Author Books
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A Day to Remember
This book begins with the story of an atomic accident, offers a surprising account of a day hijacked in the Dark Ages, and warns of an approaching collision of loyalties when bigotry will return and no man can buy or sell unless--
Blood Relative
A quiet and thought provoking look into the meaning of baptism, the Lord’s Supper, the ordinance of humility, tithing and the cross in which all these center.
Comrades In Christ
In Comrades in Christ, George E. Vandeman gives the reader an inspiring look into the history of Russia and its atheistic government that suppressed religion and undermined the freedom of conscience.

The Cry of A Lonely Planet
This addition to the Heritage collection looks at the "why" in the world around us; wars, crime, death, disasters, and false prophets. And most importantly, why this lonely planet is full of tears—and what God intends to do about it.
The Day the Cat Jumped
Getting its name from the code name used by the Japanese for their assault on Pearl Harbor, this book deals with last-day events and where we stand in the stream of prophetic time.
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Decade of Destiny
Decade of Destiny, by George E. Vandeman, probes the explosive issues of the upcoming changes in the world and investigates the many ways we have suffered serious loss in our society, despite all our technological advances.

Destination Life
The author, George Vandeman, explains life after death using simple, compelling logic.

Empires In Collision
The words echo out in different languages. But the faces are much the same. Anger, hatred, and violence flare out--all in the name of religion. We preach love and understanding. We all denounce bloodshed. No one wants it.

How to Burn Your Candle
How can one attain and maintain mental health in a sick society? Elder Vandeman gives the answer.

I Met a Miracle
Founder of the It is Written television ministry, George Vandeman, was a man personally acquainted with Christ. A man who met a miracle. Through his own story, and the stories of others, he demonstrates the struggle of surrender, the debilitating result of guilt, the persistence of conscience, the healing power of forgiveness...the miracle of conversion.
The Impersonation Game
This book is specially written to answer doctrinal questions on the occult.
Is Anybody Driving?
Do you want something to stand on? Something to steady you in the storm? Something you can hold to when the earth is quaking? Something that won’t be washed away by the flood? The author suggests that our confidence and security in Jesus Christ is our only surety.
Lady, I'm Tired Too
The focus is on the typical American lifestyle and its consequences in stress-related diseases and shortened life expectancy.
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Life After Death
Answers to questions about life after death, and how to provide hope instead of despair. By examining the truths of scriptures, Life After Death promises that goodbyes don’t have to be final.
Look! No Doomsday
While natural and economic disasters encompass us, and naysayers and prophesiers are predicting doom, we can say with confidence, “Look! No Doomsday! Jesus is coming soon!”
Papa, Are You Going To Die?
In this hurry-scurry age of jets, speed and spasm we take too little time to live sanely and take care of our health. Author George E. Vandeman warns against the dangers of neglecting and abusing our bodies.

Sail Your Own Seas
Here is a message of great hope and inspiration that will give every believer a confidence and trust in the Creator of the universe.

Showdown at Armageddon
Should all the end-time unrest and upheaval in the Middle East surprise us, or had prophets in the Bible predicted it? Is there any word from the Lord for this crisis hour? In these pages you will learn what Bible prophecy has in store for the Holy Land. You see, this conflict involves more than politics. At its heart is a battle between two ancient religions, both finding their roots in the Old Testament patriarch Abraham.

Showdown In the Middle East
The Middle East! Bloodshed, intrigue, oil! The crossroads of the world! Christians, Muslims, and Jews all see their destiny in this ancient land.
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Truth or Propaganda
Truth or Propaganda is a compilation of It Is Written telecast scripts that search out the roots of the Christian faith. The reader will discover a fresh and all-absorbing probe of what happened at Calvary, the reasons for believing Genesis to be the authentic record of our beginnings, and why a revelation lost during the Dark Ages will be rediscovered in the final hours of this world’s history.
Tying Down the Sun
A popular treatment of the issues involved in Creation versus evolution, accenting biblical as well as scientific evidence in favor of Creation.
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When God Made Rest
When God Made Rest, offers an explanation into the design and purpose of the Sabbath Commandment. The author shows that we need God’s law, but we are not saved through that law. We’re saved by trusting in Jesus—and that’s the message of the Sabbath.
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Your Family and Your Health
Insights on home and marriage combined with a broad understanding of preventative medicine and healthy living.