40 Days: God's Health Principles for His Last-Day People Book 3
40 Days: God's Health Principles for His Last-Day People Book 3
By Dennis Smith

In this volume Dennis smith invites you to spend 40 days continuing the work God has given you while exploring a wholistic view of health—the importance of caring for mind, body, and soul—and the integral role of the health message during these last days of earth’s history.
60 Ways to Energize Your Life
60 Ways to Energize Your Life
By Williams, Kuzma, and Kuzma

This book is filled with personal stories of victory over poor health, exciting insights into the human body and its Creator, and inspiring parallels between the Christian walk and the world of science.
9 Ways to Prevent Diabetes
9 Ways to Prevent Diabetes
By Don Hall

Dr. Hall carefully reviews the diabetes problem and makes helpful recommendations to avoid this life-altering diagnosis, and to manage it if you have already been diagnosed. There are charts and graphs included to emphasize the importance of the studies he uses to back up his information. Anyone with a family history of diabetes, or anyone who is at risk of diabetes or has an elevated blood sugar can significantly benefit from this little book.
A Physician Explains Ellen White's Counsel on Drugs, Herbs, and Natural Remedies
A Physician Explains Ellen White's Counsel on Drugs, Herbs, and Natural Remedies
By Mervyn G. Hardinge

At a time when nineteenth-century physicians bled, poisoned, dehydrated, and blistered their patients, Ellen G. White declared drugs to be poisonous and discouraged their use. What drugs did she have in mind? Mervyn Hardinge discusses the principal drugs in contemporary use and surveys the history of medicine to place her counsel in its historical context.
By Peter N. Landless MB BCh, Duane C. McBride PhD

In a world filled with confusing, mixed messages about alcohol,this book offers a powerful and enlightening look at alcohol and its risks from a Christian perspective. It explores the physical, mental, and spiritual consequences of alcohol use, providing a comprehensive guide for individuals seeking understanding, healing, and hope.
All You Can Eat: The Secret to Being Healthy Without Feeling Hungry
All You Can Eat: The Secret to Being Healthy Without Feeling Hungry
By Elizabeth R. Anderson-Doze, MD, MPH

Have you tried diets and weight loss programs over and over without long-term success? If so, All You Can Eat will introduce the tools you need to eat like a horse and stay thin. Eliminate or manage chronic health concerns and feel better than ever.
Boost Your Immune System: Using God's Natural Remedies
Boost Your Immune System: Using God's Natural Remedies
By Don Hall

In Boost Your Immune System, Dr. Donald Hall outlines four key strategies to lower your risk of chronic and infectious disease. These four steps, based on God's natural remedies, bring together common sense and current data in a practical "how to" guide.
Counsels on Diet and Foods
Counsels on Diet and Foods
By Ellen G. White

Ellen White's writings in the field of health have stood well the test of time and the advances of science.  Generations of readers have found them to be a powerful aid in obtaining that self-control that promotes clearness of mind and purity of heart.
Countering the Big Killers
Countering the Big Killers
By George Vandeman

Today cancer, heart disease, alcoholism, and obesity are claiming thousands of lives each year. But Seventh-day Adventists are much less affected by these modern-day plagues. This group is used as a springboard for the author to introduce sound health principles.
Dr. Arnott's 24 Realistic Ways to Improve Your Health
Dr. Arnott's 24 Realistic Ways to Improve Your Health
By Tim Arnott

Confused about the seemingly endless new and often contradictory health information in circulation today? How about a common-sense reality check on living well? Tim Arnott, MD of the Lifestyle Center of America has produced this helpful book of 24 short, practical health tips based on scientific research and the Bible that will help you live longer, happier, and healthier.
Dynamic Living
Dynamic Living
By Hans Diehl

You'll gain a basic knowledge of nutritional principles, discover how to reverse and normalize diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and lose weight without going hungry, and learn how to manage your life for maximum health and well being.
Dynamic Living Workbook
Dynamic Living Workbook
By Hans Diehl

Become personally involved through learning exercises and activities. Ideal for individual or group study.
God's Plan For Your Well-being
God's Plan For Your Well-being
By Laurie Herr

Just as planet Earth is at our mercy as we decide to use or abuse it, so are our bodies. Most of us don’t realize the great extent to which our choices determine our own state of health.
Happiness and Health
Happiness and Health
By Harold Shryock, M.D.

