and love.
Judgment and Assurance
Judgment and Assurance
By Woodrow W. Whidden II

This powerful and comprehensive book will help believers become assured and balanced Christians, able to understand and explain the biblical teachings on judgment and assurance.
Julie Otis Student Nurse
Julie Otis Student Nurse
By Betty Stirling

This is the story of Julie Otis, a young student nurse who had a dream to be accepted into the Nursing school of Fairlawn Sanitarium and Hospital. Will her dreams of becoming a missionary nurse to India come true? 
Julie's 3 Special Letters
Julie's 3 Special Letters
By Colleen L. Reece

Julie felt bad. Her family planned to go to the mountains for three weeks, and she was going to miss Sabbath School. But Mrs. Johnson had an idea. She would write Julie every week with a special story about Jesus. Discover those beautiful letters in this book for kids.
Julius Again!
Julius Again!
By VeraLee Wiggins

In this newest adventure of the pesky pet parrot, Julius returns, full of surprises. But the biggest surprise is when another parrot shows up on the scene. 
Jumping off the Retirement Shelf
Jumping off the Retirement Shelf
By Lucile H. Jones

Jumping off the Retirement Shelf is filled with senior success stories designed to encourage you to hold on tight and get ready for the big jump back into the action. Put the rocker on hold a little longer, turn to chapter one, and jump!
Jungle Adventurer
Jungle Adventurer
By Eileen E. Lantry

Elder O. E. Davis was one who pushed toward a goal and nothing could stop him. He accepted God's order to establish a mission amoung the Indians in western British Guiana. Today many Indians live in the hope of Jesus because Elder Davis loved them and gave his life for them. 
Jungle Journey and other stories
Jungle Journey and other stories
By Bent Axel Larsen

Inspiring mission stories from the jungles and mountains of Peru.
The Junior Hour
The Junior Hour
By William C. Loveless

The Junior Hour is a book of lessons just for the Junior congregation. It will prove useful for ministers, church-school teachers, camp workers, and parents. Very little preparation is required for each lesson, and the message that is brought forth will sink into the heart and be ingrained upon the mind.
Just a Scrap of Paper
Just a Scrap of Paper
By Kurt W. Johnson

Just a Scrap of Paper is a celebration of all that God has done through the ministry of the Voice of Prophecy Bible School and how it continues to help shape and impact the lives of so many around the world.
Just Believe
Just Believe
By David Edgren

Talitha has been sick for a long time. She hears about the miracles Jesus is doing, but her Papa, Jairus, is not sure that they should ask Him for help. After all, Jesus seems to be a Sabbath-breaker! But will Papa learn to trust Jesus in time to save Talitha’s life?

Just Passing Through
Just Passing Through
By George Hutches

This booklet recounts the stories of people who passed through this life knowing that their treasure was in heaven and not on this earth. 
K-Zoo News
K-Zoo News
By Ron Coffen

Join our K-Zoo News on-the-spot reporter as he delves into the fascinating yet sometimes kooky world of animals.
Katya's Gold
Katya's Gold
By Ellen Bailey

Katya's Communist teachers told her the Bible was a myth. When she learned the truth, she had to make a decision, give up her passion of competitive skiing or give up God.
Keep On Keeping On With Jesus
Keep On Keeping On With Jesus
By James W. Gilley

Pastor Jim Gilley once again points us to Jesus, the One who never gives up on us. Jesus will keep His promise to stand beside you, no matter what you’re facing. But you’ve got to hang in there and trust Him. You’ve got to “keep on keeping on.”
Keepers of the Flame
Keepers of the Flame
By Merlin L. Neff

Keepers of the Flame is written for men and women, young and old, who wish to see, to feel, and, discover what the poets and literary masters of English and American literature have felt and expressed concerning the Christian adventure. 
Keeping It Real
Keeping It Real
By Becky De Oliveira

In Keeping It Real in the Real World, B. A. De Oliveira wittily challenges this tendency with an undiluted frankness and a quirky sense of humor. Her fresh perspective on the many facets of life will inspire you to approach the Christian life fearlessly and embrace your individuality throughout your journey in the real world.
Kerala: The Gem of India
Kerala: The Gem of India
By H. G. Woodward

Hinduism is said to be the “Gibraltar of heathenism,” and the caste system can well be said to be its stronghold. Satan could not have devised a more effectual means of retarding the spread of the gospel.   
Key in the Hand
Key in the Hand
By Louis K. Dickson

This little book on prayer will help the reader see God’s great design in placing prayer power at our command, power that will help us defeat sin and lift us to plateaus of positive Christian living.
Key Words of the Christian Faith
Key Words of the Christian Faith
By Reinder Bruinsma

If you were asked to define the essence of Christianity, what would you say? Which words would you choose to describe the life-changing pursuit of something completely intangible?
A Kid Named Joe
A Kid Named Joe
By E. Lonnie Melashenko, David B. Smith

