The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, Vol 3
The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, Vol 3
By LeRoy E. Froom

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This monumental historical survey spans the time between the Waldenses and the beginnings of the Adventist Church in the Millerite movement. Each volume contains appendixes, bibliography, and index.

Pertinent facts about Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers.

  • Establishes abiding principles in the exposition of Bible prophecy and reduces prophetic interpretation to an intelligible system.
  • Produces the long-neglected prophetic witnesses, uncovers the chain of evidence link by link, and introduces the men who spearheaded each advance.
  • Documents each exposition from an exhaustive bibliography chosen through long years of research from two hundred of the largest libraries, historical society collections, and important archives of North and South America, Great Britain, and Continental Europe.
  • Reveals the origin of the major interpretations and shows them being recognized as contemporarily fulfilled; at the same time discusses the sophisms and motives behind each major perversion and interpretative error.
  • Reviewed with approving appraisal by 125 leading religious, historical, and secular journals of the Old and New Worlds.