Author Books
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Give Your Guilt Away
In this little booklet, the author richly and beautifully portrays the plan of salvation offered by Christ to the repentant sinner. This book would be great for sharing with friends, relatives and neighbors.
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Link of Love
The author of this little book clearly sets forth evidence that the keeping of the seventh day Sabbath is inseparably linked with the true worship of the Father and the Son and should be kept by all true worshipers.
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Making Jesus Real
The Lord has provided ways whereby Jesus will be more real to you. You are invited to consider how, in this little book.

Power For A Finished Work
Is the deepest longing in your heart to go through to eternal victory?God's Holy Spirit is leading His people into needed repentance, revival and reformation. we must have the daily baptism of the Holy Spirit as an early-rain experience that will prepare the way for the latter rain.
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The Wonders of Salvation
It’s all yours—happiness forever! Hard to believe? This is the “good tidings of great joy” the angels sang about as Mary laid the Baby of prophecy in the Bethlehem manger. The Lord wants you to know that He wants to save you, if only you will let Him.