In this book, the author revisits the story of Joseph in a fresh way.
Kidnapped in Angola
Kidnapped in Angola
By Victoria Duarte

Victoria Duarte’s passion for mission outweighed any fear. As a young nursing graduate, she had accepted a call to the Bongo Adventist Mission, landing her in the middle of the Angolan civil war.
By Gregg Budd

Staring at the gun, Pastor Ratsara decided it wouldn't be wise to resist as Pastor Nshimba had; he would comply and pray that somehow he would be able to negotiate once he was inside the car. As Pastor Ratsara stepped toward the open door, his mind raced as he thought about what had just happened to his secretary; now it was happening to him! Was this the way his life would end? Had God brought him all this way just to die in a foreign country? 
Kids, Teens, and Wives
Kids, Teens, and Wives
By Dan Day

Kids, Teens, and Wives is a nuts-and-bolts look at what it means to be a dad and husband by an ordinary guy named Dan Day, who is both. 
Kill Thy Neighbor
Kill Thy Neighbor
By Corrine Vanderwerff

Kill Thy Neighbor tells the story of the Rwandan genocide of 1994 through the experience of an ordinary man. 
King David: I Can Read Series
King David: I Can Read Series
By Rose Gamblin

King David is a wonderful story for children, featuring one of the most beloved figures from the Bible.  This series was developed for the classroom, and home school teaching kids and encouraging the youngest of readers.
The King Is In Residence
The King Is In Residence
By Charles E. Bradford

The most urgent task before us today is to understand what the church is all about and make it visible. We must understand its role in God’s plan to win back a planet in rebellion.
King of the Cannibals
King of the Cannibals
By Eileen E. Lantry

King of the Cannibals is the true story of a man who came out of the heathenism among cannibals and became one of God's leaders in the Solomon Islands. It also includes the exciting adventures these people faced during the Japanese invasion of World War II when they saved Allied airmen whose planes crashed on their islands.
The King Who Couldn't Preach
The King Who Couldn't Preach
By Kimber J. Lantry

King had a vision: many people could go from door to door. And so began the work of spreading the story of Jesus by people who have become known as literature evangelists.
Kingdom of the Heart 2015 Women's Sharing Book
Kingdom of the Heart 2015 Women's Sharing Book
By Trudy J. Morgan-Cole

Kingdom of the Heart is the story of Jesus, told as if He’d come to live among us today, for the very first time. So how would you respond to His invitation to “follow Me”?
The Kingdom Scroll
The Kingdom Scroll
By David Edgren

An exciting book that takes children on an adventure through several books of the Bible and introduces them to using a concordance. The final book in the series, The Kingdom Scroll teaches about Christ coming back to take us to heaven.
The Kingliness of Kindness
The Kingliness of Kindness
By Harry M. Tippett

This little book shows the reader that the Christian virtue of kindness is not a passive thing. To be kingly in kindness, one will seek opportunities daily to do good. This book tells the stories of people who sought to do just that.  
Knoche Writes Again
Knoche Writes Again
By Keith Knoche

These stories and lessons of God’s love will affect and bless the reader’s life too. 
Knoche's Law
Knoche's Law
By Keith Knoche

Author Knoche has discovered Murphy's law through his own experience. When he slips on a banana peel, he has learned not only to get up, but also to avoid stepping on banana peel. "All the episodes are true, " he writes, "and although they may tend to incriminate me, I'll share them with you anyway. Because in them I have discovered abiding spiritual lessons and new vistas of faith in Jesus."
Knowing God In The Real World
Knowing God In The Real World
By Jon Paulien

Knowing God in the Real World clarifies the basics of the gospel message, and demonstrates how that message can be expressed in a way that makes sense in the secular world. 
Knowing Jesus Is Everything
Knowing Jesus Is Everything
By Allejandro Bullón

If you’ve ever thought that the Christian life is just too difficult—or even impossible—take a deep breath, find a comfortable chair, and face reality. In these pages are hope and guidance for pursuing a genuine friendship with Jesus. Because knowing Jesus is everything.
Knowing Jesus Knowing God
Knowing Jesus Knowing God
By David Marshall

By knowing Jesus we know God. When we know God the miracle at the heart of the Christian Gospel begins in our lives.
Lady, I'm Tired Too
Lady, I'm Tired Too
By George E. Vandeman

The focus is on the typical American lifestyle and its consequences in stress-related diseases and shortened life expectancy.
The Lamb Scroll
The Lamb Scroll
By David Edgren

An exciting book that takes children on an adventure through several books of the Bible and introduces them to using a concordance. Second in a series, The Lamb Scroll teaches about Christ's sacrifice on our behalf to save us from sin.
A Language for the Heart
A Language for the Heart
By Steven Mosley

