Sabbath School
Isaiah (Adult Bible Study Guide) 1Q 2021
The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. Written by a variety of authors, the study guide encourages personal time with God and His Word. Memory texts and key thoughts from the authors provide an opportunity for spiritual growth.
Isaiah (Ellen G. White Notes) 1Q 2021
Each quarter, the Seventh-day Adventist Church publishes a "Quarterly" Sabbath School Bible Study Guide to be used in Sabbath School, for personal Bible study, or in any other setting in which a deeper understanding of God’s Word is desired.
Psalms (1Q 2024 Bible Bookshelf)
Psalms is the ultimate all-in-one book, full of hymns, poems, and prayers for God’s people. Each line speaks to the joys and trials of the human condition. In spite of the “valleys of darkness” that believers experience, God is listening and responding, bringing hope, healing, and salvation.
1 and 2 Peter Adult Bible Study Guide 2Q 2017
Peter reveals that the special relationship God initiated with the descendants of Abraham meant something.
1 and 2 Peter Bible Book Shelf 2Q 2017
For Peter, the Christians he writes to should be living as those who are ransomed and sanctified. He encourages that, even though they live in difficult times and perilous circumstances, they have a glorious hope.
1 and 2 Peter Ellen G. White Notes 2Q 2017
Get more out of your bible study times with these insights from the Spirit of Prophecy for the Sabbath School Lessons.
1 and 2 Thessalonians Adult Bible Study Guide 3Q 2012
Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide for 3rd Quarter 2012.
The good news about Jesus that the apostle Paul had brought to the Thessalonians was making a difference in their lives, but Paul wanted their relationship with God to grow even deeper.
How to Interpret Scripture (Bible Bookshelf) BBS 2Q 2020
How to Interpret Scripture examines the origin of the Bible, explores why it is the source of our theology, evaluates the influence of biblical languages, investigates prophecy, and so much more.
A Companion to the Adult Bible Study Guide: Ellen White Notes on Psalms: January | February | March 2024
This attractive booklet contains E. G. White comments addressing the topics of the day, week, and quarter in the Adult Sabbath School lessons.
Adventist Churches That Make a Difference Bible Book Shelf 3Q 2016
Adventist Churches That Make a Difference highlights various Adventist churches and church-based organizations around the world that are making a difference.
Rebellion and Redemption Adult Bible Study Guide 1Q 2016
God has pledged to bear in Himself the full responsibility for all human rebellion and to suffer the consequences for every evil we have committed. Only in this way could God restore His relationship with the human race, relationships between humans, and humanity’s relationship with the rest of creation.
Biblical Missionaries Adult Bible Study Guide 3Q 2015
This quarter we will study mission as God's way for communicating the gospel to people who do not know it.
Biblical Missionaries Bible Book Shelf 3Q 2015
God’s first earthly journey recorded in the Bible was a missionary journey—walking to and fro in search of Adam and Eve. From the very beginning, it has been God’s mission to seek and to save those who are lost.
Biblical Missionaries E. G. White Notes 3Q 2015
Get more out of this quarter's study with Ellen G. White notes.
The Book of Acts (Adult Bible Study Guide 3Q 2018)
The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom.
The Book of Acts (Ellen G. White Notes 3Q 2018)
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
The Book of Acts Bible Book Shelf 3Q 2018
We should not look at Acts as a retelling of the missionary successes of the apostles, but, rather, as an example of the amazing things God was able to accomplish through them in reclaiming humanity for Himself.
The Book of Daniel Bible Book Shelf 1Q 2020
Studying the book of Daniel is an exciting adventure, requiring a great deal of wisdom and understanding. Indeed, Daniel himself prays for understanding. This book, divided into thirteen chapters, starts by introducing issues related to understanding Daniel, such as literary structure and historical context. The subsequent chapters move through the narrative and prophetic sections, highlighting Daniel's application to our modern lives.
The Book of Job Adult Bible Study Guide 4Q 2016
Although he was blameless and served God, Job had more than his fair share of suffering.
The Book of Job Bible Book Shelf 4Q 2016
Although he was blameless and served God, he had more than his share of trouble. He learned from bitter experience that following God is no guarantee of an easy life. In fact, usually the opposite is true.
The Book of Job E. G. White Notes 4Q 2016
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
The Book of Luke E. G. White Notes 2Q 2015
Get more out of your bible study times with these insights from the Spirit of Prophecy for the Sabbath School Lessons.
