13 Weeks to Joy
13 Weeks to Joy
By Jennifer Jill Schwirzer

The reason we rejoice, the reason we reframe the trials of life and even thank God for them, is because reality really is, ultimately, positive.
Stormy Seas: Understanding God in the Midst of Life's Tempests
Stormy Seas: Understanding God in the Midst of Life's Tempests
By Wendy Armfield

Trouble can come from any direction and at any moment. When it hits, it hurts. If you want to understand who God is and where He is in tragedy and affliction through the experiences of Moses, Joseph, Daniel, Jesus, and others Stormy Seas can grab the Savior’s outstretched hand and keep your eyes on Him.
30 Days to More Powerful Intercessory Prayer
30 Days to More Powerful Intercessory Prayer
By Joe Engelkemier

Read this book for the next 30 days, share its concepts at the Midweek prayer meeting, digest the scripture and Spirit of Prophecy references, pray and join the growing band of intercessors who are making a real difference in this world for eternity--on their knees!
A Cross Or A Ladder?
A Cross Or A Ladder?
By Ruth Jaeger Buntain

This book does not focus on the cause of life’s heartaches and misfortunes of one kind or another. Instead, its focus is on the effects and with what you can do about personal tragedy.   
A Living Hope
A Living Hope
By George E. Rice

If you have been struggling in your walk with Christ and felt your hope weakening, take a “before” photo of your Christian hope—then read this book. 
A Tree Across My Road
A Tree Across My Road
By Larry Yeagley

We live in a world where trees fall across our road. God gives us the wisdom to deal with them and the power to help us live for Him, whether it is on the same road or on a different path.
A Wind To The Flame
A Wind To The Flame
By Helen Godfrey Pyke

Perched in the church tower, Walter Murat watched the enemy scale the walls of the city like a plague of multi-colored locusts. The life of a Waldensian was one of danger as he spread and taught the Word of God across Europe. Helen Godfrey Pyke describes a time when to possess even a fragment of Scripture could be a death warrant.
Adventist Family Traditions
Adventist Family Traditions
By Celeste Perrino Walker

This collection of family traditions has been harvested from hearts of members around the world. 
Adventist Hot Potatoes
Adventist Hot Potatoes
By Martin Weber

Many Adventists become nervous when controversial subjects are put on the table for discussion. The author reminds us that truth can stand the test of scrutiny. Let us entrust all this to God’s hands as we redouble our efforts for souls to be saved.
Almost Home
Almost Home
By Ted N. C. Wilson

All around us today we see striking evidence that Jesus is coming soon. That's a reason to rejoice. But it's also a call for us to shake off our lethargy and get to work fulfilling the commission God has given us and preparing to meet Jesus when He returns. In Almost Home, Ted N.C. Wilson, our General Conference president, identifies the spiritual essentials for those who will live through the end times and witness Jesus' return.
An Owner's Guide to Male Midlife Crisis
An Owner's Guide to Male Midlife Crisis
By Len D. McMillan

Many men go through a period known as the "midlife crisis." This book will help you know what expect and how to avoid common pitfalls that often accompany this time. 
And God Cried Out,
And God Cried Out, "Why This Suffering?"
By Jean Sheldon

This is the story of a God who did not cause the suffering. A God who, though He hates suffering, allowed it because there was ultimately no other way suffering could end without destroying our freedom. 
Angry Saints
Angry Saints
By George R. Knight

Angry Saints brings us to the sobering realization that it is possible to be an Adventist without being a Christian and reveals that belligerence not only fails to solve theological difficulties, it places us in a dangerous position.
The Apocalyptic Vision and the Neutering of Adventism
The Apocalyptic Vision and the Neutering of Adventism
By George R. Knight

The Seventh-day Adventist Church was founded upon an apocalyptic message that needed to be preached to the entire world—immediately and at any cost. But does the church today preach that same message with the same urgency? Has the Adventist Church become irrelevant because it has sought to be more relevant to the world? Knight challenges us to go back to our roots, to examine the prophecies that fueled the early Seventh-day Adventists’ determination to evangelize the world.
As You Think
As You Think
By Gerald R. Nash

The only security for any soul is right thinking. Our thoughts must not be allowed to run riot. They must be controlled and brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. 
At Jesus' Feet
At Jesus' Feet
By Doug Batchelor

Doug Batchelor unveils the beauty of the gospel with original insights through the eyes of Jesus' most dedicated disciple.
Before You Burn the Rule Book
Before You Burn the Rule Book
By Jere Patzer

How far can freedom go and remain responsible? How should young people relate to customs, rules, and social expectations? The author faces these questions and more in this brilliant message to young people. 
Being Saved When You're Feeling Lost
Being Saved When You're Feeling Lost
By Dan Day

For many Christians, a huge gap can develop between what really IS and what they FEEL about what really is. All too often our inner feelings do not square with the outer reality. god may be very close, yet we may feel He has abandoned us. Author Dan Day introduces the reader to the needed skills for taking charge of our emotions. By following his suggestions, they can achieve a spiritual stability and security they never thought possible.
Beyond Blessings
Beyond Blessings
By Nikolaus Satelmajer

A joint project between the NAD Stewardship and Ministerial Departments, this book is the result of a contest for the best sermons on giving. Pastors across the division were invited to submit sermons on stewardship and the best of those are collected here.
This book is an excellent resource for pastors and elders who need sermon material, as well as an inspiring read for anyone who wants to hear again the blessings of giving and acknowledging God’s ownership of our lives.
Beyond Common Ground
Beyond Common Ground
By Alden Thompson

In Beyond Common Ground, author Alden Thompson examines the common ground that both liberal and conservative Adventists share—and he points out that, compared to most other Christians, ALL Adventists are pretty conservative! 
Beyond Knoche's Law
Beyond Knoche's Law
By Keith Knoche

Author Knoche has discovered Murphy's law through his own experience. When he slips on a banana peel, he has learned not only to get up, but also to avoid stepping on banana peel.
Beyond The Shadow of a Doubt
Beyond The Shadow of a Doubt
By Wilber Alexander

Human history and present experience is the long, terrible story of man trying to find a substitute for a satisfying love relationship with God.
Boot Camp for the Last Days
Boot Camp for the Last Days
By Randy Maxwell

In Boot Camp for the Last DaysRandy Maxwell passionately exhorts the church to trust NOW; believe NOW; and act NOW in preparation for Jesus’ return.
Bored-Again Christian?
Bored-Again Christian?
By Jere Patzer

This entertaining book is the second in a series by the author, Jere Patzer that speaks to the practical issues facing young adult Christians. This book successfully deals with the questions so often expressed, “If I’ve never really been bad, how can I be really good? So why not have my fling? God will forgive me!” 
Breaking the Silence
Breaking the Silence
By Bernie Anderson

A pastor goes public about his battle with pornography. This book teaches a way out of the trap that so many men are caught in.
Breaking Up
Breaking Up
By Wayne Judd

In this book, the author examines topics such as, why date, why a couple should break up, when a couple should break up, how to break up, how to begin again and more. 
Bridge to Space Island
Bridge to Space Island
By Ken McFarland

In this book, author Ken McFarland explores the Gospel of John, inviting the reader into this intensely personal book. It is an unfinished, ongoing love story. It is the story of God’s initiatives—and our responses. 
Bright Candle of Courage
Bright Candle of Courage
By Bert B. Beach

Author, international lecturer, and teacher Dr. Bert B. Beach looks at the historical beginnings of religious liberty and where we stand today on the key issues, and he alerts us to the potential winds of strife that threaten to snuff out the candle of freedom. 
Bring A Bigger Basket
Bring A Bigger Basket
By C. L. Paddock

This book reminds us that someday each of us will come to the last mile, the end of the way, and we will be looking back over our days, months, and years. Life has a different perspective when we are looking back.  What a wonderful satisfaction we will have if we have done the best we could with what we have had.
Burned Out On Being Good
Burned Out On Being Good
By Steven Mosley

How do you feel about your Adventist church body? Does it fill you with spiritual enthusiasm? Does it create an irrepressible joy for salvation? Does it nurture a healing love? If, sometimes, it doesn’t—this is a great book for you. 
Burst the Bubble
Burst the Bubble
By Sung K. Kwon

