
The Race
If he'd been feverish and delirious, Chris Strider could never have imagined that he'd end up in jail, charged with assault, rape, and murder--crimes he hadn't actually committed.

13 Life Changing Secrets
Filled with Bible secrets that can make a difference in the lives of your friends and neighbors. They'll discover the peace of forgiveness, the joy of the Sabbath rest, the promise of heaven, the power of prayer, and urgent Bible truth for these last days.

A Horse Called Poppyseed
Tory's off to college, and her hectic registration day is just a hint of the tough challenges ahead. She's in for a crash course in seeking God's guidance. And a little black foal called Poppyseed helps her discover how trustworthy and caring He is.

A Horse Called Saskatoon
Tory and Adam are helping Julia and Dave run Border Mountain, a retreat center in northern Idaho, along with their dogs and two Belgian geldings, Saskatoon and Knick-Knick. Tory slowly learns to trust God and rest in His care even in the midst of fear, only to face the greatest crisis of her life.

A Horse Called Tamarindo
In this fourth book in the “A Horse Called” series, Tory visits an Honduran orphanage where she encounters tragically abused children, a magnificent wild gelding, and miracles of God’s grace.

A Leap of Faith: The Inspiring Story of International Children's Care
This is the inspiring story of International Children's Care, an organization totally dependent upon prayer and private donations. From its humble origins in Guatemala during the brutal civil war, God worked one miracle after another to protect the Flecks as they brought hope to a generation of orphans.
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Adventures for God in Okinawa
Modern ideas conflict with old superstitions and customs, then the gospel of Christ is introduced into this conflict. These captivating stories show how God's providential leadings brought the truth to Okinawa.

African Rice Heart
African Rice Heart is an earthy, candid, and poetic narrative that traces Emily’s journey of growth, challenge, and discovery. Read it and you, too will feel the heartbeat – sometimes strong, sometimes irregular, but always present – as Emily weaves her stories of wonder and longing, tragedy and tears, and ultimately, the sense of belonging she found during her year of service in Béré, Chad

Any Way Out
Would identical twin brothers, Voja and Cveja, survive their attempts to flee communist Yugoslavia? Would their faith be strong enough to weather the ordeal? This is a true story of relying on God through every difficulty and believing that His will would be accomplished no matter what happened.
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The Beginning
Penny Estes Wheeler's book of future drama pictures the Seeker asking the Survivors of Earth questions that have divided worlds, puzzled billions, and sent millions into untold misery and death: "Is God fair?" "Was sin really that bad?" "Does God deserve our trust?"
Best Ever Mission Stories 2
In book two of this series you will find examples of many ordinary young people who dare to do extraordinary things for God and others.
Bound Fo' Glory
Bound fo’ Glory explores the depths of human hearts and souls with intensity as deep as the scars left on the war-ravaged South.

Brushed Back
Cocky and good-looking, Trevor Bullock was the man. He was a star pitcher, the life of the party, and the girls loved him. Drugs and alcohol were easy to come by in high school, even though his dad was the narcotics captain at the local police department. Baseball was his life, and he figured he deserved all the perks that came with it. But God had something else in mind for His wayward child.
Buried Treasure
Buried Treasure contains stories of people who found their treasures where the wise men found it of old, in an unexpected place, in a humble, lowly spot. It is the treasure of the One in whom all the hidden treasures of wisdom and knowledge and character and honor and exaltation are found.

Canyon Girl
During the early years of this century, Hazel "Big Enough" Weston lived in the rugged Imnaha Canyon where covered wagons were the main means of transportation. Some of Big Enough's adventures are funny, some are frightening. But behind them all lies the hope of fertile green valley to the west that may be just a pipedream.

The adventures of a brave Maryland farm girl living through the Civil War. Story themes include equality, kindness, and importance of freedom. Ages 9-12.

Cassie After Antietam
The sequel to Cassie: The Girl with the Hero's Heart. Read about Cassie as she grows up, gets married, and raises a family.
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The Centurion
A compelling story of the Roman Empire of the first century A.D., its warfare during Jesus' life, and the warfare in the heart of Longinus, the centurion who had been commanded to crucify Him―the only One who seemed to offer any hope.