We would all like to have both happiness and health. It is difficult to have one without the other. If you are not happy, you probably are not well, and if you are not healthy it is difficult to be happy. Doctors now know that our fears, our troubles, our emotions, all affect our health. They also know that how healthy we are is often revealed by how happy we are.

Happiness and Health will help you learn how to have both in your life.
Help In Daily Living
Help In Daily Living
By Ellen G. White

Are you searching for life above the ordinary? Do you want true and lasting relationships, a genuine godly character, and a practical everyday faith that fills your life and the lives of those you touch with blessings? Then this powerful booklet is exactly what you need.
How Do You Spell Relief?
How Do You Spell Relief?
By Lucile H. Jones

If you thought relief was spelled R-O-L-A-I-D-S, you have another thing coming.
How to Handle Fatigue
How to Handle Fatigue
By Marvin Moore

If you are like most people, you know all too well the problem of fatigue.  You probably wrestle with it more often than you’d care to admit. But Marvin Moore’s practical suggestions will help you conquer fatigue.  How to Handle Fatigue gives helpful tips on coping with the two major kinds of fatigue that we all experience: physical fatigue and emotional fatigue. The book ends with a chapter on “Strategies for Success.”
How to Make a Decision
How to Make a Decision
By Marvin Moore

Decisions. We all must make them. But there are principles that we can follow that will help us make wise ones. Learn what they are in this helpful book.
The Joy of Being a Vegetarian
The Joy of Being a Vegetarian
By Philip S. Chen

As the science of nutrition has advanced during the past fifty years, it is becoming increasingly apparent that a vegetarian diet is superior to a flesh diet in many ways.
Living Praise
Living Praise
By Allan R. Handysides

Healthful living isn’t about eating food that tastes like cardboard and exercising obsessively. It’s about balance, love, and gratitude. Discover the concepts of CELEBRATIONS—a wholistic approach emphasizing Jesus as the source of the blessing of health
McDougalls' All-You-Can-Eat Cookbook
McDougalls' All-You-Can-Eat Cookbook
By John and Mary McDougall

Eat all the carbs you want – and lose weight? Absolutely!
Mind if I Smoke?
Mind if I Smoke?
By Harold Shryock, M.D.

Mind If I Smoke? investigates whether cigarettes are really free form cancer producing substances, the effects of smoking upon respiration, heart, and other organs of the body and presents the findings in simple, clear statements of fact. This is a thorough and unbiased review of the controversial subject of smoking and health by a respected physician, professor, and researcher.
The Ministry of Healing
The Ministry of Healing
By Ellen G. White

In this book Ellen White deals with sickness of the soul and the healing balm to be found by trusting God for all things. Written in simple, beautiful language, Ministry of Healing will point you to a life full of joy and gladness—a life in touch with the Source of healing power.
New Frontiers in Good Health
New Frontiers in Good Health
By Richard H. Utt

This little book will show you how not to sabotage your good life with bad habits. 
Overcoming Alcoholism
Overcoming Alcoholism
By Walter E. Kloss

Do you have a relative or friend with a drinking problem? Here's how you can help them overcome alcoholism.
Programmed to Live
Programmed to Live
By Rene Noorbergen

Programmed to Live tells the fascinating story of the current health findings that confirm knowledge available over a century ago and largely neglected. 
Smoking and Lung Cancer
Smoking and Lung Cancer
By Harold Shryock, M.D.