When we say we are Christians, we are not talking about self-serving Christianity, but other-serving Christianity. A Christianity that reflects Jesus’ heart of servant hood.
By Charles L. Paddock

Do you like stories? Silly question … everybody loves stories! Good stories entertain. But great stories teach a lesson while they entertain. 
Call to Stand Apart
Call to Stand Apart
By Ellen G. White

These selections from the writings of Ellen White deal with the issues faced by contemporary young adults in the twenty-first century.
Caring, It's Not A Spectator Sport
Caring, It's Not A Spectator Sport
By Lilya Wagner

We can make caring a habit and should never, ever underestimate what one person can accomplish. Most important of all, we can choose to engage with a hurting world because Jesus has shown us that caring is not a spectator sport!
Chosen by Grace
Chosen by Grace
By Stuart Tyner

Seven Portraits of End-Time People.  
Christ's Way of Making Disciples
Christ's Way of Making Disciples
By Philip G. Samaan

The author will help you emulate the model of Jesus in making disciples--trained disciples who reflect Jesus’ life and ministry and who spiritually reproduce and multiply themselves in others.
Christ's Way to Spiritual Growth
Christ's Way to Spiritual Growth
By Philip G. Samaan

By focusing on what the Bible and Ellen White reveal about Christ's spiritual life, Philip Samaan shows how we can become more and more like Him, our great example and model.
The Christ-Centered Life
The Christ-Centered Life
By W. B. Ochs

This book explains, in a fresh, new light, topics such as Christ the Creator, Christ the Man, Christ our Priest, Christ our life, Christ’s Name, the Abiding Christ and many other topics to help us make Christ the center of our life. 
A Christian Lawyer Looks at the Judgment
A Christian Lawyer Looks at the Judgment
By Kenneth Harvey Hopp

This book brings out many comparisons and contrasts between the legal processes of earthly courts  and the heavenly legal process by which God brings sin to an end. 
The Church Triumphant: Called to a Prophetic Destiny
The Church Triumphant: Called to a Prophetic Destiny
By Mark A. Finley

No matter how challenging the days ahead, no matter how dark the future becomes, no matter what difficulties the church goes through, Christ’s people, Christ’s church, Christ’s purposes, and Christ’s plan will triumph at last.
The Command: Learning to Love Like Jesus
The Command: Learning to Love Like Jesus
By Bruce Manners

Why is it that we remember the “thou shalt nots” of the 10 Commandments in the Old Testament better than the four “thou shalts” of Jesus in the New Testament? The commands? Love the Lord your God with all your heart. Love your neighbour as yourself. Love one another. Love your enemies. The over-arching command is to love.
Imagine what kind of people we would be if we took Jesus’ commands seriously. In His life and ministry, Jesus modelled what such love looks like—and this book is a call to learn to love like Him. After all, that’s what He commanded us to do.
Confessions of a Christian Wife
Confessions of a Christian Wife
By Heather Thompson Day

Peek behind the Instagram filters and Photoshop effects for an authentic, laugh-out-loud look at author/blogger Heather Thompson Day’s journey into the arms of husband Seth Michael Day, the cutest boy in her sixth-grade class. 
Conquering Personal Problems
Conquering Personal Problems
By Arthur L. Bietz

Conquering Personal Problems is a result of intimate contacts and study of the negative mental attitudes that confront Christian men and women. 
Contemporary Evangelism for the 21st Century
Contemporary Evangelism for the 21st Century
By Carlton P. Byrd

In this book, Contemporary Evangelism for the 21st Century, Dr. Byrd has done just that. He carefully outlines the historical successes of evangelistic efforts of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Coping Isn't Enough
Coping Isn't Enough
By George Vandeman

Many people today seem to be crying out for just enough strength to cope. But is coping enough?  The author doesn’t think so.  He shows how one can be in control, full of energy, and headed in a positive direction. Also contained is a powerful concise overview of the great plan of salvation.
Creative Hospitality
Creative Hospitality
By Nancy Van Pelt

Certified home economist Nancy Van Pelt helps you turn home entertaining into a Christian ministry. Includes menu preparation, food presentation, introductions, relating to guests, reaching out to coworkers and neighbors, and quick fixes for an unprepared home.
The Curse
The Curse
By Cheryl Summers

The Curse is the true story of one woman’s epic flight through the darkness of demonic oppression to the freedom that can only come with complete surrender to the Father of light.
David and His Harp
David and His Harp
By Madge Haines Morrill

Kids can read this book and experience David's writings in a whole new way.
Dear Friend
Dear Friend
By Carol Amen

In this book, Carol Amen gives you tips on how to write good letters, the kinds of letters to write and whom you might write to that you never thought about before. 
The Disciple Diaries
The Disciple Diaries
By Ray Minner

A devotional book for teens based on the life of the Apostle John.
Do Justice: Our Call to Faithful Living
Do Justice: Our Call to Faithful Living
By Nathan Brown, Joanna Darby

28 chapters exploring the intersection of faith and justice in our lives, our churches, our homes and our world.
Don't Forget To Say Thank You
Don't Forget To Say Thank You
By Carol Amen

The author reminds us that gratitude is often hard to express, but we can learn to express it by intentionally seeking to make gestures of appreciation in our everyday life. 
Empties Drifting By
Empties Drifting By
By Ruth Jaeger Buntain

Why does the witness of the church seem to have so little impact on the world? Perhaps, suggests Ruth Jaeger Buntain, the church has seriously compromised itself—adopting the beliefs, lifestyle, and attitudes of the very world it seeks to reach.
Engage: Faith that Matters
Engage: Faith that Matters
By Nathan Brown

Faith that matters begins and ends with Jesus—and is focused on Him everywhere in between. But engaging with Jesus will also and always draw us back to our time and place, to our communities and our world.
This collection of essays wrestles with aspects of this faithful process, particularly as it calls us to engage with issues that hurt
those who are most marginalised and vulnerable in our world.
Read, share, enjoy, disagree, think, do, engage . . .
Escape From Alcohol
Escape From Alcohol
By Donald H. Hewitt

In this book, author Donald W. Hewitt, M.D. cites a few of the many alcoholic cases that have come to his attention over a span of fifteen years of practice. 
Evangelism 2000
Evangelism 2000
By John W. Fowler

Christ’s church is always one generation away from extinction. If it fails to evangelize, it will cease to exist. In an era when some challenge the relevance of evangelism, others diligently seek new, creative ways of reaching men and women with the gospel. 
Everlasting Gospel Ever-Changing World
Everlasting Gospel Ever-Changing World
By Jon Paulien

If it's our desire to bring secular people into a relationship with God, we must be willing to share ourselves in deep relationship with them. 
Every Good Thing
Every Good Thing
By Mike Tucker

This book teaches spiritual habits through the Bible and shows how to integrate them into our lives to stave off spiritual hunger. Complete with exercises at the end of each chapter, it is perfect for personal study or small groups.
Everyone Welcome
Everyone Welcome
By Roger Hernandez

Everyone Welcome is a powerful, insightful, and honest resource for anyone wanting their church to make a difference in their families and communities. 
Expect Great Things
Expect Great Things
By Richard O'Ffill

Sometimes the Christian life can seem complicated. So many duties! So much good advice! How does one put it all together? Step-by-step assembly instructions would be nice. This book aims to provide a template for successful Christian living, showing where all the pieces fit. The ultimate goal: to be like Jesus.
Experience God
Experience God
By Mark Finley and Steven Mosley

In this little book, you can learn how to experience God’s Power, wisdom, faithfulness, love, comfort, family and peace. 
Exploring God's Answers
Exploring God's Answers
By Arthur L. Bietz

Arthur L. Bietz, Ph.D., was for many years Professor and Director of the Division of Religion, College of Medical Evangelists (now Loma Linda University), Los Angeles, and pastor of the White Memorial Seventh-day Adventist Church. Dr. Bietz was well-known as a Bible student and an authority in counseling and guidance.
Facing the Divide
Facing the Divide
By Sanford T. Whitman

In Facing the Divide, author Sanford T. Whitman uses short stories to express the mercy and judgment of God. 
Facing the Storm
Facing the Storm
By Richard Daly

There are times in our lives when we go through storms. These storms can either make us or break us.
The Faith I Highly Recommend
The Faith I Highly Recommend
By John Thomas McLarty

