Author Books
Choose You This Day
While Science is important, we can trust it only if the Bible is our standard for evaluating origins, evil, and our great God. Written by respected scholars, Leonard Brand and Richard Davidson, Choose You This Day focuses attention on why it makes a difference what we believe about creation, and asks and answers the question: What does creation have to do with the gospel of Jesus Christ?
Creation? Really?
Creation? Really? is a great book to share with someone who is challenged by scientific fact and how it relates to evolution and creation.
Genesis and Science: Where is the Evidence Going?
The objective of this book is to give you real answers, from a real God, to your real problems through an attractive, practical and encouraging message.
Secrets Uncovered: Stories From a Christian Fossil Hunter
Every fossil has two stories behind it. How it was formed and how it was found. Leonard Brand shares stories of God’s faithfulness in his daily life as a paleontologist.
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