Blessed Are the Unlikelies
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Are you caught in the tension between wanting to do great things for God, yet finding yourself dragging through life with a dull sense of failure? Then consider Gideon, a member of a divided tribe, he was “a man unknown, and unheard of, whose occupation was to thresh corn stealthily, lest the Midianites should take it, a man thought nothing of by his own countrymen, and contemptuously overlooked by his foreign masters.” An unlikely candidate by human standards, yet Gideon was chosen by God as the instrument through which to deliver Israel.
The Bible is crammed full of stories of men and women who seemed just as unlikely: people like Samson, Jephthah, Rahab, and Nebuchadnezzar.
Blessed Are the Unlikelies takes a refreshing look at these and other familiar characters, and challenges us to look beyond their shortcomings to a place where we can see how the name of God was magnified in their lives. Relying heavily on insight from the Spirit of Prophecy, the author reveals the miraculous transformation that takes place in the heart of each one.
While, deep down, we are all very aware of our own shortcomings, secret struggles and failings, Dunham reminds us that we serve a God who is not willing that any should perish. A God of mercy, love, forgiveness, and grace. A God who isn’t interested in impressive resumes or sterling character references, but in willing obedient hearts.