Author Books

Changed is targeted as a youth sharing book, and youth will certainly identify with these stories, but anyone who reads them will be moved and inspired. It's a book about cold, hard realities that eleven writers testify about their lives and their truths; their messes and their messages.
Changed 3
The third in this series, Changed 3 is more stories of young people whose lives have been changed by Jesus.

Changed 4 Life
Written especially for English-speaking Latino youth to read and share with their friends, this book reveals that once God changes your heart, you are changed for life. Using amazing true stories of people who were lifted up and changed by Jesus Changed 4 Life reinforces the truth of God’s unconditional, persistent love for every soul.

Changed Too
Changed Too is stories of real people, in real trouble, who cried out to a real God for answers. Eleven people share their own personal struggles and challenges, their doubts and disasters, and the faith that grew out of these tough experiences. Readers of this 2011 youth sharing book will be challenged by the awesome love of God, and will be changed, too!
Experiencing God's Love
When was the last time you experienced unconditional love? Does your soul yearn for peace? Do you long for forgiveness? Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Can you know for certain that Jesus died for you? That His everlasting love is yours? Experiencing God's Love will provide Bible-based answers to these important questions and more.
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Little Stories for Little People
From mission stories to animal stories, from adventure to history, from miracles to parables, this book has it all. This special collection from 1918 contains more than a hundred heartwarming stories and poems.
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Manual of Hydrotherapy and Massage
This manual teaches the therapist and nurse the physical properties of water and the physiological effects of hydrotherapy and massage to the patient.