With colorful strokes of personal testimony and cleverly crafted comparisons, author John Thomas McLarty paints a picture of the laws of God that ultimately point to one profound truth: God is love.
Faith: Saying Yes to God
Faith: Saying Yes to God
By Herbert E. Douglass

What is faith? Is it intellectual assent, a deep conviction, a trust in something or someone, or what? Revelation 14:12 declares that God’s people before His return will have the “faith of Jesus.” What is the faith of Jesus?
The Family of God
The Family of God
By Len D. McMillan

There are times when the needs of God's many and unique children are so great, we honestly don't "know what to do." If you'd like help getting along better with "the saints here below," then this is a book for you.
Finding Calm in the Chaos of Life
Finding Calm in the Chaos of Life
By Julian Melgosa

A growing body of scientific evidence indicates that faith, prayer, hope, forgiveness, and trust are beneficial to our physical and emotional health.  Dr. Julián Melgosa uses biblical examples and personal illustrations to demonstrate how essential it is that we partner with Christ in dealing with the all-too-human experiences of depression, anger, guilt, and stress.
Foolish Prayers Fabulous Answers
Foolish Prayers Fabulous Answers
By Glenn and Ethel Coon

Written by popular seminar speakers and authors, Glenn and Ethel Coon Foolish Prayers, Fabulous Answers reinforces the amazing power of prayer and demonstrates that God really does keep his promises.
For the One
For the One
By Nathan Brown, Alex Bryan, Japhet De Oliveira

Drawing on close study of the gospels, re-discovering key moments of Adventist history and exploring implications of Jesus-centeredness for the church today, the presentations collected in this book have served as discussion-starters at these gatherings, prompting ongoing conversations around tables, in hallways, offices, churches, and homes, as well as online. 
For the Umpteenth Time
For the Umpteenth Time
By H. Roger Bothwell

God reaches out to you in nature. He reaches out to you by missionaries. He reaches out to you in sermons, by pastors, and through books. He reaches out by using anything good because He loves you. 
I Forgive You, But
I Forgive You, But
By Lourdes Morales-Gudmundson

"Grounded in the Christian Scriptures, Lourdes Morales-Gudmundsson tells the reader about forgiving from the viewpoints of people who have struggled with it, psychologists who have studied it, and theologians who have mined Scripture for it, and devout Christians who have prayed through it."— Everett L. Worthington, Jr. author of Forgiving and Reconciling and The Power of Forgiving, and professor of psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University.
The Fragmenting of Adventism
The Fragmenting of Adventism
By William G. Johnsson

What ten factors will have the strongest impact on Adventism in the next five years? Will they strengthen or weaken the church? Can we respond in a way that will assure that all ten work together for good?  
Getting Your Head and Heart Together
Getting Your Head and Heart Together
By Clark B. McCall

In this volume the author gets quickly to the problem besetting every man and woman in terms that are easily understood. Special emphasis is given to sorting out the facts and fallacies regarding feelings and how much they should be trusted. 
The Gift of Friendship
The Gift of Friendship
By Tamyra Horst

In her book The Gift of Friendship, Horst tells the intimate stories of women who have struggled and ached, shared and rejoiced together. She offers valuable advice on how to find good friends' and even more importantly' how to keep them.
Give Life to Your Dreams
Give Life to Your Dreams
By Ricardo Bentancur

In this book, pastor and doctor Ricardo Bentancur expounds on the eight biblical principles for happiness and confirms the latest research in medicine and positive psychology about the prickly subject of happiness in a world in crisis.
Glimpses Of Our God Bible Book Shelf 1Q 2012
Glimpses Of Our God Bible Book Shelf 1Q 2012
By Jo Ann Davidson

In this, the companion book for first quarter 2012 Sabbath School Bible Study Guides, the author paints a vivid word picture of a holy God.  Dr. Davidson shows that all study of God must come from a heart and mind trained in humility, and that ultimately, the more we know about God, the more our love for Him will deepen and intensify, leading to adoration and worship on a grander level.  
God Believes in Jewelry
God Believes in Jewelry
By R. E. Francis

The Question of wearing jewelry has been a matter of controversy among Christians for centuries and has been a matter of controversy among Seventh-day Adventists. 
God's Book of Wisdom
God's Book of Wisdom
By Jonathan Kuntaraf

We live in an increasingly sophisticated and educated world, a world in which it is no longer sufficient to know what we believe. But can we trust in the ancient writings of the Bible to express the will of God for us?  The Bible changes lives! It is never out-of-date. Most important, when trusted as God's Word, the Bible has the power to energize and motivate us to live the kind of lives that will glorify God.
God's Footprint on My Floor
God's Footprint on My Floor
By Leo R. Van Dolson

For nearly two millennia Christians and non-Christians have regarded the Sermon on the Mount—particularly the Beatitudes—as the purest form of Christianity.  Unfortunately, few have realized how radical the Sermon on the Mount ideas really are. Author Leo Van Dolson analyzes each beatitude from three viewpoints: the human predicament, Jesus’ solution to the problem, and the practical implications for Christian living.  God’s Footprint on My Floor focuses on answering how we can have the experience of living so closely to Christ and so fully reflecting His character that we leave His footprint on the floor of the places we visit. In a straightforward and compelling way, Dr. Van Dolson makes Jesus’ ancient sayings meaningful for contemporary society.
God's Little Advice Book
God's Little Advice Book
By Mark Finley and Steven Mosley

This book is written to show you how to use the book of Proverbs as a personal advice book.
God's Plan For Your Life
God's Plan For Your Life
By Edward Hoehn

If you have not already found “the peace of God, which passes all understanding,” it is hoped that you will find it as you study God’s Plan for Your Life, and the Bible to which it directs you.
God’s Promises Solve My Problems
God’s Promises Solve My Problems
By Glenn Coon

Learn how Peter’s promise becomes a thrilling reality to fellow Christians: God “has granted to us his precious and very great promises, that through these you may escape from the corruption that is in the world because of passion, and become partakers of the divine nature” (2 Peter 1:4, RSV). Find promises for many of life’s problems and learn how to claim them.
Going For The Gold
Going For The Gold
By Patricia Maxwell

In this easy-to-read book, you’ll find hope and help to overcome whatever it is in your life that has been holding you back from being a winner.
Gold for My Girlfriends
Gold for My Girlfriends
By Kay Kuzma

Life should not be measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away. 

Greater Expectations
Greater Expectations
By Mark Finley and Steven Mosley

Have you ever wondered what it might be like to witness the beginning of a spiritual revolution? In this book we’re going to go back to the beginning of a revolution that turned the whole world upside down, the spiritual revolution of Jesus Christ. 
The Green Cord Dream
The Green Cord Dream
By Alex Bryan

In 1842, fifteen-year-old Ellen Harmon had a dream. "[The angel] handed me a green cord coiled up closely. This he directed me to place next to my heart, and when I wished to see Jesus, take it from my bosom, and stretch it to the utmost." Alex Bryan believes that the Adventist movement can have a bright, prevailing future, but we are at a critical time. The challenges are significant. We need bold and beautiful dreams emerging from every generation and locality. We need Green Cord Dreams. We need The One. We need Jesus.  
Grounds for Belief
Grounds for Belief
By Ed Dickerson

Don’t be shortchanged! Come along and eavesdrop on the conversations taking place at the café. And don’t be surprised if they turn philosophical and then spiritual, or if you find grounds for belief that really make sense to you.
Habits of the Heart: Biblical Principles for Growing Christians
Habits of the Heart: Biblical Principles for Growing Christians
By Kenneth C. Crawford

And after you first committed your life to Christ, did you wonder, “OK, now what?” Growing Christians often need a spiritual mentor—someone to share insights, offer tips for growth, and point out potential pitfalls along the journey. In Habits of the Heart, author Kenneth Crawford highlights principles for spiritual growth drawn from his testimony and Christian experience, bringing readers full circle from growing in Jesus to sharing their own powerful stories.
Handling Hostile People
Handling Hostile People
By Jean Anderson

Jean Anderson shows how to handle bullies a soft touch. She recommends nonviolent, gentle ways that are direct and to the point, but that don’t end up in an exchange of angry words—or blows. 
Hanging On By Your Fingernails
Hanging On By Your Fingernails
By Dan Day