Replete with fresh, telling illustrations, A Language for the Heart is that rare book to be coveted above most others—a book that moves us ahead a quantum leap in our personal relationship with God.
Lantern Light
Lantern Light
By May Cole Kuhn

Lantern Light is the true story of Gentle Blessing, a young Chinese girl growing up in upper-middle-class China. 
Last Call
Last Call
By Bradley Booth

Go on a dramatic journey with Jacob and Alexandra, a young, married couple inspired by the grim headlines to return to Scripture and to live by faith through the unfolding of end-time events. Rediscover Bible prophecy, imagine your own end-time experience, and build a relationship with the One who promises to sustain you through the hardest times.
Last Tiger Out
Last Tiger Out
By Jan S. Doward

Dan Maukar’s first love was his plane. Then came Molly, a beautiful black-haired girl; next, the people of his country. Dan was one of the top 10 Indonesian Air Force pilots chosen for jet training in Egypt.
Latter-day Saints and the Sabbath
Latter-day Saints and the Sabbath
By Russel J. Thomsen

First published in 1971 and rereleased as a Heritage Classic, Latter-day Saints and the Sabbath, describes the beginnings of the Latter Day Saints movement and the history of the Sabbath within their church. 
Laying Down the Law
Laying Down the Law
By Keith Burton

In Laying Down the Law Keith Augustus Burton explores the law of God through the perspective of Jesus Christ. With each chapter he reveals the role of the law, clarifies common misunderstandings, and challenges traditional assumptions about the function of the law.
Leadership Lessons from the Life of Neal C. Wilson
Leadership Lessons from the Life of Neal C. Wilson
By Myrna Tetz

This life story of former General Conference president, Neal C. Wilson reveals his evangelistic heart and desire for service.  His life demonstrated many qualities of leadership throughout his ministry.
Learning Life: How Personal Devotions Can Make A Difference
Learning Life: How Personal Devotions Can Make A Difference
By Roger Walter

Most Christians have heard that personal devotions are a critical component of a healthy, growing spiritual life. Yet many don’t know how to put the discipline into practice. In Learning Life, Pastor Roger Walter breaks down a three-step plan for personal devotions that changed his life.
The Least of These (Adult Bible Study Guide) 3Q 2019
The Least of These (Adult Bible Study Guide) 3Q 2019
By Jonathan Duffy

The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. 
The Least of These (Ellen G. White Notes) 3Q 2019
The Least of These (Ellen G. White Notes) 3Q 2019
By Ellen G. White

Toward the end of her life, Ellen White wrote, “Whether or not my life is spared, my writings will constantly speak, and their work will go forward as long as time shall last…These words that have been given me by the Lord will still have life and will speak to the people” (Letter 371, 1907).
Lemons to Lemonade
Lemons to Lemonade
By Pat Moore and Sylvia Matiko

Lemons to Lemonade is the story of one woman’s journey away from God. It is also the story of God’s calling her back to Himself, patiently over the course of years.
By Ann Matterand Gimbel

Author Ann Gimbel’s happiest childhood memories surround listening to Lenora tell stories of her life growing up on the waterways of one of Norway’s port cities.
Lessons from the Life of Nehemiah
Lessons from the Life of Nehemiah
By Ellen G. White

This easy to use study guide on the life of the Old Testament prophet Nehemiah is based on a series of articles published in theSouthern Watchman in 1904. These lessons will help you think through the sacred charge God has place on leaders and members of His church today.
Lest We Forget
Lest We Forget
By George R. Knight

In this unique devotional George R. Knight reintroduces us to our spiritual ancestors. They weren’t perfect. They weren’t all easy to get along with. But they shared one common goal—telling others about the soon-coming Savior.
Let It Go
Let It Go
By Yvonne Rodney

They'd kept secrets for a long time. This is a story of women overwhelmed with grief and guilt--and their journey to redemption and healing. There's only one way, you know. Only one.
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
By Randy Maxwell

The storms of life are inevitable. Drowning isn't.
Let the Church Roll On
Let the Church Roll On
By E. E. Cleveland

In his more than fifty-four years of ministry, Cleveland was used by God to baptize more than eleven thousand people.
Let Your Life So Shine
Let Your Life So Shine
By Jan Paulsen

Let Your Life So Shine, by Jan Paulsen, is a call to life above the ordinary. Heed the call, step out in faith, and begin experiencing the uncommon rewards of living like Jesus. 
Let's Get Acquainted
Let's Get Acquainted
By Ken McFarland

If you have ever wondered who Seventh-day Adventists are and what they believe, this booklet will introduce you to this dynamic fellowship of Christians. 
Let's Talk
Let's Talk
By Jan Paulsen

This book emphasizes the importance of communication if we want to be part of a vibrant, growing church.  The author challenges each of us to take steps to bridge the cross-generational gap prevalent within the Seventh-day Adventist Church and states the urgency of utilizing all our resources—especially our young people—as we work together to hasten our Lord’s return.
Let's Talk about Jesus
Let's Talk about Jesus
By Diaz, Elvis

