Author Books

40 Days: God's Health Principles for His Last-Day People Book 3
In this volume Dennis smith invites you to spend 40 days continuing the work God has given you while exploring a wholistic view of health—the importance of caring for mind, body, and soul—and the integral role of the health message during these last days of earth’s history.

40 Days: Prayer and Devotions to Revive Your Experience with God Book 2
In the style of Smith’s popular 40 Days: Prayer and Devotions to Prepare for the Second Coming, this book can help revive the spiritual experience of individuals, small groups, and entire churches. Find out for yourself what an amazing difference 40 days can make.

40 Days: Prayers and Devotions on Earth's Final Events Book 4
As do the previous 40 Days devotionals, this study encompasses a broader mission. It isn't God's plan for us to keep to ourselves the knowledge of His Word. We are called to reach out to others with His love and share His promises so that they too may watch and be ready.
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40 Days: Prayers and Devotions to Prepare for the Second Coming Book 1
This book contains 40 days of devotional studies designed to strengthen your relationship with Christ and enable you to lead others to Him.

The Masterful Deception
In The Masterful Deception, you will learn how God is building a spiritual kingdom in the hearts of believers, not an earthly kingdom under the banners of nations. Understanding this truth is crucial for every believer. “Only those who have been diligent students of the Scriptures . . . will be shielded from the powerful delusion that takes the world captive” (Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy, 625).