Author Books
Jesus Wins!
Jesus has told us the end of the story: He has overcome! When we face sickness, death, loss and various troubles, let’s remember that evil is a conquered enemy. When all is said and done, JESUS WINS!
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After God's Heart
Join the author in exploring how a man like David—who was definitely human, definitely a sinner, definitely broken—could be viewed by an all-knowing God as a man after His own heart.
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Amazing Grace Bible Study Course
The Amazing Grace Bible Study Course takes readers on a tour from Genesis to Revelation that reveals God’s plan to save the human race. Salvation could only come from above. The Savior of the world came down to rescue the world! Salvation has been achieved for all who accept His plan, believing in the Master Rescuer and His amazing grace!
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I Will Give You Rest
“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:28, 29, NASB).
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Jesus 101: Radical Discipleship
The Jesus 101 Radical Discipleship series is a study of ordinary people accepting extraordinary grace.
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Apocalipsis: El Quinto Evangelio (Español)
In the book of Revelation, the last chapter in the story of Redemption, God has drawn back the veil on a beautiful masterpiece--one that exceeds all our expectations and surpasses our wildest imaginings.
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Jesus 101: Revelation the Fifth Gospel
In the book of Revelation, the last chapter in the story of Redemption, God has drawn back the veil on a beautiful masterpiece--one that exceeds all our expectations and surpasses our wildest imaginings.

Jesus 101: John God Became Flesh
Book two in the Jesus 101 series on the four Gospels from Elizabeth Talbot and the Voice of Prophecy. From his first sentence, John wants us to recognize that Jesus is God--he wants us to see beyond Jesus' humanity because then we will behold His glory and recognize the beauty of what He has accomplished for us all.
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Juan Dios se hizo carne
Jesús, Dios hecho carne. Juan quiere que veamos más allá de la humanidad de Jesús, porque cuando lo veamos desde esta perspectiva, contemplaremos su gloria y reconoceremos la belleza de lo que logró para todos nosotros.
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Lucas Salvación para todos
¡Dios diseñó un plan para rescatarnos y Jesús vino para cumplirlo! Pero, ¿quién podía ser salvo? ¿Los fuertes, los educados, los religiosos? ¡El Evangelio de Lucas está lleno de alegría y entusiasmo porque la salvación ha sido asegurada para todos! Al igual que los pastores en las Colinas de Belén, tú también puedes cambiar tu temor por ¡MEGA GOZO!

Jesus 101: Luke Salvation for All
Luke share the exciting news that salvation is available for all who believe. Book 3 in the Jesus 101 series on the gospels.
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Marcos ¡Buenas nuevas!
En ocasiones, el amor y el sufrimiento requieren medidas extraordinarias e inesperadas. Puesto que el pecado nos separó de Dios, todos necesitamos saber, en lo profundo de nuestra alma, que somos perdonados. El Evangelio de Marcos nos recuerda que, a pesar de lo que hoy nos esté sucediendo, la victoria final ya ha sido alcanzada por el sacrificio de Jesús en la cruz.
Jesus 101: Mark Good News!
Sometimes love and suffering require extraordinary and unexpected measures. Because sin separated us from God, we all need to know, deep within that we are forgiven. The Gospel of Mark is a very encouraging book because it reminds us that, no matter what we are going through today, the final victory has already been attained by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. And THAT, my friend is GOOD NEWS!
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Mateo La profecía cumplida
La Biblia entera está resumida en una palabra: ¡Jesús! Desde el momento cuando el pecado apareció por primera vez en el Edén, Dios tenía un plan para salvarnos. El Evangelio de Mateo establece que las promesas del evangelio no se limitan a un grupo específico sino que son para todos los que creen.

Jesus 101: Matthew Prophecy Fulfilled
The first book in the Jesus 101 series on the four Gospels! A study of Matthew that reveals the good news of Jesus Christ and correlates it with Old Testament prophecies and promises. Demonstrates the unity between the Old Testament and the New Testament, placing Jesus at the climax of the history of salvation. Quantity Pricing Available!

Surprised by Love
This is the story of God's love for His children. His excitement and the plans He's made to be together with them through eternity. It is also the story about the kidnapping of God's children and what He did in order to rescue them. This first-ever women's sharing book shows how God simply refuses to go through eternity without you and me!
The Battle Belongs to the Lord - 2023 Mission Book of the Year
No human life is free from adversity. We strive to cope, taking wins and losses in varying proportions, but we all struggle. How can we succeed? This book contains perhaps the most powerful insight for facing life’s persistent traumas—you don’t have to fight alone. The stories of Old Testament conflicts clearly show that God is willing and able to fight with you and for you in your battles for understanding, reassurance, perception, and against discouragement, fear, and powerlessness.
The Exodus Journey (2021 Women Missionary Book of the Year)
We are all on a journey, a journey of trusting God with our redemption–an Exodus journey. Choosing Trust Over Anxiety on our way to the Promise Land.