Let's Talk About Jesus is a 52 - lesson manual of practical lessons from the life and ministry of Jesus. It has been designed to help your small group study the bible in an interesting and profoundly Christ-centered way. Each lesson will motivate you to dive into the biblical text, to stop and ponder its meang, so that you will be able to not only explain it but also apply it in your daily life.
Letters From a Lonely Isle
Letters From a Lonely Isle
By Mark Finley and Steven Mosley

Join Pastor Finley as he travels to fascinating sites in Turkey and on the Isle of Patmos.
Letters of John (Bible Book Shelf 3Q 2009)
Letters of John (Bible Book Shelf 3Q 2009)
By Ekkehardt Mueller

Knowledge of Jesus Christ is so important, because eternal life is dependent on who Jesus is and whether or not we believe in Him. 
Lewis C. Sheafe: Apostle to Black America
Lewis C. Sheafe: Apostle to Black America
By Douglas Morgan

In this gripping biography Douglas Morgan pieces together the life of this forgotten leader whose story sheds light on the reason that no lasting, separate Black Adventist denomination ever formed.
The Liberation of Allyson Brown
The Liberation of Allyson Brown
By Helen Godfrey Pyke

A moving story about a young woman finding her way through devastating grief back to life and into the arms of the Life-Giver. 
Life Affirmations From Scripture
Life Affirmations From Scripture
By Shelley J. Quinn

The companion book to Exalting His Word. Life Affirmations from Scripture will enable you to live in the power of God's word with more faith, hope, and love. A tool for personal study or group Bible study.
Life After Death
Life After Death
By George E. Vandeman

Answers to questions about life after death, and how to provide hope instead of despair. By examining the truths of scriptures, Life After Death promises that goodbyes don’t have to be final.
Life After Eden (2017 Young Adult Devotional)
Life After Eden (2017 Young Adult Devotional)
By Seth and Heather Day

Sin devoured a once-perfect Eden, and the light that God originally spoke into existence has grown dimmer ever since. In the aftermath we, who were once robed in the glory of God, are left naked.   
Life After Loss
Life After Loss
By Larry Yeagley

The founder of Grief Recovery seminars shares his time-tested insights into how to cope with grief.
Life Begins With God
Life Begins With God
By Merlin L. Neff

Written especially for young men and women, Life Begins With God, by Merlin L. Neff, discusses a variety of topics that will appeal to young minds that are anxious to find the basis of true happiness and the foundation for a noble, sterling character. 
Life in the Valley
Life in the Valley
By Susan Phelps Harvey

“The story of Laura Hamilton’s life journey from devoted German Catholic through physical and emotional abuse to successful environmental engineer to Seventh-day Adventist pastor’s wife is thoughtful and engaging. It reminds me in some respects of the classic book, The Marked Bible.”—Max C. Torkelsen, former president of the North Pacific Union Conference.  
Life is Good
Life is Good
By William G. Johnsson

Life is good for some people. Their struggles are minor, their worries manageable. For the most part, they enjoy what life serves up. But what about those for whom life is a never-ending cycle of oppression, pain, and frustration? Is this present misery all there is? And if it is, what's the point?
The Life That Wins
The Life That Wins
By Matilda E. Andross

The author talks of Christianity in its simplest yet most comprehensive terms: love, service, others. She talks of that greatest miracle on earth, a human life that wins for Christ; and of the greatest opportunity that comes to any man, the opportunity to live that life.  
A Life to Die For
A Life to Die For
By W. Clarence Schilt

The authors, a pastor and a psychiatrist, deal with a basic premise of the Christian life―dying to self and offer practical suggestions on how to make dying to self a reality in your life and goes beyond “self help” to provide hope beyond belief.
Life Without Parole
Life Without Parole
By Rick Fleck

Rick Fleck gives an honest account of himself as a college dropout turned carnie pitchman obsessed with money, prestige, and life in the fast lane. This is a story of rebellion and redemption you will not soon forget.
Life's Detours
Life's Detours
By C.L. Paddock

When you need something inexpensive to give to those who are sick or who have financial reverses, disappointments, or death in the family, this little book is the answer.
Life, Man, And Time
Life, Man, And Time
By Frank Lewis Marsh

Life, Man, and Time gives the “other side of the story” from the creationist scientist’s point of view and renews faith in the biblical account that plants and animals were created, as God said, “according to their kinds.”
LifeLine Bible Study Guides, Book 1
LifeLine Bible Study Guides, Book 1
By Kurt W. Johnson

Designed for those who want to study the key doctrines of the Bible in an easy-to-use format. Covers 26 topics in two books and can be used either for personal or small group study.
LifeLine Bible Study Guides, Book 2
LifeLine Bible Study Guides, Book 2
By Kurt W. Johnson

