Author Books

Compartir a Jesús es todo
Learn new and simple methods of sharing Jesus with family and friends. Also available is the Sharing Jesus is Everything - study guide for $.60 each. Item number 0816393133. (Spanish)

A collection of breathtaking true stories about lives that were miraculously changed. Each story illustrates one of the steps in coming to Jesus and accepting His invitation to a better life. A wonderful book to share with family and friends.
The Invitation (Sharing Edition)
Breathtaking true stories about lives that were miraculously changed.

The Invitation
This very powerful book contains the stories of people destroyed by life’s circumstances and rebuilt by the love of God. As you read the chapters of this book, you might even see a reflection of yourself as in a mirror. You may think that your life makes no sense, that there is no forgiveness or hope for you. Yet, each of these stories will lead you to believe in a Power that is above and beyond your own self. The great need of every man and woman is God’s great opportunity to save you. He offers you a new birth, a new life with meaning, the opportunity to rebuild your life and restore your family. Please, accept His invitation.
Sharing Jesus Is Everything
In this small book with a big impact, you will learn the real reasons behind the calling of every Christian to share his/her faith. Alejandro Bullón recovers an ancient biblical method of spiritual growth so that every believer can apply it in his or her own life. And you will discover the true benefit of outreach -- for yourself and your church.
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The Only Hope
If you feel locked in a life of fear, anguish, or depression, then you will be inspired by these true stories, for they show how you can find hope. Real hope. The only Hope!
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Total Member Involvement
The initiative of Total Member Involvement follows the commission of Jesus so that each believer "goes to the whole world ..."