Child of the Crossfire
Little Oscar was brainwashed, trained in guerilla warfare, captured at his family's massacre, tortured to reveal war secrets, and orphaned, all before he was 10! His quest to find his heavenly father and his earthly father takes many unexpected turns through this true story of survival and triumph.

One angry teenager behind bars for his role in a crime spree. One copy of The Living Bible. One life changed in ways nobody who knew him would have ever predicted.

Coyotes in the Wind
Tall fir trees. Rustling winds. The eerie howls of coyotes in the night. All were part of life on Becka Bailey's mountain in southern Washington.

Dare to Stand Alone
Religion was suppressed. Christians were forced to practice their faith secretly. Yet one teenage boy found the courage to stand up and speak boldly about his God. Not just to his friends or in a private church meeting—but on a military base. In front of nearly 3,000 enlisted men . . . and one colonel.

Daughters of Grace
They were like you. They laughed and cried, struggled and triumphed—they were talented and they were inadequate. And no matter the circumstances, God had a plan for them—every one of them was valuable in His eyes.
The Day The School Blew Up
A funny, engaging story that portrays spiritual growth in an attractive and compelling way that kids 10-14 will respond to.
Deep River Lawd
Deep River, Lawd finds Gilbert Weldon, successful master of the Weldon Oaks plantation, battling to keep the loyalty of his slaves . . . and the respect of his abolitionist son, Gilly.
Face to Face with Forgiveness
From the moment the church elders burst into her home, Mary knew she was a dead woman. There would be no plea-bargaining, no mercy. She'd been caught in the act of adultery. She turned to the man who spent the last hours promising love. He was gone. She was all alone.
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Flee the Captor
Narrow escapes from Nazi terror highlight this gripping story of John Henry Weidner, a member of the Dutch-Paris underground.

Forever Stories Jesus Lives With Us
Book four in a 5-book set, written especially for preschool listeners and early elementary readers, describes the plan of salvation from the fall of Lucifer to the end of the millennium.

Forever Stories: Jesus Takes Us Home
Book five in a 5-book set, written especially for preschool listeners and early elementary readers, describes the plan of salvation from the fall of Lucifer to the end of the millennium.
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The Game Ends at Sundown
The story of a young man who was brought up in the ghetto but who had a dream. He worked to fulfill that dream--the dream to someday become somebody.

Getting Through
On a Friday evening in April, days before Easter, a good man suddenly dies. His death ushers in a series of events that beg for the promise of an Easter Sunday miracle. Yvonne Rodney explores many challenging questions which young adults will relate to.
God Was There
True stories of a police chaplain. From sex abuse victims to murder suspects, Martin Weber was there extending God’s hand of hope. Each of these dramatic stories is linked to Jesus' ministry for us in the Heavenly Sanctuary and brings home the message that we are all sinners deserving of the death penalty and in need of a Savior. Think you know someone beyond hope? Think again.

Gospel in Shoes
Gospel in Shoes presents an important message to the church with stories of the ministry of literature evangelists.

Guide's Greatest Mission Stories
Machete-wielding assassins flee from a man whose horse leaves no hoof prints. A mysterious hand reaches from a lantern and grabs a stone missile. Seven dogs show up at a missionary's home just in time to . . . hmm, you'll have to read the book to find out!

Guide's Greatest Mystery Stories
Who doesn’t like a good whodunit? Especially when it really happened! This book of twenty-two true mysteries will make you put on your thinking cap. Readers will find excitement and spiritual lessons in each wonderful story from the pages of Guide magazine.

Guide's Greatest Sabbath Stories
Here is a collection of amazing but true stories about God's faithfulness to those who honor His holy day.

Hannah's Girls: Elaine
Young readers will be swept back in time with these true stories of six generations of Adventist girls. This exciting series weaves through changing times, revealing that every girl has a special story, a rich history, and a great heritage as a daughter of God.