Many Christians wrestle with feelings of detachment and disillusionment in their spiritual experience. The reasons vary--materialism, responsibilities, or feelings of failure when trying to live up to expectations of what a Christian should be. But it doesn't have to be this way. This book offers comforting reassurance that God can restore our spiritual passion and give a new perspective on what really matters.
Happiness Digest
Happiness Digest
By Ellen G. White

When happiness seems beyond your reach and problems weigh you down, where do you turn? Millions of people have found the answer in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Happiness Digest shows how you too can experience His joy and guidance and offers help in the calm assurance that God is in ultimate control and very much interested in your life.
The Haystacks Church
The Haystacks Church
By Andy Nash

Andy Nash explores issues that Adventists grapple with collectively. Male or female, young or old, vegan or omnivore, we’re in it together—haystacks.
Hearts at Home
Hearts at Home
By Mark Finley and Steven Mosley

Hearts at Home presents practical principles that, consistently applied, can transform relationships. Chapter topics include Being Married to Me, A Hole in the Family, Listen to the Children, I Can’t Talk to My Teenager, and Single and Whole.  
Help For the Harvest
Help For the Harvest
By Gloria J. Bell

Nothing can bring more joy than to have someone walk up to you years later and ask, “Do you remember me? I took Bible studies from you and was baptized.”
Help, Lord, I Blew It Again
Help, Lord, I Blew It Again
By Mike Jones

Reevaluation of and insights into the ups and downs of the Christian Life over the past 30 years. The author includes material from his original book Help Lord, I Blew It Again (c.1980), to show how the message of a victorious Christian life is still relevant and helpful in today's world.
Hospitality On  A Wing and A Prayer
Hospitality On A Wing and A Prayer
By Beverly G. Stickle

In this heartfelt, humorous collection of hospitality disasters and successes, Bev Stickle will show you the blessing you've been missing by not inviting guests to your home. 
A House on Fire: How Adventist Faith Respond to Race and Racism
A House on Fire: How Adventist Faith Respond to Race and Racism
By Maury Jackson and Nathan Brown

In recent years, there has been renewed focus on the justice issues of race and racism, the subject of worldwide protests in 2020 and ongoing social, political, and cultural debate. This volume collects chapters from 20 Adventist academics, pastors, and writers from diverse cultural backgrounds in response to the question of what Adventist Christian faith can offer to the vital and urgent work of antiracism. These authors draw on the Bible—including the Hebrew prophets and Adventist understanding of New Testament prophecy, Jesus, and the gospel—as well as Adventist history, and sound the call to respond to these contemporary issues faithfully, thoughtfully, practically, pastorally, and politically.
How to Believe When You Hurt
How to Believe When You Hurt
By Charles Scriven

When suffering comes knocking at your door, your heart isn’t the only thing that hurts. Christians often find that their faith gets wounded as well. Can you trust God while struggling with pain? Can you believe when you’re hurting? 
How to Belong
How to Belong
By John G. Kerbs

How to Belong When You’re Already a Member gives the author’s answers to these and similar questions many people are asking today. 
How to Enjoy Those September Years
How to Enjoy Those September Years
By Elizabeth McFadden

If you are a bit puzzled over how to fill your September years with happiness and the joy of fulfillment, this book is written especially for you!
How To Get Along With Others
How To Get Along With Others
By Ellen G. White

This little booklet is packed full of wisdom to help the reader walk continually in the precepts of the Word of God so that with the power and light God imparts, you will comprehend more and accomplish more than you ever before deemed possible. 
How to Hug a Heart
How to Hug a Heart
By Tamyra Horst

In How to Hug a Heart, Tamyra Horst offers simple ways to reach out and touch another person’s life. 
How to Kill Adventist Education
How to Kill Adventist Education
By Shane Anderson

How to Kill Adventist Education takes a hard look at the troubles plaguing Adventist schools. Not only are those problems identified, along with their root causes, but a simple yet effective strategy for change is proposed.
How to Manage Your Time
How to Manage Your Time
By Halvard Thomsen

This book offers tips and techniques for a better life. 
How to Raise Your Self-esteem
How to Raise Your Self-esteem
By Dair D. Rochau

It’s All Right to Love Yourself! 
I Don't See It That Way
I Don't See It That Way
By Ken McFarland

Ken McFarland explores some curious, and sometimes unconventional, thoughts on God, life, the world around us, and the world to come.  Not surprisingly, his conclusions don't usually jive with the long-venerated thoughts and opinions you may have encountered (or even believed).
I Met a Miracle
I Met a Miracle
By George E. Vandeman

Founder of the It is Written television ministry, George Vandeman, was a man personally acquainted with Christ. A man who met a miracle. Through his own story, and the stories of others, he demonstrates the struggle of surrender, the debilitating result of guilt, the persistence of conscience, the healing power of forgiveness...the miracle of conversion.
I Met God
I Met God
By Glenn A. Coon

Each of these eighteen stories will encourage the reader and show how God can meet us in dreams, in algebra class, in cemeteries, and in many other locations and situations.
I Surrender: Living a Totally Dependent Life
I Surrender: Living a Totally Dependent Life
By DuWayne Carlson

In a world in which independence is celebrated, could it be that dependence is what we really need?
If I Had a Bigger Drum
If I Had a Bigger Drum
By Marjorie Lewis Lloyd

“We are all born with the drum-major instinct,” writes Marjorie Lewis Lloyd. “What baby, from the moment he makes his premiere performance, is not the center of attention? And what child does not try to keep it that way? If the real world does not have a big enough spotlight, he will turn to the world of fantasy.”
If I Were the Devil
If I Were the Devil
By George R. Knight

George Knight tackles tough questions in this shining collection of articles, speeches, and papers. Including the courageous speech “If I Were the Devil,” presented at the 2000 General Conference session, this book is an insightful look at Adventism’s mission, structure, and contemporary challenges.
If You Are Thirsty, You Can Be Spirit-filled
If You Are Thirsty, You Can Be Spirit-filled
By Peter Roennfeldt

Who is the Holy Spirit? How did Jesus relate to the Spirit? And what does this mean for us and our relationship with God? Throughout Christian history and in the church today, the Holy Spirit is a topic littered with misconceptions, controversies and concerns. However, the Spirit is also the true Source of our conversion, transformation, growth and power for living and sharing our faith. Discover how you can be Spirit-filled—if you are thirsty.
If You Can Eat . . . You Can Make Disciples
If You Can Eat . . . You Can Make Disciples
By Peter Roennfeldt

What does it mean to be a Christian and share our faith in a multi-faith and no-faith world?
In our complex post-Christian world, sharing our faith can seem equally complex. But consider how Jesus related to His multi-faith context, particularly His teaching in Luke 10:1–24. He engaged Jews, Samaritans, Roman gentiles, peasants, fishermen, urbanites, religious leaders, soldiers, merchants and others in spiritual discussions. His compassion, insights, authority and methodology left people amazed.
Drawing on this key teaching and the example of Jesus, this book suggests a simple, reproducible approach. It seeks to demystify evangelism, putting it within reach of every believer.
If You Have to Fight - Fight Fair
If You Have to Fight - Fight Fair
By Dan Day

How can two people resolve a conflict and both win? There is a way, and the author points to some practical ways of achieving this result. 
In Quest of Life
In Quest of Life
By Arthur L. Bietz

In Quest Of Life, Arthur L. Bietz offers sound advice to youth and youth leaders in the hopes that he will make a contribution to their faith. It is written with the conviction that all facets of truth in the moral, social, physical, and spiritual realm unite to glorify God. 
In the Manner of Jesus
In the Manner of Jesus
By Reuben Hilde

The appeal to the reader is to imitate the Master's methods, communicating the gospel as He did and achieving success by doing it In the Manner of Jesus.
Investigating the Judgment
Investigating the Judgment
By John T. Anderson

Here's a revolutionary look at God's total fairness and relentless effort to save us. A culmination of 20 years of study, the author delves into Jewish traditions of Yom Kippur as he examines the concept of judgment.
It's Time
It's Time
By Reinder Bruinsma

If you agree that Adventism shouldn't be the "dos & don'ts" and just a bunch of talk . . . And if you're ready to start walking the walk with Jesus . . ."
Journey to the Heart of God
Journey to the Heart of God
By S. Joseph Kidder

This book explores this Journey to the Heart of God by dealing with several Christian spiritual practices such as worship, prayer, Bible study, fellowship, fasting, giving, forgiveness, and touching lives.  As the love of God compels us to live out these spiritual practices, the Holy Spirit will transform our lives and make us more like Jesus.
Joy: The Secret of Being Content
Joy: The Secret of Being Content
By Celeste Perrino Walker

Your Joy May Be Complete 

Now. Not tomorrow. Not when you become the perfect Christian, but today. If you are not filled with joy, then you aren't taking advantage of all heaven is offering you. 

