Politics and Prophecy
Politics and Prophecy
By Allan Reinach

Atheistic governments have disavowed God, and fundamentalist national leaders claim to speak for God and require strict religious observance from all their citizens. Both are extremes. Is there a better way?
"Don't give me that stuff about the Birds & Bees"
By Shirley Jones

Here is the truth about the very beginning of life. The story of the birds and bees is out. This is the plain truth about where you came from and how you got to be where you are. 
1919: The Story of Adventism's Struggle with Fundamentalism
1919: The Story of Adventism's Struggle with Fundamentalism
By Michael W. Campbell

100 Years Later, the debates continue... Relive the debates.  Reexamine the challenges.  Reignite your passion for the Spirit of Prophecy.
500 Years of Protest and Liberty
500 Years of Protest and Liberty
By Nicholas P. Miller

500 Years of Protest and Liberty traces a direct line from Martin Luther’s powerful ideas about the equality of persons before God to more current debates about equal opportunity and the fundamental rights of humanity. 
Adventist Evangelistic Preaching
Adventist Evangelistic Preaching
By Russell Burrill

In this book, Russell Burrill, veteran soul winner and evangelist, lays out the lessons he has learned over decades of evangelistic preaching and leads the reader, step by step, through every aspect of the evangelistic process from sermon preparation to calling for decisions.
By José H. Cortes Jr., Ivan L. Williams, Sr.

In this second book of the Multiply series, pastors write about their experiences with evangelism and baptism. You will hear them share how mingling with people, desiring their good, showing them sympathy, and meeting their needs have produced results for the kingdom.
Comrades In Christ
Comrades In Christ
By George E. Vandeman

In Comrades in Christ, George E. Vandeman gives the reader an inspiring look into the history of Russia and its atheistic government that suppressed religion and undermined the freedom of conscience. 
By Ellen G. White

Explains the secret of Jesus' victory in the wilderness of temptation, and how it can be yours today. Ellen White delves beneath the surface to reveal the eternal consequences at stake in the ongoing battle between Christ and Satan.
By Adlai Albert Esteb

Driftwood is a book of religious and nature poems, sonnet sermonettes, and casual rhymes. Some will make you laugh, others will make you cry, but each one will touch somebody’s heart, and that is no lie.
Forty Centuries of Law and Liberty
Forty Centuries of Law and Liberty
By Varner J. Johns

Forty Centuries of Law and Liberty by Varner J. Johns, J.D., expresses the principles that have made the American people sovereigns in human rights and hopes to re-kindle the spirit of human liberty and free government in the hearts of men. 
A Guide to Marketing Adventism
A Guide to Marketing Adventism
By Dan Day

In a Guide to Marketing Adventism Dan Day encourages a more enlightened attitude toward the marketing process in the context of Christian Ministry. 
Healing: Faith or Fraud?
Healing: Faith or Fraud?
By Wayne Judd

How much faith can we put in miracle drugs? When is it right to trust the doctor, and when do we look to God?
Here We Stand: Luther, the Reformation, and Seventh-day Adventism
Here We Stand: Luther, the Reformation, and Seventh-day Adventism
By Michael W. Campbell and Nickolaus Satelmajer

Although separated in time by centuries, Seventh-day Adventists see themselves as heirs of the Protestant Reformation started by Martin Luther 500 years ago. This volume explores the various facets and contours of Luther and compares them with Seventh-day Adventism. 
Jesus, What Are You Doing Tonight?
Jesus, What Are You Doing Tonight?
By Cathy Carlin

The author, a young woman, talks with God and shares thoughts that the rest of us only feel but cannot express. Many of these brief chapters resemble David’s psalms in their refreshing candor and honest expression. 
Jumping off the Retirement Shelf
Jumping off the Retirement Shelf
By Lucile H. Jones

Jumping off the Retirement Shelf is filled with senior success stories designed to encourage you to hold on tight and get ready for the big jump back into the action. Put the rocker on hold a little longer, turn to chapter one, and jump!
Living in A Man's World
Living in A Man's World
By Bonita Joyner Shields

“What is it that makes both men and women think that in order to be equal, they must deny that any differences between them exist?”
Manual of Hydrotherapy and Massage
Manual of Hydrotherapy and Massage
By Various Authors

This manual teaches the therapist and nurse the physical properties of water and the physiological effects of hydrotherapy and massage to the patient. 
The Message Behind the Movement
The Message Behind the Movement
By George E. Knowles

The Message Behind the Movement offers brief résumés of the origin of various Christian faiths, how the church became divided through false teachers and persecution, how the Adventists came into being, and how we can know the true church.
Nature Tails & Scavenger Haunts
Nature Tails & Scavenger Haunts
By Connie Kutac and Elsie Lucas

Nature Tails and Scavenger Haunts is about a thousand things--in nature. Fascinating facts about the plants, animals, and minerals found in our world. With almost every chapter the reader will find a Scripture lesson. People of all ages will enjoy these fun and interesting stories. 
Only For the Undeserving
Only For the Undeserving
By Glenn Coon and Ken McFarland

God’s free gift of eternal life is ONLY FOR THE UNDESERVING. This book begins by describing what happens when people go out into the homes of their neighbors to give away the free gift of eternal life. 
Our Heritage of Faith Volume 1
Our Heritage of Faith Volume 1
By Merlin L. Neff

Set forth in three volumes, Our Heritage of Faith explores the history of the Christian faith throughout the centuries. 
Our Heritage of Faith Volume 2
Our Heritage of Faith Volume 2
By Merlin L. Neff

Set forth in three volumes, Our Heritage of Faith explores the history of the Christian faith throughout the centuries. 
Our Heritage of Faith Volume 3
Our Heritage of Faith Volume 3
By Merlin L. Neff

Set forth in three volumes, Our Heritage of Faith explores the history of the Christian faith throughout the centuries.
Padded Pews or Open Doors
Padded Pews or Open Doors
By Mark A. Finley

Padded Pews or Open Doors presents proven principles that can dramatically increase your effectiveness in soul winning.  
Questions You've Asked About Sexuality
Questions You've Asked About Sexuality
By Albert Mazat

Alberta Mazat comes to the rescue with the fascinating and informative Questions You’ve Asked About Sexuality. With Christian sensitivity, she answers those nagging questions about sex that you’ve been afraid to ask. Or maybe you’d just never thought about them before . . .
The Reformation and the Remnant
The Reformation and the Remnant
By Nicholas P. Miller

In The Reformation and the Remnant, author Nicholas Miller examines crucial issues and questions facing the Adventist Church today through the lenses provided by the thoughts and ideas of various Protestant reformers.
The Hopeful
The Hopeful
By Norma J Collins, Melinda Worden

William Miller, Joshua Himes, Ellen Harmon. These are just a few of the early pioneers that you will meet and learn more about in the pages of this book. The Hopeful book offers and expanded view into the lives of those featured in The Hopeful film. Learn more about these courageous pioneers who started a movement that today numbers in the millions.
We Stand on Their Shoulders: A Historical Legacy of Adventist Pastors
We Stand on Their Shoulders: A Historical Legacy of Adventist Pastors
By Michael W. Campbell

This must-read book delves into the rich history of Adventist pastoral ministry, providing important context for understanding the role of the Adventist pastor in spreading the good news of Christ's soon return. It then explores the untold stories of nine Adventist pioneer pastors, encouraging us by the ways in which God enables those whom He has called to serve.