Hannah's Girls: Ruthie
Young readers will be swept back in time with these true stories of six generations of Adventist girls. This exciting series weaves through changing times, revealing that every girl has a special story, a rich history, and a great heritage as a daughter of God.
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Head Winds or Tail Winds
First published in 1956 and rereleased as part of the Heritage collection, this book offers the reader a look into the lives of famous men and women who went against the wind into territory unknown and blessed the world around them.
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Historias bíblicas asombrosas (Espanol)
Las biografías bíblicas son muy reveladoras de la condición humana. Nos permiten conocer las causas íntimas de la conducta. La Biblia se distingue por su transparencia. Muestra a sus personajes tal como son, con sus defectos y virtudes, verdaderos modelos de vida para bien o para mal.

Hood River Girl
Hood River Girl, the story of a young lady growing up in the wilds of Eastern Oregon, is the third book in a four-part biography.
Invincible Irishman
This biography of Percy T. Magan records some of the early history of Loma Linda University and shares the story of an inspired and inspiring leader who helped form one of Adventism's most enduring institutions.

Katya's Gold
Katya's Communist teachers told her the Bible was a myth. When she learned the truth, she had to make a decision, give up her passion of competitive skiing or give up God.
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The Long, Long Trial
The Long, Long Trial records the girlhood experiences of Olivia and proves that poverty need be no hindrance to happiness or to progress. A lighthearted story sure to amuse and inspire, The Long, Long Trial shares how God can bless determination and hard work with a life of true meaning and joy.
Lost at Birth
The author shares stories that illustrate how heaven comes to us, not because we are worthy, but rather because we have entrusted our lives to the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Meanest Man in the Army and Other Grace Stories
Author Stuart Tyner colors every picture of God with shades of grace. Short chapters adapted straight from the Old Testament are just right for family worship time.

The Miracle of the Seventh-day Ox
Persecuted for his Christian faith for 10 long years in a Siberian prison camp, Nickolai and an old ox named Maksim work together to perform a weekly miracle, witnessing for Christ in the most discouraging conditions—and winning souls along the way. Share this gripping story today.

Miss Marian's Gold
Marian Davis joined James and Ellen White, traveling by wagon train all the way to Colorado. There, she helped Mrs. White gather materials that became such treasures as The Desire of Ages and Steps to Christ. This is the story of Marian and her quest for service. Although she is seldom mentioned in Adventist Books, Miss Marian was a true trailblazer for Jesus!
No Greater Love
No Greater Love is a compilation of timeless stories of human sacrifice and divine love. Full of inspirational stories of those who made the ultimate sacrifice for others--both known and unknown--this book will be perfect for family or school worships, sermon illustrations, or anyone who wants a touching story to illustrate God's ultimate sacrifice for us. A poignant read from favorite author and speaker, Karl Haffner.

Nobody's Boy
I was a shadow, the silent child, never spoken to or touched except in anger. No hello. No goodbye. No "I love you." "Bad seed," said my mother. I was Nobody's Boy.

One Miracle After Another
Pavel Goia made a covenant with God, and his dedication to that covenant was tested almost immediately. But he stayed true, and miracle after miracle followed in behalf of this one young man who trusted every aspect of his life completely to God.

Paper God
In Paper God, author Andy Nash shares the story of one man's passionate pursuit of his dream—and the crisis of faith that occurred when he allowed it to become all-consuming. This book reminds us all where our true and complete allegiance needs to be.

Praise a la Carte
Kay D. Rizzo invites the reader to relax as she shares favorite recipes for body and soul. Join her in celebrating God's goodness, mercy and joy.
Prayer Stories
Except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. - Matthew 18:3
The faith of children represents the simple faith with which any human being must approach his Creator. For the child never questions, never doubts the power and willingness of the loving God he has been taught to revere. In his simplicity he asks, and God honors the trust.
This book, first published in 1948, is a powerful collection of answered prayer stories illustrating the faith of children and showing how God honors their trust and answers their prayers.
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Prayer Warriors - A Story of Power
Prayer Warriors will open your eyes to the struggles going on in the lives of seemingly ordinary people dealing with painful realities. But more than that, it will raise the curtain on the struggle behind the scenes, where angels and demons fight for the eternal destiny of each human. In every case, angels stand ready to protect the children of God.
Prayer Warriors - Guardians
"Guardians brings the power of prayer to life. Picking up where she left off in her bestseller, Prayer Warriors, Celeste perrino Walker continues to weave the remarkable story of ordinary people struggling with life and with their relationships with God. Prayer--their own and the prayers of those who "stand in the gap" for them--is their only hope as spiritual warfare rages all around them. Behind the scenes, angels and demons fight to influence their minds and their decisions."
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Prayer Warriors - The Final Chapter
This concluding chapter in the Prayer Warriors trilogy will convince you of the truth that we stand tallest when we are on our knees.