You can have a little heaven now. Here's how.
Just Passing Through
Just Passing Through
By George Hutches

This booklet recounts the stories of people who passed through this life knowing that their treasure was in heaven and not on this earth. 
Keep On Keeping On With Jesus
Keep On Keeping On With Jesus
By James W. Gilley

Pastor Jim Gilley once again points us to Jesus, the One who never gives up on us. Jesus will keep His promise to stand beside you, no matter what you’re facing. But you’ve got to hang in there and trust Him. You’ve got to “keep on keeping on.”
The King Is In Residence
The King Is In Residence
By Charles E. Bradford

The most urgent task before us today is to understand what the church is all about and make it visible. We must understand its role in God’s plan to win back a planet in rebellion.
King of the Cannibals
King of the Cannibals
By Eileen E. Lantry

King of the Cannibals is the true story of a man who came out of the heathenism among cannibals and became one of God's leaders in the Solomon Islands. It also includes the exciting adventures these people faced during the Japanese invasion of World War II when they saved Allied airmen whose planes crashed on their islands.
The Kingliness of Kindness
The Kingliness of Kindness
By Harry M. Tippett

This little book shows the reader that the Christian virtue of kindness is not a passive thing. To be kingly in kindness, one will seek opportunities daily to do good. This book tells the stories of people who sought to do just that.  
Knoche's Law
Knoche's Law
By Keith Knoche

Author Knoche has discovered Murphy's law through his own experience. When he slips on a banana peel, he has learned not only to get up, but also to avoid stepping on banana peel. "All the episodes are true, " he writes, "and although they may tend to incriminate me, I'll share them with you anyway. Because in them I have discovered abiding spiritual lessons and new vistas of faith in Jesus."
Knowing God In The Real World
Knowing God In The Real World
By Jon Paulien

Knowing God in the Real World clarifies the basics of the gospel message, and demonstrates how that message can be expressed in a way that makes sense in the secular world. 
Knowing Jesus Knowing God
Knowing Jesus Knowing God
By David Marshall

By knowing Jesus we know God. When we know God the miracle at the heart of the Christian Gospel begins in our lives.
A Language for the Heart
A Language for the Heart
By Steven Mosley

Replete with fresh, telling illustrations, A Language for the Heart is that rare book to be coveted above most others—a book that moves us ahead a quantum leap in our personal relationship with God.
Learning Life: How Personal Devotions Can Make A Difference
Learning Life: How Personal Devotions Can Make A Difference
By Roger Walter

Most Christians have heard that personal devotions are a critical component of a healthy, growing spiritual life. Yet many don’t know how to put the discipline into practice. In Learning Life, Pastor Roger Walter breaks down a three-step plan for personal devotions that changed his life.
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
By Randy Maxwell

The storms of life are inevitable. Drowning isn't.
Let Your Life So Shine
Let Your Life So Shine
By Jan Paulsen

Let Your Life So Shine, by Jan Paulsen, is a call to life above the ordinary. Heed the call, step out in faith, and begin experiencing the uncommon rewards of living like Jesus. 
The Life That Wins
The Life That Wins
By Matilda E. Andross

The author talks of Christianity in its simplest yet most comprehensive terms: love, service, others. She talks of that greatest miracle on earth, a human life that wins for Christ; and of the greatest opportunity that comes to any man, the opportunity to live that life.  
A Life to Die For
A Life to Die For
By W. Clarence Schilt

The authors, a pastor and a psychiatrist, deal with a basic premise of the Christian life―dying to self and offer practical suggestions on how to make dying to self a reality in your life and goes beyond “self help” to provide hope beyond belief.
As Light Lingers: Basking in the Word of God
As Light Lingers: Basking in the Word of God
By Nina Atcheson

Whether you are a teenager or a professional, dating or married, or if you are a tired parent, you will find encouragement, advice, and practical strategies in this book. In it, you will discover how basking in the power of God’s Word will make you want to linger with God—because time with Him is so sweet.
Living a Spirit-Filled Life
Living a Spirit-Filled Life
By Kurt Johnson

Through the captivating Bible narratives of Elijah and his Spirit-filled ministry, you’ll gain invaluable insights into divine guidance, spiritual growth, and the power that comes with abiding in the Spirit. Thought-provoking questions are provided at the end of each chapter to enhance your personal study.
Living In Our Finest Hour
Living In Our Finest Hour
By Douglas Cooper

Do you realize you are living in the world’s most exciting hour? Living in Our Finest Hour gives an unexpected perspective on the great issues of the day. Can the worst of times also be the best of times? Learn how you can be more than a spectator, how you can live extraordinarily and love extraordinarily in these extraordinary times.
Living Kingdom: Fresh Perspectives on the Parables of Jesus
Living Kingdom: Fresh Perspectives on the Parables of Jesus
By Jarrod Stackelroth

Jesus is the source of the Christian faith.

The stories He told—His parables—paint a picture of what living in His kingdom looks like.

And as His followers, we are invited to live in His kingdom.

Twenty-seven contemporary writers share fresh and relevant, thoughtful and faithful, inspiring and—at times—challenging perspectives on those parables, to call us into His kingdom and equip us to live in it.

Each chapter includes questions for group discussion or personal reflection.

Living the Spirit-filled Life
Living the Spirit-filled Life
By Douglas Cooper

To the unaided eye, the curved face of the dam looks strong, massive, solid. But a lacework of hairline cracks races unseen over its surface. Pressure builds, and then— suddenly the dam gives way. Pentecost! A towering wall of unleashed power explodes forward, surging down the corridors of human need. The Holy Spirit—the mighty river of living water Jesus described in John 7—has been set free! And the world will never be the same.
Living with the Mind of Jesus: How Beliefs Shape Your Worldview
Living with the Mind of Jesus: How Beliefs Shape Your Worldview
By S. Joseph Kidder, Katelyn Campbell Weakley

In Living With the Mind of Jesus, the authors take us on a profoundly enriching journey that will help us understand the strength of the Christ-centered worldview and how worldview can change and shape the worldview of our children.
Living: We've Just Begun
Living: We've Just Begun
By Douglas Cooper

When you concentrate your willpower toward knowing Jesus, when you allow Him to dwell in your heart, you will find yourself on the threshold of a great blessing. You will hold the great and simple key to unlocking the limitless storehouses of heaven and eternity. Are you open to embracing the kind of life God wants you to have, both here each day and in eternity?
Loom O' Life
Loom O' Life
By Josephine Cunnington Edwards

As we live, we each weave patterns in the loom of life. Some of them are tangled, some unfinished, some incomplete and laid aside as useless. Other patterns are such a mixture of brightness and somberness that the completed design is lovely beyond words. In Loom 'o Life Josephine Edwards writes of the Master Weaver who works within each life, striving to bring together a pattern of unsurpassed loveliness.
Lord, Save My Church: Tackling the Tough Issues
Lord, Save My Church: Tackling the Tough Issues
By Richard O'Ffill

We expect the devil and his minions to come into the church like a herd of elephants. Instead, they come in like a swarm of termites – unnoticed.
The Mainstreaming of New Age
The Mainstreaming of New Age
By Manuel Vasquez

In this book, you will find out how you can avoid the spiritual dangers of New Age/modern spiritualism, which is nothing more than the “old spiritualism” condemned in the Bible. 
Making Holidays Special
Making Holidays Special
By Celeste Perrino Walker

If you’re looking for some great ideas to help make your family holidays more memorable, meaningful, and fun, Making Holidays Special is the book for you. 
Making Jesus Real
Making Jesus Real
By J. L. Shuler

The Lord has provided ways whereby Jesus will be more real to you. You are invited to consider how, in this little book. 
Making the Most of Family Living
Making the Most of Family Living
By Elder and Esther Chalmers