Designed for those who want to study the key doctrines of the Bible in an easy-to-use format. Covers 26 topics in two books and can be used either for personal or small group study.
Lift Him Up
Lift Him Up
By Ellen G. White

This collection of selected works by master Bible commentator Ellen G. White will recalibrate and revive your spirit, helping you to reconnect intimately with Jesus in new ways and bringing you peace, hope, and joy that will last for an eternity.
Light in the Jungle
Light in the Jungle
By Leo B. Halliwell

Almost one hundred years ago a new launch, the Luzeiro, slid down the ways into the Amazon. This is the story of how, for the next twenty-eight years, Leo Halliwell and his wife Jessie sailed the Luzeiro up and down the liquid highways of the tropics, bringing medical care and spiritual aid to dwellers along the banks. Their story is also part of the new DVD The Adventist 2 just out from Pacific Press.
As Light Lingers: Basking in the Word of God
As Light Lingers: Basking in the Word of God
By Nina Atcheson

Whether you are a teenager or a professional, dating or married, or if you are a tired parent, you will find encouragement, advice, and practical strategies in this book. In it, you will discover how basking in the power of God’s Word will make you want to linger with God—because time with Him is so sweet.
Light the Paper Lantern
Light the Paper Lantern
By Ruth Wheeler

This story recounts the adventures of Merritt and Wilma Warren, missionaries to China, one hundred years ago.
Lighter of Gospel Fires: The Story of J.N. Loughborough
Lighter of Gospel Fires: The Story of J.N. Loughborough
By Ella M. Robinson

The story of John N. Loughborough is inspiring and uplifting. During his lifetime, he traveled 30,000 miles by sea and 17,500 miles on land. He attended 500 meetings and preached 352 times. He never was sick a day or missed a meal. On April 7, 1924, at the age of ninety-two, he quietly fell asleep. You are sure to enjoy reading about his amazing life, dedicated to God. 
Lilia's Haven
Lilia's Haven
By Kay D. Rizzo

The fourth episode in The Serenity Inn series finds wealthy, rebellious young Eulilia "Lilia" Winthrop in a desperate situation as a result of pursuing her own selfish choices. As she and her husband seek refuge with former classmate Serenity Cunard, will she be crushed by the cruelties of the frontier? Or will she finally surrender to the Spirit's wooing and reconcile with the people she loves and respects? You won't want to miss book four in this great series depicting life on the Oregon Trail in the days before the Civil War.
Link of Love
Link of Love
By J. L. Shuler

The author of this little book clearly sets forth evidence that the keeping of the seventh day Sabbath is inseparably linked with the true worship of the Father and the Son and should be kept by all true worshipers. 
Lisa and the Drainpipe Prayer
Lisa and the Drainpipe Prayer
By Mary Louise DeMott

When Lisa gets a puppy for her birthday, her older sister Okie is jealous. When angry feelings help get Lisa in serious trouble, Okie learns about the power of prayer, trusting God, and valuing her sister.
Listening in the Morning: Devotional Readings for Teachers
Listening in the Morning: Devotional Readings for Teachers
By Trevor Lloyd

Filled with insight and inspiration, these 80 devotional readings will encourage you in your high calling as an Adventist teacher. These engaging readings feature passages from the Bible and Ellen White's writings, stories that expand on the principles they contain and a reflection question to apply these principles to your teaching ministry.

Published in the 150th anniversary year of the official sponsoring of church schools by the fledgling Seventh-day Adventist Church, Listening in the Morning recognises the achievements of our faithful teaching forebears and seeks to inspire a new generation of Adventist teachers in their work.

Little Flower and The Princess
Little Flower and The Princess
By Alice Mertie Underhill

A classic mission story showing how Christian love and service has the power to change lives forever—even the lives of Little Flower and her sister Princess who grew up in a village in India made dark by superstition and fear of angry spirits.
Little Hearts for Jesus
Little Hearts for Jesus
By Sally Pierson Dillon

Contains 180 devotions written to help little ones delight in our wonderful God, along with worship activities, games, crafts, and songs to help make them more meaningful.
Little Stories for Little People
Little Stories for Little People
By Various Authors

From mission stories to animal stories, from adventure to history, from miracles to parables, this book has it all. This special collection from 1918 contains more than a hundred heartwarming stories and poems.
Little Tyke
Little Tyke
By Georges H. Westbeau

Here is a miracle of modern life, a classic story you will sincerely enjoy.
Live Like You Mean It
Live Like You Mean It
By Troy Fitzgerald