Prophecy Speaks
A man named David Dare was inviting all skeptics, scoffers, unbelievers, and infidels to his lectures—and they were free to interrupt at any time with questions or with denials of his statements! Who could pass up an opportunity like that?

The Race
Christian will inherit a vast fortune if he can complete a 6,000-mile race. But someone sinister has set out to destroy him. Will Christian survive to finish the race or will he be exterminated?

Really Living
Find out what happens when ordinary people invite Jesus to change their lives and how you can experience the abundant life He promises to all believers. Elder Don Schneider, host of Hope TV’s weekly show Really Living, is passionate about helping people understand what it means to really live. He also loves a good story and many of his favorites can be found within these pages.

Really Living 2
Really Living 2 continues the compelling stories contained in Really Living. These stories will make you laugh and cry; they will inspire and challenge you to get to know Jesus better, to share Jesus more compassionately and to live your life in service for Him.
Rolling Westward
Rolling Westwardis a book packed full of stories about Indians, snakes, bears, and many adventures, in the old west where Fern Casebeer’s aunt Sadie grew up. Fern recalls many of the experiences of her great grandparents and grandparents as pioneers in Ohio.

Rudo the Reckless Russian
This is about the high school basketball star, John Rudometkin, who enjoyed a storied college career at the University of Southern California and was dubbed "the Reckless Russian". He later spent three seasons playing in the NBA for the New York Knicks. When health issues led him away from the game, they led him on a journey toward faith.
Truth can be more fantastic than fiction. In the end, the Bible lists Samson among the great heroes of faith, along with King David and the prophet Samuel. Through Samson, God once again shows us that even in our weakness, He can make us strong.

The Schoolhouse Burned Twice
This Book demonstrates the blessings of true hospitality and Illustrates that even when we are faithful—when we do the right things—difficulties and trials often follow. In spite of that, the influence of one can lead to the conversion of many, often for generations to come.

Seasons of Discovery
From vastly different backgrounds--his quiet countryside, hers the bustling city--two lives are drawn together. Expectantly they look toward their new life, a wedding, a family. But not everything will be as they expect. Job changes, personal crisis, and the past cloud the future. With their love for each other and strong Christian faith, they face the Seasons of Discovery.

The Seventh-day Ox and Other Miracle Stories from Russia
Against all odds, each of these witnesses placed their trust in God and demonstrated unbroken commitment to their faith—no matter what the cost.

She Fulfilled the Impossible Dream
Eva B. Dykes was the first Black American woman to ever complete the requirements for a Ph.D. degree. She went on to devote her life to service.

She Said No
She Said No is a love story that turned into rage. Almost from the beginning, the physical nature of their relationship threatened to push Heather and Josh over passion's edge to compromise and ruin.

Showers of Grasshoppers and Other Miracle Stories from Africa
True stories of believers in Africa whose faithfulness in the little things prepared them to be faithful when times were the hardest, and the miracles God worked to save their lives.
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Sibande and Other Stories
Sibande, is the son of a Zulu chief sent to the mission to find a cure for his leg sickness. As he learns about the Christian God and the Adventist message, he wonders how he can ever take his place as the village chief.
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Still My Aching Heart - The Sequel to Claims Upon My Heart
When tragedy breaks her heart, old dreams return. Is it time for Chloe to make peace with her past?
In this compelling conclusion to the Chloe Mae Chronicles, Chloe again faces difficult decisions that are compounded by an uncertain future and responsibilities she never expected to bear. But what would happen when the one person she thought she'd never see again came back into her life?
- See more at:
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Sunca, A Missionary Dog
These are the stories of Sunca, a faithful pet that was unselfish and always thought of her master first. Readers of all ages will delight in the true stories within this book’s pages.
Sweetest Stories Ever Told
The sweetest stories ever told are to be found in the Bible. In this book written for the younger child, you will hear stories of the Savior-Jesus, in a way that will appeal to a young listener. Great for reading to little ones at bedtime or during family time, you will draw them closer to a loving God and speak truth to their little hearts.

