Author Books

Adventism's Greatest Need
Through miraculous present-day stories, and enlightening explanations of Scripture, Dr. Clouzet unveils the mystery of the indwelling Spirit. He reveals that the Holy Spirit longs to re-make us into God's image, bringing full circle the process of mankind's restoration.

Decoding Bible Prophecy
This sharing book is about understanding what the Bible prophets said, especially apocalyptic prophets like Daniel and John the Revelator. It is about knowing how to read those prophecies and make sense of some difficult passages in the Bible. You will learn principles of interpretation, the meaning of a number of apocalyptic symbols, and important hints regarding major time prophecies.
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Getting to Know the Holy Spirit Bible Book Shelf 1Q 2017
The Holy Spirit provides some profound theological, historical, and linguistic, biblical insights that will deepen your understanding of the nature and work of the Holy Spirit. Written in a readable style, it will allow concepts and personal implications to sink deeper. A thoughtful reading will further your understanding of the Spirit and His work more than anything you may have read to date.
In the Name of Jesus: Power to Pray for People and Places
Learn about prayer walking, the most effective evangelism strategy for reaching big cities, small towns, neighborhoods, and loved ones.