The Book Of Mark
Join Dr. Thomas Shepherd, author of the forth-coming Seventh-day Adventist International Bible Commentary on the Gospel of Mark for an in-depth look at Jesus in action. Discover the power of “sandwich” stories, explore the revelation-secrecy motif, and watch as the Savior’s authority comes into conflict with the religious leaders of the day.
The Book of Mark Adult Bible Study Guide 3Q24
The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. Written by a variety of authors, the study guide encourages personal time with God and His Word. Memory texts and key thoughts from the authors provide an opportunity for spiritual growth.
The Book of Revelation (Adult Bible Study Guide 1Q 2019)
Each quarter, the Seventh-day Adventist Church publishes a 'Quarterly" Sabbath School Bible Study Guide to be used in Sabbath School, for personal Bible study, or in any other setting in which a deeper understanding of God’s Word is desired.
The Book of Revelation (Ellen G. White Notes 1Q 2019)
Single Copy. Ellen White Notes for the Sabbath School Lesson. 1Q 2019.
Book of Revelation Bible Book Shelf 1Q 2019
“I am the Alpha and the Omega” (Revelation 1:8, NASB).
Of all the books in the Bible, the book of Revelation has provoked the most interest and curiosity.
The Book of Romans Adult Bible Study Guide 4Q 2017
The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. The topic of study for this quarter is The Book of Romans.
The Book of Romans Ellen G. White Notes 4Q 2017
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
Companion to Adult Sabbath School Quarterly: Ellen White Notes on Ephesians: July | August | September 2023
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
A Companion to the Adult Bible Study Guide: Ellen White Notes on The Great Controversy
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
Daniel (Adult Bible Study Guide) Q1 2020
Each quarter, the Seventh-day Adventist Church publishes a 'Quarterly" Sabbath School Bible Study Guide to be used in Sabbath School, for personal Bible study, or in any other setting in which a deeper understanding of God’s Word is desired.
The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. Written by a variety of authors, the study guide encourages personal time with God and His Word. Memory texts and key thoughts from the authors provide an opportunity for spiritual growth.
The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. Written by a variety of authors, the study guide encourages personal time with God and His Word. Memory texts and key thoughts from the authors provide an opportunity for spiritual growth.
Daniel (Ellen White Notes) 1Q2020
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
Deuteronomy: The Book of Love (Bible Bookshelf BBS 4Q 2021)
Through the beautiful book of Deuteronomy, discover God’s passion for His people, and learn how to love, admire, obey, worship, serve, fear, and follow the Lord out of gratitude for who He is, what He has done, is doing, and will do.
Discipleship Adult Bible Study Guide 1Q 2014
The topic of this quarter is discipleship. Though the term has many facets, in this study we will look at discipleship as the process by which we become followers of Jesus and, as such, better soul winners.
Discipleship Bible Book Shelf 1Q 2014
Discipleship is a powerful, practical and deeply spiritual resource for anyone who has ever wanted to know how to lead people into God’s kingdom. Bible Book Shelf companion for Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide for 1st Quarter 2014.
Education (Adult Bible Study Guide) Q4 2020
Each quarter, the Seventh-day Adventist Church publishes a "Quarterly" Sabbath School Bible Study Guide to be used in Sabbath School, for personal Bible study, or in any other setting in which a deeper understanding of God’s Word is desired.
Education (Ellen White Notes) 4Q 2020
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
Ellen White Notes on The Book of Mark 3Q24
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
Ephesians (Adult Bible Study Guide 3Q 2023)
The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. Written by a variety of authors, the study guide encourages personal time with God and His Word. Memory texts and key thoughts from the authors provide an opportunity for spiritual growth.
Ephesians - 3Q 2023 Bible Bookshelf
Faulty as the church may be, God works through it to put evil on notice. The rescue is underway, and Satan is doomed. God’s plan to unify everything in Christ has begun and will succeed!
Ezra and Nehemiah (Adult Bible Study Guide 4Q 2019)
The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom.
Ezra and Nehemiah (Ellen G. White Notes 4Q 2019)
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
Ezra and Nehemiah Bible Book Shelf 4Q 2019
The books of Ezra and Nehemiah begin with great expectations and hope. God intervened in human affairs, and wonderful things started to take place.
Family Seasons Adult Bible Study Guide 2Q 2019
The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom.
Family Seasons Bible Book Shelf 2Q 2019
The bible is a book of relationships. We need each other as we journey through the seasons of our life.
Family Seasons Ellen G. White Notes 2Q 2019
This convenient, easy-to-use study aid gives you hundreds of Spirit of Prophecy comments and insights directly related to the Sabbath School study and more.