Deep within each heart lies the suspicion that there has to be more to life than mere existence. We all crave, believe, and hope for something beyond that which is seen. Author Troy Fitzgerald urges readers to live moment to moment as if they were taking a journey home. He will inspire and and fill you with hope as you draw closer to the Promised Land.
Live More Happy: Scientifically Proven Ways to Lift Your Mood and Your Life
Live More Happy: Scientifically Proven Ways to Lift Your Mood and Your Life
By Darren Morton

Join the journey toward living more, feeling better and finding happiness.
Over the past decade, neuroscience, positive psychology and lifestyle medicine have exploded as areas of cutting-edge study, research and healthcare. The research indicates that almost half of our enduring happiness can be influenced by our daily choices and habits—and this is how we do it. Wherever you are on the feelings scale, you can lift your mood and you will likely lift your wellbeing in the process.
Live Out Loud
Live Out Loud
By Mark Witas

Have you ever been afraid to share your faith with someone?
Living 28: Fresh Perspectives on Practising Our Faith
Living 28: Fresh Perspectives on Practising Our Faith
By Jarrod Stackelroth

Knowing what you believe is helpful. Living what you believe is transformational.
How can the truths expressed Seventh-day Adventist Church’s fundamental beliefs make a practical difference in your life? 
A collection of 29 contemporary writers from Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific share fresh and relevant, thoughtful and faithful, inspiring and—at times—challenging perspectives that will revive your faith and how you practise it. Each chapter includes questions for group discussion or personal reflection.
Living a Spirit-Filled Life
Living a Spirit-Filled Life
By Kurt Johnson

Through the captivating Bible narratives of Elijah and his Spirit-filled ministry, you’ll gain invaluable insights into divine guidance, spiritual growth, and the power that comes with abiding in the Spirit. Thought-provoking questions are provided at the end of each chapter to enhance your personal study.
Living for God: Reclaiming The Joy of Christian Virtue
Living for God: Reclaiming The Joy of Christian Virtue
By Frank Hasel

Living for God explores the beauty of simple biblical virtues, such as gratitude, courage, patience, humility, contentment, and more. It contains true stories and practical tips to help you apply these virtues to your life and relationships.
Living God's Love
Living God's Love
By Douglas Cooper

It has been said that the hardest work in the world is loving people. Can you identify? Loving the ugly, the negative, the crude, the flippant, the theologically incorrect? Is it possible to love them unconditionally? If you desire above all else to become an expert at loving, you will find Living God’s Love, by Douglas Cooper to be one of the most life-affirming books you’ve ever read.
Living His Love (2016 Women's Devotional)
Living His Love (2016 Women's Devotional)
By Ardis Stenbakken and Carolyn Rathbun Sutton

The stories found within these pages will immerse you in God's love and enrich your understanding of what His love looks like, sounds like, and feels like, in a far-too-busy world. 
Living in A Man's World
Living in A Man's World
By Bonita Joyner Shields

“What is it that makes both men and women think that in order to be equal, they must deny that any differences between them exist?”
Living In Our Finest Hour
Living In Our Finest Hour
By Douglas Cooper

Do you realize you are living in the world’s most exciting hour? Living in Our Finest Hour gives an unexpected perspective on the great issues of the day. Can the worst of times also be the best of times? Learn how you can be more than a spectator, how you can live extraordinarily and love extraordinarily in these extraordinary times.
Living Kingdom: Fresh Perspectives on the Parables of Jesus
Living Kingdom: Fresh Perspectives on the Parables of Jesus
By Jarrod Stackelroth

Jesus is the source of the Christian faith.

The stories He told—His parables—paint a picture of what living in His kingdom looks like.

And as His followers, we are invited to live in His kingdom.

Twenty-seven contemporary writers share fresh and relevant, thoughtful and faithful, inspiring and—at times—challenging perspectives on those parables, to call us into His kingdom and equip us to live in it.

Each chapter includes questions for group discussion or personal reflection.

Living Praise
Living Praise
By Allan R. Handysides

Healthful living isn’t about eating food that tastes like cardboard and exercising obsessively. It’s about balance, love, and gratitude. Discover the concepts of CELEBRATIONS—a wholistic approach emphasizing Jesus as the source of the blessing of health
A living Sacrifice
A living Sacrifice
By David Trim

Did you know that in West Africa, in the late 19th century, the average casualty rate among missionaries was so high that they were only expected to live just two years? So often, we forget about the price paid to spread the gospel message to the world. In this book, David Trim takes a look at extraordinary stories of dedicated missionaries who risked their lives—but did so because they had put their lives in the hands of the Holy Spirit.
Living the Spirit-filled Life
Living the Spirit-filled Life
By Douglas Cooper

To the unaided eye, the curved face of the dam looks strong, massive, solid. But a lacework of hairline cracks races unseen over its surface. Pressure builds, and then— suddenly the dam gives way. Pentecost! A towering wall of unleashed power explodes forward, surging down the corridors of human need. The Holy Spirit—the mighty river of living water Jesus described in John 7—has been set free! And the world will never be the same.
Living With Death
Living With Death
By Gerald R. Nash

