God Never Slept
God Never Slept
By Sharon Simonsen

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Your marriage, your whole life can be changed from the humdrum to an exciting relationship not only with your mate but with your God. 

Sharon and Alan Simonsen found this out, but this is only a part of the story. The Simonsens are the chief characters, but the story could not have been written had it not been for the influence of Christian friends who took the time to show a neighborly interest, real concern, and genuine friendship. Two statements from the author of several well-known religious books sum up the story: “God never leads His children otherwise than they would choose to be led, if they could see the end from the beginning.” And the other, “Higher than the highest human thought can reach is God’s ideal for His children.” Read this modern story, and you’ll be convinced that God never sleeps. He’s there when He’s needed.