Camporee of Doom

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New in the Misadventures of Peter Paul Pappenfuss series.
Peter Paul Pappenfuss is a pastor’s kid. And he’s a well-known goof off in a small church school in Iowa with the large name of Davenport Christian Academy. He could hardly wait to go to the Pathfinder Camporee. What fun he would have! Or so he thought.
Peter Paul discovers that one can be punished for good deeds—not that all of his deeds were good. And sometimes his creative mayhem surpassed his own expectations. But on the third night of the camporee at the Esther play “Courage to Stand,” he bowed his head and prayed,
“Dear God, please give me courage to stand up against evil.”
“In order for you to fully appreciate Pierce’s storytelling, you have to stop being an adult and crawl back into the eleven-year-old you; the youngster you used to be before everything got so serious. His main character, Peter Paul Pappenfuss, represents many of us who struggled to survive our “members of God’s Remnant Church” childhood. Finally, someone has written down what it was like. Thank you, Seth Pierce, for giving voice to the Peter Paul Pappenfuss in so many of us!” --Charles Mills, author, editor, and radio host.