For the Least of These Bible Book Shelf 3Q 2019
This book is a kind of stepping-stone. It might help you see with new eyes and to hear with new ears the cries of the oppressed.
Genesis (Adult Bible Study Guide) 2Q 2022
The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. Written by a variety of authors, the study guide encourages personal time with God and His Word. Memory texts and key thoughts from the authors provide an opportunity for spiritual growth.
Genesis (Bible Bookshelf BBS) 2Q 2022
See Genesis in a new light as author Jacques Doukhan shares how the stories of these ancient sinners of flesh and blood can open a door to ourselves, to our hearts, and to our minds, "for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" (2 Tim. 3:16).
Genesis (Ellen G. White Notes) 2Q 2022
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
Getting to Know the Holy Spirit Bible Book Shelf 1Q 2017
The Holy Spirit provides some profound theological, historical, and linguistic, biblical insights that will deepen your understanding of the nature and work of the Holy Spirit. Written in a readable style, it will allow concepts and personal implications to sink deeper. A thoughtful reading will further your understanding of the Spirit and His work more than anything you may have read to date.
God's Mission My Mission - 4Q 2023 Bible Bookshelf
In God’s Mission My Mission, Gary Krause examines how effective mission connects with people’s lives. It goes beyond preaching truth to living it. The mission is more than a series of events; it’s an ongoing process. It doesn’t just reach people’s heads; it touches their hearts. It is a work driven by the example of the compassionate Jesus who came and lived among us.
God's Mission, My Mission - Adult Bible Study Guide 4Q 2023
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
God's Mission, My Mission - Ellen G. White Notes 4Q 2023
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
The Gospel in Galatians Adult Bible Study Guide 3Q 2017
The book of Galatians has been the backbone of the Protestant Reformation. Why has it been able to touch the hearts of so many, such as Luther?
The Gospel in Galatians Ellen G. White Notes 3Q 2017
Get more out of this quarter's study with Ellen G. White notes.
Gospels in Conflict Bible Book Shelf 3Q 2017
Galatians is perpetually relevant because it deals with three issues central to the Christian faith: authority, the plan of salvation, and unity.
Growing in Christ Adult Bible Study Guide 4Q 2012
These days, many see doctrine as an expression of rigidity, exclusivity, and lack of freedom. In actuality doctrinal beliefs can be a beautiful, logical expression of biblical teachings. While holding the Bible as its only creed, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has set forth a statement of fundamental beliefs to constitute its understanding of the life-giving principles of Scripture. In this book Kwabena Donkor leads you through an overview of the fundamental beliefs of the Adventist Church, with particular emphasis on the most recent addition, “Growing in Christ.”
How to Interpret Scripture - EAQ 2Q2020
The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. Written by a variety of authors, the study guide encourages personal time with God and His Word. Memory texts and key thoughts from the authors provide an opportunity for spiritual growth.
How to Interpret Scripture - EWN 2Q2020
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
In The Crucible with Christ (Adult Bible Study Guide) 3Q 2022
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson is arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
In the Crucible with Christ (Ellen G. White Notes) 3Q 2022
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
In These Last Days: The Message of Hebrews (Bible Bookshelf BBS) 1Q 2022
Like many believers today, the original recipients of the letter known as Hebrews were spiritually exhausted; fatigue and malaise had taken hold and they had started to drift away from God. Perhaps we, too, need a fresh view of the Son of God, the powerful Ruler and Intercessor who sits at the right hand of God? Like a precious gem, the New Testament book of Hebrews is rare, enigmatic, and exceptional. If you’re ready to see a clearer and deeper vision of Jesus, turn off the bad news and dive into a study of this epic letter for the last days.
In These Last Days: The Message of Hebrews (Adult Bible Study Guide) 1Q 2022
The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. Written by a variety of authors, the study guide encourages personal time with God and His Word. Memory texts and key thoughts from the authors provide an opportunity for spiritual growth.
In These Last Days: The Message of Hebrews (Ellen G. White Notes) 1Q 2022
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
Jeremiah Adult Bible Study Guide 4Q 2015
To read the book of Jeremiah is to take a journey, a spiritual journey that goes back and forth from the lowest depths of human depravity to the heights of grandeur and majesty of the Lord--the Lord who, from those heights, cries out to all of us: Mi-yittan that such a heart would be in you!
