The books of Ezra and Nehemiah begin with great expectations and hope. God intervened in human affairs, and wonderful things started to take place.
These two books are not about the priest Ezra and the governor Nehemiah, but about God and what He can do when we let Him. Both leaders were men of God—exceptional, God-centered, Word-oriented, and Spirit-led leaders who deeply desired that His people be a light to the world. They wanted God’s name uplifted and proclaimed globally. Their lives were models of what God can do through dedicated, faithful servant-leaders. They let God be the Lord of their lives, and great things happened.
The books of Ezra and Nehemiah are precious jewels and deserve careful study.
Like shining diamonds, they will bring joy to those who value them. They demonstrate the struggle and drama between God’s grace and the power of sin. Triumph is ensured when God’s people stay close to Him. Following His instructions brings peace, joy, and prosperity to believers and glory to His name.