Author Books
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Boot Camp for the Last Days
In Boot Camp for the Last Days, Randy Maxwell passionately exhorts the church to trust NOW; believe NOW; and act NOW in preparation for Jesus’ return.
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Bring Back the Glory
All over the world, believers are beginning to cry out to God for revival--for a return of His glory into their lives, churches, and communities. Are you among them? Is the latter rain about to fall?
Closing Prayers: Facing the Final Crisis on Our Knees
How should Christians pray in the last hours of earth’s history? The final crisis we must be most concerned about is the crisis of self and surrender to the Holy Spirit. God is looking for ordinary men and women who will pray the right prayer at the right time in the right way for the right reason. Are you one of them?
If My People Pray
Randy Maxwell's If My People Pray, a book infused with a passion for prayer as God's chosen method for establishing His kingdom through us and supplying our greatest needs, will challenge you to respond to God's eleventh-hour call to pray as never before.
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Loving Is Fundamental
This book is a back–to-basic look at marriage and the family. In its pages you will discover what the Bible teaches about marriage as the author explains the purpose of the marriage commitment from God’s perspective and how you can have a successful marriage rooted in the fundamental principles of love.
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On Eagle's Wings
When we learn how to exchange our worry, stress, and fear for the power of His sustaining grace, we can experience the joy of the Lord, the peace that passes all understanding, and the freedom to rise above our circumstances "on eagles' wings."