Jeremiah Bible Book Shelf 4Q 2015
Jeremiah: The Prophet of Crisis mines the Word of God for the treasures buried deep in the book of Jeremiah to give us a better understanding of God, and thus bring spiritual and moral enrichment to each of our lives.
Jeremiah E. G. White Notes 4Q 2015
To read the book of Jeremiah is to take a journey, a spiritual journey that goes back and forth from the lowest depths of human depravity to the heights of grandeur and majesty of the Lord--the Lord who, from those heights, cries out to all of us: Mi-yittan that such a heart would be in you!
The Journey Begins (In Step With Jesus; New Members Study Guide 1)
The New Members’ Bible Study Guide has been prepared to assist in the task of making disciples. It is a valuable resource for assisting new members in understanding how to follow God’s Word. All the fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church are covered several times during the year, reinforcing basic Adventist beliefs and doctrines. The Journey Begins is the first guide. The series can be started with a New Members Class any quarter of the year - it is not limited to the calendar year.
Laying Down the Law
In Laying Down the Law Keith Augustus Burton explores the law of God through the perspective of Jesus Christ. With each chapter he reveals the role of the law, clarifies common misunderstandings, and challenges traditional assumptions about the function of the law.
The Least of These (Adult Bible Study Guide) 3Q 2019
The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom.
The Least of These (Ellen G. White Notes) 3Q 2019
Toward the end of her life, Ellen White wrote, “Whether or not my life is spared, my writings will constantly speak, and their work will go forward as long as time shall last…These words that have been given me by the Lord will still have life and will speak to the people” (Letter 371, 1907).
Letters of John (Bible Book Shelf 3Q 2009)
Knowledge of Jesus Christ is so important, because eternal life is dependent on who Jesus is and whether or not we believe in Him.
Making Friends for God (Bible Bookshelf) BBS 3Q 2020
Join evangelist Mark Finley on a journey to discover the universal principles of sharing your faith with grace, love, and credibility by speaking from your heart’s own experience.
Making Friends for God - Adult Bible Study Guide (EAQ) 3Q 2020
The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. Written by a variety of authors, the study guide encourages personal time with God and His Word. Memory texts and key thoughts from the authors provide an opportunity for spiritual growth.
Making Friends for God - Ellen White Notes (EWN) 3Q 2020
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
Managing for the Master Till He Comes (Ellen G. White Notes 1Q23)
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson is arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
Managing for the Master Till He Comes - Adult Bible Study Guide 1Q 2023
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson is arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
On Death, Dying, and the Future Hope (Adult Bible Study Guide) 4Q 2022
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson is arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
On Death, Dying, and the Future Hope (Bible Bookshelf BBS) 4Q 2022
What happens when you die? It’s an age-old question that continues to mystify modern minds. Join Dr. Timm as he carefully unpacks what the Bible says about death.
On Death, Dying, and the Future Hope (Ellen G. White Notes) 4Q 2022
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
One in Christ Bible Book Shelf 4Q 2018
As the world around us becomes increasingly fragmented, the church must demonstrate that unity in diversity is attainable; that all are equal at the foot of the cross.
Oneness in Christ (Adult Bible Study Guide 4Q 2018)
The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom.
Oneness in Christ (Ellen G. White Notes 4Q18)
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
Origins Adult Bible Study Guide 1Q 2013
This is the Adult Bible Study Guide for first quarter of 2013 which focuses on the first three chapters of genesis.
The Power of Love (In Step With Jesus New Members Bible Study Guide 2
The Power of Love is the second in the In Step With Jesus series - study guides to help new members connect with church members and with God, understand and follow God's Word, minister to others and equip them for discipleship during their first year of church membership. The series can be started any quarter of the year and is not limited to the calendar year.
The Power of Mission(In Step with Jesus; New Members Study Guide 4
The fourth Bible Study Guide in the In Step With Jesus series.
Mission is a powerful force. It gives people energy, purpose, and meaning in their lives.
Using the concept of mission, this quarter's lessons will examine Jesus' mission and trace how His mission was taken up by His disciples.
The Power of the Word (In Step With Jesus; New Members Study Guide 3)
The Power of the Word is the third study guide in the In Step With Jesus study guides to help new members connect with church members and with God, understand and follow God’s Word, minister to others and equip them for discipleship during their first year of church membership. The series can be started any time and is not limited to the calendar year.
The Practical Christian 4Q14
Using a unique perspective, Bertram L. Melbourne takes an in-depth look at James’s letter through the lens of discipleship—discipleship of the mouth, money, mind, and more.
Preparation for the End Time (Adult Bible Study Guide 2Q 2018)
The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom.
