Author Books
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8 Secrets to a Mission-Driven Church
8 Secrets to a Mission-Driven Church offers pastors and presidents, and all others in leadership, an exciting set of new tools to transform your pathway ahead.
Being Saved When You're Feeling Lost
For many Christians, a huge gap can develop between what really IS and what they FEEL about what really is. All too often our inner feelings do not square with the outer reality. god may be very close, yet we may feel He has abandoned us. Author Dan Day introduces the reader to the needed skills for taking charge of our emotions. By following his suggestions, they can achieve a spiritual stability and security they never thought possible.
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Burning Hope
Burning Hope is a story of courage and adventure, the story of God’s leading in the life of a German youth who recognized God’s call and refused to let circumstances turn him aside from responding.

"But I'm So Afraid!"
Let’s face it: Fear, in its many guises, is a common denominator in all our lives. We all have insecurities and anxieties—even those people who look so sure of themselves.
This book will show you how to approach the reality of fear and give you advice on what you should do if you are afraid.
This book will show you how to approach the reality of fear and give you advice on what you should do if you are afraid.
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A Guide to Marketing Adventism
In a Guide to Marketing Adventism Dan Day encourages a more enlightened attitude toward the marketing process in the context of Christian Ministry.
Hanging On By Your Fingernails
Many Christians wrestle with feelings of detachment and disillusionment in their spiritual experience. The reasons vary--materialism, responsibilities, or feelings of failure when trying to live up to expectations of what a Christian should be. But it doesn't have to be this way. This book offers comforting reassurance that God can restore our spiritual passion and give a new perspective on what really matters.
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How To Change Your Behavior
In this book, author Dan Day explains that behavior change is an opportunity that God offers to Christians, and he gives practical suggestions you can use to take advantage of that opportunity for your life.

Hung Up On Guilt
Did you know that there is good and bad guilt? Discover the difference. You will also learn how to cope with the bad. A practical book parents and singles will find helpful.
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"I've got this problem with sex--"
God gave man the guidelines to follow to become a complete person, not only with emotional but with intellectual, spiritual, and physical capacities.
If You Have to Fight - Fight Fair
How can two people resolve a conflict and both win? There is a way, and the author points to some practical ways of achieving this result.
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Kids, Teens, and Wives
Kids, Teens, and Wives is a nuts-and-bolts look at what it means to be a dad and husband by an ordinary guy named Dan Day, who is both.
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Lord, Have I Got Problems!
A concise, practical, step-by-step guide, for transforming problems that threaten your future into opportunities that lift you closer to your goals. Great for teens and adults.
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Love Found a Way
A thoughtful yet very readable look at the great controversy theme, who the originator of death is, and God's plan to solve the sin problem.
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The Role of the Local Elder
The Role of the Local Elder is about the local elder. It is about the work elder’s do, and the way in which their work influences the culture of the church.
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Straight Thinking in the Age of Exotic Beliefs
America used to be called a Christian nation, but today’s Christian is bombarded with secular humanism, reincarnation, scores of new cults, astrology, spiritualism, and the New Age movement.
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Sure Could Use a Friend
Learn how to develop true friendships. Suggested are ways to keep friendships intact as well as helpful comments on what you can do when a close friendship begins to fade or break apart.
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A Victim No Longer
If you feel that you are a victim of circumstances, if you feel that life has given you a raw deal, if you feel that people take advantage of you and beat you down, this book is for you. The author sets forth some positive steps that will enable you to overcome these problems and help you live a cheerful, well-balanced life.
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Why I'm An Adventist
In this book, the author invites you to see the Jesus he has found in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. While this book is about the Adventist Church, on its deepest levels it is about Jesus.