Author Books

The Gospel From Patmos
The book of Revelation is often only looked at as a book about prophecy and the future. We don’t usually think of it as presenting the gospel. In this daily devotional, readers will find a facet of the gospel from the last book of the Bible.

1 and 2 Thessalonians Adult Bible Study Guide 3Q 2012
Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide for 3rd Quarter 2012.
The good news about Jesus that the apostle Paul had brought to the Thessalonians was making a difference in their lives, but Paul wanted their relationship with God to grow even deeper.
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The Abundant Life Bible Amplifier - John
The Abundant Life Bible Amplifier series is aimed at helping readers understand the Bible better. Rather than merely offering comments on or about the Bible, each volume seeks to enable people to study their Bibles with further understanding.

Armageddon At the Door
Decipher the symbols and clues in Revelation to discover what God has in store for His people at the end-time.

The Deep Things of God
This practical handbook for studying the book of Revelation brings a fresh look and helpful insights to a sometimes perplexing book.
Everlasting Gospel Ever-Changing World
If it's our desire to bring secular people into a relationship with God, we must be willing to share ourselves in deep relationship with them.
John The Beloved Gospel
A deeper and more genuine relationship with Jesus awaits those who read this book and study the fourth Gospel—the “beloved” Gospel.
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Knowing God In The Real World
Knowing God in the Real World clarifies the basics of the gospel message, and demonstrates how that message can be expressed in a way that makes sense in the secular world.
The Millennium Bug
First written in 1999 and is being rereleased as part of the Heritage Collection, this book will take you back to the sensationalism, fear, hype, and Y2K anxiety that reached fever pitch as the year 2000 approached.
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Seven Keys
Jon Paulien has identified the Seven Keys to unlocking Revelation’s mystery and majesty. Join him as he explores the significance of the Revelator’s use of symbolism; the Old Testament connection; the impact of the ancient apocalyptic literary style; and the relevance of chiastic structure.