This book was written to help the reader develop their potential as a member of their own family. The authors give helpful advice on how to develop personality traits and healthy habits that fulfill the needs of all the other family members. 
El manejo de las finanzas
El manejo de las finanzas
By Jorge E. Rico

Dealing with money has been part of human existence since time immemorial.  
Manifest: Our Call to Faithful Creativity
Manifest: Our Call to Faithful Creativity
By Nathan Brown, Joanna Darby

Thirty-two Adventist writers, artists and leaders challenge how we think about creativity and how we can be creative in our church and in our everyday lives.
Max the Cat: The 7 A's of God's Relational Grace
Max the Cat: The 7 A's of God's Relational Grace
By Mike

Through the story of a hand-me-down feline, Max the Cat explores the importance of fulfilling our own physical, emotional, and spiritual needs to have healthy and fulfilling relationships with others.
The Miracle of Conversion
The Miracle of Conversion
By Morris L. Venden

Once again, Morris Venden has compiled an anthology of invaluable information-this time on the subject of conversion-to help us in our Christian walk. 
Mission Shift
Mission Shift
By Kayle de Waal

“The local church is the future of Adventism . . .” But will the local Adventist church continue in its same structural mode or can we shift to a new paradigm of mission and ministry? What changes will we make to turn around poor growth figures in many Western nations and communities? How will we respond to Generation Y and Millennials, who will be the church of the future? How can discipleship become the heart and centre of the mission of the church as outlined by Jesus? 
More Adventist Hot Potatoes
More Adventist Hot Potatoes
By Martin Weber

It is the author’s hope that by being willing to discuss our “hot potatoes” with charity and an open mind, we will all be drawn closer to Christ and to each other. And just maybe we’ll stop getting burned by these spiritual spuds.
Moving Your Church
Moving Your Church
By S. Joseph Kidder

Moving Your Church was written to encourage and equip members and leaders to successfully carry out the vision and mission of Christ in their local community. 
New By the Spirit
New By the Spirit
By Arnold Valentin Wallenkampf

In plain terms Pastor Wallenkampf answers questions about baptism by the Holy Spirit, gifts of the Spirit, fruits of the Spirit, and the change of heart wrought by the Holy Spirit.
New Ways to Tell the Old, Old Story
New Ways to Tell the Old, Old Story
By H. M. S. Richards Jr.

Suppose you were offered $100 for every person whom you witnessed to, regardless of their response. Would you be more interested in witnessing? 
No Experience Necessary
No Experience Necessary
By Karl Haffner

As Christ-followers, sharing the good news is a privilege we all share. You can use your unique gifts, talents, and resources to change the world in Jesus’ name. So what are you waiting for? Let’s go!
No Stranger Now
No Stranger Now
By E. E. Cleveland

No Stranger Now recounts the history of slavery in America and the many heroes who worked to make people aware that as children of one Father we are all members of one family regardless of race, color, or national origin. 
Of Fleeces and Faith: Stop Doubting and Believe
Of Fleeces and Faith: Stop Doubting and Believe
By David B. Smith

Find out in Of Fleeces and Faith if the Great I AM is really listening as author David Smith weaves the story of the Old Testament warrior and judge, Gideon, and his insecurities through the challenges of modern life.
One Heart, One Vote
One Heart, One Vote
By T. R. Torkelson

Two names are on the ballot—Satan and Christ. In this election no one abstains. No one escapes the results of his choice. 
Open Secrets
Open Secrets
By Don and Marjorie Gray

Bell and Associates—a national research and polling firm—conducted a series of surveys to determine today’s most-asked questions.
Ordinary People-Extraordinary God: Real-life stories of faith and commitment
Ordinary People-Extraordinary God: Real-life stories of faith and commitment
By Nathan Brown

55 ordinary people – one extraordinary God 55 stories of faith and commitment – one God who deals with us as individuals 55 examples of stewardship – one God who is Lord of our lives.
Ordinary People-Faithful God: More real-life stories of faith and commitment
Ordinary People-Faithful God: More real-life stories of faith and commitment
By Nathan Brown

Another collection of real-life stories in the tradition of Ordinary People— Extraordinary God, full of exciting stories of people testifying to the faithfulness of God in their lives as a result of stewardship. 
Ordinary People-Generous God: More stories of faith and commitment
Ordinary People-Generous God: More stories of faith and commitment
By Nathan Brown

Another collection of real-life stories in the tradition of Ordinary People – Extraordinary God and Ordinary People – Faithful God.
Overcome Any Problem
Overcome Any Problem
By Carlton Johnson

Some problems seem insoluble, but the author of this book affirms that every problem has a solution.
The Overcomers
The Overcomers
By Mark Finley and George Vandeman

Topics covered in this book include how to overcome an alcoholic environment, spousal abuse, depression, bankruptcy, handicaps, sexual abuse, and opposition.
Pastor, This Is My Problem
Pastor, This Is My Problem
By William A. Fagal

First published in 1963 and re-released as a Heritage Classic, this book stems from the Faith for Today program, telecast over a lone New York station back in 1950. Many viewers came to view the telecaster, Pastor Fagal, as a personal friend and consequently besieged him with letters for advice on a wide range of human experiences.   
Path to the Heart
Path to the Heart
By Glenn A. Coon

For a dedicated worker for Christ, there is nothing more essential to success than the master of the science of soul winning until it becomes a divine art. In this book , Evangelist Glenn A. Coon draws upon his rich background of public and personal evangelism to give us these divinely inspired methods of reaching the heart and not merely the head.
Person to Person
Person to Person
By Len D. McMillan

Person to Person will help you win the battle of relationships and reach out and love someone. Upbeat, positive, and challenging, this book explains why it’s time to change the rules of convention and follow some of the great advice given in this book. 
A Place for Us Guys
A Place for Us Guys
By Chuck Burkeen

Life for us guys is different than life for anyone else. The important thing to remember is that God created guys for a special purpose. That purpose just isn’t always obvious.
A Place In God's Heart
A Place In God's Heart
By Kay D. Rizzo

If you’ve ever thought "There just has to be something more to the Christian life than this," you need to discover A Place in God’s Heart. Using words that drip with encouragement, and illustrations that radiate with warmth, author and speaker Kay Rizzo shows us that living in the continual essence of God’s divine presence is the "something more" we’ve been craving.
Playing God
Playing God
By Celeste Perrino Walker

Playing God is the story of a family whose religious fervor becomes skewed blurring the line between nurturing and condemning.
Power to Witness
Power to Witness
By James W. Zackrison

Power to Witness is an inspiring guide to sharing your faith with others. 
Preparing For Your Marriage
Preparing For Your Marriage
By Claudio and Pamela Consuegra

If marriage is on your mind because you’re dating someone special, engaged, or you’ve just watched too many cheesy romance movies on cable, Preparing for your Marriage will help ensure your marriage will be the kind of relationship that endures the test of time and honors God.
The Promise of Peace
The Promise of Peace
By Charles Scriven

Author Charles Scriven declares the Adventist vision in a manner at once practical and brief.
The Promise of the Pearl
The Promise of the Pearl
By Leo and Bobbie Van Dolson

The Pearl of Great Price is one of Jesus’ shorter parables, yet it is one of great drama and inspiration.
Protest & Promise
Protest & Promise
By Robert L. Osmunson

In this book Christian methods of protest are emphasized (no violence please) and the author includes reasons for expecting tangible results from such a witness.
The Proverbial Cracker Jack
The Proverbial Cracker Jack
By Dale Henry

If you're feeling burned out, maybe it's because you've never been lit! Dale Henry will turn up the flame and bring you to a full boil. He will motivate you to be a champion. To aim a little higher than you think possible. To expect the best, and get it.
Pulling Life Together
Pulling Life Together
By Arthur L. Bietz

This book was written as a source book for Physicians, Ministers, Teachers, and Laymen. The author seeks to unite the insights of the science of human nature with the teachings of Scripture and the writings of Ellen G. White that will hopefully result in a strengthening of the reader’s faith in the message we love. The basic needs of life can be summed up in thirteen fundamental principles. These form the chapter headings of this book. Each chapter is divided into three sections—the meaning of the principle, Biblical parallels, and supporting statements from Ellen G. White. 
By Lola Moore Johnston

In Pursued you will be challenged to discover for yourself the healing and transforming power of the love of Jesus, your divine Pursuer. 
Putting Up With Your Put Downs
Putting Up With Your Put Downs
By Clark B. McCall