Careful, painstaking research has proved that cigarette smoking is a direct cause of lung cancer—one of the most hideous diseases known; however, the simple knowledge that cigarettes are harmful does not guarantee the ability to abstain. In addition to documenting the dangers of cigarette smoking, Dr. Shryock offers encouragement and practical suggestions for those who desire to quit. 
Staying Healthy For Life
Staying Healthy For Life
By Don Hall

Want to live longer and feel better? That is the focus of this book from Dr. Hall. Reading this book will help you know how to take better care of yourself, prevent disease, feel your best, and live a long life. There are no guarantees, but research shows that if you make healthy choices, you greatly improve your odds for a full, extended life. Section one takes a look at common causes of premature disease and preventive steps needed to ensure good health. Section two covers principles for healthy aging - See more at: http://www.adventistbookcenter.com/staying-healthy-for-life.html#sthash.fC50KABT.dpuf
Take Charge of Your Health
Take Charge of Your Health
By Hans Diehl

The authors show how most of the common diseases, ailments, and disabilities that people suffer today can be prevented, reversed, and often cured by lifestyle changes nearly everyone can make at home.
Taming Tension Through Total Health
Taming Tension Through Total Health
By Leo Van Dolson

You owe it to yourself and to your loved ones to read this book. Believe it or not, you can tame tension through total health. What’s more, the strategies author Leo R. Van Dolson presents in this book cost little or nothing—except a little time and effort. 
Taming Tension Through Total Health
Taming Tension Through Total Health
By Leo Van Dolson

You owe it to yourself and to your loved ones to read this book. Believe it or not, you can tame tension through total health. What’s more, the strategies author Leo R. Van Dolson presents in this book cost little or nothing—except a little time and effort. 
Ten Choices For A Full Life
Ten Choices For A Full Life
By Katia Garcia Reinert

As God's Children, we are called to make healthy choices and to encourage others to do the same.  God has a plan for our health. This is not a news flash. But knowing the facts does not necessarily mean we will change. While Ten choices for a Full Life provides the data, it goes a step further, and inspires us to make these important changes.  Ten Choices for a Full Life covers many aspects of healthy living, including physical activity and abstaining from tobacco, alcohol, and other harmful substances. But its holistic approach also incorporates chapters on the importance of cultivating healthy relationships, how to focus on what is true and worthy of praise, and the health benefits found in engaging in unselfish service.  Ten Choices for a Full Life makes a clear and compelling case for changing to a healthier lifestyle, and encourages us that no matter how many times we may have failed in our efforts to change, God invites us to reconsider these principles again and to start afresh today. In making this choice, we will honor Him and reap the benefits of a strong mind, improved memory, and increased physical strength. We will be ready to do "the very work God sends us to do," which is to bless others. 
By Wayne Judd

There are considerable down-sides to drinking. This booklet examines the effects of alcohol in the person’s life.
Uneasy Breather
Uneasy Breather
By Wayne Judd

Want a smoke? You won’t after reading this little book!   
The Vegetarian Advantage
The Vegetarian Advantage
By Don Hall

In The Vegetarian Advantage you will learn how to ensure your nutritional needs are being met and how to avoid the pitfalls made by many new vegetarians. Meal planning guidelines and pointers on how to adopt a plant based diet will teach you how to become a “smart vegetarian.”
The Vitality Makers
The Vitality Makers
By Eileen E. Lantry

The Vitality Makers will help you transform your lifestyle in just thirty days. Take courage—open the book!
Wellness: The Inside Story
Wellness: The Inside Story
By Julia Swarner

In clear English, Dr. Julia Swarner makes sense of the cholesterol, fiber, and saturated/unsaturated fat frenzy, and tells us what we most want to know: How can I avoid getting sick?  
You Can Stop Smoking
You Can Stop Smoking
By Harold Shryock, M.D.

This book not only tells you about the harmful effects of tobacco, but it tells you how you can quit.
By Hans Diehl

Do you want to live longer? Live better? This little booklet outlines the causes of various lifestyle diseases and offers practical tips on how you can prevent, and even reverse, these debilitating conditions. You deserve good health and its within your reach!