The Nephaniah Chronicles: A Story of Rebellion and Redemption in Heaven
The Nephaniah Chronicles is a creative imagining of the conflict between good and evil in heaven. It draws from a deep understanding of the Bible, the ministry of angels, and the ultimate victory of Christ our Savior.
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The Only Hope
If you feel locked in a life of fear, anguish, or depression, then you will be inspired by these true stories, for they show how you can find hope. Real hope. The only Hope!
These Fords Still Run
To know Orley and Lillian Ford is to understand how Seventh-day Adventists have carried the gospel to nearly every country. Lifelong dedication, heroic faith, almost reckless courage, and an ever-present sense of humor have distinguished this pioneer missionary couple.

They Call Him the Miracle Man
With skillful dialogue and sanctified imagination, based on historical research, Bradley Booth paints a fresh portrait of Jesus through the eyes of those who met Him, and inspires us to adore Him anew. Book jacket.

They're All Dead Aren't They
Only a teenager when her children were taken from her in the cruelest ways imaginable, Joy Swift riveted a nation with her gut-wrenching story of love, loss, and renewed hope. That story became the bestselling book, They’re All Dead, Aren’t They? Since its publication in 1986, this grieving mother’s journey toward hope has inspired countless thousands around the world.

A Thousand Shall Fall
The electrifying story of an Adventist family who dared to practice their faith in Hitler's Germany and saw God work miracle after miracle to save them from certain disaster.
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Till Morning Breaks
Every October 22, Adventists familiar with their heritage reflect on that black night in 1844 when jubilant hope was suddenly destroyed at the stroke of midnight.

Under The Shadow of the Rising Sun
18-year-old Donald Mansell, his brother and parents were sailing to Africa as missionaries when America plunged into World War II. Fleeing for safety to the Philippines, they instead found themselves prisoners of the Japanese army, spending the next three years in a concentration camp.

UnRapped: The Myers Brothers Flip from Fame to Glory
Rap, Hip Hop, Dancing, Drugs...these boys loved it all. They were popular, the music industry had given them everything they wanted. But could they follow God and keep hold of their lifestyle?

Valley Girl
This sequel to Canyon Girl tells what happens to young Hazel Weston whose "dream valley" suddenly turns into a nightmare when the worst snowstorm of the century threatens her family. And only she can go for help.

Victory in Christ
Do you need victory over failure? This small (4 7/8" x 7 1/8") booklet explains the plan of salvation in a personal way.

Victory of the Warrior King: The Story of the Life of Jesus
The greatest story ever told is here retold through the eyes of children: a shepherd boy from Bethlehem, a centurion's daughter, a lad who shared his lunch with Jesus. From the first inklings of His birth, until the moment His feet disappear in the clouds, Sally Pierson Dillon makes the story of Jesus come alive as never before.

When Love Returns
Set against the breathtaking backdrop of the Alaskan wilderness, the secret dreams of a young woman's heart collide with the mysteries of Providence. What results is an unforgettable adventure with three young children and a widowed scientist that propels Kelli into confrontations with her faith, bouts with wild animals, life-and-death struggles against the elements, and finally, the return of love.

When November Comes
Two years of college had passed since that sunny summer at Camp Wauntum Woods. It was another summer, another counseling job at another camp, and another young man had laid claim to Becka's affections.
When the Odds Are Stacked Against You
Believe it or not, to a greater degree than you think, your success in life is determined simply by your attitude. The author tells us about the one quality in life that can make all the difference and the hope we have in Christ’s second coming.
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A Woman of Worth
A Woman of Worth has honest, real stories with God's love woven into each one. He wants you to remember who you are--and what you are worth to Him. This book is especially written for women and would be a great book for personal or group studies. After each chapter are questions for reflection and a prayer.
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Youth Prays-God Answers
There are over 3500 promises which God has in the Bible. Youth Prays—God Answers tells true stories that will encourage the reader's faith as they claim these promises.