This book shows us how we can overcome “putdownitis”, by letting God change you into a new person. 
Reaching the Unreachable
Reaching the Unreachable
By Martin F. Scott

Criminals are often painted as wolves among sheep. They are characterized as the sinister and the predatory. But a prisoner’s reality is sometimes very different. In every person, God sees a lost sheep.
Really Living
Really Living
By Joe Engelkemier

In this book, author Joe Engelkemier reminds us that really living is following God’s eternal plan for our lives. 
Religion in the Real World
Religion in the Real World
By Charles Mills

In this book, you’ll find inspiration and motivation for your journey through the twists and turns of life to the wonderful Promised Land!
Retirement Ready? Plan Now to Retire Well
Retirement Ready? Plan Now to Retire Well
By Bruce Manners

Many people look forward to retirement as potentially the best time of their lives —but that won’t happen without planning and preparation. In a changing society, retirement itself is changing, so knowing the right questions to ask and finding credible information are all the more important.
Retirement Ready? offers a personal and practical guide to making the most of the exciting opportunities of retirement and meeting its inevitable challenges. While life is uncertain, planning for this stage of life gives the best possibilities for living well in retirement.
Risen: Finding Hope in the Empty Tomb
Risen: Finding Hope in the Empty Tomb
By Clifford Goldstein

In this fast-paced, tightly argued examination of the events that followed Jesus’ death on the cross, Risen looks at claims made by skeptics in order to deny the Resurrection as the explanation for those events.
The Road to Happiness
The Road to Happiness
By Robert H. Pierson

First published in 1948 and rereleased as part of the Heritage Collection, this book by Robert H. Pierson instructs readers in biblical principles that will strengthen their Christian walk.
Satan's Ditches and Dog-Faced Baboons
Satan's Ditches and Dog-Faced Baboons
By Robert S. Folkenberg

In Satan’s Ditches and Dog-Faced Baboons, Robert Folkenberg draws upon a wide variety of anecdotes and stories to hammer home the reality of salvation in Christ.
Screen Deep
Screen Deep
By Scott Moncrieff

If you'd be so kind as to silence your phone, turn off your iPod, and put down the remote, author Scott Moncrieff has a word to share with you about media and culture.
By Chris Blake

This little book takes selected chapters from the bestseller, “Searching for a God to Love”. 
By Omar Miranda

Here is the relationship that will complete you—a relationship that will perfectly meet your every need.
Searching for a God to Love
Searching for a God to Love
By Chris Blake

Do you have questions? Do you have doubts? Have you been hurt? Are you aching for something more? Great. You qualify to take the journey this life-changing book defines.
Seeing It Through With God
Seeing It Through With God
By Merlin L. Neff

How do we meet with disappointments and heartaches? Some grow bitter and resentful; they cannot endure the test.  Others are stoical in the time of calamity; they refuse to allow suffering to touch their heart.  We can see the reactions if we look about us.  The author submits his answer to the problem of pain, suffering, and death with a prayer, "I will see it through with God!"
Shades of Grace
Shades of Grace
By Ty Gibson

Like the multi-hued richness of the color spectrum, there are various Shades of Grace which compose the beautiful character of God. Grace is unmerited favor, and so much more, as you are about to discover. Be prepared to be surprised by grace . . . again.
Sharing Jesus
Sharing Jesus
By Jean Sheldon

If, to you, witnessing is synonymous with fear, failure, or frustration, you may be so moved and transformed by reading this book that witnessing will become your supreme pursuit and greatest joy. 
Side Trips
Side Trips
By Keith Knoche

Sometimes you will laugh, sometimes you will grip the edge of your chair, sometimes you will turn your head to hide a tear, but always you will be fascinated by these fast-paced, true-as-the-gospel stories of warm-blooded men and women Keith Knoche met on his Side Trips.
Signs to Life: Reading and Responding to John's Gospel
Signs to Life: Reading and Responding to John's Gospel
By Kendra Haloviak Valentine

The Gospel according to John offers a unique way of reading the stories of Jesus. Its seven miracles—called “signs”—give valuable insights into the identity and mission of Jesus, helping John’s first readers and contemporary readers to respond more fully to Jesus’ invitation to “life abundant.” 
Slow Down and Simplify
Slow Down and Simplify
By Beverly G. Stickle

Slow Down and Simplify contains easy steps for rediscovering peace in your life. 
Social Justice
Social Justice
By Jonathan A. Thompson

This book, Social Justice, is the work of an ensemble of professional scholars and thought leaders. They each bring a diverse perspective on Ellen G. White’s contributions to the social issues of her time—and how her guiding principles still apply to us today. 
Sometimes I Don't Feel Like Praying
Sometimes I Don't Feel Like Praying
By Mike Jones

This book is an easy read and filled with practical steps for dealing with life’s challenges such as depression, forgiveness issues, addictions, and much more. It’s also a great sharing book for those who no longer attend church as Mike tells the story of his dropping out of church, then returning. Order your copy today.
Stand at the Cross and Be Changed
Stand at the Cross and Be Changed
By E. Lonnie Melashenko

Come, stand at the cross. Join those who watched Jesus die. See through their eyes as they witness the greatest event in human history.
Stop Laughing: I'm Trying to Make a Point
Stop Laughing: I'm Trying to Make a Point
By Kim Peckham

Kim Peckham's point of view is a special one. His humor comes out in his column in Women of Spirit magazine and here, in a collection of various topics. You will find truth, life and your funny bone as you peruse the pages of Stop Laughing.
Strong Medicine for a Sick Society
Strong Medicine for a Sick Society
By Mark Finley and Steven Mosley

This little book argues that the solution for society’s ills are in the Ten Commandment s.
Swimming Against the Current
Swimming Against the Current
By Chris Blake

Read these diverse messages and listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit urging you to spiritual growth and practical course corrections in your life.
The Table I Long For: Learning to Participate in the Mission and Family of God
The Table I Long For: Learning to Participate in the Mission and Family of God
By Shawn Brace

Shawn Brace’s world began to shift one Friday night, after a close-knit gathering in a family home. “Why does church have to be more than this?” he asked himself. It was a question that led him into Scripture, paving the way for a fresh understanding of the mission and dynamics of God’s family—and eventually the re-launch of his church. With stories from his experience, Brace paints an inspiring vision of what it looks like to participate in the mission and family of God in ways that are relevant and meaningful to a post-Christian society. If you are tired of simply going to church, find out how to start being church in your community—a family where every person is welcome at the table.
Taking Dreams Off Hold
Taking Dreams Off Hold
By Clark B. McCall

"Taking Dreams off Hold” will show you how to turn your quest for fulfillment into that lasting happiness. 
Tears to Joy
Tears to Joy
By Mike Tucker

If you have ever lost someone you love, you know how deep the wound cuts. In Tears to Joy, author Mike Tucker shares from his heart his struggles through the heartache of grief after the death of his wife of more than 40 years, Gayle Anne Whitacre Tucker.
Tell It As It Is
Tell It As It Is
By Theodore Carcich

These twelve short essays are the authors attempt to stir minds and talents for the Lord Jesus Christ. 
Ten Cans
Ten Cans
By Dale Henry

Discover the ten cans of change in this motivational and inspirational book, Ten Cans.
The God You Thought You Knew
The God You Thought You Knew
By Richard L. Neil

Meet the real God. Let Him transform your relationships. You'll never be the same.
The Joy of Optimism: Living in the Pleasant Tense
The Joy of Optimism: Living in the Pleasant Tense
By Kay Kuzma

Undeterred by the inevitable challenges that life brings, author Kay Kuzma is determined to embark on a quest for optimism and joy—regardless of age, pain, loss, misunderstandings, criticism, or the turbulence of current events—and she invites readers to join her on this transformative journey of discovery and personal growth.
The Many Faces of God: Pictures of the Intimacy God Desires With His Children
The Many Faces of God: Pictures of the Intimacy God Desires With His Children
By Carrol Johnson Shewmake

Carrol Johnson Shewmake describes the intimacy God desires with His children with easy-to-picture word images from the Bible.
The Way out Is Up!
The Way out Is Up!
By J. O. Wilson

The great procession is now forming. God’s faithful ones are about to embark on the space flight that will land them at the celestial spaceport. 
Thinking Faith
Thinking Faith
By Nathan Brown