The author will show the reader that even in the hour of deep bereavement or crushing disappointment God’s peace may flow into the soul of His trusting child, bringing strength in place of weakness and victory instead of apparent defeat.
Living with the Mind of Jesus: How Beliefs Shape Your Worldview
Living with the Mind of Jesus: How Beliefs Shape Your Worldview
By S. Joseph Kidder, Katelyn Campbell Weakley

In Living With the Mind of Jesus, the authors take us on a profoundly enriching journey that will help us understand the strength of the Christ-centered worldview and how worldview can change and shape the worldview of our children.
The Living Witness
The Living Witness
By Richard Lewis

The Living Witness contains Signs articles by representative writers, whose names have become familiar to Signsreaders through the years, from James White to Arthur S. Maxwell. 
Living: We've Just Begun
Living: We've Just Begun
By Douglas Cooper

When you concentrate your willpower toward knowing Jesus, when you allow Him to dwell in your heart, you will find yourself on the threshold of a great blessing. You will hold the great and simple key to unlocking the limitless storehouses of heaven and eternity. Are you open to embracing the kind of life God wants you to have, both here each day and in eternity?
Livingstone, Trail Blazer for God
Livingstone, Trail Blazer for God
By Madge and Leslie Morrill

This biography of Dr. David Livingstone, pioneer missionary and pathfinder of Africa, has a gripping story on every page.
Llamas, Leopards And Lizards (Junior/Earlyteen Devotional)
Llamas, Leopards And Lizards (Junior/Earlyteen Devotional)
By Charles C. Case, Sr.

God has hidden fascinating lessons in the details of His creation. So explore, enjoy, and praise the Creator of all!
The Long Road to Armageddon
The Long Road to Armageddon
By Marvin Moore

The Long Road to Armageddon examines the entrance of sin and expounds on God’s provision to save His children through the life, death, and ministry of Jesus. It also looks at God’s end-time church; what it looks like; the dangers of fanaticism; and stresses how essential it is for God’s children to develop a deep spiritual connection to the truth through the Word.
The Long Road to China
The Long Road to China
By Joy Swift

The Long Road to China is Harry Miller’s amazing story of uncommon courage, uncommon dedication, and uncommon faith.
The Long, Long Trial
The Long, Long Trial
By Olivine Bohner

The Long, Long Trial records the girlhood experiences of Olivia and proves that poverty need be no hindrance to happiness or to progress. A lighthearted story sure to amuse and inspire, The Long, Long Trial shares how God can bless determination and hard work with a life of true meaning and joy.
Longing for Home
Longing for Home
By Penny Estes Wheeler

This is a book about heaven, the ultimate answer to homesickness. This longing for a home began thousands of years ago—almost at the beginning of time. Home was perfect at first, but things quickly broke down, and people have been longing ever since. Discover in this book what the Bible teaches about heaven. 
Longing to be Loved
Longing to be Loved
By Jill and Allan Kennedy

It began like a storybook romance--love at first sight for Allan; long, romantic walks in the moonlight for Jill. When Jill's genuine decision to follow Christ united them in faith, their marriage seemed "made in heaven."
Look! No Doomsday
Look! No Doomsday
By George E. Vandeman

While natural and economic disasters encompass us, and naysayers and prophesiers are predicting doom, we can say with confidence, “Look! No Doomsday! Jesus is coming soon!”
Looking For a City: Briefings for Pilgrims on Their Journey Home
Looking For a City: Briefings for Pilgrims on Their Journey Home
By Roy Adams

God’s people—pilgrims—are still finding their way through a mad world, navigating the chaos of militant atheism, evolutionary theory, lies dressed as doctrine, confusion, and the pain of loss and suffering.
Looking for God in all the Wrong Places
Looking for God in all the Wrong Places
By Mark Finley and Steven Mosley

Few find the God that they are seeking. Where is He? Why do they come up so empty-handed in their search? Looking for God in all the Wrong Places focuses attention on the right place to find Him. 
Loom O' Life
Loom O' Life
By Josephine Cunnington Edwards

As we live, we each weave patterns in the loom of life. Some of them are tangled, some unfinished, some incomplete and laid aside as useless. Other patterns are such a mixture of brightness and somberness that the completed design is lovely beyond words. In Loom 'o Life Josephine Edwards writes of the Master Weaver who works within each life, striving to bring together a pattern of unsurpassed loveliness.
The Lord's Day
The Lord's Day
By Milton C. Wilcox

To all the seeking souls who prefer the Word of the eternal God of truth to the ever-changing traditions of fallible men, this little book is prayerfully dedicated by the author. 
The Lord's Prayer Through Primitive Eyes
The Lord's Prayer Through Primitive Eyes
By Gottfried, Oosterwal

