The Command: Learning to Love Like Jesus

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Why is it that we remember the “thou shalt nots” of the 10 Commandments in the Old Testament better than the four “thou shalts” of Jesus in the New Testament? The commands? Love the Lord your God with all your heart. Love your neighbour as yourself. Love one another. Love your enemies. The over-arching command is to love.
Imagine what kind of people we would be if we took Jesus’ commands seriously. In His life and ministry, Jesus modelled what such love looks like—and this book is a call to learn to love like Him. After all, that’s what He commanded us to do.
“The Command steers Seventh-day Adventists from sloth. Bruce Manners targets an irreducible complexity: Jesus is the Way. The Way is radical—to the root. The Way does not include love. Love is the Way.”—Chris Blake, pastor, professor emeritus, author of Searching for a God to Love
“The Command does a brilliant job of refocusing attention on the heartbeat of Adventism. Dr Manners’ use of personal anecdotes, simple illustrations and thought-provoking questions makes this book an enjoyable and versatile read. In family worship, small-group Bible studies or personal devotions, be challenged by what it really means to love like Jesus.”—Lyndelle Peterson, Director of Personal Ministries, Sabbath School and Stewardship, Australian Union Conference
Bruce Manners is actively involved in his local church after ministering for 40 years: 25 as a church pastor and 15 as an editor at Signs Publishing. Along the way he earned a PhD (Sociology). He retired at the end of 2014 and lives in Melbourne, Australia. The Command is his sixth book.