Thinking is an important ingredient of our faith, while faith must also broaden and deepen our thinking and its possibilities—and both should change our lives and our world. Thinking Faith collects some of Nathan Brown’s best thoughts—and questions—about the implications of our faith. Each short chapter responds to urgent issues of our time and in our church, examining these through the lens of what we know and believe about God, and calling for imagination, courage, creativity and empathy in response.
Thirst for God: Unlocking the Power of Matthew 5
Thirst for God: Unlocking the Power of Matthew 5
By Miguel A. Valdivia

Thirst for God offers a fresh approach to the timeless Beatitudes of Jesus found in Matthew's Gospel. Highlighting a reversal of values in the light of the Cross, this books invites the reader to embark on a spiritual journey of total dependence on God.
A Thoughtful Hour
A Thoughtful Hour
By Jerry D. Thomas

As precious as the story of Jesus is to each of us, our daily lives keep us so busy that it's hard to carve out the time we would like to spend learning about Him. It's hard to find an hour--a thoughtful hour--reading and studying the gospel accounts of His life.
Time for All That's Important
Time for All That's Important
By Tamyra Horst

In Time for All That’s Important the author says there’s more to life than just getting everything done—there’s balance. 
Tiptoeing Through the Minefields
Tiptoeing Through the Minefields
By Clark B. McCall

This is a down-to-earth booklet on God’s dealings with human beings today. God cares for each one. He has a thousand ways to lead us even though we may feel completely hemmed in. All we need to do is surrender our lives to Him.
Total Member Involvement
Total Member Involvement
By Alejandro Bullón

The initiative of Total Member Involvement follows the commission of Jesus so that each believer "goes to the whole world ..."
By Jim Ayer

It’s never too late to experience the power of transformation. Welcome to your new life.
Triumphant in Suffering
Triumphant in Suffering
By Merlin L. Neff

This book seeks to discover how the trusting soul must reconcile the dark and tragic experiences of life with his faith in the sovereignty of an all-loving God. 
True Stories of Changed Lives
True Stories of Changed Lives
By Dan Serns

When people encounter Jesus, live change. Dan Serns’s Changed Lives presents a dozen true stories of real people who chose to fully open their hearts to the powerful truth of Christ’s saving grace. Each one faced incredible obstacles—from physical addictions to spiritual strangleholds—but by surrendering to the powerful promises of the Bible, the way forward became clear: Jesus. Includes Bible Study Questions at the end of each chapter.
Unbottled Poison
Unbottled Poison
By Ruth Jaeger Buntain

This book will show how God’s healing can eliminate the poison from our hearts. We can see our enemy with a new perspective. We can see him for what he is: the person for whom Christ died. 
The Unfinished Sermon
The Unfinished Sermon
By C.L. Paddock

How many sermons are only half-finished!  The preacher does his part. He holds up a lofty ideal and paints a beautiful picture, but do we do our part? We have an unfinished sermon to preach by the way we live each and every day.
Unmistakably Christian
Unmistakably Christian
By Thomas Shepherd, PhD, DrPH

Following Jesus is countercultural in our modern society; but it was even more so in the first century when Christianity was in its infancy. The new religion was a radical departure from cultural norms, the expectations of family, and the dictates of government. Following Jesus is still countercultural. However, these surprising lessons from Peter will encourage you as you follow Jesus, and your community will know you are unmistakably Christian.
A Victim No Longer
A Victim No Longer
By Dan Day

If you feel that you are a victim of circumstances, if you feel that life has given you a raw deal, if you feel that people take advantage of you and beat you down, this book is for you. The author sets forth some positive steps that will enable you to overcome these problems and help you live a cheerful, well-balanced life.
Victory Out of Chaos
Victory Out of Chaos
By Merlin L. Neff

"The Christian life is a battle and a march. But the victory to be gained is not won by human power. The battle which we have to fight--the greatest battle that was ever fought by man--is the surrender of self to the will of God, the yielding of the heart to the sovereignty of love."
We All Have Solutions
We All Have Solutions
By Roger Hernandez

We all have problems. It is a fact of life. But in spite of any problem you may be facing, there is hope.
We are the Pathfinders Strong
We are the Pathfinders Strong
By Willie Oliver and Patricia L. Humphrey

A captivating and illustrated history of Pathfindering from its very beginnings to the Tournament of Roses parade and international camporees at Oshkosh and elsewhere.
We Can Have Peace
We Can Have Peace
By Daniel Guild

We Can Have Peace, by Daniel R. Guild, presents to the reader biblical principles on how to live victoriously in tumultuous times. He discusses ways to achieve peace through magnetic hope, dynamic faith, confiding trust, complete surrender, and transforming friendship. 
We Explore the Earth
We Explore the Earth
By Howard A. Munson

This book will inspire readers to explore the wonders of the natural world at their doorsteps, and to learn more about the God who created all things. 
When Bad Things Happen to God's People
When Bad Things Happen to God's People
By Richard Rice

"Why me, Lord?" Christians have asked since Jesus cried on the cross, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" There are no easy answers. But there is hope, for God controls the future. This book will help the reader see how very bright the future is and to look at the future with new confidence, reassured by the powerful promises of our loving, caring God.
When You Need Incredible Answers to Prayer
When You Need Incredible Answers to Prayer
By Roger Morneau

Thousands of letters and telephone calls from all over the world came to Roger Morneau requesting his intercessory prayer. Here he shares thrilling stories of miraculous divine intervention, and also shows how each reader can have an intimate relationship with an all-loving and all-powerful God.
When Your Faith is Shaken
When Your Faith is Shaken
By Mark Finley and Steven Mosley

This little book examines ways in which our faith can be shaken, and provides sound encouragement for how we can overcome. 
Winning: Lay Bible Ministry Handbook
Winning: Lay Bible Ministry Handbook
By D.E. Caslow

This is it—a handbook that covers the vital areas of personal ministries and lay soul-winning, something on the art of personal evangelism at the fingertips of both active laymen and teaching ministers. 
Worship Time
Worship Time
By Dorothy Blake Walter

This book is a collection of stories, pictures, and poems intended to teach spiritual truths to your child in simpler terms. It is intended that the child and parent use it together, in home worship or for group meetings. 
Wrestling with Reality
Wrestling with Reality
By Martin Weber

Abortion, racism, the legislation of morality, sexism, and the environment are just a few of the hot buttons that send many people over the edge of reason and civility when pushed.
Yet Will I Serve Him
Yet Will I Serve Him
By Marvin Moore

In Yet Will I Serve Him you’ll meet a soldier facing a firing squad, a gravely ill child, an innocent man thrown in prison, a well-known martyr, a pioneer girl taken captive, and other heroes of faith.
You and Your Conscience
You and Your Conscience
By Gerald R. Nash

The oft-repeated adage “let your conscience be your guide” generally speaking in modern parlance would be “do your own thing.” Thousands of people live according to this slogan.   
You Can Be Happy
You Can Be Happy
By Donald A. Webster

You Can Be Happy by Donald A. Webster is a book about what it takes to be truly happy. The author shows that without obedience to God’s law and the laws of the land there can be no true happiness. 
You're Not Just a Statistic
You're Not Just a Statistic
By Clark B. McCall

God wants the inhabitants on our planet to experience His personal care for every human soul. He has chosen human hearts filled with His loving concern to be the channels for this discovery. 
Your People Problems
Your People Problems
By John G. Kerbs

Your People Problems, by John G. Kerbs, was written to guide the reader into profitable reflections upon his own “people problems”. His hope is that the reader might find a call to prayer and a fuller consecration to Him who longs to dwell within us. 
Your Religion Is Too Small
Your Religion Is Too Small
By Steven Mosley

In Your Religion Is Too Small, Mosley calls us away from niggling pieties that make us feel righteous but do little good for the hurting world around us. He calls us to serve a grander God, to turn from narrow religiosity to the “big picture” of true humility, honor, and allegiance.
Your Remarkable Mind
Your Remarkable Mind
By Reuben Hilde

You have been given a marvelous gift. God’s desire for you is that it may be used in such a way that it may continue to grow far beyond what you may have imagine its capacity to be.
Your Ups and Downs
Your Ups and Downs
By Philip B. Knoche

This book shows us that Christian living is based on faith not on feelings.