Preparation for the End Time (Bible Book Shelf 2Q 2018)
The cosmic controversy on planet Earth takes place in the human mind. Just as it did in heaven.
Preparation for the End Time (Ellen G. White Notes 2Q 2018)
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
Present Truth in Deuteronomy (Adult Bible Study Guide) 4Q 2021
The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. Written by a variety of authors, the study guide encourages personal time with God and His Word. Memory texts and key thoughts from the authors provide an opportunity for spiritual growth.
The Promise: God's Everlasting Covenant (Adult Bible Study Guide) 2Q 2021
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
The Promise: God's Everlasting Covenant (Bible Book Shelf) 2Q 2021
The Promise provides answers to questions and powerfully illuminates God's gracious arrangement with men and women signed in blood. You owe it to yourself to read this book and how the sure foundation on which you stand as redeemed child of God.
Proverbs Adult Bible Study Guide 1Q 2015
While many books of the Bible are filled with deep spiritual and theological truths, the book of Proverbs is filled with practical and down-to-earth advice for daily living.
Proverbs Bible Book Shelf 1Q 2015
The book of Proverbs was written to teach us how to live everything we learned in the books of Moses and in the prophets. Through metaphor, humor and ironies, rhythms and riddles, God speaks the language of the men and women who live in the concrete world.
Proverbs E. G. White Notes 1Q 2015
While many books of the Bible are filled with deep spiritual and theological truths, the book of Proverbs is filled with practical and down-to-earth advice for daily living.
Psalms - Adult Bible Study Guide 1Q 2024
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
Ready 2 Go
Includes chapter-by-chapter study guides for Ready or Not, plus an answer key in the back. Useful for small groups or personal study.
Rebellion and Redemption Bible Book Shelf 1Q 2016
God has pledged to bear in Himself the full responsibility for all human rebellion and to suffer the consequences for every evil we have committed. Only in this way could God restore His relationship with the human race, relationships between humans, and humanity’s relationship with the rest of creation.
Rebellion and Redemption E. G. White Notes 1Q 2016
God has pledged to bear in Himself the full responsibility for all human rebellion and to suffer the consequences for every evil we have committed. Only in this way could God restore His relationship with the human race, relationships between humans, and humanity’s relationship with the rest of creation.
Reinvent Your Sabbath School: Discover How Exhilarating a Ministry-driven Class Can Be
Is your Sabbath school missing something? The authors show you how to start a ministry-driven class that can transform your Sabbath school into the most delightful hour of the week.
Rest In Christ (Adult Bible Study Guide) 3Q 2021
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
Rest In Christ (Bible Book Shelf) 3Q 2021
Explore the concept of biblical rest by accepting the invitation of the Man from Galilee to “come”—especially those who feel “weary and burdened”—and experience His kind of rest.
Rest In Christ (Ellen G. White Notes) 3Q 2021
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
Revival and Reformation Adult Bible Study Guide 3Q 2013
The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. Written by a variety of authors, the Adult study guide encourages personal time with God and His Word. Memory texts and key thoughts from the authors provide an opportunity for spiritual growth.
The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. Written by a variety of authors, the Adult study guide encourages personal time with God and His Word. Memory texts and key thoughts from the authors provide an opportunity for spiritual gr - See more at:
The Role of the Church in the Community Adult Bible Study Guide 3Q 2016
This quarter we will explore the wholistic version of the “everlasting gospel” and will examine the role of the church in impacting their communities with the gospel.
The Role of the Church in the Community Ellen White Notes 3Q 2016
Get more out of this quarter's study with Ellen G. White notes.
Romans: Salvation for All Bible Book Shelf 4Q 2017
Romans, more than any other book, sparked the Protestant Reformation. No other single document has so impacted the development of Christianity.
Sabbath School Program Planner, Book 2
Fourteen complete programs with scripts for holidays and special occasions.
Sabbath School Program Planner, Book 3
Fourteen complete programs with scripts plus 14 summer survival ideas.
Sabbath School Program Planner, Book 4
Fourteen creative programs for adult Sabbath schools include complete scripts for interviews, modern parables, panels, mini-seminars, quiz programs, skits travelogues and more.
Sabbath School Special Days
This book will help Sabbath School superintendents and leaders with ideas for special days--Mother's Day, Thanksgiving Day, Birthdays--especially since the table of contents reads like a calendar of opportunities.
