African American Seventh-day Adventist Healers in a Multicultural Society
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The book you are about to read brings together facets of a narrative of epic proportions. It tells about the experience of black Seventh-day Adventists amid the painful history of racial and social discrimination; it chronicles their struggles and showcases their love for their church and fellow human beings and the profound influence of their faith.
The authors of this collection of essays write with deep knowledge of the history, the theology, and the spiritual journey, which has proved that it is better to heal than to hurt, to hold onto hope over despair, and to spread love instead of hate.
You will read from or about medical doctors, a world-renowned chaplain, courageous women, distinguished scholars, skillful administrators, civil rights defenders—preachers and healers all in wonderful tune with the restorative gospel of Jesus. In the words of the introduction, these eight essays “affirm the reality that African Americans have been healed by ‘something better.’”