These meditations on the Lord’s Prayer enable us to see through “new eyes” as we revisit the phrases in this familiar passage.  
Lord, Give Me Patience--But Hurry up About It
Lord, Give Me Patience--But Hurry up About It
By Keith Knoche

Keith Knoche brings us a number of personal experiences that have taught him patience. Through them he found valuable spiritual lessons and greater trust in God.
Lord, Have I Got Problems!
Lord, Have I Got Problems!
By Dan Day

A concise, practical, step-by-step guide, for transforming problems that threaten your future into opportunities that lift you closer to your goals. Great for teens and adults. 
Lord, Keep Your Mansions, Just Save My Children
Lord, Keep Your Mansions, Just Save My Children
By Richard O'Ffill

Your son is on drugs. His 15-year-old girlfriend is pregnant. He drops out of college. Your heart is breaking. You did what good families are supposed to do. Daily family worship. Uncle Arthur and Bible Stories. Where did you go wrong? 
Lord, Save My Church: Tackling the Tough Issues
Lord, Save My Church: Tackling the Tough Issues
By Richard O'Ffill

We expect the devil and his minions to come into the church like a herd of elephants. Instead, they come in like a swarm of termites – unnoticed.
Lost at Birth
Lost at Birth
By George Vandeman

The author shares stories that illustrate how heaven comes to us, not because we are worthy, but rather because we have entrusted our lives to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Loud Let It Ring!
Loud Let It Ring!
By Allen Steele

With his wife, Andrea, Allen Steele began AWR's first broadcasts in 1971. This book tells the exciting story of God's leading in their lives and, the development of Adventist World Radio and the voice of hope for all peoples.
Louis Braille and His Magic Dots
Louis Braille and His Magic Dots
By Yvonne Davy

This quiet, gentle, unselfish “blindy” invented a system of touch reading—now used the world over, wherever blind people are taught to read—and found happiness as he lived to bless others.  
Love Fights Back: 3 Stories to Save the World
Love Fights Back: 3 Stories to Save the World
By Patrick Johnson

God is love – we sing it, preach it and powerfully proclaim it, but for some people the question remains: ‘Does God really love me?
Love Found a Way
Love Found a Way
By Dan Day

A thoughtful yet very readable look at the great controversy theme, who the originator of death is, and God's plan to solve the sin problem.
Love In Three Words
Love In Three Words
By John C. Brunt

This little book is a thoughtful explanation of the importance of the Trinity. The author shows the reader that it is never enough merely to understand this doctrine. 
Love Letters from Jesus
Love Letters from Jesus
By RosAnne C. Tetz

Simple activities and delightful short readings help your child understand the basic beliefs of our church.
Love Under Fire
Love Under Fire
By Ellen G. White

This is the fifth and final volume of a five-volume series, adapted by the White Estate, that will bring the clear messages of the Conflict of the Ages set to a new generation of readers.
Love You More (2017 Women's Devotional)
Love You More (2017 Women's Devotional)
By Carolyn Rathbun Sutton

“Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you” (Jeremiah 31:3, NKJV).  
Love, Kirsten
Love, Kirsten
By Rainey H. Park and Andy Nash

Behind the tragic headlines . . . was a beautiful young  Christian. On the morning of November 19, 2009, Kirsten Wolcott was murdered while jogging on the Micronesian island of Yap, where she served as a student missionary. Kirsten’s death shocked the Yapese people and devastated her family and friends back in the United States.
Lovely Lord of the Lord's Day
Lovely Lord of the Lord's Day
By Glenn and Ethel Coon

This book, Lovely Lord of the Lord's Day, is written with the prayer that the reader will learn the philosophy of our Lord as seen in the Sabbath. We must if we are to enter into its rare delight and find that the entire life is imbued with the principles of heaven.
Loving Is Fundamental
Loving Is Fundamental
By Randy Maxwell

This book is a back–to-basic look at marriage and the family. In its pages you will discover what the Bible teaches about marriage as the author explains the purpose of the marriage commitment from God’s perspective and how you can have a successful marriage rooted in the fundamental principles of love. 
Loving Them Back, Leading Them Home
Loving Them Back, Leading Them Home
By Barry Gane

Barry Gane explores the reasons so many young people decide to leave, considers the complexities of the adolescent mind, addresses the stages of faith development, and offers effective strategies for reclaiming missing youth.
Lucas Salvación para todos
Lucas Salvación para todos
By Elizabeth Talbot

¡Dios diseñó un plan para rescatarnos y Jesús vino para cumplirlo! Pero, ¿quién podía ser salvo? ¿Los fuertes, los educados, los religiosos? ¡El Evangelio de Lucas está lleno de alegría y entusiasmo porque la salvación ha sido asegurada para todos! Al igual que los pastores en las Colinas de Belén, tú también puedes cambiar tu temor por ¡MEGA GOZO!
The Lucifer Files