Stewardship: Motives of the Heart (Bible Book Shelf 1Q 2018)
Do we know what our purpose is? Author John Mathews believes the answer may be found in a topic that some might find boring or irrelevant—stewardship.
Stewardship: Motives of the Heart (Ellen G. White Notes 1Q 2018)
A study aid to the Adult Bible Study Guide 1Q 2018; Stewardship.
Stewardship: Motives of the Heart Bible Study Guide 1Q 2018
The topic of study for this quarter is Stewardship.
The Book of James Adult Bible Study Guide 4Q 2014
The book of James is special. It opens a window to us into some of the struggles that early Christian churches faced. Envy, jealousy, and worldliness spread among the Christians.
The Book of Luke Adult Bible Study Guide 2Q 2015
The universality of salvation is the underlying theme of The Gospel According to Luke and is the longest in the New Testament.
The Book of Matthew Ellen G. White Notes 2Q 2016
Much like Mark, Luke, and John do, Matthew tells the story of Jesus’ life as a human: His death, His return to life, and His return to heaven. But Matthew also focuses strongly on the fact that Jesus is the Promised Messiah (Chosen Leader) sent from heaven.
The Fruit of the Spirit Bible Book Shelf 1Q 2010
It’s what you are that counts.
The Fruit of the Spirit shares that a lifestyle change without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is ineffective and useless.
The Gospel in Galatians Adult Bible Study Guide 4Q 2011
The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. Written by a variety of authors, the Adult study guide encourages personal time with God and His Word. Memory texts and key thoughts from the authors provide an opportunity for spiritual growth.
The Holy Spirit and Spirituality Adult Bible Study Guide 1Q 2017
In contrast to the activity of both the Father and the Son, the work of the Holy Spirit is not as openly depicted in either Testament.
The Holy Spirit and Spirituality Ellen G. White Notes 1Q 2017
In contrast to the activity of both the Father and the Son, the work of the Holy Spirit is not as openly depicted in either Testament.
The Teachings of Jesus Adult Bible Study Guide 3Q 2014
The words of Jesus, recorded in the Gospels, have the same life-changing power today as they did when they were first spoken. Those words, and the life Jesus lived as He spoke them, transformed the disciples into leaders who changed the world. They can change us as well.
The Undiscovered Jesus Bible Book Shelf 2Q 2015
Sparkling insights tumble from every paragraph, revealing new depths of meaning in the goals and practices of Jesus.
Themes in the Gospel of John
In Themes in the Gospel of John, Ed Zinke reminds us that the God who created the world is the same God who walked the dirt roads of Israel, healing the lame, sighting the blind, and raising the dead. What we have always suspected is true. Jesus. Loved. Everyone. Even you.
Themes in the Gospel of John (Adult Bible Study Guide 4Q24)
The Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide (Quarterly) links the entire world Church together in a global classroom. Written by a variety of authors, the study guide encourages personal time with God and His Word. Memory texts and key thoughts from the authors provide an opportunity for spiritual growth.
Principal Contributor: Seventh-day Adventist College Presidents
Themes in the Gospel of John (Ellen G. White Notes 4Q24)
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson are arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
The Book Of Isaiah (Bible Bookshelf BBS 1Q 2021)
The book of Isaiah challenge people, including us, to stop just looking around and start looking up to the Lord, whom Isaiah saw "sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up" (Isaiah 6:1). In author Roy Gane's "The Book of Isaiah", readers will get a fresh look at some of the poetry and parallelism, imagery, and contrasts, and musical rhythms that for the symphony of the human journey through judgement and restoration. See key aspects of God's character in a new light, take a fresh look at how He leads and comforts broken people, and marvel at the glorious destiny waiting God's redeemed.
Three Cosmic Messages - 2Q 2023 Bible Bookshelf
The world is reaching a tipping point. Both the godless and the God-fearing sense it. Against this chaotic backdrop, Three Cosmic Messages draws the curtain aside on the final showdown between good and evil. Even now the world’s attention is being drawn to the three angels of Revelation 14. Their messages are clear and unmistakable; worship God or be forever lost.
Three Cosmic Messages - Adult Bible Study Guide 2Q 2023
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson is arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
Three Cosmic Messages - Ellen G. White Notes 2Q 2023
One of the best Sabbath School lesson supplements you can have. Spirit of Prophecy comments about the lesson is arranged for daily study with the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.
Where God And I Meet: The Sanctuary
A scarlet thread runs throughout the Bible. It is the concept of redemptive blood. Jesus’ beautiful and terrible death on the cross is central to the story of that scarlet thread, but there is more to the story.